After Read The African Child
The African Child was written by an African writer called Camara Laye, who gave me a different perspective about seEing the African children. It is really a book which is worth reading although it do not belong to the best-sellers or the newest publication. It is just a book written in a very long time ago by a not that famous writer, but you’ll find it fantastic or you will finally get something after read the book.
Now let’s see the details. The African Child is a book collected by Collins English Library, and the library graded it with level 4. The level represents a text written within a basic vocabulary of 500 words and appropriate structures, 2:1000 words, 3: words, 4:3000 words, 5:5000 words. The Collins English library series are written for students of English as a second or foreign language and for reluctant native readers. The African child only contains 12 chapters, but for me, it’s the perfect, because I cannot read that much words in a short time by my reading speed, I know I have to do with my reading.
At the beginning of the book, there is a short passage written for the writer’s mother to express the writer’s thanks towards his great mother, and also, to appreciate the women of Africa. Then comes the story. It is a true story about the author himself became a man, and finally left his hometown and family. During the reading process, I find something interesting and touching. I used to misunderstood that all the African family are living a poor and unhappy life, and the woman here has little importance in their society. Now I know that not everything is so absolute. The author tells us that some people may hold this view for many years, but Africa is huge, with many different ways of life, and in their country the woman has considerable freedom and power. In his hometown, his mother was respected and admired greatly not only for her strong mind, but also her strange powers. He really had a mother with fantastic powers just like magic. In the book, it seems just many of them have magic, his father’s black guiding snake which guided him to do the right thing, and led him to the way of success. And also, his mother’s power to make animals come to life, the mystical ‘sema’ or medicine man, and marabouts who have a magic power to make wishes come true or can predict future just like a wizard. In the beginning of the book, I saw that those African boys did not live a hard time. Instead, they were happy almost every day, they loved wild animals, and the wild animals like snakes never hurt them, snakes are thought to be good friends and tutor to them. In a certain time, the author would go to visit his grandmother who lived in countryside. Here everybody knew everybody else, they know almost everything about each other, and each other’s secrets, but they were very considerate to each other in a country manner. Here we can see that country manners do not mean rough manners, people are more polite in the country than in the town. They have more time, and the way of life is simpler in the country, but there are accepted rules. Although everyone knows everything about everyone else’s lives, they are always very careful about each other’s personal freedom. And if their minds seem to work more slowly in the country, it is because speech is a serious matter. They always think careful before speaking. Here author spent a very happy time. He enjoyed the activity of cutting rice with adult and partners just as young as he is, he liked the sound of drum while cutting rice, and he loved to keep the birds away from their rice on the ground. He could swim in the river with others freely, and climb trees as he want even though his clothes would be torn. He was not afraid of that here, he had a grandma who would mend it without complain. She loved her grandson.
But life is not happy all the time; there surely will be some hard time to spend. As the author went to school, old boys always hit the younger students, took their food and money away, but the young was too afraid to tell their fathers. Finally one day, hungry and hurt, one of the younger students dared to tell all about it to his father, one of the most famous people in the town, so the problem was solved, and the younger students was lived in a happy life ever after.
Time flies, here came the day of boys becoming men. They would experience the circumcision. The process is hurt, but it’s the price of becoming a man. All the boys behaved very bravely that they never cried out under the almost unbearable pain. They were the African children!,
In the end, I want to say that although there are some strange customs in Africa, I do changed my view on the African lives. Maybe they do not as wealthy as the Europeans, but they are living a happy life too, just like the author said, Africa is huge, there’s different ways of life. Now I see Africa as a place full of love, care, magic and natural life.
