模块7 Unit 3 Project 教学设计(译林牛津版八年级英语上册教案教学设计(优秀6篇)

以下是美丽的编辑给大伙儿分享的模块7 Unit 3 Project 教学设计(译林牛津版八年级英语上册教案教学设计(优秀6篇),欢迎参考阅读,希望对大家有所启发。



Unit Objectives

● To use the vocabulary to identify and describe well-known places in Beijing and around the world

● To learn to make suggestions and arrangements

● To learn to talk about different places using facts and opinion

● To develop the ability to select, organize and present information about a place


VOCABULARY Ourselves, foreign, city, mom, beginning, coach, traffic, sky, model, metal, inside, whole, interest, real, song, Internet, beauty, sunset, possible, themselves, itself, rock, climber, luckily, lucky, final, cheer, win, ticket, medal, per, winner, receive, badly, airport, remember (四会) greeting, greetings, presidents, block, pyramids, home page, movement, main, stomach, view, hide-and-seek, wonder support, fare, supporter, presentation, pack, instead, shuttle(三会) highway, parade, halftime(二会)

EXPRESSIONS keep fit, enjoy oneself, invite sb. to do sth. at the beginning, get on/off a coach, a lot of traffic(不可数), places of interest, all over the world, teach oneself, feel the beauty of the old park, decide/ hope/ choose to do sth. hurt oneself, keep their secret to themselves, cheer for our team, square metres in area

USEFUL SENTENCE PATTERNS 1. The trip from Kitty’s school took about two hours by coach

2. He put his photos on it for everyone to look at

3. They were amazing, weren’t they?

4. I wonder where Simon is hiding.

5. The school bus takes over an hour to get back to my school after lunch.

6. We will make it a really fun day for everyone.

7. If you want to come, please let us know as soon as possible.


Teaching Objectives

● To introduce the topic ‘A day out’

● To introduce the famous places around the world and the countries students belong to

● To develop fluency in talking about the places students would like to go

Teaching Procedures

STEP 1 Guessing what he is going to do

Ask the students ‘Usually, Eddie is a very lazy dog. Doyou think he is really going to climb the hill? Let’s listen to the tape and find out the answer. ’

Listen to the tape and get the student to answer the question. (Yes, he is going to climb a hill.)

Does he wants to exercise? (Yes, he does.) Does he wants to keep fit? (No, he doesn’t. )

Why doesn’t he want to keep fit? Let’s open the book and find the answer. Get the students to look at Picture 4. Is the hill a really hill? (No, it isn’t. it’s a hill of food.) Does Eddie really want to climb the hill and exercise? (No, he just want to eat the food here, so he said he didn’t want to keep fit.)

‘Do you think it is an interesting story?(Yes.) Let’s read the dialogue in roles.’ Get the students to read the dialogue and give them several minutes to remember the dialogue and act it out.

STEP 2 Talking about one’s own experience

‘Have you ever climbed a mountain or travel to a place?’ Get the students to talk about their own

experiences. Then ask them ‘Do you want to travel to foreign countries? (Yes.) Do you know about these places?’

Elicit what they know about the countries and their capitals. We can use the pictures in Unit one, Book 7B. (Mount Fuji, the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower, Phra Pathom Chedi, Big Ben, Saint Basil’s Cathedral)

To talk about more countries, we can use a world map and at the same time we talk about some famous places in the countries.

Show more pictures and teach the famous places that are going to appear in the reading material. (the Harbour Bridge, the Pyramids, the Golden Gate Bridge, the White House(Teach the word president!), the Opera House, the Eiffel Tower) Ask questions: ‘Which country is it in? Which city is it in.’

Then ask the student to connect the places with their Cities and countries.

The Opera House Washington France

The Eiffel Tower Sydney the USA

The White House Paris Australia

STEP 3 Reading and underlining the places

‘Amy and Simon got some post cards from their friends. Let’s read and underline the places they

have visited/ are going to visit. Guess where they are.’

Post card 1

Where: Harbour Bridge & the Opera House, Sydney, Australia

What: took a boat trip, went past, have a great time

Post card 2

Where: the River Seine & the Eiffel Tower, Paris, France

What: sit in a little coffee shop by the River Seine, go to the top of …

Postcard 3

Where: the White House Washington, America

What: the president of the USA ,a beautiful building with big gardens and many trees

Get the students to introduce what they can do in the three places.

STEP 4 Showing the pictures

Show the pictures on the postcards to the students. Get them to give the name and the places as


For stronger classes it is also very necessary to introduce the places one by one to the students.

The Harbor Bridge (港湾大桥) is the world’s largest sea bridge. (However it is not the longest one. It carries two rail lines and eight car lanes. There is also a cycling path and a footpath.)

The Opera House (悉尼歌剧院) is the most famous opera house in the world because of its special architecture style.

The River Seine (塞纳河)is well-known as the river of Paris. If you travel along the river, you will easily see the evolution of Paris and its history.

The Pompidou Center (蓬皮杜中心) is the national center of modern art and culture in Paris.

The Notre Dame de Paris (巴黎圣母院) is an architectural masterpiece. Parts of the cathedral date from the 9th and the 13th centuries.

The Eiffel Tower (埃菲尔铁塔)is a metal tower. It is made up of 18.038 pieces of metal. It weighs about 7, 300 tones. It is 324 meter high, including the antenna. There are 1,665 steps. It was built between 1887 and 1889. It is named after its constructor Gustave Eiffel.

The White House (白宫) is where the presidents of the USA live. It was build between 1792 and 1800.

STEP 5 Which foreign country do you want to visit?

‘Now you have learned a lot about the famous places around the world. Which foreign country do

you want to visit?’ Teach the word foreign and then get them to discuss about it. Encourage the

students to have more ideas about what to do there.

I want to see/visit … in…. It is … and I think I can….

I want to visit the white house in Washington, American. It is a beautiful place with a big

garden and many trees. I think I can take some beautiful photos there. (And maybe I can see the

presidents of the USA ,too.)

STEP 6 Making up dialogues

Get the students to make up dialogues using Simon and Amy’s as a model.

STEP 7 Homework

a. Make some flash cards to help you remember the places and what to do there.

b. Finish off the exercises in the Evaluation Handbook and Learning English.


Teaching Objectives

● To guess the general meaning of a passage or sentences with the help of pictures

● To infer general meaning from the context and keywords

● To develop the ability to write about a day out following certain sequences

● To feel and understand the different feeling of the visitor at different places

Teaching Procedures

STEP 1 Revision

Say ‘It is a wonderful and amazing world. There are many places of interest in the world. Let’s see if you know their names.’ Teach the words and phrases ‘wonderful and amazing’, ‘places of interest’.

Show the pictures of different places. Then get the students to talk about where they are and what can they do there.

STEP 2 Asking questions

Ask the students ‘How long do you think it will take you to travel around the world?/ How long

will it take you to go to all these places?’ To arouse the students’ interest, the teacher can mention

the film Around the World in Eighty Days (《80天环游世界》). Ask the students if they think it is


STEP 3 Showing pictures

Tell the students ‘It not only takes a lot of time, but also costs a lot of money. But I do have a way

to see so many things within a day and spend less money. That’s to go to a world park..’

Show pictures of the World Park, and then ask them to say what they can see. (A lot of places of


Show a map of Beijing World Park (It is easy to get on the Internet.) to give some general ideas

about what they can see.

STEP 4 Discussing how to go to…

As the interest of the students is aroused, show some pictures of different transport, and then get

the students to discuss how to go to the Park, and at the same time teach the word ‘coach’.

STEP 5 Reading the passage quickly

Get the students to read the passage quickly and then answer the following questions:

1. Did Linda meet Mr Wu and other students at the bus stop?

No, she met them at the school gate.

2. Where did Linda see a lot of traffic, on the highway or the city roads?

On the city roads.

3. Did Linda see the Golden Gate Bridge at the gate of the World Park?

No, she saw the Eiffel Tower.

4. How many places of interest are there in the park? Over 100.

STEP 6 Playing the recording

Play the recording and get the students to listen and fill in the following table.

Places What Linda saw

At the school gate Kitty, Mr. Wu, the students, a coach

On the coach

(On the city road) A lot of traffic

At the gate of the world Park Blue sky, the Eiffel Tower

In the park Over 100 places of interest

The pyramids, the Golden Gate Bridge, the song and dance parade

STEP 7 Finding out how one feels

Get the students to find out how they feel when they are at different places.

STEP 8 Reading the text aloud

Invite the students to read the text aloud, and then get the students to finish Part C1, on Page 43.

When the students are doing this part, ask them to speak out the reasons, if the answer is ‘False’.

STEP 9 Playing the tape

Play the tape and get the students to listen and repeat. Then invite them to help Daniel put the pictures in the right order. For weaker class, the teacher can pause to help the students get the right order.

STEP 10 Retelling what has happened

Offer the students of some key phrases and get the students to retell what has happened and how they felt.

At the school gate, Kitty and I (Linda) met Mr Wu, and other students. Then they got on a coach.

On the city roads, I/we saw / felt……On the highway, the traffic got……

At the gate of the World Park, I/we saw / became / wanted……

Inside the park, I/we saw……

Give the students 1-2 minutes to organize their ideas. and then get two students to retell the text.

STEP 11 Talking about the trip

Get the students to talk about the trip again by showing the route only. Show the places one by one and get the students to talk about it.

STEP 12 Exploring the wonderful and amazing world

Say ‘If you want to get more knowledge, you should read more books, do more things and visit more places.’ Encourage the students to explore the wonderful and amazing world.

STEP 13 Homework

a. Read the text five times and then try to retell it using your own language.

b. Finish the exercises in the Evaluation Handbook and Learning English.


Teaching Goals

● To read the passage again, focusing on language points and sentence patterns

● To figures out the way in which the writer wrote the passage

● To learn to write about a trip in an informal way

Teaching Procedures

STEP 1 Reading the text together

Get the students to read the text together. And then give them a very simple outline of the passage

and help the students to retell the text.

At the school gate,…. On the way, …. At the gate of the World Park, ….

Inside the World park, …. The best part of the day, …Photos of the trip

Get the student to finish Part B, Page 42. Check the answers and read the dialogue.

STEP 2 Reading the text again

Get the students to read the text again. Get the students to work in groups of four and try to figure

out what each paragraph is about.

Part 1 A brief introduction to the trip. (Para. 1) Part 2 On the way to the Park(Para. 2)

Part 3 At the gate of the Park(Para. 3) Part 4 Inside the Park(Para. 4-6)

Part 5 Photos of the trip (Para. 7)

STEP 3 Reading the passage paragraph by paragraph

Get some of the students to read the passage paragraph by paragraph, focusing on explaining the language points.

One thing to mention here is that I don’t mean to give the student such a huge structure to copy or to remember. What I want to do here is to help the students get the relations between paragraph and paragraph, between sentence sentences. This will definitely help them to improve their writing ability as well as the ability to organize their oral speeches.

STEP 4 Reading the sentences

As we are figuring out the outline, read the sentences and stop where language points can be


1) Kitty’s teacher Mr. Wu invited me to join in their school trip to the World Park. (L. 4 – 5)

Yesterday morning Mr. Wu and the other students met Kitty and me at the school gate. (L. 7 – 8)

2) Then we got on a coach. (L. 8)

We all got off quickly. (L. 15)

3) The trip from Kitty’s school took about two hours. (L. 8 – 9)

It took about two hours from Kitty’s school to the World Park in Beijing.

4) There was a lot of traffic on the city roads but it got better when we were on the highway. (L. 9 – 11)

The music was great. (L. 25)

5) Finally, we arrived at the World Park. (L. 12)

6) The sky was blue and everything was blue. (L. 12 – 13)

7) We became very excited when we saw the Eiffel Tower from the coach!(L. 13 – 14)

It (The trip) was boring. (L. 9)

It was an amazing day. (L. 24)

8) Kitty and I did not feel sick any more. (L. 15 – 16)

9) We just wanted to go into the park and enjoy ourselves.(L. 16 – 17)

Go and see for yourself! (L. 29)

10) There are over a hundred places of interest from all over the world. (L. 19)

over = more than

11) The pyramids looked just like the real ones in Egypt. (L. 21)

The Golden Gate Bridge looked just like the one back home too. (L. 21 – 22)

12) You can see some photos of the trip on the Internet. (L. 27)

13) Kitty’s classmate Daniel taught himself how to make a home page.(L.27 – 28)

14) He put his photos on it for everyone to look at. (L. 29)

Well, I don’t think it is a good way, if you just read, underline and then translate. What we should do here, form my point of view, is to get the students to find more sentences. Then use some consolidation exercises to check.

STEP 5 Homework

a. Try to recite the passage by following the outline.

b. Finish off the exercises in the Evaluation Handbook and Learning English.


Teaching Objectives

● To get some ideas about where to visit in Beijing, the capital and what to do there

● To discuss about how to get the places

● To talk about the place to visit in their hometown

Teaching Procedures

STEP 1 Talking about one’s hometown first

Take Nanjing as anexample. We can bring a map of Nanjing into the class. (Or we can divide the class into groups of 4- 6 students before hand and ask each group to find a map of Nanjing and bring them to class the next day.)

STEP 2 Discussing about where we can go for a day out

Say ‘We have learned the passage A day out. And we know the students had a wonderful time that day. Today we are going to discuss about where we can go for a day out and what we can do there. First, let’s use the map and find the places we can go in the city.’

Collect the place they find in the map and write the names of the places on the board. What’s more, the teacher may prepare some picture of the places beforehand. Show the pictures and then motivate the students to think about what they can do there.

Xuwu Lake Park Go boating in the lake

Go flying kites

walk slowly around the lake and feel the beauty of the old park.

Purple Mountain go hiking, stay healthy and keep fit

Enjoy the amazing view from the top of the Mountain

Nanjing Museum take a look at the things people used in the past

learn more about the history of Nanjing as well as China

Write the phrases on the board and get the students to read them together. It is important for the students to read this well because we are going to get the students to use these sentences to talking about Beijing.

STEP 3 Showing the pictures

Ask ‘Boys and Girls, I have got lots of pictures of Beijing here. Let’s take a look and see if you

know these places.’

Show the pictures of Beijing and encourage the students to speak out their names and get them to discuss about what to do there.

Laoshe Tea House drink special Beijing Tea enjoy Beijing Opera

the Palace Museum

Take a look at

Tian’ anmen Sqare

the Summer Palace

walk slowly around the big lake

feel the beauty of the old park

wangfujing Street

visit the big shops

Invite the students to complete Part A. Students work in pairs and check the answers. Check the answers in class.

STEP 4 Giving out the reasons

Ask the students how they can go to the places. Encourage the students to give out the reasons.

For stronger class, get the student to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of different

means of transport.

Means of Transport Advantages Disadvantages

bus cheap and convenient noisy and crowded

underground fast without traffic jams not as cheap as bus

taxi fast and directly

see the city well expensive

bike good for health without pollution , convenient and cost nothing tired

plane fast expensive and not very safe

ship romantic slow and noisy

train fast and cheap Slower than a plane

maglev fast without any pollution

STEP 5 Completing Part

Ask the students to complete Part B, Page 44. Check the answers.

STEP 6 Activity

Let’s decide where to go!

Students work in groups of 4-6. Ask each group to choose a place to go. Encourage them to

discuss about the reasons for doing this and try to persuade the other students to support their

ideas, too. Tell them that they have to involve the means of transport as well.

STEP 7 Homework

Write about the place your want to go and finish the exercises.


Teaching Goals

●To learn to use ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘or’ to join ideas together

We use ‘and ’ to join ideas that are similar.

We use ‘but ’ to join ideas that are different.

We use ‘or ’ to join possibilities and options.

●To tell whether two sentences are similar or different, or they are just offering two possibilities or options

Teaching Procedures

STEP 1 Starting the lesson with a revision

Since there are many sentences with ‘and’ ‘but’ and ‘or’ in Reading, it is very easy for us to start

the lesson with a revision.

The sky was (be) blue and everything was (be) beautiful.

It was (be) a great day but we didn’t enjoy (not enjoy) it at the beginning.

Linda’s mother can look (look) at Linda’s photos on Daniel’s home page or Linda can show (show) her mother her photos when she goes home.

Tell the students that these sentences are two sentences joined together. Ask the students to separate the two sentences and then get them to focus on the verb in each pair. Help them understand what are similar, different or optional ideas. Then get them join the sentences again. (It is necessary to do this because in the process students can feel through separating and understand through doing. Why do we use familiar sentence? Because they can help the students to understand better. )

STEP 2 Keeping talking about the trip to the Park

Show the following sentences and get the students to join them to check if they can tell similar

ideas from different ideas.

There was a lot of traffic on the city roads. It got better on the highway.

There was a lot of traffic on the city roads but it got better on the highway.

The music was great. Kitty wanted to join in the dancing.

The music was great and kitty wanted to join in the dancing.

STEP 3 Joining sentences using ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘’or’

(Books closed) Show the students the following sentences and ask them to join them using ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘’or’.

We saw the Eiffel Tower. We liked it very much.

We saw the Eiffel Tower and liked it very much.

The pyramids were small. The pyramids looked just like the real ones.

The pyramids were small but looked just like the real ones.

We can visit the World Park. We can travel around the world.

We can visit the World Park or travel around the world.

While doing these exercises, the students may forget to omit the subjects. Get them to focus on the subjects and help them to understand that we don’t need to repeat the second subjects when the two subjects are the same.

Show more sentences and help the students to consolidate.

Simon did not feel sick. Simon enjoyed the trip at the beginning.

Simon did not feel sick and enjoyed the trip at the beginning.

The Golden Gate Bridge was small. The Golden Gate Bridge looked just like the real one in America.

The Golden Gate Bridge was small but looked just like the one in American.

We can go to the Eiffel Tower first. We can visit the Pyramids first.

We can go to the Eiffel Tower first or visit the Pyramids first.

STEP 4 Joining more sentences

(Books Closed) Show the following sentences for the students to join. This time point out that the two subjects and verbs are the same, we don’t need to repeat the ones in the second sentences.

