

英语3分钟演讲稿 篇1

Good morning ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I would like to introduce my beloved hometown—Inner Mongolia to all of you. It has been 57 years since the birth of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on May 1st, 1947.

Dominated by the Mongolian nationality, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is located on the northern frontier of China. The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region occupies an area of 1.18 million square kilometers and has a population of about 20 million people who represent a score of different nationalities. Every time when people talk about Inner Mongolia, they’ll come down to the vast grassland. Yes, the Inner Mongolian prairie area makes up a quarter of the total grassland area of the country. On the boundless expanse of the Inner Mongolian prairie are living numerous sheep, Cattle and horses, on which our Mongolian have lived for generations. That is why the grassland is eulogized as ―cradle of life‖.

There are two vast grasslands in my hometown—Hulun Buir Grasslands and Xilin Gol Grasslands which are both world-famous regions. People in Inner Mongolia are famous for their bravery, enthusiasm and hospitality. No mater where you are from, as long as you come to a herdsman’s house, you will be warmly entertained with roasted whole lamb and milk tea, and what’s more, you can also appreciate beautiful Mongolian songs and elegant dances. It is not exaggerating to say Mongolians are born singers and dancers. The moment you set your feet on the grassland areas you will discover it is indeed a real land of songs and dances.

Today’s Inner Mongolia still maintains her ethnic characteristics and at the dame time, she tries to keep pace with the development of the modern world. Ordus is a worldwide well-known brand, Yili and Mengniu are both the famous dairy industries, which have greatly improved the living standard of our Mongolian people. And I’m sure, our Mongolian people will make great effort to contribute to our hometown. As a college student, I know quite clearly that my mission is to master solid knowledge and one day do good to my beloved hometown.

分钟英语演讲稿 篇2

Good afternoon, everyone,

The national student sports program, waged by the Ministry of Education and aimed at improving students health, was heldfrom10:00a.m.~11:00a.m.on April 29,2007in many primary and middle schools all over China. Almost 11 million students in Jiangsu province participated in this program.

The Ministry of Education advocates that we do exercises for one hour a day and can work healthily for 50 years. Our whole life will be very enjoyable.

In my opinion, we senior high school students should do exercises for one hour a day even though our spare time is limited. Health is a basic condition for our study. If we did not do exercises, we wouldn’t be able to get good study records. So every one of you, join the program now!

Thank you!

分钟英语演讲稿 篇3

Everybody good afternoon:

First of all thank the teacher gave me a story in my own future ideal job.Everyone has a dream job. My dream is to become a boss, own a company.In order to achieve my dreams, I need to find a good job, to accumulate some experience and wealth, it is the necessary thingsOf course, in the school good achievement and rich knowledge is also very important. Good achievement and rich experience can let me work to make the right choice, have more opportunities and achievements.At the same time, communication is very important, because it determines whether my company has a good future development. So I need to exercise their communicative ability. I need to use all of the free time to learn all. Because I believe, there is nothing in the world can shake my determination.You will be successful, as your own efforts. So seize the time, we have no time to in the world can change their patience(confidence )。

分钟英语演讲稿 篇4

Gettysburg Address

Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.

We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of the field as a final resting-place for those who here gave their lives that the nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But in a larger sense we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground.

The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.

It is for us, the living, rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us, ----that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion, ----that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, ----that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, ----and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

英语演讲稿3分钟 篇5

The environment of the world has been damaged by the human beings for so many years without much recent years,however,more and more nations have begun to preserve the environment as they have realized the importance of it.

The nature has given us so much,but look at what we have done in return for its sands upon thousands of trees have been cut down,including some precious species. Numerous rivers and lakes have been drained only to set up modern buildings. Priceless wildlife has turned into delicious dishes on the air is being befouled by the smoke from the chimneys of the plants.。.

All this irritates the nature ,which results in the shortage of valuable resources,air pollution,countless acres of lands becoming deserts,unately,many countries have got to know the seriousness of the problem and take active measures to preserve the sincerely hope that all the peo;le in the world willtake part in the campaign and join hands to protect the nature.

分钟英语演讲稿 篇6

Christmas Day

Christmas Day falls on the twenty-fifth of December. It is a very happy day for many boys and girls . Before the term ends in some schools , the children act a nativity or “birth” play, showing how Jesus was born in a stable.