It allows us to see the ancients of the intense emotional attachment, Desolate sorrow the United States, driven by the strong spirit of demonstrating their love in the spirit of the force on the texture. We see Jing Zhonghua, in the water, on hazy, mysterious feeling hazy realm of birds. They kind of mental, physical emotional blur, all with their own stupid Han Yun, feudal in detention so that they ha一ve become sla一ves of love, history, the role of emotion in tragedy. Between people are full of alienation and indifference. Turned away, only those left behind is their bleak, tragic, even pathetic, pathetic footprints. In their own time and space in the world and with his brilliant performance but also lose the taste of the emotions. Unfortunately, even if it does ha一ve its own mental irrigation; even sad, but they ha一ve their own spiritual sustenance; even if poor, they ha一ve the sympathy and pity for the others later sigh; even history, but also has a world of endless post- worship and praise.
People are dying in this story called “living”。
A chance at high school, the Chinese teacher gave us a share in Yu Huas Novels “alive” by the movie, this is my first time to contact the “live” this works, then determined the Internet to buy a book and began to carefully taste the real flavor between the lines.
“Alive” actually tells the story of a persons life story, the book tells the story of a fukki rich young master, first put into a family gambled all the poor father died and he resented; unfortunately caught by the Kuomintang when young men died after those in the world, but the mother is sick then the son has died; Qing was blood to die, her daughter Feng Xia died due to postpartum septicemia, wife Zhende rickets eventually died; and two injured died like son-in-law, grandson of bitter root by eating beans by death; finally, only the old Fu and a cow story.
This is an old man who has gone through the vicissitudes and tribulations of the world. The authors brushwork is very quiet, not deliberately to foil a kind of ups and downs of the atmosphere, with the authors plain narrative, experienced the heros life, sad and happy. After reading Yanjuan meditation, the heart is heavy, feeling indescribably sad, it seems that life can experience misfortune befell the hero. Thinking about the protagonists experiences, I began to think: what is the meaning of life?
I think the value of living is growing.
Something from a completely spoiled and unruly wealthy young master to a prop up the ordinary peasant family, no regrets, this period is not something hated complained, but more is to allow yourself to accept the reality, continue to be strong, this is growing fukki, this is the purpose of his life.
From the outset we cannot decide the birth, or rich or poor or healthy or sick, some people do not feel happy, that will start to ask why people alive? However, when we are from the past that even the 99 multiplication tables are difficult to calculate now back pupil function, learn mathematics; from the past under the guidance of the teacher will appreciate an article now will own appreciation of his creation of an article; from the past to now unsuspectingly naive mature mind and mentality across from the past; capricious temper now for the sake of their parents. Weve been growing up this way, and thats what were living for.
I think the meaning of human life is -- because responsibility is better and better.
When something was caught when young men on the battlefield, the battlefield after death, as captured in the face of the PLA are choosing to stay or get the money for the journey home, he did not hesitate to choose the home; when the fukki because the implementation of peoples Commune and the home field only in front of a small block when he was not discouraged, but remember that his father taught him “through their own efforts to make our Home Xu from the chicken into goose from the goose into sheep, from sheep into cattle, slowly re issued” he tried to let the family live better, these are your family of responsible performance. Your responsibility to live better because of this, he is the meaning of life.
Students in all walks of life we all have their own responsibility, breakfast every morning to make cakes for Wang Shushu; white-collar Miss Lin every day sitting in front of the computer seriously under report; courier brother Zhou to you to express every day in all weathers. They all live better because of their responsibilities, and thats what we live for.
I think the meaning of living is to give love continuously.
When your tired one day later, he is still willing to bend down to your feet now; when life is not comfortable, he is still willing to give money to save the Long Feng Xia Na a new dress; know when Fugui was the first school in the Qing run when his eyes full of are proud. These are your love for them, they also love your. Your constant love, this is the purpose of his life.
If the world were a cabin, love would be a window in the hut; if the world were a ship, then love would be a beacon in the boundless sea. To be loved is a wonderful enjoyment, and to love others is a noble and good character. As long as you observe carefully, you will find that there are many people around you who need you to continue to give love, and that is what we live for.