The Golden Gate Bridge was interesting. The Golden Gate Bridge was wonderful.

The Golden Gate Bridge was interesting and wonderful.

The Golden Gate Bridge was small. The Golden Gate Bridge was wonderful.

The Golden Gate Bridge was small but wonderful.

We can go to the World Park by coach. We can go to the World Park by underground.

We can go to the World Park by coach or underground.

Show more sentences for the student to practice. Help them to grasp the rule.

It was very hot. It was boring.It was very hot and boring.

The music was great. The music was too loud. The music was great but too loud.

Linda wants to visit the World Park again with her friends. Linda wants to visit the World Park again with her parents.

Linda wants to visit the World Park again with her friends or parents.

STEP 5 Make a general summary

Make a general summary to point out the rules. Then get the students to talk about the place to

visit. (Attention: This part is tightly connected with the topic, so don’t just treat them as exercise.

They also give us some very good ideas about different places.) Let the students complete the exercises. Then check the answers.

Help the students to collect some information about different places. Teach ‘Inner Mongolia’ and

‘go horse riding’.

STEP 6 Additional exercises新 课标 第 一网

Hangzhou has many places of interest. Many people like to go there for holidays.

Hangzhou has many places of interest and many people like to go there for holidays.

It is very hot in summer in Hainan. Scuba-diving there is very exciting.

It is very hot in summer in Hainan but scuba-diving there is very exciting.

You can visit the Yellow Mountain in spring.You can visit the Yellow Mountain in autumn.

You can visit the Yellow Mountain in spring or autumn.

I like Hunan Road in Nanjing. I like Hunan Road only for shopping.

I like Hunan Road in Nanjing but only for shopping.

The West Lake is large. The West Lake is beautiful.

The West Lake is large and beautiful.

You can go to Dalian in summer holiday. You can go to Guilin in summer holiday.

You can go to Dalian or Guilin in summer holiday.

Qingdao is great in summer. You can go to the beach and swim every day.

Qingdao is great in summer and you can go to the beach and swim every day.

STEP 7 Homework

Read through this part and finish the exercises.


Teaching Objectives

● To figure out the usage of ‘to’-infinitives

● To learn to use reflexive pronouns

Teaching Procedures

STEP 1 Warming up

Remind the students of the topic ‘A day out’. Then lead in the grammar item through revising.

Why did Linda go to the World Park?

Kitty’s teacher Mr. Wu invited Linda to join (join) in their school trip to the World Park.(invite sb. to do sth.)

Linda wanted to visit (visit) the park.(want to do)

Linda hoped to see (see) places of interest from all over the world.(hope to do)

STEP 2 Doing the following exercises

(Book Closed) Get the students to do the following exercises. Help the students to get more ideas of ‘to’-infinitives.

Kitty plans to take (take) Linda out. (plan to do sth.)

Linda wanted to visit (visit) the park.(wanted to do sth.)

Linda agrees to go (go) with them.(agree to do sth.)

Millie decided to stay (stay) at home.(decide to do sth.)

For weak class, the teacher needs to teach the words like ‘decide’, ‘agree’ and ‘plan’. Get students to read the structures aloud, till they can speak it correctly and fluently.

For stronger class, help the student to feel that ‘to’-infinitive is usually used to talk about things that haven’t happen yet. Help the students to focus on the verbs that ‘to’-infinitives usually goes with.

STEP 3 Giving a summary

In fact, students have learned a lot of ‘to’-infinitive structures. So here comes the chance to give a summary to it. A completion can be hold here. Ask each group to name as many structures as they can. The group who names the most wins the game.

agree to do sth. 同意做某事 like to do sth. 喜欢做某事

begin to do sth. 开始做某事 love to do sth. 喜爱做某事。

choose to do sth. 选择做某事 prefer to do sth. 偏爱做某事

can’t wait to do sth. 迫不及待做某事 prepare to do sth 准备做某事

continue to do sth. 继续做某事 plan to do sth.. 计划做某事

decide to do sth. 决定做某事 remember to do sth. 记住要去做某事

fail to do sth. 失败做某事 start to do sth. 开始做某事

forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事 stop to do sth. 停下来做某事

hate to do sth. 痛恨做某事 seem to do sth. 看起来要做某事

learn to do sth 学习做某事

Invite the students to write the words in their books. And then get them to read the structures one by one.

STEP 4 Completing the dialogue

Ask the students to complete the dialogue on Page 48. Then do some additional exercises to help check if they have grasp it or not.

arrive / buy / let / stay / travel / be / go / see/ take/ visit

A: Please tell Jose that my parents agree to let him stay with us. I hope to see him at the airport.

B: Thank you for allowing Jose to stay with your family. He plans to arrive in Beijing on18th Dec.

He seems to be very excited about the trip. He’d like to visit many places but you don’t have to take him everywhere. He’ll learn to travel by himself.

A. I want to go to some places, too.

B. Don’t forget to take Jose to W. F. J. Street then. He wants to buy some presents for his friends.

STEP 5 Verbs followed by ‘to’

Tell the students that we don’t use ‘to’-infinitives all the time. We don’t use ‘to’ after these verbs. If time permits invite the student to think of more verbs like these.

1.enjoy:Kitty enjoys dancing.

2.let: The teacher lets him read loudly.

3.practise: You should practice speaking often.

4.make: The joke makes me laugh and laugh.

5.help: She often helps me (to) carry water.

STEP 6 Showing you some pictures

‘Well! Next I would like to show you some pictures?’

T: Are they happy?

S: Yes. They enjoyed themselves.

T: Where can we see the photos?

S: On Daniel’s home page.

T: Who taught Daniel to make home pages?

S. Nobody. He taught himself.

Get the students to talk about the pictures above. Then elicit the sentences ‘They enjoyed themselves.’ and ‘He taught himself.’

Get the student to feel the differences between the following sentences:

He taught himself. (‘He’ and ‘Himself’ is the same person.)

He taught him. (‘He’ is one person. ‘Him’ is another. )

In this way, we can help the students to understand that we use reflexive pronouns when the subject and the object are the same person.

STEP 7 Spellings of reflexive pronouns

For weak classes, get the students to focus on the spelling of reflexive pronouns.

Singular Plural

The First Person myself ourselves

The Second Person yourself yourselves

The Third Person himself themselves



Get the students to complete the exercises on Page 49. Check the answers in pairs and then check the answers together.

Get the students to read and act out the dialogue.

STEP 8 Other ways to use reflexive pronouns

Well, of course, there are also many other ways to use reflexive pronouns.

For stronger class, it is good for the teacher to do some summary here.

作表语 Mary is not quite herself today. 玛丽今天身体不好。

That brave boy in the story was myself. 故事里那个勇敢的男孩就是我本人。

作宾语 He cut himself. 他割伤了自己。

Be careful, or you will hurt yourself. 小心, 否则你会伤着自己。

She has to look after herself. 她不得不自己照顾自己。

I looked at myself in the mirror. 我照镜子。

作同位语 Kate herself cooked the meal yesterday. 昨天凯特自己烧了饭。

They will come here themselves. 他们将亲自到这儿来。

You may go and ask the teacher himself. 你可以去问老师本人。

I myself did the work. 我亲自做的这件事。

习惯用法 Help yourself! Help yourselves 你随便吃!你们随便吃!

STEP 9 Doing some additional exercises

Do some additional exercises to check how the students grasp it.

1. Don’t tell me the answer. I’ll work out the problem myself.

2. She is too young to look after herself.

3. Help yourself/yourselves to some meat, please.

4. Lei Feng was always ready to help others, he never thought of himself.

5. It’s a new knife. Be careful not to cut yourself.

6. It’s easy, so you should learn how to teach yourself/yourselves.

7. I didn’t do it for them. They did it themselves.

8. The workers just made the metal tower all by themselves.

9. We need your help because we can’t finish the work on time ourselves.

10. Can you work out the physics problems yourself/yourselves ?

STEP 10 Homework

a. Make summaries about the grammar items in your own ways.

b. Finish off the exercises in the Evaluation Handbook and Learning English.


Teaching Goals

● To infer general meaning from context and key words

● To get the most important information with the help of ‘wh-’ words: why, when, where, what, and how

● To listen to the arrangement in the order of time and locate some detailed information about the activity

● To learn to organize the information obtained from reading and listen, by responding to written text

● To check the accuracy of written text by identifying true and false statements

Teaching Procedures

STEP 1 Words and expressions on matches and competitions

Since this is a trip to the final of the school basketball team, there are a lot of words and expressions on matches and competitions. It is very important to present the words before hand.

Otherwise, it will be difficult for the students when they are listening to the tape.

Get the students to talk about a football competition. (If the students are interested in basketball,

talk about a basketball match.)

Do you like football/ basketball?

Did you watch the world Cup this year? (Yes.)

Which two teams were in the final? (France and Italy.)

Which team won the match?(Italy)

Did you watch the Presentations of Cup and Medals after the match? (Yes, the Italians are crazy

out of joy.)

By the way, are you the supporter of Italy? (Yes./ No. I support Germany.) How many of you are

the supporters of Italy? (Count and get the number. )

(Germany played very well. They won some matches. However, they still couldn’t win the competition.)

Do you cheer for your team? Yes. (smile) How? Can you cheer for them once again?

Let me show you how to cheer! (Come on! Hip, hip, Class1, Class1! Sunshine Secondary!

Two-Four-Six-Eight, Hip, hip hooray! Goal! Goal!)

The teacher cheers and gets the students to imitate. Invite several students to have a try, so as to rouse the interest of the students.

Well! Now if our national team goes to the final, will you go and support? (Yes.)

STEP 2 Designing a poster

And this year the school basketball team of Beijing Sunshine Secondary School is in the final.

They are going to watch the final. Look at page 50. They have designed a poster to ask people to

join the trip to the final. Read and find some important information about the game.

1. Why do they design the poster?

The school basketball team needs support, because it is in the final of the basketball competition.

2. Where is the final?

At South Hill School in Moonlight Town.

3. When will the match take place?

On Sunday, 7th November.

4. What does it want the other students in Sunshine Secondary to do?

To cheer for the team.

(How to cheer for their team? Get the students to cheer.)

5. How will they go there? How much is the bus fare and lunch?

By bus. 10 yuan.

Get the students to read out the poster.

STEP 3 Filling in the blanks while reading the passage

Get the students to fill in the blanks while reading the passage.

Ask students to look at Kitty’s notes and complete as much of the schedule as possible on their own. (Ask the student to find out the information, underline it in the poster and then use it to fill in the notes.) For weak classes, the teacher can also help the students with some questions. (e.g. At 9:00 a.m. where will they meet, do you know? If not, it doesn't matter, we will know later.)

STEP 4 Listening to the principal’s speech

Play the tape and let the students listen to the principal’s speech twice and at the same time

students try to complete the notes in Part A1, Page 50. As students are listening to the tape for a

second time, the teacher can pause to explain where necessary (e.g. Changing room, go to the


Ask the students to check the answers in pairs, and then check the answers in class. Do chain

work--- invite the students to report in whole sentences using the first person.

We will meet at the school gate at 9:00 a.m.

At 9:15 a.m. the bus leaves for South Hill School.

At 10:00 a.m. we will arrive at South Hill School. Supporters will go to their seats …. AND SO


STEP 5 Reading and repeat after the tape

For stronger classes, it is necessary for to play the tape once again and get the students try to read

and repeat.

Give the students 1-2 minutes to prepare. Then get them to report the events as news reporters from the School TV Station. They may look at the notes in Part A1.

Here come the great news! Our school basketball team goes to the final!….

I am … from the School TV Station.

STEP 6 Making up a new dialogue

To cheer for a team, the more people, the better. So the students in Beijing Sunshine Secondary

School are all calling to invite their friends to the final. Ask students to make up a new dialogue

talking about the trip to the final, and then act it out in front of the class.

A: Hello, this is Daniel. Is that John speaking?

B: Hey, Daniel! This is John. (What’s up?)

A: John, our school basketball team is in the final….

STEP 7 Homework

a. Write down the dialogue you have made up in class into your exercise books.

b. Finish off the exercises in the Evaluation Handbook and Learning English.


Teaching Objectives

● To recognize key expressions for making suggestions and arrangements

● To develop the ability to respond to suggestions with new information as well as the ability to state disadvantages and express reservations

● To tell the sentences how to state facts from the sentences that express one’s opinions

● To introduce the use of register to students

Teaching Procedures

STEP 1 Revisiting the places of interest

Revisit the places of interest in Beijing as well as the places in Nanjing. Show students the pictures of different places and get them to talk about cost, distance and activities there. It is good to introduce the places using pictures, especial the two places we haven’t mentioned before: Temple of heaven and Beijing Amusement Park.

Encourage the students to express what they themselves think of a place. Of course, it is necessary for them to give some simple reasons.

STEP 2 Listening to the tape and finding the answers

Tell the students the context of the dialogue: Daniel and Kitty are planning a big day out for Linda.

Get the students to listen to the tape and find the answers to the following questions:

Why won’t they go to the Great Wall?

Linda went there yesterday.

Why won’t they go to the Palace Museum?

It is too expensive.

Where will they go?

They will go to the Temple of the Heaven and Beijing Amusement Park.

What will they do in Beijing Amusement park?

They will play hide-and-seek.

STEP 3 Reading the dialogue

Get the students to read the dialogue and then give the students 3-4 minutes for the students to practice in pairs. Encourage students to memorize the dialogue and then role-play it. Remind the students that they can use the questions to help them.

STEP 4 Underlining the sentences

Ask the students to underline the sentences that make suggestions. Then give a summary to the

sentence patterns that make suggestions.

1. Shall we… ? 2. Let’s … ( shall we ) ? 3. What / How about doing …. ?

4. Why not you do sth. ? 5. Why don’t you do sth. ? 6. You’d better do sth.

7. It’s best to do sth. 8. You need to do sth .

STEP 5 Responding with reservations

It is also important for the students to learn to respond with reservations. Therefore, it is very

important for the teachers to get the students focus on the following sentences:

I’m afraid that’s

not a good idea….(reasons)

That’s a good idea, but ….

Tell the students that it is very important for them to be polite and try to put himself / herself


STEP 6 Making up one’s own dialogues

Invite the students to make up their own dialogues. For weak students, they are only needed to do

some substitute work. For able students, it is very important to encourage them to have a

brand-new dialogue. They can use their own language to make suggestions and arrangements. STEP 7 Starting with the end of the students’ dialogue

This step start with the end of the students dialogue. Talk about the place the students plan to visit,

and then elicit the following sentences.

Xuanwu Lake Park is a beautiful park in Nanjing.

It is the most beautiful park in China.

Get the students to discuss which sentence is true. They may find the first sentence is true.

However, for the second sentence, they may have different ideas. So it comes the chance for the

teacher to explain that the first sentence talks about something that is true. It is a fact. However,

the second sentence is only what the writer thinks (Other people may not think so. And it may or

may not be true. ) It’s an opinion.

For more practice, the teacher can start a discussion by showing a picture of a place interest and

ask the students to give some facts about it or their opinions about it.

It is also possible for students to talk about their school. Let them say some facts about the school;

and express some personal opinions.

STEP 8 Showing the example sentences

(Books Closed) Show the example sentences on Page 52 to the students one by one. Ask them to judge whether they are facts or opinions.

STEP 9 Finishing the exercises on Page 52

Students finish the exercises on Page 52. Try to tell the sentences of facts from opinions. Get the students to check the answers in pairs.

Get the students to read the sentence aloud. These sentences are very important in the unit. It is not only help the learn facts or opinions, but also offer the students a lot more information about the World Park. Therefore, it is tightly connected to the topic of the unit.

There are three wonderful sentences that I think students can use in their own writing.

It is 467,000 square meters in area.

The great wall is the most wonderful place to visit.

It is the most interesting place in the world.

STEP 10 Writing down at least 5 sentences

Ask the students to choose one place to write down at least 5 sentences talking about facts or opinions. Then divide the class into two groups. One group says a sentence, and the other group tells it is a fact or an opinion.

STEP 11 Homework

Finish off the exercises in the two books.


Teaching Objectives

● To understand the structure of a letter and learn to write a letter inviting friends to go out for a trip

● To develop students’ ability to collect and organize information

● To organize one’s own invitation letter with the help of the questions and the sample letter

Teaching Procedures

STEP 1 Warming up 新课 标第 一网

Bring in a map of Nanjing and say to my students, ‘My cousin from Britain will come to Nanjing. He will stay in Nanjing for only one day. So I am planning a day out with him. However I don’t have any ideas. You live in Nanjing, so you must know a lot interesting places in Nanjing. Can you help me?

First, please help me to think of some places to go. As the students are naming the places, the teacher put these names down on the board. (By the way, students may mention a lot (maybe too many) of places. Don’t worry. Encourage them to give the reasons. And this will provide able students with a lot more information.)

Invite the students to give some ideas about what we can do there.

STEP 2 Choosing places

Say that ‘We don’t have time to visit so many places. So you’d better choose some for us.’

After the students helped me decide where to go, guide students to figure out the route and how to go. (Tell them where we will set out before hand.)

STEP 3 Making a plan for a day out

Ask students to open the books. And look at Part B. Tell them, ‘These questions can help us to plan a day out. Let’s see what we have already covered.’ Give the students a little time for them to find the answers.

Where: make a list of places of interest for you to visit.

What: Write down the activities you can do at each place.

How : Find out how to get and the fare.

Get the students to focus on how to make a plan for a day out. Get the students to discuss the following questions. Invite them to help me make the plan and then get them to work out the cost of the trip per person, including the tickets, transport fare and lunch.

What time do you want to start your trip?

How long is the trip?

How much time do you want to spend at each place?

When and where will you have lunch?

What time do you want to return home?

STEP 4 Organizing the information into sentences

Say ‘Kitty and Daniel are planning a big day out for Linda. Let’s read their plan.’ Invite the students to organize the information into sentences and then speak them out one student by another.

They will meet at 7 at Sunshine Underground Station and then that the underground to the center of Beijing.

At 8, we will take a bus in the center of Biejingto the Palace Museum. They will visit the museum there.

