

强壮的英语例句: 篇1


The old veteran could lay flat the most robust sportsman.


A muscular build.


The boy is strong enough to lift the box.


A strong man is often compared to a lion.


Validating input data plays an important role in keeping software robust.


He reached over and laid his strong brown one on top of it.


He is both strong and healthy.


My father is a strong built man.


The two strong cocks are struggling fiercely.

1、 She's going to be fine. She always was pretty strong. 她会好的。她一直都很强壮 。

2、 He was wearing shorts which showed his long, muscular, hairy legs. 他穿着短裤,露出自己强壮 多毛的长腿。

3、 He looked physically very powerful, athletic in a compact way. 他看上去非常强壮 ,像个敦实的运动员。

4、 All the Trollope boys were heavily built and quite tall. 特罗洛普家的所有男孩都是体格强壮 、身材高大。

5、 He is described as a strong, powerfully-built man of 60. 他被描述成一个强壮 的、肌肉发达的60岁老人。

6、 Another possibility is that parents favour chicks that are strong. 另一种可能性是亲鸟会偏爱强壮 的雏鸟。

7、 I feared I wouldn't be able to control such a strong horse. 我怕我驾驭不了这么强壮 的马。

8、 The Neanderthals were very robust and quite different from us. 尼安德特时期的人非常强壮 ,和我们迥然不同。

9、 It's not always necessary to be strong, but to feel strong. 不必变得强壮 ,而是让内心强大。

10、 Cross-currents can sweep the strongest swimmer helplessly away. 即使最强壮 的游泳者也会无助地被交叉水流冲走。

11、 It's such a big powerful dog. 它是一条如此强壮 的大狗。

12、 He was handsome and strong, and very masculine. 他英俊强壮 ,富有男子汉气概。

13、 He is very old, yet he is quite strong. 他虽然年纪很大了, 但还很强壮 。

14、 He is now well over sixty, but is still going strong. 他已六十多岁了, 可是还强壮 得很。

15、 He was thrice as strong as an ordinary man. 他比常人强壮 三倍。

16、 He is a husky boy. 他是个高大强壮 的男孩。

17、 Stalwart policemen stood guard outside.强壮 的警察在外面警戒。

18、 Eating spinach is supposed to make you strong. 据说吃菠菜能使人强壮 。

19、 He is strong enough to lift the box. 他很强壮 ,能举得起这只箱子。

20、 Admiral Nelson is a strong man. 纳尔逊海军上将是一个强壮 的男人。

强调的英语例句 篇2

1、 She's going to be fine. She always was pretty strong.


2、 He was wearing shorts which showed his long, muscular, hairy legs.


3、 He looked physically very powerful, athletic in a compact way.


4、 All the Trollope boys were heavily built and quite tall.


5、 He is described as a strong, powerfully-built man of 60.


6、 Another possibility is that parents favour chicks that are strong.


7、 I feared I wouldn't be able to control such a strong horse.


8、 The Neanderthals were very robust and quite different from us.


9、 It's not always necessary to be strong, but to feel strong.


10、 Cross-currents can sweep the strongest swimmer helplessly away.


11、 It's such a big powerful dog.


12、 He was handsome and strong, and very masculine.


13、 He is very old, yet he is quite strong.

他虽然年纪很大了, 但还很强壮。

14、 He is now well over sixty, but is still going strong.

他已六十多岁了, 可是还强壮得很。

15、 He was thrice as strong as an ordinary man.


关于强壮的英文阅读:身体最强壮的肌肉是哪一块? 篇3

Is it your biceps, quadriceps or could it be your gluteus maximus? You might be surprised to learn that it's none of the above. The question can be a tricky one to answer since it depends entirely on what your definition of"strongest”is. Today we’ll explore this little life mystery.


Ability To Exert Force


If by strongest you mean"ability to exert a force on an external object”, then a human's strongest muscle is his or her ‘masseter’ muscle. The masseter muscle is a thick muscle in the cheek and is located at the back of the jaw. It's responsible for opening and closing your jaw during chewing.


It is the muscle that can generate the largest externally measurable force attributable to the action of a specific, single muscle. Its strength is the result of incredibly densely packed muscle fibers combined with being attached to a short-armed lever. It can close the teeth with a force as great as 55 pounds (25 kilograms) on the incisors or 200 pounds (91 kilograms) on the molars.

咬肌是能发出最大力量的单独肌肉。它的力量主要来源于高密度的肌纤维。咬肌能使门齿咬合时发出55磅的力, 臼齿则能发出200磅的力。

Which Muscle Does The Most Work?


Now if you take ‘strongest’ to mean ‘does the most work’, the heart lies claim to that. The heart does its work continuously over an entire lifetime without pause, and hence ‘outworks‘ every other muscle.


What's The Largest Muscle?


The largest muscle in the human body is the gluteus maximus. The gluteus maximus is located in your buttocks and its size directly corresponds to the important role it has in your everyday life. It's main function is to keep your body erect and straight. Its function is to provide balance and a center of gravity while walking or running.


强壮英语说法 篇4



强壮的相关短语 篇5

不强壮 not strong

足够强壮 strong enough

身体强壮 have a strong body ; Physically strong ; With a strong body ; Able-bodied

强壮有力 Darius ; strong and vigorous

强壮体质 Strong Constitution

强壮地 strongly ; robustly ; lustily ; nervily

肌肉强壮 Muscles strong ; strong muscles