What is it to live for? Your life tells us: to live, not only for themselves, those who you love and who love you is worth you to live for them.
刺猬女孩艾蜜(Amy)向读者栩栩如生地展现了乐观、善良、包容、好奇、坚持的女孩艾蜜的形象。她用自己的方式改变了冷漠、吝啬、挑剔的派克(Peck)先生。读这本故事的时候,想起了几年前度过的波丽安娜(Pollyanna)。乐观的小女孩Pollyanna在一定程度上改变了美国甚至其他国家的人民,Pollyanna也被写进词典,成了“乐观的人”的代名词。从某种程度上讲,Amy就是Pollyanna,“送错的信”中的Pippa Jones和Flo Jones,“罗比。伍兹和她快乐的弟兄们”中的Robbie Woods,“传球”中的爷爷都是Pollyanna。他们“热爱生活,并执著得以快
友善、敬业等个人的优秀品质的培养不是靠说教,更不是靠背诵口号,而是靠正向核心价值观念的引领。除了个人榜样的引领外,孩子们价值观念的培养和阅读有着很大的关联,正如朱永新所说的“一个人的精神成长史就是他的阅读史”。语言是文化的载体,思想的。反映,阅读怎样的书籍,自然就会接受什么样的思想,孩子的心灵就会打上什么样的烙印,日后就 莎士比亚说“书籍是全人类的营养品”,《典范8》的18个经典故事正是滋养孩子心田的养料。“泰坦尼克号的幸存者哈罗德布莱德的故事”,用第一人称的口吻再现了当年泰坦尼克号下沉的时候,他的同事,高级话务员Jack Phillips视死如归坚守岗位以身殉职的感人故事;再现了生死关头乐队人员的高贵品质,他们面临死亡,优雅地为人们演奏者;再现了大难面前的人性的伟大,男人将生的机会留给了父女和儿童。“坦白”中的不修边幅爱生如子的Mr Such老师和尊师如父的学生Derec和Janey之间的故事令人忍俊不禁。“精灵简姆。斯通----撞击事件”中,勇敢诚实的JemStone最终战胜了自私虚伪Pear,赢得了同学、老师和校长的赞赏。
Peck先生是个刻薄牢骚满腹(mean and miserable)的人。作者先后使用了snap(厉声说),sniff(不屑一顾地说),bawl(大声叫嚷),cut in(突然插话),said (rudely)(生气地/粗鲁地说)来描述Peck先生说话时的情绪。当他看到艾蜜确实能够与刺猬交流,想到自己可以利用艾蜜赚钱时,对艾蜜说话的口气突然大转弯,变成了whisper(低声耳语);said smoothly/cheerily(语气平和地/高兴地)。
Amy乐观、宽容而友善,但一想到找Peck先生借书,艾蜜就有些为难,于是和妈妈说起来时不由自主地“groan(叹息着说)”。面对不讨人喜欢的Peck先生,艾蜜说话还是彬彬有礼“say politely(礼貌地说)”,当然当她听到有人诋毁刺猬时,也会使用恼怒的语气说话(say crossly)。
艾蜜的身上永远散发着青春的活力,这从作者描述她奔跑的几个动词就可以看出一二。如:从学校听完报告回到家用的“rush in(风风火火)”;亟不可待去花园看刺猬是“跑着 (run down into the garden)”;听到Peck先生说她家花园里有刺猬时便“冲向花园(dash out into the garden)”继续学刺猬叫;了解到Peck先生利用她来赚钱时,她“冲向”(race round to)”花园里的人群。
艾蜜因听到Peck先生的厉声喊叫而“吓得魂差点丢了”,作者这样写到“Amy nearly jumped out of her socks”。如果直译则为“艾蜜几乎从自己的袜子里跳出来”。而在描写Peck先生的惊讶之情时,作者说“Mr Peck was too shocked to answer.His mouth dropped open as Amy snoerted to the hedgehog(Peck先生惊讶地说不出话来,目瞪口呆)”,读者马上会联想到Peck先生大张着嘴,仿佛掉了下巴颏一样。后来,描写惊讶的人群,作者使用了“There were people staring into her garden.They all had their mouths open”。
在说道艾蜜想笑又不敢笑的时候,作者说“Amy giggled behind her hand”,一个捂着嘴偷偷小的小女孩形象跃然纸上。
书中有一篇名为《The honesty of a millionaire》的文章,讲述了一个富翁因为诚实直言而赢得了一次大交易。这篇文章让我感到诚实是一种非常强大的力量,能让人在商业场景中获得成功。
在《The importance of being earnest》一文中,主人公Algernon表现出坦率、坦白的个性。通过他的坦诚,他与其他角色建立了真正的人际关系。这篇文章告诉我们,在人际交往中,表达真实的自己比隐藏真相更受人欢迎。
在《From failure to success》一文中,文章主人公因为诚实地面对自己在学校的表现并不好,最终通过勤奋努力获得成功。这篇文章告诉我们,坦白不仅仅是为了让别人了解真相,更能帮助我们面对问题并取得进步。
Scorching July, I saw a lot of books, one of the most impressive is the little prince, the book.
Story of the little prince lived in a room and as large as the B612 planet, where there is a rose with thorns and three volcanoes. Every day the little prince to three volcano cleaning and watering the flowers, at the same time, the three volcano provided convenience for the little prince hot breakfast, flowers are also often chat and the little prince with relish. In this way, of their life on the planet more happy.
After reading this story, I understand you want to take good care of trees and flowers, so that nature will become more beautiful. One thousand don't clean the three volcanoes, the little prince always piled up garbage there, the last planet becomes malodorous, the little prince will live not bottom go to.
Remember when I was in kindergarten GSM, Arbor Day came, the teacher and parents with the class to the suburbs to plant trees. But, some people in order to build a house, the trees are cut out. We planted a tree, not only make nature more beautiful, still let us absorb more fresh air.