At about 11, they are going to walk Beihai Park. They will go bating then have lunch there. At about 1:00 they will take a bus to Tian’anmen square.

They will arrive at Tian’anmen Square at about 1:30. They will see the Monument to People’s Heroes and visit the People’s Great Hall. It is great to see the biggest city square in the world. At 4:30, they will take a bus to Wangfujing street.

They will go shopping in Wangfujing Street and then take the bus to Beijing Underground Station.

At 6:30, they will take the underground and go back to Sunshine Town.

STEP 5 Writing an invitation letter

Tell the students that Daniel and Kitty also want their classmates to go on the trip, too. They wrote an invitation letter to ask their friends to come.

Get the students to complete the letter. For stronger classes, let the students do it all by themselves and then check the answer in pairs and then check the answers in class. For weaker classes, help the students to identify the missing information one by one. Then ask then to fill in the blanks in groups of 3-4.

Read the letter and find out what they write in the letter and how they persuade their friends.

Direct students’ attention to the different parts of the letter. Ask students to cover the prompts on the left. The teacher writes down the label of different part of the letter on the board and then get the students to match them with the right part of Daniel and Kitty’s letter.

STEP 6 Organizing the information into a passage

As we have talked a lot about places to visit, it comes the time for the students to organize the information into a passage.

Divide the students into groups of 4-5. Ask them to design a route for their group and then make a detailed plan and write a letter. Encourage the more able students to make their more persuasive by including opinions about what they are likely to enjoy and how much.

For less able students, it is OK for them only do some substitution work. They only need to go through Kitty and Daniel’s article and locate the information that they can replace with their own ideas.

(Before the students start to write their own article tell them about the importance of predating the information as clearly and accurately. They also need to organize their article in a very clear and logical way.)

Encourage the students to read and check each other’s article for spelling and grammatical mistakes.

STEP 7 Reading the article to the class

Get the students to read their article to the class and see how many people would like to go with them. The group that gets more supporters wins the competition. (Well, tell the students that they can support more than one group and they can put up their hand if they think the plan is attractive or fun.)

After we have worked out the plan, we still can continue the activity by writing a reply to the invitation letter they like best.

STEP 8 Homework

Finish off the exercises in the books. Write an invitation letter for your own trip.


Teaching Goals

● To go through the whole unit to check if they know the topic very well

● To know how to write letters of invitation

● To assess students’ use of Grammar in this unit, including the use of joining words ‘and’, ‘but ’and ‘or’, reflexive pronouns and verbs+ ‘to’-infinitives

Teaching Procedures

STEP 1 Recalling the places that we have covered in the unit

Remind of the students of the topic of this unit ‘A day out’. Help them to recall the places that we have covered in the unit. Put the places into two columns on the board:


the White House (Washington,USA) The Word Park

the Effiel Tower & the River Seine (Paris, France) The Great Wall

the Opera House & the Harbour Bridge(Syd., Aus.) The Palace Museum

The Pyramids The Summer Palace

There are much more place to be mentioned, but I’d like to focus on the place that we have come across recently. Tian’anmen Square

Wangfujing Street

Laoshe Tea House

Beihai Park

Get the students to talk about these places. Encourage them to talk about what they can do there.

STEP 2 Talking about Linda’s trip to the world park

Elicit the World Park, and then get them to talk about Linda’s trip to the world park.

Get the students to retell the text by following the route (on the city road, on the high way, at the gate of the Park, inside the park). Students should focus on the following questions:

What do they do?

What do they see?

How do they feel?

STEP 3 Talking about Daniel and Kitty’s plan

Get them to talk about Daniel and Kitty’s plan for a day out. (Please refer to Main Task part in this unit.)

STEP 4 Using as many verbs as possible

Ask the students where they plan to go this Sunday. Elicit the use of ‘to’- infinitives. Encourage the students to use as many verbs as possible.

I plan to go to Zhong Shan Ling. I want to go to …. I decide to go to….

I would like to go to…. I prefer to go to…

Encourage the students to give their reasons. Encourage them to use ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘or’ to join sentences.

STEP 5 Revising the use of Reflexive Pronouns

Remind the students that if they go out for a trip, they should take good care of themselves. In this way, get the student to revise the use of Reflexive Pronouns.

We should take good care of ourselves.

They should be careful and won’t hurt themselves.

He is enjoying himself visiting the palace museum.

Linda is hiding herself behind the rocks. You go and see yourself.

Do some additional exercises.

1. Help _________ to some fish, Lily and Lucy.

2. The family didn’t hurt _________. Thank goodness.

3. ---Open the door for the dog. ---No, it can open it by ________.

4. ---Shall I help you with the heavy work? ---No, thanks. I can do it ________.

5. Did you enjoy __________ at the party last night?

6. The child is not old enough to dress__________.

7. The problem is easy. You can do it all by _________.

8. Who taught ________ to write? He learned all by_________.

9. Who helped _______ to read? Nobody. She taught_________.

10. John fell off _______ bike. Did he hurt________

STEP 6 Completing the conversation

Tell the students that Simon is talking to Linda on the phone about the basket final. And then get them to complete the conversation.

Let the students check the answers in pairs. And then check in the class.

Get the students to read the dialogue aloud together or in roles.

STEP 7 Finishing the words puzzle part

Get the students to finish the words puzzle part. Then check it in the class. For weaker classes, the teacher better reads the English explanations one by one and helps them to think of the words. For stronger classes, just let the students do it by themselves.

STEP 8 Homework

Finish off the exercises in the books and get ready for the test.

a. Finish off the exercises in the Evaluation Handbook and Learning English.

b. Read through the whole unit and get ready for the test.

模块7 Unit 3 Project 教学设计(译林牛津版八年级英语上册教案教学设计 篇2

Teaching Design for M7 Unit 3Project, Advance with English

Designed by Ji Lifen




1. 经过前面几个课时的学习,学生对因特网方面的知识有了一定的了解和兴趣,但对如何在网上进行有效搜索了解较少;

2. 学生具备一定的阅读理解能力,但在有限的时间内查找特定的信息和分析处理的能力还有待提高。

教学目标(Teaching aims)

1. Help the students to read a passage using the skills of fast reading and careful reading.

2. Help the students to build up their overall ability.

3. Help them to make use of information and process it according the demand and cooperate in a team and enjoy learning English

4. Help students realize the importance of using information legally and properly.





教学媒体1.the multimedia teaching system

2.the blackboard

教学过程(Teaching Procedures )(45 ms)

教师活动内容﹑方式 活动内容﹑方式 备注

Step 1 Leading in

1. Ask Ss :In ways can we get information?

(S1: Watching TV.

S2: Going to libraries.

S3: Reading newspapers.

S4: Reading magazines.

S5: Surfing on the Internet …)

2. Show students some pictures and provide them with more sources. ( Listening to the radio; Communicating with others…)

3. Focus on the Internet.

Ask Ss :From your answer, I know that you tend to surf on the Internet to get information. Now please think over how to do research on the Internet in your daily life.

( S1: I usually use Baidu.

T : Do you know what is Baidu?

S2:It is a kind of search engines.

T: Do you know something about search engines.

Ss: No.

T: Ok. We are going to read an article and after reading it, you will know more about the Internet.)

Step2. Fast reading

Ask the students to read the text quickly and answer the questio)(ns

1. What is the topic of this passage? (主旨归纳)

(Ss:Researching on the Internet.

T: How can you know this?

Ss: From the title .

T: Very good. How can we deal with this kind of problem? Can you draw a conclusion?

S1: We should pay special attention to the title.

T: What other things should we pay attention to?

S2: The first or the last para.)

2. Can you draw a structure of this passage?


( Show an example of this kind of question in reading comprehension.

T: Which of these diagrams best shows the structure of the passage?

Ss: C.

Draw a conclusion:

Actually the whole passage can be divided into three parts.

Write on the Bb:

PartⅠ: Introduction

PartⅡ: Body

PartⅢ: Conclusion

3. Main idea of each part.

Ask students to go through PartⅠand try to summarize the main idea of it.

( some things to keep in mind to use the Internet in the best way possible.)

Ask: What are the things?

Let’s read the remaining part of the passage and find the answer.

Ask Ss to go through PartⅡand try to summarize the mian idea of this part.

Draw a conclusion:

( T: How can you find the information from the passage?

Ss: From the subtitles.

T: So when we are asked to summarize the mian idea, we should turn to the subtitles.

Step3. Careful reading

1. Focus on the steps.

Ask Ss: What do you do step by step when you research information on the Internet?

( Steps: Step One: Choosing s search service

Step Two: How to search

Step Three: Using your information )

Draw a conclusion:

Step One: Before

Step Two: While

Step Three: After

2. Step One : Choosing s search service

① What are the two search services?

( Search engines & Subject directories )

② Comparison between Search engines & Subject directories.

Ask Ss: Do they have something in common?

What do they have in common?

( Both give you you direct links. )

Ask Ss: What are the differences?

( The information is chosen and organized differently. )

③ Listen and fill in the blanks.



Search engines & Subject directories

a type of ________ built by _________

based on __________ selected by ______

choose pages for you________ and divided into ______

provide _____________ get_____ sometimes a short summary

goes to ________ offer_______________

④ Typical examples

ⅰAsk Ss to think of some examples of the two services.

ⅱProvide Ss with two typical examples.

Search engine: Baidu ( )

Subject directory: Sohu ( )

⑤ Practice

“Now would you please help me to find the suitable search service?”

If I am interested in investing in Yancheng and want to get some information about Yancheng as soon as possible, which service should I choose?

3. Step Two: How to search

Ask Ss: How many tips are mentioned?

( Pay attention to the words in blue. )

① Try to describe the tips in your own words.

② ⅰCheck the dates of the sites.

ⅱCheck the source of the information you find.

To do research, choose some formal pages rather than personal ones.

( T: What kind of page should you choose for doing research?

Ss: Government pages, or pages managed by organizations and companies you trust.

T: So we can say that Formal pages not Personal pages.)

ⅲ Focus on cross-checking.

( T: How can we do cross-checking?

Why should we do cross-checking? )

Ask Ss to guess the meaning of this word.

③ Pay attention to the way you type your words.

( T: Why ?

S1: Because it makes a difference.

T: What does the author provide in the passage to prove this?

S2: Examples.

T: How to get the pages having the words “bird” and “sparrow”?

S3: Type “bird” + “sparrow”。

T: How to get the pages having information about “birds” but no information about “sparrow”?

S4: Type “bird” - “sparrow”。

T: How to get the pages having information about “birds” or “sparrow”?

S5: Type “bird” or “sparrow”。)

a. Pages have the words “bird” and “sparrow”

b. Pages have information about “birds” but no information about “sparrow”

c. Pages have information about “birds” or “sparrow”

4. Step Three: Using your information

If we write a research paper in college, can we cite(引用) the information on the internet?

How should we use the information from the internet?

(We should attach a list of the sites we got our information from.)

Show an example and emphasize the importance of using information legally.

Step4 Summary

Fill in the blanks according to the text.

Step 5 Discussion


more advantages or disadvantages?

Divide Ss into two groups : Team A Pro & Team B Con


1. gain more information;

2. build social ties

3. broaden our horizons

4. more convenient to communicate;

5. save money and time


1. full of traps and unhealthy materials ( uncontrolled infor. )

2. be addicted to games

3. do damage to our health

4. affect the Chinese language

5. put movie industry in a rough situation

Give Ss some tips.

important things

that you need to keep in mind

when you're on your computer at home or at school.

First, remember never to give out personal information

such as your name, home address, school name, or telephone number.

Also, never send a picture of yourself to someone you chat with on the computer.

Never write to someone who has made you feel uncomfortable or scared.

Do not meet someone or have them visit you

without the permission of your parents.

Tell your parents right away

if you read anything on the Internet that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Remember that people online may not be who they say they are.

Someone who says that “she” is a “12-year-old girl” could really be an older man.

Step6. Writing & Homework

Make a poster explaining how you have searched and what you have found.

Topic: Public Transport

Steps: Planning → Preparing → Producing → Presenting

Individual activity. Enjoy the pictures and discuss the questions

Individual activity.

Read quickly and answer the questions.

Try to draw conclusions from the questions.

Individual activity.

Read quickly and answer the questions.

Listen and finish the task

Listen and finish the task

Group activity.

Discuss in a group ,write down the steps and report to the class

Individual activity.

Group activity.

Discuss in a group

Group activity.

Discuss and finish the task step by step following the tips Actually, many students give the same answer, that is, surfing on the Internet.









Title: Researching on the Internet

Introduction ( some things to keep in mind )

↙ ↓ ↘

Steps: Before While After

↘ ↓ ↙

Conclusion ( Follow these tips and enjoy searching)

UNIT ONE PART ONE: TEACHING DESIGN (译林牛津版八年级英语上册教案教学设计 篇3


Unit Goals

● To learn how to use adjective properly

● To learn to use comparatives to compare two people or two things, to use superlatives to compare three or more people or things and to use ‘as+ adjective + as’ to compare people or things

● To collect information and organize ideas to describe their friends’ appearance and personality

● To develop the skills of looking for main points and keywords

● To develop some ideas about making friends


VOCABULARY More, nothing, bowl, honest, secret, joy, special, sad, believe, magazine, good-looking, slim, willing, ready, singer, almost, eyesight, round, smart, bored, joke, fit, off, advertisement, everyone, true, thin, square, handsome, cheerful, printer, better, worse, worst, test, dangerous, camping , activity, solve, future, become, famous, sporty, agree, runner, reader, uncomfortable, miss, advice, bright, smiling, dark, fat, neat, pleasant, wear, climbing, exciting, correctly (四会) teenager, musical, sense, humor, vote, height, competition, cycling, skiing, diving, outdoor, editor, social, nervous, general, appearance (三会) generous, shoulder-length, hiking, secondary, ponytail (二会)

EXPRESSIONS as … as, give seats to, travel around the world, has poor/good eyesight, think of, keep a secret, say a bad word about, try to do sth., try one’s best to do sth., feel uncomfortable, sit alone

STRUCTURE She is willing to share things with her friends.

He has a good sense of humour.

When something worries me, I can always go to her.

I think swimming is not as interesting as cycling.

I can listen to people’s problems and help them solve their problems.

I will be happy if I can make people happy again.

I am unhappy these days because I have some problems with my new school.


Teaching Goals

● To revise vocabulary and expressions used to describe people

● To guess meaning from context

● To generate ideas about people’s appearance and personalities

● To categorize adjectives to describe important qualities of a friend according to personal preferences

Teaching Procedures ww w. xk m

STEP 1 Brainstorming and free discussion

Are you hungry now?

If you are very hungry, what can you do? What are you going to do?

Do you want to have anything to drink, too? What would you like to drink?

If you are still hungry, what can you do? (Have some more food.)

If there’s nothing else in the fridge, what can you do?

STEP 2 A listening task

Listen to the conversation between Eddie and Hobo. Can you find out the answers to these questions?

1.______ is / are hungry. A. Eddie B. Hobo C. Eddie and Hobo

2. Hobo wants to share the ______ with Eddie. A. cake B. milk C. pizza

STEP 3 Reading

1) Read the conversation after the tape.

2) Explain the language points briefly.

---Do you want some? Do you want some cake? I have a cake.

---Can I have something to drink? Is there anything in the fridge?

--- What about …?

Have some more food. Have too much food. Have enough food

---Maybe we can share it.

3) Have the students read the conversation aloud.

4) Have the students act the conversation in pairs.

STEP 4 Discussions

a. If you were Eddie, you are hungry, too. Do you want to share your pizza with Hobo? Why or why not?

b. Do you think Eddie is a good friend?

c. What do you think should do?

STEP 5 Talking about your best friend

My best friend in my class is ______.He / She is ______.

(Ask questions according to the sentences given on Page 3.)

Honest: Do you believe what he / she says?

Keep secrets: Can you talk to him / her about anything?

Share my joy: Do you talk to him / her when you are happy?

Make me happy: Do you talk to him / her when you are sad?

Helpful: Do you talk to him/her when you have problems.

STEP 6 Qualities of a good friend

a. Have the students finish Part A (Page 3).

b. Check the answers in class.

c. Get the students to make a summary as the following:

A good friend can make you happy.

A good friend should be helpful. He/she helps you solve problems.

A good friend should be honest. You always believe what he/ she says.

A good friend shares your joy. He/she shares your sadness, too.

A good friend should keep secrets. You can tell him / her everything. \

d. showing the qualities of a good friend.

STEP 6 What’s important?

a. A good friend may have lots of qualities. It is also very important for us to figure out what the most important qualities are, because the students may need these to tell about good friends. These will definitely help the students a lot in making friends with each other.

b. Have the students finish the table in groups of four. I think it is important to get the students to discuss it before we come to any conclusion. Or simply, we don’t need any conclusions here. The thing that matters is that they start to think about this on their own.

I think it very helpful to give the students the sentence patterns before they start to talk about this topic. The sentence patterns are listed as follows.

It is very important for my good friend to be polite.

It is quite important for my good friend to be clean and tidy.

It is not important for my good friend to be good looking.

It is very important for my good friend to….

It is quite important for my good friend to….

It is not important for my good friend to….

STEP 7 Homework

a. Read the comic stripes and try to remember it. Try your best to act it out.

b. Try to read your notes about the qualities of good friends. If possible, think of other qualities a good friend should have.

c. Finish off the exercises in the Evaluation Handbook and Learning English.


Teaching Goals

● To guess general meanings from the key words and context

● To skim text for overall meanings and scan for details

● To identify specific information about different people from their friends’ descriptions

● To use adjectives to describe people’s appearance and characteristics

● To recognize the use of comparatives and superlatives

Teaching Procedures

STEP 1 Let’s talking about your best friends

Get the students to talk about their friends. They may just say a few words or some very short sentences, but they are encouraged to speak out what they have already learned to describe a person. Then classify some of the words they used on the blackboard in different categories.

1. Who is your best friend in your class? He / she is …

2. Classify the words into the following parts:




future plan

3. Get the students to read the words on the blackboard together.

STEP 2 Finding out the key words

“In our textbook, three students has written (wrote) about their friends for a competition. Can your find their names as quickly as possible. “(Betty, Max and May)

Read the passages, and find out the key words for each of the passages新课标 第一网

Betty is _____________.Max is ____________.May is _____________.