On the twenty-fourth of December, all children are very excited. Usually they are sent to bed early so that their parents can get the presents ready. The younger children think that Father Christmas will come down the chimney or fireplace , so they hang up a sock for him to put presents in. The greedy ones even hang up a pillow-case or a sack to try to get more presents. Later that night, Father or Mother will put presents in the sock, and leave others at the side of the bed.

On Christmas morning, the children wake up very early. Some even turn on the light at two o'clock, and most of them are awake by six o'clock although it is not light in England for another hour or two at this time of the year.Children look for their presents , and the young ones play while the dinner is prepared. At about one o'clock in the afternoon, the Christmas dinner is brought in . The turkey or chicken is quickly eaten . Children search in their Christmas pudding for new coins which are hidden in it . The rest of the day is full of games and eating until the happiest of all Christmas hollidays comes to an end.

Christmas Is Coming

I like Christmas, it is just like our Spring Festival.

Maybe the Spring Festival is much more important and interesting than Christmas, but I like Christmas Day better. Because we can spend time with our friends and classmates during Christmas. When it is snowy, Christmas becomes much more lovely, just like in fairytales. I can imagine I am in a fairytale, the girl who sold the matches is my friend, the ugly duck becoming more and more beautiful and so on. What a beautiful place! So we can also call Christmas “Snowy Lovely Day.”

分钟英语演讲稿 篇7

Opportunities and Challenges

Good afternoon ,ladies and gentlemen!

I’m very honored to stand here and give you a short speech! my topic is Opportunities and Challenges.

First, I would like to know, what does your destiny offer you? Happiness, wisdom, a strong body or something else. If I had asked this question to president Nixon, he would probably had said,”Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity.”

Needless to say, one of the biggest opportunities given to China is the 20xx Olympic Games. Till now, we have used two sevenths of the preparation time. How much changes have you seen? New roads, new subway lines, public-exercising equipments with beautiful colors, large blocks of grass fields, and also lots of modern gyms which are under construction.

Other than those, there are even more good effects brought to us by the Olympic Games that cannot be seen directly. For example, more and more people will get to know China. I’m sure the mysterious Chinese culture will attract them strongly. And the games will also do good to the economy and environment, for it is gaining the attention of foreign investors and the awareness of environmental protection is being strengthened. What is more, Olympic Games give a unique opportunity to inspire and educate a new generation of Chinese youth with the Olympic values and the Olympic spirit. Now that we have seen so many advances, could you even imagine us losing the holding rights?

I’ve already said a lot about the Olympics and China. But I think everyone should use some time to think of this question, ”Does the Olympic Games have any special meaning to you?”

For us, I mean the Chinese youth, 20xx Olympic Games is a tremendous gift. Because what we are waiting for is to do something significant as repaying the love given to us .The society is just like a ship, and in our dreams the captain is waving his hand and saying ”Hey! Come here and take the helm! ”How charming his voice is, but we have never heard of it in our true life. This morning, however, when we wake up, we will see the Olympic Games waving its hand. After chewing, most of us will have at least one plan about what to do for the Olympic Games. And mine is to be a “comforter” ----that is someone who will give comfort to others.

At the end of my speech, I hope all the preparation will go well, and everyone will show their ability to the world. Let us seize opportunities and give a big smile to challenges.

分钟优秀英语演讲稿 篇8

Here are the beacon tower, also known as beacons, Wolf yantai. Independent buildings is not connected to the Great Wall. Once the enemy pounce, communicate its kindle wars and light smoke during the day is called "ran, called flint fire at night. When the Ming dynasty, also on the relationship between the war with the enemy made a strict rules: the enemy hundreds, burning a smoke point a gun; Five hundred people, burning two smoke point two guns; More than one thousand people, three smoke SAN pao; More than five thousand people, four smoke four guns; More than ten thousand people, five five gun smoke. In this way, on the border of the military intelligence can rapid transfer to the imperial city ouchi. See the beacon tower, and then tell you a story, called "must play leud" : the zhou dynasty had a king named weeks you king, he has a beautiful woman, her temper is very strange, always don't smile, think of some way to you king. He lit up a distress signal (fire), as a result, drew leud come white, she laughed, you king is also very happy. But, really have an enemy to attack, you king lit the fire, but no one come, and he was killed by the enemy. There is a story, called "meng jiangnu cry Great Wall collapse" : legend was Meng Gusheng a daughter named meng jiangnu. Because of qin shi huang to build the Great Wall, need a lot of manpower. Qin shi huang was caught many people go to the Great Wall.