For earth, please cherish side every inch!
At first glance, “the elephant man” when one is his accustomed to black and white color preference, two is directed to director David Lynch (DavidLynch) name, the “Elephant Man”, David Lynchs 1980 debut, let me cry.
He is not like a man, not an animal, man is man.This is the theme of the film is also the protagonist is Merrick - angle into despair when the last shout, but do not seek to rescue.Like the slow start of a film: a beautiful girl in a picture frame, a mother of desperate people, a herd of noisy elephants.With the background of the noisy sound of the horn, a girls body by elephants trampled trampling.The girl, a mother, the absurd experiences in the rainforest, the origin of the story, was brought to the abstract with such montage.Then it was a long two hours.Black-and-white picture.As people have natural aversion physiological wheeze, deformed body, ugly skin, big head, only can distinguish the left eye and a clear or are left, the beautiful ugly appearance of the sacred heart, night prayer nerve lamb slaughtered lamb.That is the man.
Man is innocent, he tremble with fear like a child, he was afraid of his people to the whip, he laughed at, he was afraid of those people outside the window harbour evil designs appear suddenly in the face, he is afraid of even a sudden closing sound, he is afraid to speak.He took a picture of his mother with a girl with an angels face, and then he said sadly, “if my mother is still there, she must not want to see me.”。Will be ashamed of me, I, I put her to shame......Even those who just posturing like close to him, he was overwhelmed by an unexpected favour, happy like a child, he would say: it is really, really so? He did not dare to believe that he thought his life would really like an animal in the lower dark wet through with a weak body, and heavy wheeze.He expected to come from outside the church, he just wants to do for an ordinary person, but the church is not far out of the window, so close that he could not see, he can only draw the outline of it in the heart, to create his ideal to use their own imagination, one for ordinary people not worth mentioning the ideal.Sentimental personality signature cold girl
I think that this is just Lynch made up by the abnormal people to ridicule the world of black humor, a “Notre Dame de Paris” continuity and reconstruction, with cruel body face to sing the sanctity of the heart.When I began to search for more information about the driver, I find the story of JosephMerrick.“The elephant man” is based on the real experiences of change and JosephMerrick.Its a shock and a sad than 100 years ago, before the real man.In fact, the reality is far more cruel than what the film shows. After Merrick died, his body was kept by the Royal Infirmary in London for experiments. His rare pathology became a problem that puzzled the medical community for more than 100 years.While the film with deformity of dwarf relief and the doctor finally conscience to prove a perfect one, but still unable to save the mans death.JosephMerrick had personally made a church out of cardboard, and it was gorgeous and fragile.