Betty Max May

Appearance Slim

Short hair Tall, poor eyesight

Glasses – smart Small straight,

shoulder – length hair


Person Generous , Helpful a good sense of humour a true friend

Special Wants to be a singer funny Kind

STEP 3 Choosing the best friend

Have the students finish the exercises on page 5. Check the answers in pairs. Or Check the answers in class.

STEP 4 Detailed study of the passages

Read the passages one paragraph after another. Ask students questions and help them take down the key phrases.


1. Is Betty the writer’s new friend? (No, they have been friends for a long time.)

2. What does Betty look like? (She is as slim as the writer and has short hair. )

3. What are Betty’s personalities? (She is generous and helpful.)

4. How can we know she is generous? (She is willing to share things with her friends.)

5. How can we know she is helpful?

(She is ready to help people any time. She helps writer with her homework.

She always gives seat to people in need on the bus. )

6. What does Betty want to do when she grows up?

(She wants to be a singer and travel around the world when she grows up. )


1.What is Max like?

(He is very tall--- almost 1.75metres. His small, round glasses make him look smart.)

2.Why does he have poor eyesight?(Because of working on the computer too much at night.)

3. What is the characteristic (性格) of Max? Max has a good sense of humour.)

4. Why does the writer say so?

(The writer never feels bored or unhappy when he is with Max. He tells funny jokes and

always makes me laugh. )

5. Do Max’s legs fit under the desks? Why? (No. Because his legs are very long.)

6. Why does the writer think Max is funny?

(Because Max often knocks their things off the desks when he walks past their desks.)


1. What is May like?

(She is shorter than the writer and is very small. She has straight, shoulder-length hair. Everyone thinks she is pretty. )

2. What kind of friend is May? (May is a true friend. )

3. Why does the write think May is a true friend?

(a. She can keep a secret. When something worries the writer, he can always go to her. The writer can tell May anything. )

(b. She is kind. She never says a bad word about anyone.)

Have the students retell the passages, looking at the keywords on the blackboard.

STEP 5 What makes a best friend?

Have the students finish Part C1, on Page 6.

Check the answers in pairs. OrCheck the answers in class.

STEP 6 Discussion

Which people would you like to have as your best friends Betty, Max or May? Why?

STEP 7 Homework

1. Read after the tape five times. Your parent’s signature is needed.

2. Finish the exercises in the Evaluation Handbook and Learning English.


Teaching Goals

● To figure out the structure of each passage

● To speak out the passage in their own words, following the structure of the passages

● To explain the language points in the passages

● To develop a good attitude towards friends

Teaching Procedures

STEP 1 Reading the passages together

Help students to remember what we learnt last time by getting them to read the passages together loudly.

STEP 2 Figuring out what each paragraph is about

Help the students to figure out what each paragraph is about. It is important to encourage the students to speak out their ideas, and at the same time to give out their own reasons. (This is very important here, because it may make it easier for the students to understand the structure of a passage, and then remember it more easily.)




STEP 3 Explaining the sentences

Explain the sentences one by one and talk about the language points, by giving more examples.

1. as … as …

She is as slim as I am.

She is as tall as I am. I am as tall as she is.

I run as fast as she does. She runs as fast as I do.

I drove as quickly as she did. She drove as quickly as I did.

I am driving as carefully as she is. She is driving as carefully as I am.

I can run as fast as she can. She can run as fast as I can.

2. be willing to do sth. / be ready to do sth.

3. want to be … / want to do …

4. I have a wonderful friend named Max. / I have a wonderful friend called Max.

5. … because of too much computer work. / … because he has too much computer work.

6. … and they make him look smart. / they: the glasses look smart (adj.) / make sb. do sth./ make me laugh

7. I never feel bored or unhappy when he is with me./ feel bored (adj.)

8. … and they do not fit under the school desks./ fit v.

9. … when he walks past the desks, …/ pass & past

10. knock …off

11. think of …

12. Everyone thinks she is pretty.

13. When something worries me, …

14. say a bad word about anyone.

STEP 4 Finishing the exercises

Get the students to finish the following exercises without looking at the book to check if they have grasp the language points or remember the sentences.

STEP 5 Saying something about making friends

It’s the time for the student to say something about making friends. They are going to be motivated to think about the following questions.

a. What kind of people can be your best friend?

b. What kind of personality do you hope your best friends to have?

c. What do you think is the most important thing between two friends?

STEP 6 Homework

a. Recite the three passages fluently.

b. Tell your parents about your best friend at school.

c. Write about your best friend, following the structure.


Teaching Goals

● To use adjectives to describe people’s physical features

● To use adjectives to describe general appearance of people

● To select and use adjectives that are appropriate to describe the appearance of boys and girls

● To make up more sentences talking about one’s appearance

Teaching Procedures

STEP 1 A guessing game

Take an exercise book to the classroom. Tell the students that one of them has done well in yesterday’s homework. Can you guess who he/she is?In this way, the students’ attention is drawn to describing a person. They will surely get the right person. If not, I will give them some hints.

STEP 2 Talking about one’s appearance

It is important to learn to describe one’s appearance.

When we see a person, we don’t pay attention to his facial appearance at the first sight. We can only tell his/her general appearance. Can you think of words that talk about one’s general appearance?

tall, short, strong, fat, thin, slim, tidy, clean, beautiful, good-looking, handsome, lovely, pretty, smart, lovely, cute

Here we should pay attention to some of the words. For example, we seldom us ‘thin’ or ‘fat’ to talk about people, because they sounds impolite, sometimes it may hurt that people.

STEP 3 Boys or girls?

Some of the words can only be used to talk about boy, while some only with girls. So it is also very important to make it clear.

a. Have the students finish Part B in two or three minutes.

b. Discuss the answers with the students. Make sure they feel confident in using these words.

Boys: good-looking, handsome, smart

Girls: beautiful, good-looking, handsome, lovely, pretty, smart

It must be stated very clear that handsome can not only go with boys but also with girls. But when it describes girls, it means ‘having an attractive appearance with large strong features’, sometimes it means ‘端庄的’ in Chinese.

But, ‘beautiful’ and ‘pretty’ are not the same. Usually, ‘pretty’ is used to modify girls who are small but beautiful.

STEP 4 Talking of something special about one’s appearance

However, it is not enough that we describe people’s general appearance. For example, when I say ‘My friend is good-looking’, do you know whom I am talking about? No. So it is really important for us to learn to describe one’s facial appearance and learn to talk about something special about someone.

First. Let’s talk about one’s hairstyle.

have black hair in a ponytail/in bunches, wears a modern hair style, have straight, shoulder-length hair, with short, straight hair on the forehead

Second, let’s talk about one’s face.

round, square, oval, small, big

Third, let’s talk about one’s eye.

have big, bright and smiling eyes, round, big, small, have poor eyesight, wears (small, round) glasses (with black frames)

Fourth, let’s talk about one’s nose.

big, small, flat, hooked

Fifth, let’s talk about one’s ear.

big, small, look like two small fans

Finally, let’s talk about one’ s mouth.

big small, wide

Well, it may seem a little bit boring if we only name and write the words on the blackboard. So it is important for me to do something to take control of the class.

I think it is good way to describe the students in the class, as I am teaching the words. The students will be well-motivated to describe the students around them.

They will surely have fun this way.

STEP 5 Activity

Now, we can easily write about someone’s appearance. Can your write about one of your classmates? Let the others guess who he /she is? You need to write at least 5 sentences.

Give the students 5-6 minutes to write the passage. Get some of the students to read aloud

STEP 6 A summary

Make a general summary. Read the words on the blackboard.

General appearance: slim, thin, fat, strong, tall, short, beautiful, smart, good-looking, handsome, pretty, tidy, clean

Face: long, short, round, square

Eyes: big, small, round, bright, smiling

Nose: long, short, big, small

Hair: black, dark brown, long, short, shoulder-length, straight, ponytail

STEP 7 Homework

a. Read and learn these words by heart.

b. Write about one of your best friends.

c. Finish off the exercises in the Evaluation Handbook and Learning English.


Teaching Objectives

● To learn to use an adjective before a noun or after a linking verb to describe someone or something

● To help students understand the structure “linking verb+ adjective”

● To use comparatives to compare two people or things

● To use superlatives to compare three or more people or things

● To get students focus on how to form comparatives and superlatives with adjectives

● To help students to have some general ideas about when to use comparatives and when to use superlatives

Teaching Procedures

STEP 1 Having a revision

Sam has a square face. Jude has long and black hair.

Sam’s face is square. Jude’s hair is long and black.

Jimmy is a tall boy. Sandy is a pretty girl .

Jimmy is tall. Sandy is pretty.

Get your students to read and compare these sentences.

The conclusion: We can use adjectives to describe someone or something. We can put and adjective before a noun or after a linking verb.

Get the students to talk about the sample sentences in Part A to check if we make the right conclusion.

STEP 2 Being followed by adjectives

Usually, verbs are followed by adverbs. But they can be followed by adjectives. Why? Because they are different kind of verbs. If a verb can be followed by an adjective, then we can make a conclusion that the verb is a ‘linking verb’. Get the students to think of more examples.

When you grow older, you may understand this.

Spring is here. Trees turn green.

The dumplings smell nice.

He does exercises to keep healthy.

After a long walk, I felt tired.

The flowers in the garden look beautiful.

(The verb ‘look’ can be used in other structures, ‘He looked at me angrily. ’ In this example, ‘look’ is not used as a linking verb, so it is modified not by an adjective but by an adverb ‘angrily’. The structure is different from ‘He looked angry’)

Your white coat gets dirty.

He seems happy today.

STEP 3 Talking about the pictures

Show two pictures to the students and get one or two students to talk about the pictures.

Jim is tall. Sam is tall, too. (Let’s compare. Who is taller?) Sam is taller.

Show one more picture. Get the students to compare the three pictures. They may easily come out with the following sentence, ‘Sam is the tallest.’

(I may use more pairs of pictures like this to talk about it.)

Tell the students that we use comparatives to compare two people or things. When we compare three or more people or things, we use superlatives.

STEP 4 Forming comparatives and superlatives

Ask the students, do you know how to form comparatives and superlatives.

Most short adjectives+-er/-est cold, kind, round smart

Short adjectives ending in e +-r/-st nice, fine, brave

Short adjectives ending in a consonant +y -y+-ier/-iest

funny, lazy, pretty, easy, early

Short adjectives ending in a vowel + a consonant

slim, big, hot, fat, thin

‘+more/most’ before long adjectives

important, helpful, polite, interesting, careful

Replace the irregular adjectives with new words

good/well, better, best

bad/ ill/ badly, worse, worst

little, less, least

much/many, more, most

old, elder/older, eldest/eldest

far, farther/further, farthest/ furthest

Get the students to finish Part B1 on page 9.

STEP 5 Finishing Part B2 on page 10

Get the students to finish Part B2 on page 10. Remind the students that the structures like ‘of the three, of all, in+ a noun’ usually go with superlatives. While the word ‘than’ is usually used with comparatives. It is also important to tell the students to add a ‘the’ before superlatives.

If necessary, I think the teachers should give some examples to show the students how to read and understand the structures. Then use questions to help them.

STEP 6 Summary

Compare two people and things:

A is_______ ______B.(tall)

A is_______ ______B.(slim)

A is _______ ______B.(heavy)

This pencil case is_____ _____that one.(nice)

English is_____ _____ ________Maths.(interesting).

A is _____ ______ B at English .(good)

Compare three or more things:

Sam is____ ____ of the three. (tall)

The bag is ____ _______ of all. (heavy)

The girl is_____ ________in our class. (thin)

The weather in Kunming is______ ______in China.(fine)

Li Yuchuan is _______ _______ _______ super girl of the three.(wonderful)

STEP 7 Additional exercises

Jim is very __________. Tom is much ___________

than Jim. Tom is _________ of the three. (tall)

Who is _________, Daniel or Millie?(thin)

Li Lei is __________ than Li Xin and Wang Fei. He is

______________ in his class. (early)

This story is ____________ than that one. (interesting)

This first girl is quite _________. The second one is __________ than the first one. But the third one is ________________ of all. (pretty)

STEP 8 Homework

Review what we have learnt.

Finish off the exercises in the Evaluation Handbook and Learning English.


Teaching Objectives

● To consolidate the usage of comparatives and superlatives

● To continue to talk about how to compare people and things

● To use ‘(not) as …so/as…’ to compare people or things, when people or things are (not) the same in some ways

Teaching Procedures

STEP 1 Using comparatives

Get two pencils (One is new, the other is used.) in hands and show them to the students. Get the students to talk about the two pencils using comparatives.

A is longer than B. B is shorter than A.

A is as long as C.

Use pictures and things to do this several times. Make sure that the students can speak this structure very well.

STEP 2 Talking about the table

Ask the students to look at the table on page 10 again. Get them to talk about the table once again.

Millie is 1.5 meters tall. Sandy is 1.5 meters tall, too.

Millie is as tall as Sandy.

Amy is 40 kg. Kitty is 40kg, too. Amy is as heavy as Kitty.

Millie is 150cm. Peter is 168cm.

Millie is not as tall as Peter.

Millie is shorter than Peter.

Encourage the students to make more sentences, using ‘(not) as …so/as…’the more sentences, the better.

STEP 3 Filling in the blanks

Show the students a table as following.





Running (50m)

Maths test

Englih test

Chinese test

Ask the students to work in groups of four and first fill in the blanks by asking each other questions. Then get the students to talk about this information in groups of 4 students. Encourage them to use comparatives, superlatives and ‘(not) as… so /as…’to compare people or things. STEP 4 Making sentences

Tell the students that stars show how interesting the activity is and the triangles show that how dangerous the activity is.

Get the students to talk about Millie’s opinion first.

Hiking is as interesting as skiing.

Swimming is not as interesting as hiking.

Camping is not as interesting as swimming.

Diving is not as interesting as camping.

Cycling is not as interesting as diving.

Skiing is as dangerous as diving.

Swimming is as dangerous as camping.

Hiking is as dangerous as cycling.

Cycling is not as dangerous as diving.

Hiking is not as dangerous as swimming. …. AND SO ON.

Give the students 3 minutes to finish the exercises in Part C1 on page 15.

(For weaker classes, the teacher better explain how all this works.

For stronger classes, just let the students to do it by themselves. )

Check the answers together.

Ask the students to fill in their own information and talk about it in groups.

Encourage the students to make more sentences like this. Here I can organize a competition among different groups. Or I can organize some chain work.

STEP 5 A summary

We use ‘(not) as…so/as…’ to compare people or thing, when they are (not) the same in some ways.

STEP 6 Additional exercises

I. Fill in the blanks

I think English is as________(important) as Chinese.

Swimming is as _______(interesting) as cycling.

Amy is not as_________(careful) as Simon.

Maths is not as________(difficult) as English.

II. Translation

我认为游泳不如徒步旅游有趣。I think swimming is___________________.




I ______________________________ are dangerous if we are___________.

STEP 8 Homework

a. Go over what we have learnt.

b. finish off the exercises in the Evaluation Handbook and Learning English.


Teaching Objectives

● To listen for and identify specific information

● To understand the people of his/ her future plan and find out why they want to have the plan

● To respond to written text and information got from listening

● To select proper information or details, to consolidate information and complete two letters to the editor of a magazine

Teaching Procedures

STEP 1 Showing some pictures

Show some pictures of some famous persons, asking the students if their know about these persons and their jobs. Teach the word ‘popular’.

A lot of students know about the people above. They like them. Get the students to read the names correctly, especially Celine Dion.

Get the students to talk about their future plans, using the following sentences.

I want to be a ______ when I grow up.

I would like to be as popular as ____ is when I grow up.

I hope to become a famous _______ and _______ in the future.

Encourage the students to give their reasons very briefly. And lead them to think about what they can do for other people and what they can do for the society.

make other people happy travel around the world

be kind/helpful/popular make money to help more people

STEP 2 Listening to the tape

STEP 3 Read the passage

Get the students to read Part A2 aloud. Ask the students to read the passage silently and find out What Millie tries to do and why Millie wants to be a social worker.

What does Millie try to do?

a. She tries to be kind to his classmates.

b. She tries her best to help her friends.

Why does Millie want to be a social worker?

a. She can listen to people’s problems.

b. She can help people to solve their problems.

c. She will be happy if she can make people happy again.

It is because of Millie’s personality (kind and helpful) that she wants to be a social worker. Social workers are also kind and helpful. Personally, I think this may help to develop the students’ ability to organize their speech and writing.

STEP 4 Listening to the tape

Say ‘Sandy wants to write about her future plans to Mr. Zhou, too. She is talking to kitty about it.’ Ask the students to listen to the tape and tick out Sandy’s future plans in Part A1.

Play the tape twice, if necessary.

Help Sandy to complete the letter to Mr. Zhou.

STEP 5 Read the passage together

Get the students to read the passage together. Ask the students to read the passage silently and find the answer to the question why Sandy wants to be a singer.

Why does Sandy want to be a singer?

a. She thinks it is great to sing for people.

b. She’d like to make people happy.

c. She wants to be as popular as Celine Dion.

d. She wants to travel around the world.

Get the students to focus on these sentence patterns, because they may be very useful when the students write their own articles. They also help to get the students to think about the reasons of their own future plans.

STEP 6 Making your own future plans新课标第一网

Encourage the students to have their own future plans. Work in groups to talk about them. Encourage the students to speak out the reasons for having such a future plan.

STEP 7 Finding out the answers

Ask the students, ‘Do you know a lot about your patterns future plans? Let’s talk about our best friends. First, let’s listen to the sample dialogue here.’

Ask the students to listen carefully and find out the answers to the questions.

Who are they talking about? (They are talking about Peter.)

How does peter look? (He looks sporty. He is the fastest runner. )

What is Peter like? (He is friendly and helpful.)

What’s his future plan? (He’d like to be a doctor when he grows up.)

