
大家应该都有听过May Day,这个组合。对,就是五月天。那么你们还知道May这个单词可以用在哪里么?这次帅气的小编为您整理了关于语法may的用法解析(优秀7篇),如果能帮助到您,小编的一切努力都是值得的。

may的意思 篇1

aux. 可以; 也许; 会; 但愿;n. [May]五月; 山楂属植物; (五朔节装饰用的)绿枝花枝; (春天开花的)绣线菊属植物;may的近义词


may的英语音标 篇2

英 [meɪ]

美 [me]

关于语法may的用法解析 篇3


例:You may have the cake now.(现在你可以吃蛋糕了。)

例:May I come in?(我可以进来吗?)

解说 表达“许可”无“may…”与“can…”的区别:


例:You may go home now. (=I allow you to go home now.)


例:May I borrow your towel?(我可以借用你的毛巾吗?)

No, you may not.(不行,你不可以借用我的毛巾。)


例:You can go home now(☆).





That’s a lady’s toilet. You can’t go in there.

像这种场合,假定你说“You may not go in there.”并不很通顺,也会被误为你是洗手间的管理员了。


例:May I smoke here?


例:Can I smoke here?



S + may be…= maybe S + be…

S + may + V…= maybe S + (will)+V…

例:The news may be true.

=Maybe [Perhaps] the news is true.


例:She may come to your birthday party tomorrow.

=Maybe [Perhaps] she’ll come to your birthday party tomorrow.


解说 “may…”表达“可能性”时其意思等于“maybe”或“perhaps”,即“或许;也许”。“might…”也一样可用于表达现在或将来的可能性,只是语气较为宛转或对可能性觉得较为不确定。

He might have a hand in that case.

=Maybe [Perhaps] he has a hand in that case.


表达可能性的“may/might…”通常不用于疑问句。可能性的疑问通常都使用“Can…?”或者“Do you think…?”,例如:

This news may be true.

Can this news be true?

Do you think this news is true?

表达过去的可能性则使用“may/might have +p. p.”的句式,例如:He might have left for the United1 States.(他可能已到美国去了。)


句型 S+V in order that +S+may+V…

S+V-(e)d in order that +S+might+V…

例:He studies hard (in order) to get passed in the exam.

=He studies hard (in order) that he may get passed in the exam.


例:He sold his house (in order) to pay his debt2.

=He sold his house (in order) that he might pay his debt.


解说 如例所示表达目的时使用“to V…”比之使用“that +S+ may/might V…”较普通。“in order to V…/in order that +S+ may/might V…”是表达目的强调句式。


句型 may you /he …+ V…

例:May you succeed.

=I hope [wish] you’ll succeed.


例:May God3 save our country.



句型 may well +V…=there is good reason for +O +to V…

例:You may well say so.

=There is good reason for you to say so.


句型 may/might as well +V…=had better +V…

例:We may [might] as well start at once.

=We had better start at once.


解说 本句式常用于表达提议或劝告。

may的词语用法 篇4


may是个情态动词,无不定式和分词形式,第三人称单数现在时也无变化。表示否定缩写为mayn't[ment] 。


may用在目的状语从句中作“(以便)能; (使…)可以”; 用在让步状语从句中作“不管; 不论; 尽管”解。




May Day的意思是“五一”,前面不加冠词。

might常见用法 篇5

aux.表示可能; 表示许可; 表示询问情况;

n.力气; 力量; 威力; 权力

v.可以; 应该;

1、 I thought you might like to read the enclosed.


2、 I might today hesitate to turn in a burglar.


3、 Things might have been different if I'd talked a bit more.


4、 I might buy one for a friend's birthday as a giggle.


5、 I thought a phonetic spelling might aid in pronunciation.


6、 He might decide that it is best to induce labour.


7、 Sonia might not speak the English language well, but then who did?


8、 You might say that we've been victims of circumstance.


9、 I was hoping some of his genius might rub off.


10、 I wonder if I might have a word with Mr Abbot?


may的英语例句 篇6

1、 They may headhunt her for the vacant position of Executive Producer.


2、 The agreement has raised hopes that the war may end soon.


3、 Sightseers may be a little overwhelmed by the crowds and noise.


4、 If these drugs are stopped abruptly then some withdrawal symptoms may occur.


5、 A dentist may decide to extract the tooth to prevent recurrent trouble.


6、 This may sound trivial, but I assure you it is quite important!


7、 Some girls may first ovulate even before they menstruate.


8、 The desire to be a mother may creep up on you unexpectedly.


9、 Now, erm, obviously some of our listeners may have some ideas.


10、 New ways to treat arthritis may provide an alternative to painkillers.


may的短语词组 篇7

1、Bad manners may offend.

2、You may be disappointed.

3、Bacterial digestion may continue.

4、I may or may not be among these items.

5、This story may or may not be true.

6、He may arrive any instant.

7、It may be another fantasy.

8、This may not be possible.

9、It may supervene with infection.

10、This ambiguity may seem paradoxical.

11、It may be anger, it may be depression but it may also be fear and this is the third obstacle.

12、The entry point may or may not be connectivity; it may be a hybrid as described above.

13、We may have to force a showdown.

14、Your dietitian may suggest a nutritional supplement.

15、We may speak further of it hereafter.

16、But they may provide medicinal benefits.

17、The drug may cause permanent brain damage.

18、This question may discuss from the epistemology Angle, may also discuss from the historical materialism Angle.

19、There may or may not be actual executables as part of an LCO briefing.

20、An actor may be human or machine, and its identity may be anonymous or known.

21、On his return voyage he may, or may not, be drowned.

22、A careless word may cause conflict. A cruel word may destroy a life.

23、May the LORD be our judge and decide between us. May he consider my cause and uphold it; may he vindicate me by delivering me from your hand.

24、These conditions may lead the patient to believe that she may have PMS, when the underlying disorder may be some other problem.

25、The cost of harnessing the capabilities of your cloud may be based on a monthly subscription or it may be metered, or it may be ad-supported.

26、Notice of abandonment may be waived by the insurer.

27、Or they may artificially limit their use of the infrastructure.

28、But Ms Bachelet may have overestimated Chileans' appetite for change.

29、Expectant mothers may not do work connected with radioactive isotopes.

30、Sure, some may sound quirk, but they each are effective.