“If not, maybe I can please you better and please the world,” says JosephMerrick.......If I could......If you can measure his worth with ones soul......In the end, the film comes back to the beginning of abstraction and illusion, because we can not get answers in the real world.A voice said, it is a dead mother, she said: nothingwilldie.
Man must be on the road to death, so death is a matter of no hurry, and death is a sure coming festival. -.
By chance, I read Yu Huas “alive”, the book tells the story of a fukki rich young master, first put into a family gambled all the poor father died and he resented; unfortunately caught by the Kuomintang when young men died after those in the world, but the mother he died of illness; then there is blood to dry the Qing son died, her daughter Feng Xias wife died of postpartum septicemia, Zhende rickets eventually died; and two injured died like son-in-law, grandson of bitter root by eating beans by death; finally, only the old Fu and a cow story. The story spans China from the Kuomintang to Mao Zedong. Tells the broad and rich tears. After reading this ordinary story, I am meaningful, but also I understand the despair of despair.
So Yu Hua wrote in the preface, “alive” in our China language is full of strength, its strength does not come from shouting, not from attack, but to endure, to endure life gives us the responsibility to bear the reality to give us happiness and suffering, boring and mediocre.
I like talking to old people because talking with them always makes me think a little more about life. They have been to old age, not pain with the world and say goodbye, fear of death is coming, nor in the life left in the sad face, complaining about the injustice of yesterday. I see is the temper of time to allow the soul to Xijinqianhua in the dust, pure white. Visited thousands of the world, experience the life of the torrential rain, condensed water is life, to add a soft Youth passes as a fleeting wave. let life, enjoy the quiet beauty in the leaves. Quiet time, they no longer ask how many flowers, only asked whether smile enron.
There is a good saying in living, “man lives for himself, not for anything else.”“. There is only one life, and when it is lost, it is really gone. It is priceless and can not be bought with money. The impermanence of life, come and go. In each of the parting of the intersection, we can only see a figure, the overlapping lingering endless blessing about full load. In the life and soul of the moment, the cohesion is a good and happy, this moment of burst out of the brilliance, worth our lifetime waiting for, forever treasure.
The heart of an old man is like a pebble flowing through the water. Young, how can we absorb all the light? Just because of all mortal beings, can not help but touch a little human fireworks, not through the vicissitudes of current events, and how can we get the real practice, let indifferent interpretation of life? However, this indifferent attitude toward life, but more or less gave me a calm forward. As a philosopher said, in fact, life in the end is but a false alarm. When you find that so many of the past have gone with the wind into the years lost aloes, growing pains in the wind seems to be the memory of understatement. I began to learn the youth behind the reversal raving quiet, gently tapping the years wrinkles, only hope that life in the light, I can still choose to do the positive and optimistic, let the heart as a mirror, leisurely path.
Life is a beautiful scene in the one-way trip, its charm is in its way, it is never to return. Not only that, we will watch God clear, dress costumes take this way of life happiness tour, luxury life. In the ruins of the years of life movement in the United States spectrum.
The road to life is long and long, and life has to sing all the way. To live is more important than anything. Lucky to be alive.