STEP 8 Completing the dialogue

Helen and Sandy are going to talk about a girl. Work in pairs and complete their dialogue. Encourage the students to use their own language.

---Who’s the girl next to Peter? --- She ‘s Mary. I think she ‘s very ___ .

--- Yes , I agree . -- -She’s one of _____ girls in my school .

--- What’s she like ? -- -She’s ___ and ___ .

---She would like to be ___when she grows up .

STEP 9 Homework

Read the two passages and try to learn it by heart.

Finish off the exercises in the Evaluation Handbook and Learning English.


Teaching Objectives

● To show the students how to find the main points of a passage

● To help the students to guess the meaning and to generate mental pictures while reading

● To encourage the students to help others to solves the problems

Teaching Procedures

STEP 1 Enjoy yourselves!

Get 8 pieces of paper that are about the same size. Write 8 long sentences on each. Divide the class into 8 groups column by column. Do chain work and get the students to pass the sentence orally to see which column get all the sen



Unit Objectives

● To talk about possible situations and possible results

● To enlarge the vocabulary about wild animals

● To use factual information to support their opinions on wild animals

● To learn to take the responsibility to protect wild animals


VOCABULARY Wild, bear, giant panda, kangaroo, outside, bamboo, bamboo shoot, leaf, sadly, hunter, kill, farmer, forest, nowhere, danger, action, protect, encourage, thick, land, continue, writer, fox, wolf, snake, noon, information, report, thirsty, exam, until, medicine, smell, towards, loss, chairperson, group, farmland, sell, train, peaceful, mice, sharp (四会) delicious, squirrel, gram, kilogram, following, reserve, polar, insect, attack, male, performance, hearing, sincerely, destroy, suitable, female (三会) dolphin, survive, rainforest, stripe, snail, tusk, upright, daytime (二会)

EXPRESSIONS Start/begin to do, for the first time, grow into, at the (very) beginning, on one’s own, find… alone, take… away, (be) in danger, take (the following) actions, make sth. adj., encourage sb. to do sth. do something/nothing, run the other way, walk through, learn a lot about, yellow fur with black stripes, live as a family, hunt…for, make medicine, loss of living areas, continue to do sth., lose one’s life, quiet and peaceful, at a time, keep doing, try one’s best to do sth.

USEFUL SENTENCE PATTERN Sadly, it is very difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild.

If people find baby pandas alone, they will take them away.

Wolves won’t survive if we don’t give them good areas of forest to live in.

If we continue to destroy forests to build roads, they won’t have suitable homes.

Baby giant pandas spend a lot of time drinking their mum’s milk.

The number is getting smaller and smaller because many of their living areas are becoming farmland.

If farmers keep taking the land, giant pandas will have nowhere to live.


Teaching Objectives

● To introduce the topic and main task of the unit. Help the students to focus on ‘Wild animals’

● To learn more about wild animals and then express their preference

● To think of ways to help the endangered animals

Teaching procedures

STEP 1 Answering the question

Tell the students that I have got a very difficult question to answer. And I would like to ask you to answer the question, too. Show the question on the board. And get the students to discuss about it.

B. You and your friend are on an island with nothing to eat. However you have only one hamburger.

If you don’t eat, you will die.

If your friend doesn’t eat, he/she will die

If you share the hamburger with your friends, you will both die.

Will you eat it by yourself or give it to your mother, or share it with your friend?

Get the students to talk about Question A first. (It may not be very difficult for the students to answer.) Then show the students Question B. Give the students a few minutes to discuss about the question. (For more able students, encourage them to speak out their questions, too. )

STEP 2 Listening and answering

Tell the students that Eddie is now facing such a problem. Get the students to listen to the tape and then answer the following questions: 新 课标 第 一网

1. Who has food? Eddie has food.

2. Is he going to share his food with his master / e-dog?

No, he isn’t going to share his food with Hobo.

STEP 3 Reading the dialogue together or in roles

Get the students to read the dialogue together or in roles. Ask the students to practice and remember the dialogue and then act it out.

STEP 4 Finishing the following exercises

Get the students to focus on possible actions and possible results of the dialogue. Then get them to finish the following exercises.

Possible Actions Possible results

1.If I don’t have food, I ___ (die).

2.If I die, no one _________ (look) after you.

3.If you eat my food, I _________ (not talk) to you.

4.If Hobo doesn’t have food, he ____ (die).

5.If Eddie dies, no one _________ (look) after Hobo.

6.If Hobo eats Eddie’s food, Eddie __________ (not talk) to Hobo.

STEP 5 Getting to know about wild animals

Man is now having the same problem, too. Many animals share the same homeland with us. However, man has taken their food and their homes away. Ask, ‘Do you think we should do something to help?’ (Yes.)

Wild animals are our friends. It is important to protect wild animals. (Write the sentence on the board then get the students to read it aloud.)

‘Let’s check how much you know about wild animals. Do you know them?’ Show the pictures of the animals.


kangaroo It only lives in Australia. It has strong back legs, so it can jump very fast. A mother kangaroo has a pocket in front for its baby.

bear It usually has black or brown fur. It is strong. It likes eating fish and honey. However, it doesn’t eat dead things.

giant panda It only lives in China. It has black and white fur. It eats bamboo shoots and leaves. We have very few of them in China.

squirrel It is very lovely. It has a long and soft tail. It lives in the tree. It likes eating nuts very much.

dolphin It is a kind of friendly people in the water. It can play a lot of tricks in water. People come to the zoo to see its swimming show.

tiger It is the king of the forest. It looks like a cat but big than a cat. It has yellow fur with black stripes.

Ask the students to give the names of the animals and then encourage them to speak out what they know about the animals, focusing on the appearance and something special about it.

STEP 6 Play a guessing game

Play a guessing game. Write the names on pieces of papers and then invite some of the more able students to choose and say something of the animals (To make it easier, ask the students to use the first person). The other students should listen carefully and guess what animal it is.

Bear: I am strong. Sometimes, I eat people. But if I find the people died, I don’t eat them. Who am I?

Kangaroo: I have a pocket. My baby sleeps in my pocket. Who am I?

Squirrel: I have a long and soft tail. I live in the tree. Who am I?

Giant Panda: I have black eyes and four black paws. I like eating bamboo shoots(竹笋). I am very lovely. Who am I?

Dolphin: I like swimming. I can do different kinds of swimming shows. Many people bring their children to watch my shows. Who am I?

Tiger: I am the king of the animals. I look like a cat but I’m bigger than a cat. Usually, I have yellow fur and black stripes. Who am I?

STEP 7 Talking the animal they like best/least

Get the students to talk the animal they like best/least. If possible, encourage them to mention some simple reasons.

STEP 8 Homework

Find more information about wild animals and finish the exercises.


Teaching Goals

● To develop the ability to guess general meaning form context

● To get to know the problems that the giant pandas are facing and then start to think of way to protect the pandas

● To get to know the importance of animal protecting

Teaching Procedures

STEP 1 Talking about the animals

Get the students to talk about the animals once again. Play the guessing game. Write something about a kind of animal on pieces of paper. Invite some of the students to choose and read about the animal and the others try to guess what animal it is.

Guess what they are?

1. They are large and heavy. They have thick fur. They like eating sweet food and fish If they are hungry, they also eat man.

2.They are lovely and clever animals in the sea. They like swimming in groups. They are very friendly to people.

3.They come from Australia. They jump with their babies in their special packets.

4. They have yellow fur with black stripes. They are the kings of the forest.

5. They are the biggest animals on land. They eat grass.

6. They are small animals with big tails. They like climbing trees and eating nuts.

7. They live in China. They like eating bamboo shoots and leaves very much.

STEP 2 Teaching the words ‘hunter’, ‘survive’ and ‘reserve’

As students come to ‘giant pandas’, get the students to talk about whatever they know about giant pandas. As they mention there are few giant pandas now, teach the words ‘hunter’, ‘survive’ and ‘reserve’.

To arouse the students’ interest, get the students to guess how heavy giant pandas are at birth. The teacher can also give them some choices to choose from. (e.g. 2 jin, 500 grams, 100 grams and 1 kilogram)

STEP 3 Telling the students the right answer

Tell the students the right answer. (They may be amazed at the information.)

Say ‘I have some pictures here. They show how the baby grows into a giant panda. Can you put them into the right order?’

Show them the following pictures and ask them to put them into the right order.

STEP 4 Listening to the first part of the passage

Tell the students, ‘Millie has found a report about giant pandas. Let’s read it and learn more about the animal. But first let’s listen to the first part of the passage and answer the following questions.’

Who is Xi Wang? (A baby panda.)

How old was Xi Wang when the writer first saw her? (10 days old.)

What did Xi Wang look like? (A small white mouse.)

What does “Xi Wang” mean in English? (Hope.)

STEP 5 Filling in the following table

Say ‘So it’s really amazing that the baby panda is so small. Do you want to know how it grows into a giant panda? Let’s open your books and read the passage.’ Get the students to read the passage and fill in the following table.



At birth (1 day old) 100 grams (100g) her mother’s milk

10 days old like a little white mouse

4 months 10 kilograms (10kg)

8 months 35 kilograms (35kg) Bamboo leaves and shoots

12 months /

20 months /

Ask ‘What did Xi Wang at different time?’ Get the students to read and find out.


At birth (1 day old) be born

4 months Start to go outside her home for the first time

6 months /

8 months Grow into a healthy young giant pandas

12 months /

20 months Have to look after her self

STEP 6 Finishing Part C

Get the students to finish Part C: the growth of Xi Wang. Look at the pictures and get the students to read the sentences here loudly. This will once again consolidate the students’ understanding of Xi Wang’s growth.

STEP 7 Reading and finding out the problem

Say ‘Are pandas lovely? (Yes.) However, they are now in danger. It is hard for them to survive in the wild. (Write the sentence on the board.)They are facing a lot of problems. Can you find them out?’ Get the students to read and find out the problem and what people did to solve the problems.



If hunters catch a giant panda, they will kill it for its fur. Make giant pandas reserves bigger.

If farmers cut down trees and forests, giant pandas will have nowhere to live. Build more new reserves.

If people find baby pandas, they will often take them away. Encourage farmers to leave the giant panda reserves.

STEP 8 Finishing Part D

Hunters, farmers and some people did something bad to giant pandas. Get the students to say something to them.

Hunters you shouldn’t kill giant pandas for their fur. AND SO ON.

Get the students to finish Part D, Page 62. Check the answers.

STEP 9 Discussion

Discussion: As a middle school student, can you think of some good ideas to protect pandas?

STEP 10 Homework: Read the passage and finish off the exercises in the books.


Teaching Goals

● To read the passage once again for more details

● To read the passage again and figure our how the writer organize the passage

● To read the passage and focus on the language points to improve the students’ fluency and accuracy talking about giant pandas

● To develop students’ responsibility towards the endangered animal

Teaching Procedures

STEP 1 Reading the passage aloud together

Get the students to read the passage aloud together. Invite them to finish the Part B, Check the answers. (This may offer the less able students another time to consolidate the new words.)

STEP 2 Finishing off Part E

Ask the students to finish off Part E, Page 62. Use this as a revision to help the students recall what they have learned last time.

STEP 3 Working out the answers

Get the students to read the passage together once again and then divide the class into groups of 4-5. Ask them to work out the answer to the following question ‘How many parts are there in the passage.’

Give the students enough time to talk about it. And then invite some of them to express their personal opinions. (Students should be encouraged to speak out what they think.)

Part I: The growth of Xi Wang(Line 1- Line 14) (weight and food)

Part II: Giant pandas are in danger?(Line 15- Line 29)

A: Why are they in danger?(Line 15-21)

B: How to protect them?(Line 22-Line 29)

STEP 4 Finishing the following exercises

Get the student to talk about Part I. Invite them to talk about the growth of Xi Wang by finishing the following exercises:

When Xi Wang was born, she w________ just 100 grams.

When she was only 10 days old, she l________ like a white mouse.

When she was 4 months old, she w________ about 10 kilograms and s___________ to go outside her home.

When she was 6 months old, she b________ to eat bamboo shoots and leaves.

When she was 12 months old, she g_________ into a healthy young giant panda and w__________ 35 kilograms.

When she was 20 months old, she s_________ to look after herself.

Then get the students to analyze the sentences: the when-clauses in each sentence give us a past time, so the main clauses use Simple Past Tense. (Students may come to the conclusion through observation.) Then get the student to underline such sentences in the passage.

STEP 5 Finding them out

‘During the growth of Xi Wang, Xi Wang had many ‘first-times’ Can you find them out.’ Use the following exercises to help students.

1.She started _________(go) outside her home for the first time.

2.She began _________ (eat) bamboo shoots and leaves.

3.She started _________(look) after herself.

In this way, the teacher directs the students attention to the use of ‘to’-infinitives after ‘start’ and ‘begin’.

STEP 6 Rewriting sentences

Say ‘Sadly, it is very difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild.’ and write the sentence on the board. Then try to rewrite the sentence into the following sentences. ‘It is dangerous for giant pandas to live on in the wild.’ ‘They are in danger.’

These are some very important sentence patterns in the passage. Also it is necessary for the teacher to point out that ‘live on’ has a similar meaning with ‘survive’. This may also help the students to understand that we can use ‘be dangerous’ or ‘be in danger’ to talk about a similar situation.

STEP 7 Finding out that why they are in danger

Get the students to find out that why they are in danger. To make the task easier, the teacher can show the following before hand.

If hunters _________(catch) a giant panda, they _________ (kill) it for its fur.

If the farmers __________(cut) down trees and forests, giant pandas _______ (have) nowhere to live.

If people __________ (find) baby pandas alone, they ________(take) them away.

As a result, the students’ attention will be easily drawn to the use of ‘if’-clauses. Guide the students to focus on the tense of the subordinate- clauses and main clauses. (I think it is OK for some teachers to use ‘主将从现’ to make summary here. At least it may help the students to remember this phenomenon.)

Explain the phrases here ‘kill…for…’, ‘cut down’, ‘have nowhere to live’ ‘find sb. adj’ and ‘take…away’.

STEP 8 Talking about the actions people take to protect the pandas

Say ‘If we do nothing, soon there will be no giant pandas in the world.’ and then get them to talk about the actions people take to protect the pandas. We must take the following actions to protect them. We can make giant panda reserves bigger. We can build more reserves . We can encourage farmers to leave the giant panda reserves

Direct students’ attention to the use of ‘make sb. adj.’ and ‘encourage sb. to do sth.’ . If time permits, give more examples.

STEP 9 Reading though the whole passage again

Get the students to read though the whole passage again, focusing on the different language points.

STEP 10 More exercises about the language points

Do more exercises about the language points to check.

1.She looks _____________(health).

2.When Tom was born, he ___________(weigh) 6 jin.

3.We should encourage him ___________(help) his good friend.

4.We ask the ___________(hunt) not to hunt the animals.

5.If it snows tomorrow, the primary school students _______(stay) at home.

6.Now many pandas are in ________(dangerous)

7.Two years _____(late), he became a famous reporter.

8.The giant panda likes eating bamboo ____ (shoot) and ____(leaf) very much.

STEP 11 Do some translation work

Linda 五岁时第一次来中国。

When Linda was 5, she ________ to China ______ ______ _______ _______.


If it _______ ______,they ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Xu Wu lake.


________ _______ important for teachers ________ ________ students _______ ________ hard.


Long, long ago, hunters ________ tigers just _______ ________ ________.


If you ________ baby pandas _______, you should not ______ ______ ______.


Many animals are _________ _________. we should ________ ________ ________ ________ them.

STEP 12 Homework

a. Try to retell the growth of Xi Wang.

b. Discuss how to protect the giant pandas.

c. Finish off the exercises in the Handbook (period three).


Teaching Goals

● To enlarge students’ animal vocabulary and help them to know more about animals

● To elicit the topic that there are many kinds of animals are in danger now

● To get the students to talk about animals

Teaching procedures

STEP 1 Learning about more animals

Show students some pictures of animals they have already come across. And then tell them we are going to learn about more animals. Show pictures and ask the students to give the names of the animals. Encourage them to speak out whatever they know about the animals.


zebra It is a kind of horse. However, it has black and white stripes all over its body. We have got ‘zebra crossings’ on the roads.

lion It is the king of the beasts (兽). It kills small animals for food.

polar bear It lives in a very cold place. Usually, it has snow-white fur all over. It can swim and dive very well. It catches fish for food in icy water.

tortoise It always carries a heavy shell, so it walks very slowly. However, it can live up to 150 years.

giraffe It is the tallest animal in the world because of its long neck. It can easily eat the tree leaves. However, there’re only 7 bones in it long neck.

fox(foxes) It looks like a dog but smaller. It is very clever. Its fur looks beautiful, so hunters kill it for its fur. They use it to make clothes and scarves.

camel It lives in the desserts. It is called ‘Boat of the Dessert’. They can stay in the dessert for a long time because it has one/ two humps.

monkey It is a kind of lovely and clever animal. It likes eating fruit. It lives in the trees and can easily jump for one tree to another.

wolf (wolves) It is covered with grey fur. It looks like a dog. They live in groups and hunt for food together.

The students may talk about the animals using only one sentence. However, when we put all they ideas together, we will get pretty much. So it is also very important to show the students how to organize their ideas.

What does it look like?

Describe their appearance( size, eyes, colour).

What can it do? / What does it eat?

Where does it live?

By following the questions, it may be easier for the students to collect more ideas.

STEP 2 Completing Part B

Get the students to complete Part B, Page 63. Ask the students to do it by themselves. If students get some problems, go and help them. It must put clearly that some animals may eat more than one kind of food. For example, the students may be amazed to find that wolves also eat insects.

For stronger classes, ask the students to make up new dialogue talking about different animals ‘diet’.

STEP 3 Finishing the following exercises

Get the students to finish the following exercises and then guess what animals it is.

1. I live in d _ _ _ _ _ _. It’s very hot there and usually, there is not much water. But I can help people ______ (a lot / a lot of) and enjoy a happy life there.

