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Statue ofConfederate Gen. . Beauregard beingremoved in New Orleans in wee hours ofMay 17, 2017 WWL-TV
新奥尔良市联盟国P. . Beauregard将军像正在被拆除,2017年5月17日凌晨
NEW ORLEANS -- The city of New Orleans lateTuesday began taking down a monument to Beauregard - the third of four Confederate-eramonuments slated for removal.
新奥尔良——周二深夜,新奥尔良市开始拆除 将军(南北战争时期南方联盟^v^官、政治家)雕像,这是四个计划被移走的内战纪念建筑中的第三个。
The city had already taken down a statue of the Confederacy's only president and a memorialto a white rebellion against a biracial Reconstruction-era government in the New Orleans.
By 4:10 ., the Beauregard statue had been removed from its pedastal, which city officialssaid would be left in place for now but with Beauregard's name removed, according to CBS NewOrleans affiliate WWL-TV.
截止到早上4:10,Beauregard 雕像已从基座上移走。据哥伦比亚广播公司下属WWL电视台报道,市官员称雕像将被移到合适位置,但名字将被除去。
The removal was met by demonstrations favoring and opposing it, WWL says, adding thatseveral arrests were made.
Mayor Mitch Landrieu first proposed removing the monuments in 2015, and the City Councilapproved the move that year. But the process was stuck in legal limbo for over a year assupporters fought to keep them up.
市长Mitch Landrieu 2015年最先提议移除这些纪念建筑,市议会当年即批准了该议案,但因反对者的抗议而在法律层面上停滞了一年多时间。
^v^Today we take another step in defining our City not by our past but by our bright future,^v^Landrieu said in a news release announcing the Beauregard statue was coming down. ^v^Whilewe must honor our history, we will not allow the Confederacy to be put on a pedestal in theheart of New Orleans.^v^
“今天,我们将迈出新的一步,我们城市的内涵不应由历史定义,而是光明的未来,”在关于移走雕像的最新声明中,Landrieu 说,“历史应当得到尊重,但我们不允许内战时代纪念建筑竖立在新奥尔良市中心。”
Last minute appeals - the vocal kind, not the legal one - were made Tuesday by members ofthe Monumental Task Committee, but were unsuccessful, WWL says.
The committee recently launched a long-shot legal battle in an effort to save the Beauregardstatue. ^v^Mayor Landrieu's actions are an insult to New Orleanians who came before us -- theveterans, widows, parents, children, and citizens who donated their personal money to buildand place these monuments where they stand to honor the memory of their fallen familymembers,^v^ committee President Pierre McGraw said in a statement .
委员会近日曾为保护雕像而发起法律斗争,委员会主席Pierre McGraw 在一份声明中说:“Landrieu 市长的行为是对新奥尔良前居民的侮辱——老兵、寡妇、父母、孩童和其他市民们捐钱建造了这些建筑,为的是悼念他们在战争中逝去的家人。”
But for many in this majority black city, the monuments pay honor to a history of slavery andsegregation, and they want them down.
The Beauregard monument was unveiled to a crowd of hundreds, and with a 17-gun salute theafternoon of Nov. 11, 1915, by Hilda Beauregard, a granddaughter of the Confederate general.
1915年11月11日下午,Beauregard 雕像在数百民众的围观和17门礼炮的鸣响下,由其孙女HildaBeauregard 亲手向公众揭幕。
New Orleans previously took down the Battle of Liberty Place monument and a statue ofJefferson Davis. Still awaiting removal is the statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee, which is located inthe center of Lee Circle.
新奥尔良市之前移走了自由广场战役雕塑和Jefferson Davis (联盟国唯一一任总统)的一座雕像,仍有一座雕像等待移走,即坐落在Lee交叉路口Robert E. Lee 将军(南北战争中联盟军总司令)纪念像。
Statue of . . Beauregard in New Orleans WWL-TV
新奥尔良市P. . Beauregard将军像
Each removal has drawn protests from those who have sought to keep the monuments inplace, with several people standing vigil at the Davis statue and waving Confederate battle flagseven as a crane lifted it off its pedestal.
1)With the quickening pace of urban life and ever-increasing pressure,people in mounting numbers are suffering either physical or mental problems.
2)People respectively choose jogging,playing basketball,swimming,skating,climbing or ridding as their regular exercises because these exercises never fail to make us stronger and more energetic.
3)Especially in adversity,we need to maintain an optimistic mentality to pull through life’s pain and sorrow,twists and turns.
4)I keep a balanced diet and go to bed before 11 o’clock at night,because I believe burning the midnight oil is harmful to health.
5)Since both a balanced diet and sufficient sleep are indispensable for physical fitness,university students should put great emphasis on good habits.
1) 随着都市生活节奏的加快和压力的不断增加,越来越多的人开始拥有生理或心理问题。
2) 人们分别选择慢跑、打篮球、游泳、滑冰、爬山或骑车作为日常锻炼,这是因为这些运动总是使我们更强壮和精力充沛。
3) 尤其在逆境中,我们需要保持一种乐观的。心态来经历人生的痛苦悲伤、迂回曲折。
4) 我保持均衡饮食,而且晚上11点之前上床睡觉,因为我相信熬夜对身体有害。
5) 因为均衡的饮食和充足的睡眠对于身体健康是不可或缺的,大学生应该充分重视养成良好的习惯。
The international workers’day, also known as May day, is celebrated on the first day on May. There are more than eighty countries celebrate this festival since 1889. People may know that the worker’s day is about having a rest on that day, but most of them don’t know how this day comes from and the story behind it.
In the late of 18 century, the cruel capitalists in order to make more money, they demanded their employers to work all day, but only paid them with low salaries. In America, the workers had to work at least 14 hours a day, sometimes, they even worked as long as 18 hours. Due to the unfair payment, the works knew that they had to stand up and fight for their rights, or all of them will die young. Then the workers started to go on strike, demanded that the reasonable working hours should be 8 hours a day. However, the capitalists did not pay attention to the workers’demand. T he workers had to fight for their rights for themselves. On may 1st, 1886, the United States and Canada’s worker unions got together to start the biggest strike. After that day, the law had passed the rules that the workers’working hours would be 8 hours per day. This strike had made a different. The worker did not need to suffer from the long working hours with low payment.
The international worker’s day aims to memorize the spirit of brave and show our honor to the former workers. Because they had make great contribution to today’s happiness.
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