

毕业论文-论苏青作品中的女性意识 篇1

毕业论文-论苏青作品中的女性意识 - 语言文学论文

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Su Qings writing are real feminist works which are sistinguishable from the male discourse.the concentration on the female sex itself made her literary creationenter a period of the real feminist discourse. Su Qing stand at females place whith specile value watch male.his writing with the concept of sex and equal of eule express strong feminist consciousness.

Key words: Su Qing; female conscious

苏青是中国现代文学史上1位有着特殊经历而又备受争议的女性作家 ,人们对她的评价毁誉参半,褒贬不1。苏青的人生之旅是曲折、坎坷甚至是悲惨的,特殊的人生经历使她逐步形成了独特的人生观、价值观和人格品质。她才情兼具,个性鲜明,大胆、正直、坦诚。她思想敏锐不保守,无明显的政治主张和信仰,对生活对社会充满热情,苏青的人格品质在其文学作品中得到了直接或间接的表现。苏青在她的作品中总是要把女性当作抒发感情的对象,她的1切诉说的根基都建立在对女性的理解之上,她把最真的心掏给你,让你在平淡的语言中感受她的心情,与她同悲同喜。读苏青的文章,往往被她那犀利的目光带入1种推向极至的理解。她的女性意识特别强烈,总是会不自觉地站到男性的`立场上去抨击女性的弱点,然后再回到女性的立场上来阐述做女子的甜酸苦辣。由于刚柔相济,她的文章显得丰满而立体。她对女性的优点与缺点有1种少有的敏锐的洞察力,能穿过皮肤,直入5脏,深至精髓。苏青独具慧眼,她以自己的切肤感受,勇敢地颠覆了男性话语,站在女性的立场上向世人倾诉女性的心声,表达真正的女性的情感和思想。本文主要从苏青散文和小说中所体现出来的独特的平等观、女人观、婚姻观、性别差异以及性爱观等方面来分析苏青作品中所体现的女性意识,剖析她对人格尊严、自我价值的追求和对传统习俗的反叛。

毕业论文-论秘书人员的公关意识与公关能力的培养 篇2

毕业论文-论秘书人员的公关意识与公关能力的培养 - 语言文学论文

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The consciousness of public relations, belong to the thought of a kind of modernized administration, idea. It is guiding all public relations behaviors as a kind of profound thought, play an irreplaceable role for the development that is organized, can impel the secretary personnel to put ones own public relations in a kind of conscientious state all the time , thus entry secretary and and double role of public relations naturally, every tasks to finish secretarial job splendidly. Ability whether knowledge combine with practice, result of distillation, it is secretary personnel that finish every task of subjective termses smoothly, the quality of centre of personnels basic quality that it is the secretary, public relations ability is a set concept , it is the combination of completion of different ability , and good possession of public relations ability can deal with for secretary personnel various thing of great importance even quickly and perfectly among working activity. This text should explain to a secretary personnel the importance with consciousness of good public relations and public relations ability theoretically, what public relations consciousness and public relations ability should be possessed and how come, train secretary public relations consciousness and public relations ability of personnel.

Key words: The secretary personnel; Consciousness of public relations;

Public relations ability; Cultivation

毕业论文-论张若虚《春江花月夜》的人生意识 篇3

毕业论文-论张若虚《春江花月夜》的人生意识 - 语言文学论文

摘   要





Zhang Ruoxu life only leaves behind two poems, actually because of Spring Changjiang River-area cotton Moonlit night, “orphaned horizontally certainly, unexpectedly for everybody”。 This first poem not only by the spring, the river, the flower, the month, a night of this moving beautiful scene causes the human to be infatuated with, in the poem contains more importantly life consciousness and so on universe, life intense is shocking each readers mind. This article from beautiful scene easy to vanish, the youth is difficult to remain, the life short, the universe infinite, unbearable, lovesickness is difficult to dispatch with the hope return, to look out the ideal these four aspects elaborated Spring Changjiang River-area cotton Moonlit night the life consciousness.

Spring Changjiang River-area cotton Moonlit night to the spring, the river, the flower, the month, a night of these five kind of scenery has carried on the careful description, has outlined a beautiful spring river night scene chart to the reader, has contained to natural beautiful scene being reluctant to part with, to youth time treasuring. The poetry in to the river water, in Jiang Yue description, feels “infinitely to life generation of already” the life philosophy and “the river month only is year after year similar” the universe idea, expressed one kind of universe infinite, the life short deep ponder. The poetry describes the decoy to think womans lovesickness to leave the sentiment, expressed the horizon to be widely separated by, the human sentiment difficult circle to be depressed as well as and yearned for to the happy love hope, displayed one kind of inte〈WWW.BAIHUAWEN.com〉nse life to give sympathy .

Key words: Zhang Ruoxu; Spring Changjiang River-area cotton Moonlit night;

Life consciousness

毕业论文-论《闺阁记》《金锁记》中的女性意识 篇4

毕业论文-论《闺阁记》《金锁记》中的女性意识 - 语言文学论文

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Both Pearl S.Buck and Zhang Ailing are famous writers with different cultural background of China and Western.As a result of then have a thorongh understanding about China and Western cultures and dual perspectiues,then make an incisine analysis on social and relationship between men and women. Pearl S.Buck reveals her view in the heart with fervent concern while Zhang Ailing takes pity on extreme.They concern for the fate of women and only focuse on the liberation of love and marriage,but also the psychological display and state of survival.Their female consciousnesses are profound and reach a certain universality height.Pavilion of Women and The Golden Cangue are concentrated expressions of their female conscionsnesses.

Pearl S.Buck worried about the role of women who in the contradiction between old and new,oriental and western culture,the orientat and the thinking conception.she wants to explore a new way to show the women esperience. Zhang Ailing is a little passive written in women conscious. Zhang Ailing points straighthy to women who is distorted,repressed、self-struggled and painful in the conscious world.In sum,The consciousness of women in their novels is impressive and unique having a real meaning.

We do not have realize Sai Pearl and Zhang Ailings female make the appraisal. Foreign land culture gradually influencing causes the female to realize the meaning to be meaningful, the alone style, and has the profound reality.

Key words: Pearl S.Buck; Pavilion of Women; Zhang Ailing; The Golden Cangue;

femal consciousness

毕业论文-论《山海经》的生命意识 篇5

毕业论文-论《山海经》的生命意识 - 语言文学论文

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Shan Hai Jing is the most important ancient books recording myth fragment in our country. The myth is first a civil imagination creation strange world, there has filled the strong life consciousness. This article main content the myth which “Shan Hai Jing” records, peeped at the primitive ancients in the creation ancient times in the civilized difficult process the ambush in the heart of hearts life consciousness

Key words: Shan Hai Jing; Myth; Life Italy shifts