2. I’m __________ (tall) animal in the world because I have a long n _ _ _ .

3. People don’t like me. But some children like me because I acted in the cartoon movie ‘L _ _ _ King’. It’s very p _ _ _ _ _ _ in the USA. 4. I’m very clever. I like ______ (live) ____

(on / in) the tree.

5. I live in the North Pole. It’s very cold there and it often _____ (snow). It’s white everywhere. I’m white too. I live a w________ life there.

6. I have a s _ _ _ _. I walk ______ (slow). But once, I won the race against a rabbit. Because I’m h _ _ _ - w _ _ _ _ _ _. 7. I don’t like the days, I come out at n _ _ _ _ _. If I find a

man a _ _ _ _, I’ll f _ _ _ _ _ him. But I’m a _ _ _ _ _ of fire.

8. I’m always ______ (wear) a coat ______ (with / has) black and white stripes.

STEP 4 Talking about their favorite animals

Show the pictures of all the animals we have leaned about. Get them to talk about their favorite animals.

A: What’s your favorite animal?

B: Oh, I like dolphins best. They look really beautiful in the blue water.

They are clever, too. I enjoy watching dolphin shows. What about you?

A:I like ….

STEP 5 Organizing a heated discussion

Use some pictures to show the situations of some animals. Let the students know that a lot of animals are in danger, because of man’s activities. Divide the class into groups of 4-5. Invite them to think of the causes of this. Organize a heated discussion on ‘What can we do to help our friends --- animals?’

write to newspaper/ magazine and let more people know that many animals are in danger.

Draw some posters and ask more students to love animals

Be friendly/kind to some small animals

Ask people not to buy things made of animals fur

STEP 6 Homework

a. Look for more information about animals in danger.

b. Finish off the exercise in the Evaluation Handbook and Learning English.


Teaching Objectives:

● To understand the use of if-clauses and use conditional sentences to talk about possible situations

● To make a summary of the if –clauses

● To collect more information about different kinds of animals

Teaching Procedures

STEP 1 Telling what animal to see

In the former part of this unit, we have already learned about a lot of animals. Get the students to tell me what animal we will see if we go into the forest. Ask the students to use the following sentence pattern.

If we go into a forest, we will see___________.

As students are taking about the animals we will see in a forest. The teacher may go on personalize the questions.

S1: If we go into a forest, we will see snakes.

T: What will you do if you see a snake?

S1: I will run away quickly if I see a snake.

T: What will you do if you see a snake?

S2: I will cry if I see a snake.

In this way, the teachers may get the students to use conditional sentences fluently and accurately before come to any rules. It will help the students to understand the rules of conditional sentences better. Write some of the sentences on the board and get the student to read them. Direct students’ attention to the tense used in the clauses.

They may find that people use simple present tense with if-clauses, while simple future tense with the other clause. (It is Ok for teachers to use ‘主将从现’ to give a summary to this. )

STEP 2 Reading the sample sentences

Get the students to read the sample sentences on page 64. Tell the students that Amy is thinking about wild animals, too. Ask the students to do part A1. Check the answer in pairs and then check it in class.

Help the students to focus on some of the sentences and explain the phrases here.

If I see a snake in front of me, I will run the other way.

I will see some beautiful birds if I walk through a rainforest.

STEP 3 Reading the last sentences in Part A1

Read the last sentences in Part A1. If I have time next weekend, I will go to the zoo. Say ‘If I have time, I will go to the zoo(, too).’ Try to put the if-clause at the end of the sentence. ‘I will go to the zoo if I have time. ’ Write the two sentences on the board.

If I have time, I will go to the zoo.

I will go to the zoo if I have time.

Students may easily work out the rule: We need a comma after the ‘if’-clause when it is the first part of a sentence.

STEP 4 Talking about what will happenwww .xk

Get the students to talk about ‘what will happen if you go to the zoo.’ Ask the students to use the following sentence structures:

If I go to the zoo, I _________________ __.

I will _________________ if I go to the zoo.

Encourage the students to make as many sentences as possible.

If I go to the zoo, I will have a good time there.

If I go to the zoo, I will go and see the monkey.

If I go to the zoo, I will learn more about the animals.

STEP 5 Completing the Part A2

Tell the students that Amy wants to go to Beijing Zoo. She is writing some sentences to tell her parents why she wants to go.

Students complete the Part A2, Page 65. Afterwards, get students to check in pairs. Read the sentence one by one to students and stop to explain the language points:

‘learn a lot about’, ‘see the feeding of animals’, ‘have fun’ and ‘enough + n’.

learn a lot about


He learns a lot about computers.


You must learn a lot about your country .

have fun (enjoy oneself/have a good time)

I will have fun there .

I will _______ _______ there .

I will _____ _____ _____ _____ there .


Enough + n. Adj. + enough

I have enough money in my bag . The table is big enough .

Do you have enough time ? The shirt is long enough .

enough to do sth.

他有足够多的书可以读。 他年龄够大了,可以照顾自己了。

He has enough books to read . He is old enough to look after himself .

STEP 6 Finishing off the exercises in Part A3

Say ‘Amy learned a lot about the animals in Beijing Zoo. Let’s see what she learned. Get the students to finish off the exercises in Part A3. Check the answers in pairs first and then check it in class.

Get students to read the dialogue in roles. Help them to get more information about animals.

Bear If a bear is in danger, it will attack people.

Polar bear If a polar bear is hungry, it will catch fishes from the water.

Elephants If elephants are thirsty, they will walk till they find a river

Tigers Tigers will hunt for their own food if they live in the wild.

Tigers will live as a family if they have babies.

Male wolves Male wolves will protect the families if there is danger.

Get students to guess the meaning of ‘attack’ and then get them to read and remember it.

STEP 7 Homework

Finish off the exercise in the books.


Teaching Goals

● To learn how to give reason(s) for something using ‘because’

● To learn to use ‘because of’ to give the reason(s) for something

● To make sure that the students can ask and answer reasoning questions

● To help less able students tell clauses of reason from nouns, noun phrases or pronouns

Teaching Procedures

STEP 1 Discussing the use of ‘because’

As we are going to discuss the use of ‘because’, the teacher may go to classroom one minute later after the bell. Then walk into the classroom quickly and say sorry to them for being late. Smile and ask ‘Do you want to ask me any questions?’ Students may ask, ‘Why are you late?’ Answer the students’ question and at the same time write the sentence patterns on the board.

I am late because ….

Get the students to talk about what they say to the teacher when they are late for school using the sentence pattern above.

I am late because my bike is broken.

I am late because I got up late.

I am late because I am ill.

I am late because my clock is broken.

Tell the students that they should be on time instead of finding excuses.

STEP 2 Telling about one’s favorite animal

Say ‘We should be kind to the animals, because they are our friends. Can you tell me about your favorite animal and why?’. Ask students to following the following sentence pattern.

I like________ because _________.

STEP 3 Asking questions

Say ‘You know, Amy went to go to Beijing Zoo. Ask Amy some questions according to the sentences here.’

1. I went to Beijing Zoo because I could learn a lot about animals there.

Why did you go to Beijing Zoo?

2. I arrived at noon because I wanted to see the feeding of the animals.

Why did you arrive at noon?

3. I tried to find the Monkey hill because I wanted to have fun there.

Why did you try to find the Monkey Hill?

4. I wanted to have more time because I wanted to watch the dolphin show.

Why did you want to have more time?

5. I watched the animals carefully because I wanted to get enough information for my report.

Why did you watch the animal carefully?

STEP 4 Completing the exercises ‘Questions about Beijing Zoo’

Tell the students that Daniel is asking Amy some questions about her visit to Beijing Zoo, too. Ask the students to complete the exercises ‘Questions about Beijing Zoo’. Do chain work and check the answers to the questions.

STEP 5 Analyzing sentences

Say ‘I planned to go to the zoo, too. But I didn’t because it rained heavily.’ Write the following sentences on the board.

I didn’t go to the zoo because the rain was very heavy.

I didn’t go to the zoo because of the heavy rain.

Get the students to analyze the two sentences and find out he differences between the use of ‘because+ clause’ and ‘because of+ a noun, pronoun or a noun phrase’.

STEP 6 Reading out the sample sentences

Get the students to read out the sample sentences. Then get the student to finish the exercises in Part C, Page 67. Check the answers.

STEP 7 Saying the answers in another way

Get the students to say the answers in another way using ‘because’.

1. All the people cheered because of the wonderful show.

All the people cheered because they enjoyed the wonderful show.

2. Lots of people knew about the show because of the advertisement on TV.

Lots of people knew about the show because they watched the advertisement on TV.

3. The dolphins were really tired because of the long performance.

The dolphins were really tired because they performed for a long time.

4. Some students couldn’t go to the show because of the exam next week.

Some students couldn’t go to the show because they would have an exam next week.

STEP 8 Doing some more practice

Using ‘because’ or ‘because of’ to complete the following sentences.

I didn’t go to the zoo because of the hot weather.

Many animals live in rainforests because there is lots of food.

Amy run the other way because she saw a snake.

Birds can fly very high because of their wings.

Snakes sleep for a long time in winter because it is cold.

I can’t go to the cinema with you because I have a lot of homework to do.

The ground is all wet because of the flood.

There was a flood because of the heavy rain.

There are trees on the road because of the strong wind.

The people are so sad because they have lost their farms

STEP 9 Completing the following passage

Get the students to complete the following passage. Get them back to the topic of the unit and keep thinking about how to help the animals.

Using ‘because’ or ‘because of’ to complete the passage.

We should do something to help the animals ___________ they are our friends. Now they are in danger __________ hunters kill them for their fur and meat. So they died __________ people. They have nowhere to live, __________ people cut down too many trees. Some of the animals can’t survive ____________ the changes to the climate (气候). We are going to do something to help ____________ we learned a lot about animals. _______________ animals, man lives a happier life on the earth.

STEP 10 Homework

Finish off the exercises in the Evaluation Handbook and Learning English.


Teaching Objectives

● To identify specific characteristics, appearance, abilities, eating habits and danger in the context of animals

● To develop students’ ability to infer meaning from context and key words

● To listen and develop the ability to extract information in order to complete two fact sheets

● To learn more about the endangered animals

Teaching Procedures

STEP 1 Showing the pictures of tigers and wolves

As we have learned a lot about animals in the unit, in this part we can directly come to the two animals we are going to talk about. Show the pictures of tigers and wolves one by one and encourage the students to speak out what they know about them.

STEP 2 Listening and completing

Get the students to listen and complete the fact sheets.

Appearance: the largest living cat (look like a cat), big and strong, bright eyes, yellow fur with black stripes.

Ability: can run fast, good at hunting other animals for food,

Character: usually they live alone, (if they have babies) live as a family until baby tigers are 2-3 years old.

Food: hunt other animal for food

Dangers: Hunters hunt them for their fur (to make clothes etc.) and bones (to make medicine)

Appearance: dog-like, not very big, gray fur (about 5-6 cm long)

Ability: very good eyesight, hearing and smell

Character: be friendly toward/ to each other, work as a team to hunt, never attack people, do not kill for fun

Food: animal, insects, snails, vegetables

Danger: loss of living areas, no home (have nowhere to live) , no food (have nothing to eat)

STEP 3 Explaining the bold-faced words and expression

Explain the bold-faced words and expressions above to the students. Pay special attention to: ‘yellow fur with black stripes’, ‘live alone’ ‘hunt…for…’ and ‘loss of the living areas’. It is important because students may need these to write or talk about tigers, wolves as well as other animals.

STEP 4 Talking about the two animals

Get the students to talk about the two animals looking at the two facts sheets. Encourage them students to start like this.

Tigers are the largest living cat in the world…..

Wolves are dog-like animals. They are not very big…..

STEP 5 Completing the letter in Part A2

Get the students to complete the letter in Part A2, Page 69.

First, let the students complete the passage by themselves.

Then, get the students to check the answers in pairs.

Afterwards, check the answers in class. The teacher can get two students to read out the facts about tigers and wolves, while the others correcting their answers.

Finally, get the students to read the passage aloud.

STEP 6 Underlining the important phrases

Invite the students to underline the important phrases by themselves. Explain some of the most important ones, like ’write to sb. about doing sth.’ and ‘made sth from sth.’.

STEP 7 Show the students some pictures of the animals we have leaned. Encourage them to talk about the animals. They can talk about their appearance, ability, character, food and danger.

Encourage them to ask more people to help protect the animals.

STEP 8 Doing some translation work

1. 由于生存区域的丧失,狼无家可归。Wolves have nowhere because of the loss of living areas.

2. 如果你们想赢得比赛,你们应该协作无间。If you want to win the match, you should work as a team.

3. 老虎如果有了虎仔,他们会以家为群。If tigers have babies, they will live as a family.

4. 人们为虎骨而屠杀老虎,并用虎骨制药。 People kill tigers for their bones. They make medicine from the bones.

5. 老虎是现存最大的猫科动物。他们有黄黑相间的皮毛。 Tigers are the largest living cat in the world. They have yellow fur with black stripes.

6. 狼群和睦相处并且从不伤人。Wolves are friendly towards each other and never attack people.

7. 给您写信谈谈关于保护动物的事。 I am writing to you about protecting the animals.

8. 如果人们砍伐掉森林,那么很快动物们将无处容身、无食可吃。

9. If people cut down the forests,soon animals will have nowhere to live and nothing to eat.

10. 狼从不捕杀为乐,他们只为食物而捕杀动物。 Wolves only kill for food, not for fun. / Wolves only kill for food and never kill for fun.

11. 老虎善于奔跑和捕杀其他动物。Tigers are good at running and hunting other animals.

STEP 9 Homework

a. Organize the information in the two fact sheets into two passages about tigers and wolves.

b. Find another endangered animal and write about it.

c. Finish off the exercises in the Evaluation Handbook and Learning English.


Teaching Objectives

● To learn to express one’s own ideas clearly and response to others’ opinion about animals protecting

● To learn to use factual information to support their own opinions and make their opinion more persuasive

● To learn to identify the intonation patterns in conditional sentences

Teaching Procedures

STEP 1 Showing students some pictures of animal products

Show students some pictures of animal products, for example hats made of fur, scarves made of fur, coats made of fur or skin, things made of elephants’ tusks.

Why do hunters hunt the animals?

Because they want to make money.

Why can they make money?

Because people are buying a lot of things made of animal fur or other things.

Get the students to think that what will the world be like if no one buy the things made of animal fur.

Do you think it is right to buy things made of animal fur?

We should ask more people not to buy things made of animal fur.

STEP 2 Playing the tape

Millie is doing so, she is asking her mum not to buy clothes made of animal fur. Play the tape for the students to listen and answer the following question.

What does Millie’s mum think about it?

If I don’t buy them, someone else will buy them.

Invite the students to open their books and read the dialogue and then find out the answer to the questions:

What does Millie think about it?

Many animals lose their lives because people buy furs. I don’t think that’s right. People should protect animals. If no one buys furs, then people won’t kill wild animals any more.

Get the students to read the dialogue fluently. For stronger classes, the teacher can give the students some time to practice and remember the dialogue. Then get them to act the dialogue. For weaker classes, play the tape and pause one sentence by another for the students to repeat. Explain carefully some of the key points here.

1. They (The coats) look lovely on me. VS She looks lovely in the coat.

2. Many animals lose their lives because people buy furs.

3. Someone else will buy them.

4. If no one buys furs, then people won’t kill wild animals any more.

STEP 3 Acting dialogues out

Say ‘Animals lose their lives, because people buy animal furs. Animals lose their lives, because people eat their meat, too. For example, some people eat snakes in restaurants and others may drink wine with tiger bones inside. Do you think it is right? Make up a new dialogue to talk about it. Work in pairs, one student tries to ask the other not to eat animals/ do other things bad to animals.’

Give the students 4-5 minutes to prepare, then get some pair to act their dialogues out.

STEP 4 Reading aloud sentences

After the students finish their dialogues write the following sentences on the board and get them to read it paying attention to the intonation patterns.

If people don’t buy animal furs any more, no animals will lose their lives.

If people don’t kill wild animals for food, no animals will die any more.

Get the students to focus on the intonations. The teacher reads the sentences and gets the students to repeat. While reading the sentences, draw rising and falling arrows to show the intonation patterns.

Get the students to read the sentences for more times until most of the students can read them in a appropriate intonation patterns.

STEP 5 Listening to Simon’s report

Get the students to open their books to Page 70. Play the tape for the students to listen to Simon’s report on wolves. Pause the tape for the students to repeat focusing on the intonations patterns.

Do chain work and get the students to read the sentences one by one.

STEP 6 Explaining some of the sentences

As this is a passage about wolves, we can collect more information here. It is necessary to explain some of the sentences:

1. Wolves won’t survive if we don’t give them good areas of forests to live in.

2. If we continue to destroy forests to build roads, they won’t have suitable homes.

3. If farmers continue to make new farmland from forest, wild animals won’t get enough food.

STEP 7 Getting the students to fill in the blanks

Wolves are dog-like animals. They are not very big. Usually they have grey fur. It is about 5-6 centimeters long.

Wolves have very good eyesight, hearing and smell. In the wild, they live in family groups and hunt together. They work well as a team and never kill for fun. They are friendly towards each other and never attack people.

They have a very healthy eating, too. They eat animals, insects, snail and vegetables.

However, wolves are now in danger. People continue to destroy forests to build roads. Farmers continue to make farmland from forests. If this continues, wolves will soon have no suitable homes and can’t get enough food.

Wolves won’t survive if we don’t give them good areas of forest to live in. So let’s do something to protect them.

STEP 8 Talking about the animals

Show a picture of an elephant and get the students to talk about the animals. (They have learned about elephants in Book 7B.) Encourage them to talk about he five aspects: Appearance, Ability, Character, Food and Danger.

STEP 9 Reading Millie’s report

Get the students to read Millie’s report and pay special attention to the intonation patterns. Play the tape for the students to follow and repeat.

Explain some of the sentences to them.

1. Hunters will make a lot of money if they sell elephants’ tusks.

2. Elephants will help farmers do lots of things if people train them.

STEP 6 Homework

a. Write a short passage about the biggest animal on land.

b. Finish off the exercises in the Evaluation Handbook and Learning English.


Teaching Objectives

● To learn to organize and present factual information in a report

● To learn to express one’s own opinion about animals in danger

● To do something for the animals in danger

Teaching Procedures

STEP 1 Introducing our friends---animals

Introduce our friends---animals. (This activity can be organized after Period 6. Get 2-3 students to introduce the animals we have already learned. Encourage the students to use the first person to talk about the animals. Tell them to talk about the five aspects: appearance, ability, character, food and danger. )

STEP 2 Describing the animals新课 标第 一网

Describing the animals. Show more pictures of different kinds of animals and invite the students to describe them (Mainly about appearance, encourage the students to include as much information as possible.).

STEP 3 Showing a picture of a giant panda

Show a picture of a giant panda. Get students to describe it.

Get the students to talk about baby giant pandas, too. Ask the students two questions:

1. How many babies do mother giant pandas have at a time?

2. How many giant pandas are there in the world now? Get the students to guess and at the same time write their guesses on the board.

STEP 4 Finding the answers

Play the tape for the students to find the answers to the two questions. Check the answers. Praise the students who get the closer answer.

STEP 5 Completing the following table

Say ‘ Pandas are in danger. Let’s get to know more about them and try to help.’ Invite the students to read the report on Page 71 and try to complete the following table.


Appearance beautiful black and white;

look like a bear/a white mouse(be born)

Character quiet and peaceful

Lifestyle eat bamboo shoots and leaves; never eat meat/drink mum’s milk; have one or two babies at a time

Dangers Farmers keep taking their land; have nowhere to live;

hunters hunt them for their fur

Actions write to newspapers and magazines;

let more people know about the problems;

ask people to do something to help

There are some wonderful sentences patterns in the passage. Direct the students’ attention to them.

1. Baby giant pandas spend a lot of time drinking their mum’s milk --- up to 14 hours a day.

2. Mother giant pandas have only one or two babies at a time.

3. If farmers keep taking the land, giant pandas will have nowhere to live.

STEP 6 Talking about giant pandas

Get the students to talk about giant pandas, looking at the table above. (It is very clear that the table also shows how to write about the animal. The students may try to imitate.)

STEP 7 Show the students a picture of a bear

Get the students to describe it, before they open their books to read about it. Encourage the students to talk as much as possible about it (appearance, ability, character, food and danger).

STEP 8 Show the students the following table

Show the students the following table. And ask them to complete it by reading the table on Page 72.


Appearance big and strong; small eyes/black or brown, fur/sharp paws

Character like to move around in the daytime; seldom hurt people

Ability can walk upright; good at swimming and climbing trees

Danger hunters hunt them for their fur and paws; no bears in the world

STEP 9 Completing the report about the bears

Invite the students to complete the report about the bears. Then get the students to check the answers in pairs. Then check it in class.

Get the students to read aloud the passage.

STEP 10 Figuring out the way of writing an article

Divide the students into groups of 4-5. Get the students to figure out the way of writing such an article.

First, get the students to work out the notes.

Then, get the students to report orally in class.

Remind the students to think of more way to help the animals in danger.

STEP 11 Making a summary. Tell the students that wild animals are our friends. We must do something to protect them.

STEP 12 Homework

a. Write about a kind of endangered animals.

b. Finish off the exercise in the Evaluation Handbook and Learning English.


Teaching Objectives

● To learn to use conditional sentences to talk about topics related to animals

● To revise the vocabulary related to wild animals

● To go over the whole unit and help the students to have some general ideas about what they learned in the unit

Teaching Procedures

STEP 1 Starting the lessons with some riddles

Start the lessons with some riddles. And get the students to guess what animal it is.

1. I am very tall. I eat leaves on trees. I have only seven bones in my long neck. My tongue can touch my ears. Who am I? (A giraffe.)

2. I am very tall. I live in dry places. I can help people to carry heavy things. Each of our eyes has three eyelids. I can walk very fast in deserts without having water for a long time. Who am I? (A camel.)

3. I have very soft bodies. I carry my home everywhere. When somebody touches me, my neck, my arms and my tail will draw back into my home. I like eating fish, shrimp, meat and so on. I can live up to 150 years old. Who am I? (A tortoise.)

4. I live in a place that always has snow and ice. My fur is white and thick. Fish are my favorite thing to eat. To walk in the snow, I need big feet. In winter, I sleep all day and night. I’m big and strong and I like to fight. My babies are called cubs and when they’re young they are small. But they soon grow up and become very tall! Who am I? (A polar bear.)

5. I live in the forest. I have a big nose, a long tail and four strong legs. I like to eat meat and I have sharp teeth. My fur is orange and black. If you meet me in the forest, you should run away! Some hunters hunt me for my fur and bones. Who am I? (A tiger.)

6. I am very fat. My fur is black and white. I look like a bear but I am not a bear. When I was born, I was as little as a mouse. Many people think I am lovely. I like eating bamboo shoots and leaves. I am the national animal in China.

Who am I? (A giant panda.)

STEP 2 Talking about the growth of giant pandas

As the riddle elicited giant pandas, get the students to talk about the growth of giant pandas. (at birth, 10 days old, 4 months old, 6 months, 8 months, 12 months, 20 months)

STEP 3 Eliciting the conditional sentences

Elicit the conditional sentences by getting the students to talk about ‘What may happen to them if…?’. Show the first part of a conditional sentence and get the students to complete it.

If mother panda has another baby, the older baby will have to look after herself.

If mother panda doesn’t like the baby and leaves her on her own, she will die.

If farmers cut down trees and forests, giant pandas will have nowhere to live.

If hunters catch a giant panda, they will kill it for its fur.

If people find baby pandas alone, they will take them away because they think that the babies need help.

If giant pandas are in danger, we can do a lot of things to protect them.

STEP 4 Giving more information about giant panda or other wild animals

Say ‘Can you tell me some more information about pandas or other wild animals?’ and get the students to give more information about giant panda or other wild animals.

Tigers are the l________ living cats in the world. They look very big and s________. They have the brightest e________ of all animals on earth. If you meet one tiger at night, you will find ‘two lights’ shining. They have yellow f________ and black s__________. The tigers look very beautiful in such a kind of coat. They can run very f_________, so they are good at h___________ other animals.

Wolves are not very big and their g________ fur is very lovely. It’s five to six centimeters long. They have very good e________, h________ and s______ too. They are very friendly to each other. They often work as a t______. They eat all kinds of animals. They also eat i________ and snails. Usually, they do not a_____ people. For years a Canadian newspaper says that a wolf had attacked a person. But n______ could make sure of it.

(Five kinds of animals are very important in the unit. You’d better talk about it using

STEP 5 Talking about other animal using conditional sentences

Get the students to talk about other animal using conditional sentences.

If giant pandas have no food, they will die.

If a bear is in danger, it will attack people.

If a polar bear is hungry, it will catch fish from the water.

If elephants are thirsty, they will walk until they find a river.

If there is danger, male wolves will protect their family.

If tigers live in the wild, they will hunt for their own food.

If tigers have babies, they will live as a family.

If wolves are in the wild, they will live in family groups.

If wolves are hungry, they will hunt together.

Get the students to complete Part A & B, Page 73. Then check the answers.

STEP 6 Talking about panda protection

Get the students to talk about what we have done to protect the giant pandas.

Make giant panda reserves bigger

Build more reserves

Encourage farmers to leave the giant panda reserves (to give them enough space to live in)

Encourage the students to think about what a middle school student can do to help.

STEP 7 Thinking of ways to protect endangered animals

Say ‘Not only pandas, but also many other animals are in danger. Can you tell me what they are?’ and then get them to think of ways to protect endangered animals.

STEP 8 Doing some additional exercises

Get the students to do some additional exercises.

A. Please complete the following sentences with the proper forms of the given words.

1. I _______ (join) the Singing Club tomorrow if you _______ (join) it too.

2. He _______ (be) a top student in his class if he _______ (study) harder.

3. If we ______ (win) in the basketball match tonight, we _______ (be) in the final.

1. If I ______ (see) two students fighting, I ______ (try) to stop them.

B. Please translate the following sentences

1. 我们需要采取措施保护处于危险中的动物。

We need to __________ to protect ___________________.

2. 如果农民继续开发新的耕地,野生动物将没有足够的食物和空间。

If farmers continue________________, wild animals _____________________.

3. 熊猫妈妈一次只能生一到两个宝宝。

Mother giant pandas __________________ at a time.

4. 熊长着黑色或棕色的皮毛、锋利的爪子。

Bears have __________________ and ___________.

STEP 9 Homework

a. Revise the whole unit and get ready for the coming test.

b. Finish off the exercise in the Evaluation Handbook and Learning English.

An Earthquake in Sichuan(牛津8A配套教学)(译林牛津版八年级英语上册教案教学设计 篇5

苏州市十六中学 周红兰



1.教材内容 (牛津初中英语8A Unit 6 8BUnit 5&6)


8A Unit6讲述了发生地震和暴风雪等自然灾害后当地人们如何从容应对,相互帮助,共渡难关。8B Unit 5&6介绍了一些慈善机构和组织以及它们的职能。笔者对这三个单元进行有机的串联与整和,同时还注重把学生所需要的语言环境和背景知识渗透在整个过程中。重新设计写作任务,要求学生学会写记叙文说明文倡议书等,自然承接,深化话题,进而增强学生呼吁他人帮助受灾群众的社会责任感;激发学生的爱国爱民之情;增加对自然灾害的认识和防范。


1 知识目标


词汇:fire, earthquake, flood, rainstorm, snowstorm, typhoon, sandstorm, donate to, raise … for等

句型:Thank you for…; It’s … for sb to do sth; I’m asking you to …;

I’m wondering if …; I hope that …等

2 能力目标



3 情感和价值观目标



1 复习相关的词组和短语

2 根据文字提供的信息写一篇有关的文章


1 如何写出语意连贯及结构完整的短文

2 如何把握写作中的时态、语态;语气和情感


Step 1 Lead in

Read some newspaper headlines and watch some pictures about the earthquake that happened in Sichuan , then talk about the pictures and review the expressions and phrases:

survive the earthquake kill thousands of people feel a shaking through my body

look at each other in fear run in all directions

pieces of glass and bricks fall down begin to come down

be trapped in calm down shout/scream for help

stay alive be in a great hurry move away the bricks and stones

operate on the PLA men soliders/social workers

give out food and clean drinking water volunteers/do some voluntary work

government officials support teams team spirit

be grateful to carry on with send donations to

without meals or sleep with tired bodies group themselves into a team of four

mourn the death of sb have support from businesses



Step 2 Discuss: 1. What should we do if an earthquake happens to us?

2. What can we do to help the survivors?


Step1 和Step2是Pre-writing阶段,是语言和内容的输入,输入阶段可以是听一段材料,阅读一篇文章,也可以是让学生看图说话等。教师可以在写作之前组织学生围绕写作的话题展开讨论,让他们能言之有物。在这部分教师可以启发学生讨论如果大地震来临我们如何脱险、如何减少伤害或伤亡。适时地进行“事先预防教育”、“事中处理教育”、“事后化解教育”。让孩子进行自我保护的教育。

Step 3 Teach how to wrote an article and ask them to write one, supposing they are victims, survivors , volunteers, doctors or the reporters in quake zones. And ask them to pay attention to the writing tones, capitalization, usage, punctuation, and spelling.

1) choose the topic

2) choose materials

3) make a list

4) start to write

A terrible earthquake happened in Sichuan. / There was a terrible earthquake in Sichuan.

The houses and buildings fell down and the survivors were homeless.

He lost family members and relatives and he was very sad.

Premier Wen was in a great hurry to the quake zones .

The PLA men hurried to the quake zones.

They were searching for the survivors.

She was trapped in the bricks and stones and the volunteers were trying to save her.

The soldiers were carrying the victims on their backs.

A little baby was saved.

They were having a break.

The doctors were performing an operation.

They were marching across the stones and bricks and carrying the victims.

The chairman of our country was comforting a child without parents.

The nurse was encouraging the girl not to give up hope.

They were supporting each other.

The support team members were mourning the death of a mother and her daughter.

The goods from foreign countries arrived.

A new couple were donating blood.

The children were donating their pocket money.

A beggar was donating money .

All the Chinese people were mourning the loss of more than 7 million of people.

The volunteers were giving out the food and clean drinking water.

The people in quake zones were grateful to the PLA men and the government.

Luckily, we can rebuild a better world.

The social workers were encouraging the children to cheer up.

There was delightful smile on the girl’s face again.


在while-writing 阶段,教师的主要任务是分解写作任务,创设写作情景,提供必要的词汇或句子结构等方面的帮助。因为本节课的内容是关于抗震救灾的,教师可以从网上下载一些汶川大地震的图片,要求学生根据所看到的内容以及刚复习到的词组给每幅图片配上必要的文字说明。这一部分相对简单一些,只要学生注意每幅图的时态、语态和单、复数就可以了。实际上这一部分的难度就相当于中文翻译成英文。接着要求学生身临其境以各种身份写一篇文章。他们的身份可以是灾区的受害者、记者、解放军战士、志愿者或前往救援的医生、心理医生或社会工作者等。这一部分相对前一部分来说难一些,要求学生注意体裁的选择,内容的组织和安排以及语言的恰当使用等问题。把讨论中和本节课中所复习的词汇和知识要点运用于写作实践,从而在充分的语言输入后实现有效的输出。

Step 4 Discuss & correct their articles


在Post-writing阶段,教师应先呈现习作的评价标准,分别从content/structure/language usage/ mechanical skills等几方面进行自我修正和评价。接着教师引导学生自我欣赏与相互欣赏,自我修正与相互修正,自我提高与相互提高。作品的第一鉴赏者和评价者应该是作者本人,学生完成写作后,教师应要求自己读一遍,在朗读过程中找出习作的优点和不足。在自我欣赏和修正之后,老师鼓励同桌或学习小组成员之间相互欣赏与修正;最后请几个同学到台上展示自己的作品,或叫相对写作水平较好的同学把他们的习作写在黑板上,让同学们一起修正,老师要注意从欣赏的角度来点评学生的习作,尽量避免叫基础差的同学,要照顾他们的自尊心。这样做的话也可以给基础较差同学提供范文。


An Earthquake in Sichuan

survive the earthquake kill thousands of people feel a shaking through my body

look at each other in fear run in all directions

pieces of glass and bricks fall down begin to come down

be trapped in calm down shout/scream for help

stay alive be in a great hurry move away the bricks and stones

operate on the PLA men solider workers

give out food and clean drinking water volunteers/do some voluntary work

government officials support teams team spirit

be grateful to carry on with send donations to

without meals or sleep with tired bodies group themselves into a team of four







1.许少秋 “高中课型课例交流与研究” 《中小学外语教学》 第5期

2. 石锡伍 “利用教材资源开展写作训练的策略” 《中小学外语教学》 2008第5期


牛津8B unit2 教案教学设计(译林牛津版英语八年级 篇6

Unit 2 Travelling

Welcome to the unit

Teaching aims:

1. To know foreign city famous tourist resorts and popular attractions.

2. Be familiar with the scenic spot and the country.

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Warming up

Do you like travelling?

Do you know any famous tourist attractions in Yancheng?

Step 2 Comic strip

Look, listen and answer the questions.

1. Is Eddie happy in the first picture? Why?

2. Where is Eddie going?

3. Does Eddie want to go too?

4. What does Hobo want to bring?

5. Does Eddie feel happy at last? Why?

Step 3 Explanation

I don’t think it’ll be a holiday for me.


这是个否定前移的句子,主句中的否定词实际是否定了从句中的内容。当主句含有I think, I believe等词语时,通常否定前移。

e.g. I don’t think it is a good idea. 我认为那不是个好主意。

Step 4 Let students look at the picture then act the dialogue out.

Step 5 Welcome the unit

If you have a chance (机会) to travel abroad (出国旅游), where will you go?

Then show some pictures about some popular attractions in foreign Countries:

the Great Wall

the Leaning Tower of Pisa

the Little Mermaid

the Statue of Liberty

the Sydney Opera House

Tower Bridge

Step 6 Read and guess

1. It is the longest wall in the world.

2. It is a present from French people. It stands for Liberty.

3. It sounds like pizza. It is leaning. It may fall down some day.

4. The girl has a fish’s tail instead of legs.

5. It is the busiest performing arts centre in the world.

6. It is a large bridge over the River Thames in London. It has twin towers.

Step 7 Work in pairs

Work in Part B.

A: What’s this, Millie?

B: It’s the Little Mermaid.

A: Where is it?

B: It’s in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark.

A: What’s special about it?

B: It comes from the story by Hans Christian Andersen.

A: Have you ever been there? B: No, I haven’t.

Step 8 Do some exercises

Step 9 Homework

1. Prepare a fact file and write about one of your holidays.

2. Preview the new words in Reading.

Reading I

Teaching aims:

Let the students know Kitty tour of Hong Kong Disneyland’s observations and activities.

Let students talk about tourist in vocabulary.

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Review

Look at some pictures and say something about them.

e.g. the Leaning Tower of Pisa

the Statue of Liberty

Mount Fuji

the Little Mermaid

Tower Bridge

Step 2 Free talk

1. What places of interest have you visited in China?

2. Have you ever been to Hong Kong?

Step 3 Watch a video about Hong Kong Disneyland.

Step 4 Ask students to read together.

Step 5 Present some pictures about Hong Kong Disneyland.

Step 6 Let students read the letter and answer the questions.

1. Who visited Disneyland?

2. How long did they stay in Disneyland?

Step 7 Work on B1

Kitty is back in Sunshine Town. Amy is asking Kitty about her trip. Help Kitty answer Amy’s questions.

Amy: Who did you go to Hong Kong with?

Kitty: I went there with ___________.

Amy: Where did you go during your stay there?

Kitty: We went to ____________________.

Amy: How did you get there?

Kitty: We got there ___________________.

Amy: How long did you stay in the park?

Kitty: We stayed there for ___________.

Amy: Did you enjoy yourselves there?

Kitty: Sure. We had _______________.

Step 8 Work on B2

After talking with Kitty, Amy is making notes of how Kitty spent her day at Disneyland. Help Amy complete the notes below.

A day at Disneyland

Had fun on ______________

Hurried to have a __________ and met Disney _________________ on the way

Watched a _______ of Disney characters

Watched a __________

Did some ___________

Watched ____________ in front of the castle

Step 9 Work on B3

Kitty is showing Amy her photos the other day. Complete their conversation with the words in Kitty’s letter on pages 22 and 23.

Kitty: I took lots of photos at Hong Kong Disneyland, Amy.

Amy: Oh, let me have a look. Is that Mickey Mouse?

Kitty: Yes. He looked so _____.

Amy: What’s in this photo?

Kitty: It’s Space Mountain, an ______ roller coaster. It moved at high ______ and we were __________ and laughing through the ____.

Amy: What do you think was the best part of the day?

Kitty: I think the parade of Disney __________ was really wonderful.

Amy: Was the film in the park interesting?

Kitty: Yes. The 4-D film was like _______.We could even smell the apple ____.

Amy: Did you go shopping there?

Kitty: Yes. I bought ___________ key rings. Here’s one for you.

Amy: It’s nice. Thank you.

Step 10 Work on B4

Kitty had a good time at Hong Kong Disneyland. Find the sentences in her letter that show her happiness.

We’re having a fantastic time here.

First, we had fun on Space Mountain – an indoor roller coaster in the dark.

It moved at high speed and was really exciting!

We were screaming and laughing through the ride.

It was the best part of the day.

I ran after them and couldn’t stop taking photos.

Step 11 Homework

Ask students read the article after class.

Reading II

Teaching aims:

1. To know and master some useful words/sentences/phrases.

2. To know the meaning of passage.

3. To learn more about the world and protect the environment.

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Revision

Review Kitty’s trip.

Kitty did a lot of things at Hong Kong Disneyland. She did different things at different time. Let’s complete the table about her trip.

Step 2 Language points

1. I miss you so much!

miss vt. 想念,思念

e.g. Amy misses her grandparents very much.



e.g. Kitty was sad because she missed her train.


I don't want to miss seeing that film on television tonight.



e.g. Miss Smith is a popular writer.


2. We’re having a fantastic time here.

fantastic adj. 极好的,美妙的

e.g. We watched a fantastic play yesterday evening.


have a fantastic time 过得愉快,玩的高 兴 = have a good time = enjoy oneself = have fun

3. Today we spent the whole day at Disneyland.

the whole day 一整天 = all the day

e.g. They spent the whole day wandering about seeing the sights.


4. It moved at high speed and was really exciting!

at high speed意为“快速地, 非常快地”, 其中的speed为名词, 意为“速度”, at speed与at high speed意思相同。

e.g. He drives the car at (high) speed in the road.


at a speed of ...也是一个常见的短语, 表示“以……的速度”。

e.g. The train is travelling at a speed of sixty miles an hour.


5. We were screaming and laughing through the ride.

1) through是介词, 可它的意思不再是我们以前学过的“从……通过,穿过”, 而是“从(某事)的开始到结束, 从头到尾”的意思。

e.g. The nurse looked after the old man through his long illness.

这个老人病了很长时间, 这个护士一直在照顾他。

2) ride n.

可数名词, 意为“乘坐, 搭乘; (乘车或骑车的)短途旅程, 旅行”, 有时也可指“距离”。

e.g. Can I have a ride on your bike?


6. …such as Snow White and Mickey Mouse.

such as 例如

such as和for example都有“例如”的意思,但是它们的用法有所不同。

such as常用来列举同类人或事物中的多个例子。

e.g. I like animals, such as dogs, bears and pandas.


for example一般只以同类人或事物中的“一个”为例。

e.g. He has ever been to many countries, for example, Australia.


选用such as或for example填空。

1) John likes many sports, ____________, basketball.

2) She can say many languages, __________ Chinese, Italian and Russian.

7. I ran after them and couldn’t stop taking photos.

run after 跟着跑,追逐

e.g. Look, the dog is running after the rabbit.


cannot stop doing something 忍不住一直做某事

e.g. We could not stop laughing when we watched Tom and Jerry.


8. I bought a couple of king rings for classmates.

a couple of 可以表示不确定的“几个”。

e.g. a couple of minutes 几分钟

短语 a couple of也可以表示“两个”

e.g. I saw a couple of men get out.


9. Hope you’ve enjoyed yourself there.


这是一个省略句,省略了主语I,完整的句子是 I hope(that) you’ve enjoyed

yourself there!


e.g. Hope to here from you.


Step 3 Do some exercises.

Step 4 Homework.

Recite the new words, phrase and sentence patterns in Reading.


Teaching aims:

1.掌握“have/has been to” 和 “have/has gone to”的用法。


Teaching steps:

Step 1 Revision

Answer the questions.

1. Where has Kitty been?

2. How did she feel on Space Mountain?

3. What were they doing through the ride?

4. What did she meet on the way to the restaurant?

5. What was the best part of her day?

6. What did they do after the parade?

7. Did she buy any gifts?

8. When did they watch the fireworks?

Step 2 Study Grammar A: Using have/has been 和 have/has gone

We use have/has been to express the idea that someone went to a place and has already come back. It refers to an experience.

e.g. Mille and Amy have been to South Hill. They want to go there again.

Sandy has never been to South Hill. She wants to go with them.

We use have/has gone to express the idea that someone went to a place but has not yet returned.

e.g. Kitty and her family have gone to Hong Kong. They will come back next week.

Suzy is not at home at the moment.

She has gone to the bookshop.

Step 3 Summary

have/has been和have/has gone的用法


① I have been to America many times. It’s really a modern city.

② Millie has gone to America with her family. I hope they have a great time



通过分析上面两个例句, 你能得出什么结论呢?

___________ 表示曾经去过某地, 已经回来; 而 ___________表示说话时已经去了某地, 可能在途中, 也可能到达目的地。

③ Have you ever been to the supermarket to buy grapes?

④ Minnie and her father have been to the supermarket to buy grapes twice this


⑤ Minnie and her father have gone to the supermarket to buy grapes.


通过分析上面三个例句, 你能得出什么结论呢?

含 ___________ 的句子中可以加 once, twice, ever, never等时间状语; 而含 ____________ 的句子中不能加此类时间状语。


综合分析上面五个例句, 你还能得出什么结论呢?

含 ___________ 的句子中主语的人称一般为第三人称形式; 而含 ___________ 的句子中对主语的人称没有限制。

Step 4 Practice

Finish the exercises on pages 26 & 27.

A1 The Class 1, Grade 8 students are talking about their classmates and families. Help them complete the sentences with have/has been or have/has gone.

1. Millie isn’t here. She _________ to the library.

2. Peter and Simon ____ just _____ to the library. They borrowed some interesting books.

3. My cousin __________ to Xi’an twice.

4. My parents __________ to Xi’an and they’ll stay there for a week.

5. Daniel won’t be with us at the party. He _________ to Shanghai.

A2. Daniel and Millie are chatting. Complete their conversation. Use the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

Daniel: I haven’t seen Mr Wu for days. Where ____ he _____(go)?

Millie: He __________ (go) to Tianjin to attend a meeting.

Daniel: _____ you _____ (be) anywhere recently?

Millie: Yes, I __________ to Hainan with my parents.

Daniel: Oh, that’s great! ______ you ______ to Sanya?

Millie: Sure, we _________(be) to the beach there. Look at these photos.

Daniel: The beach is beautiful. I see Andy playing on the sand too.

Millie: Yes, We went there with his family.

Daniel: I see. By the way, shall we invite Andy to go for a picomic tomorrow?

Millie: Andy isn’t here this weekend. He and his parents __________(go) to countryside. They’ll be back tomorrow afternoon.

Step 5 Study Grammar B: Verbs with for and since

We use for when we talk about a period of time, and we use since when we talk about a time point in the past.

e.g. Mr Dong has lived here for many years.

Mr Dong has lived her since he was born.

Some verbs, such as come, go, buy and leave, can be used in the present perfect sense, but they cannot be used with for or since in positive statements.

Step 6 Summary


现在完成时表示动作或状态从过去某一时刻开始, 一直持续到现在, 多与“since +点时间”或“for +段时间”连用。for表示“经过(一段时间)”, 而since表示“自从(……以来)”。


for + 表示一段时间的状语

一段时间+ ago

since +表示过去的某一时间点


e.g. He has lived here for 16 years.


He has lived here since 16 years ago.


He has lived here since 1991.


He has lived here since he was born.


If we want to express a continuous state, we can use another way like this.

Verb Used for a continuous state Example

begin/start have/has been on

The film has been on for 20 minutes.


have/has been over The parade has been over for hours.


have/has been in/at

Kitty has been in Hongkong for two days.


have/has been away

She has been away from home since last Tuesday.


have/has kept

She has kept this book since last week.


have/has been in

have/has been a member of

Simon has been a member of the Football Club since last year.


have/has been married They have been married for 15 years.


have/has been dead

The fish have been dead for some time.

Step 7 Practice

Kitty is telling Millie about her holiday in Hong Kong on the phone. Complete what she says with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

My parents and I _________(arrive) in Hong Kong on the first day of the winter holiday. We _________(be) here for three days.

I __________(borrow) a book about Hong Kong a week ago. It’s very useful. I ____ ____ (keep) it with me for a few days. It helps me learn more about Hong Kong.

Now it’s noon and we’re in Ocean Park. The first dolphin show ______(begin) at 11:30 a.m. It ________(be) on for about half an hour. The show is really exciting.

Step 8 Do some exercises.

I. 慧眼识错。

1. I have borrowed the book for 3 months.

2. My bother has joined the army since he was 18.

3. Jack and Tom have lived here since 5 years.

4. The film has been on since I have come to the cinema.

5. When has Mr. Li caught a bad cold?

6. His grandfather has been died for two years.

7. Jim has gone to Beijing for ten years.

8. What time have the factory opened?

9. I have gone to Chunhua Middle School twice.

II. 同义句转换。

1. The class was over ten minutes ago.

The class _____________ for ten minutes.

2. His grandpa died in .

His grandpa ______________ for ten years.

3. The exhibition has been on for three


The exhibition ____________ three days ago.

4. My parents got married 25 years ago.

My parents __________________

since 25 years ago.

5. I bought the MP3 last week.

I __________ the MP3 for a week.

6. Kitty joined the Reading Club last year.

Kitty _____________________ the Reading Club since last year.

III. 翻译下列句子。

1. 这些日子你去哪里了?

2. 我父亲已经去上海出差了。

3. 他离开家已经了。

4. 篮球赛已经开始15分钟了。

5. 20分钟前会议就已经结束了。

6. 我两年前来到了这个学校。

7. 她已经到达公司半个小时了。

8. A: Tony曾经去过法国吗?B: 是的。

A: 他去过埃菲尔铁塔吗? B: 没有。

9. A: 我昨天没看见你。你去哪儿了?

B: 我去电影院了。

A: 你什么时候去电影院的?

B: 昨天下午。

10. A: 你爸爸去哪儿了?

B: 他去美国了。他下周回来。

11. A: 他们去印度了吗?

B: 不,没有。他们明天走。

Step 9 Homework

1. 复习for和since的用法。

2. 复习延续性动词和非延续性动词的用法。

Integrated skills

Teaching aims:

1. By reading and listening to obtain useful information

2. Can ask and answer questions about travel

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Revision

Translate some sentences.

1. 小名参军半年了。

Xiao Ming has been a soldier for half a year.

2. 我们上了8年学了。

We have been students for eight years.

3. 下课10分钟了。

The class has been over for ten minutes.

4. 电影开始了一小时了。

The film has been on for an hour.

5. 门打开半小时了。

The door has been open for half an hour.

Step 2 New words

beautyseaside theme park sailing view except

mountain business direct flight on business

Step 3 Free talk

Have you ever travelled to any places in China?

What did you do there?

Step 4 Listen to the tape and answer A1.

The Class 1, Great 8 students are talking about the kinds of places they like best. Listen to their conversation and match the students with the places. Write the correct letter in each box.

Places for travelling

a. Chinese gardens1. Kitty

b. Museums 2. Simon

c. Places of natural beauty3. Sandy

d. Seaside cities 4. Daniel

e. Theme parks 5. Millie

Step 5 Make sentences use the information in A1.

Kitty likes to go….

Millie wants to go…

Step 6 Ask students talk with classmates

What is important when you plan your holiday?

Step 7 Listen to the tape finish A2.

The students are listening to a radio programme about the best time to visit some places in China. Put a tick (√) in the correct boxes.

Places to go Spring Summer Autumn Winter


gardens Suzhou,


Museums Beijing,


Places of natural beauty Mount Huang,


Seaside cities Dalian,


Theme parks Shenzhen,

Hong Kong

Step 8 Finish part A3 together.

Amy wants to give her classmates some advice on travelling in China. Help her complete her notes. Use the information in Parts A1 and A2 to help you.

Places to go in China

Kitty likes ___________, such as the Window of the world in Shenzhen or____________ Disneyland. She can go there all year round.

Simon loves water sports, such as sailing. He thinks it is great fun. He can visit a seaside city like ______ or Qingdao this ________.

Sandy likes places of ______________, like Mount Huang or Jiuzhaigou. She can go there in any season except _______. The views there in winter may be wonderful, but it is dangerous to climb the mountains or hills on cold and snowy days.

Daniel likes ________________. He can visit Suzhou or Yangzhou. The best time to go there is in spring or________. There may be some rain, but the weather is usually nice at that time of year.

Millie likes _________. She can go to Beijing or Xi’an. She can visit museums in any season.

Step 9 Pair work

Work in pairs. Talk about your travelling.

A: Where did you go last summer?

B: I went to …

A: What did you do there?

B: I went… I had a fantastic time.

Step 10 Written task

Your foreign friend wants to visit Suzhou, please give him some advice.

Speak up and Study skills

Teaching aims:

1. Students can ask and answer about the travel information.

2. Students can use main points and details to write an article.

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Free talk

Travelling is very interesting. May Day is coming and it’s a good season for travelling. Amy will go traveling. Where will she go?

Step 2 Speak up

Listen and answer some questions.

1. Where will Amy go?

2. How will they get there?

3. How long are they staying there?

4. How long dose it take to fly to Chengdu?

Step 3 Act out

Let students act the dialogue out.

Step 4 Pair work

Let students talk about:

What’s your holiday plan? Where do you want to go during the May Day holiday?

Give them tips:

Where are you going?

Why do you plan to go there?

Who are you going with?

How will you get there?

Step 5 Notes

1. My Dad has been to Chengdu on business twice.


business n. 的意思是 “公事,生意”,该词还有“职业,企业”的意思。

on business 意思是“出差”

2. We’re going to take a direct flight to Chengdu.


direct adj. 径直的

e.g. There is a direct high-speed train to Hangzhou.


Step 6 Practice

Complete the sentences.

Step 7 Study skills


1. When we write about an experience or event, we can organize our ideas using

the following five main points.

When did it happen?

Where did it happen?

Who was there?

What happened?

How did you feel?

Then we should give details to support the main points.

2. Take Kitty’s day at Hong Kong Disneyland as an example:

When: during the winter holiday

Where: Hong Kong

Who: Kitty and her parents

What: visited Hong Kong Disneyland

How: had a fantastic time

Step 8 Practice

Mr wu is asking the Class1, Grade 8 students to organize the following information into main points and details. First, help them write the correct letters in the blanks. Then work pairs and talk about their trip.

a Class 1, Grade 8 students

b Enjoyed the natural beauty

c Everybody felt excited

d Flew kites

e Went fishing by the lake

f 5 March

g South Hill

h A visit to South Hill

When: ____________

Where: ____________

Who: ___________ ____________

What: ___________ ___________

How: ____________ ____________

Step 9 Sample speech

On 5 March, the Class 1, Grade 8 students went to South Hill. They enjoyed the natural beauty there. Some of them flew kites, while some of them went fishing by the lake. Everybody felt very excited.

Step 10

Write a passage about your trip, using the information we have learned in the lesson.


Teaching aims:

To write an article about one of your holidays.

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Warming up

Show some pictures about Hong Kong Disneyland.

Step 2 Work in Task 1

1. Presentation

Show students some pictures to learn new words.

2. How does Kitty write her article?

Step 1(part A):

Step 2(part B):

Step 3(part C):

3. Look at Kitty’s fact file –Part A in page 32carefully and try to remember more information about Kitty’s trip to Hong Kong.

Main Points Details

When The winter holiday ------

where Hong Kong

Who ------

What visiting places of interest Disneyland

Ocean park---

Other activities



4. Useful expressions:

It took us …to fly to

The next day, we went to…

I loved watching the interesting…

…was exciting/beautiful/fantastic

On the third day, we visited…

We went to…on the fifth day

…was the best part of the day

We enjoyed this trip very much

Step 3 Work on Task 2

1. Complete Kitty’s article in Part B on page 33 as quickly as you can.

2. Analysis (分析) kitty’s article. We can group this article into 3 parts:

Part 1: para( )-para( ) It is mainly about

Part 2: para( )-para( ) It is mainly about

Part 3: para( )-para( ) It is mainly about

3. During Kitty’s article, Kitty used some adjectives(形容词)and adverbs(副词) to describe her article. Could you please find them out as many as you can?

Step 4 Notes

1. My parents and I left for the airport in the early morning.


leave for 动身去

e.g. The plane leaves for Hong Kong at 10:30.

飞机于10:30 起飞前往香港。

2. It took us about three and a half hours to fly to Hong Kong.


“3个半小时”还可以表达成three hours and a half

“一个半小时”的两种表达方式 one and a half hours

one hour and a half

Step 5 Writing

You are going to write an article about one of your holidays. Write down some main points and details, and organize your ideas before you write.


1. Remember to state (陈述) clearly the place and the time of your trip, and the people who went with you.

2. Organize your ideas before you write.

3. Think of something interesting and special to write about.

4. Use adjectives and adverbs to make your article more interesting.

5. Write about your feelings in the last paragraph.

Step 6 Homework

If you went to Beijing for a holiday last summer, try to write an article about this trip.