英语演讲稿3分钟 篇9

Hello, schoolmates and teachers.  Good afternoon, everybody!  I'm Pang Qiyuan, from Class 2, Senior 3.  Today I'm very happy here to talk about my dream. I hope you can support me and do me a favor, OK?  Dream likes a beautiful flower. Different people have different dreams.They make the earth colorful and wonderful. A dream is a target in life, in which it can give people power. It can show people the directions and final destinations.  I have three dreams. My first dream is that I wish I could go to college some day, which is also the one of many other students' dreams. Going to college for further education can not only enrich our knowledge, but also teach us how to behave better. I always imagine that the college life must be very interesting. This dream gives me energy to study harder and harder. Now I'm trying my best to make it come true. Sure, I have enough confidence to realize my dream.  My second dream is becoming an excellent doctor. I always dream that I could turn a doctor like Bai Qiuen, so that I could cure a lot of patients, help them get rid of sick devil, let them lead a healthy and happy life, and finally I will feel happy, too.  My third dream is that all the people together with the surroundings can live in perfect harmony. There are no quarrellings, no cheatings, and no wars in the world. We should be kind to each other, love each other and care each other. All the people in the world could get along as well as a big family with each other. I dream that we could enjoy absolute peace and freedom.  These are my dreams. How I wish that they could come true soon!  Thank you.

英语演讲稿3分钟 篇10

in 1999 , i was born, unluckily, i got the very serious pneumonia and suffered a lot. my mother said: ‘until now she still remembers my smiling face with tears on it. she told me that when i grow up, i should be a strong-minded and optimistic girl. during the ten years, i have been experiencing a lot with my country…

in XX, china no. 5 spaceship was successfully launched发射 into space! in yangliwei’s hometown, we took a photo. you can see on my t-shirt, it is written ‘what is love?’ at that time, i didn’t quite understand the sentence, but with the time passing, i begin to know its meaning.

in XX, i went to the primary school, since then i started a very important step in my life. in XX, i worked hard and got my first certificate —cambridge english level 1 with the score of 14 shields.

following that it was XX, there were a great number of things in this year. first, the olympic games were successfully held in our country. second, i got the first prize in hainxin cup competition. but there was a bad thing--the earthquake in wenchuan, in the disaster, we felt our country’s love.

now it is XX, i’m growing up with country, little by little i understand what love is—love is to help other people and help myself!



XX年我国第一艘载人飞船“神舟”五号发射成功!爸爸妈妈带着我来到航天英雄杨立伟的。故乡——绥中拍了照片。我的t恤上写着what is love ?当时我还不太明白这句话的意思,随着时间的流逝我越来越懂得这句话的含义……





分钟优秀英语演讲稿 篇11

my teacher and i

now i am a junior student, and i like studying, my not best in our class, but i still think i am a good student. my teacher think also!

can you imagine how difficult i will, when i meet a problem in english, and i am not perfect one in my class, i do not like english at the very beginning for i know nothing about english which is only task from school and my parents, i am not good boy at that time.

but, you know, i am really want learn something now, i want keep up with the so-called mainstream, i want to be a good student. can you imagine how difficult when i face the simple english, i just know nothing. however, in this most difficult and key moment , english teacher ms x come to me, she understand me i suppose, she pay much more time in this english poor level boy, i want to say thank you my teacher.

now i am not good yet in english, but i am keep going, believe me!





英语演讲稿3分钟 篇12

Everyone wants success. But what is success? Generally, people think success is a great deal of money, high position, academic achievement, and so on. However, most of these people never really define what success means to them. In my opinion, success is a feeling, which makes you happy and content.

Success is a feeling, that means success is not considered as big or small, high or low. It is just a good mood from your heart. Maybe passing a final test is a success for a student, learning to walk is a success for a little child, marrying a beautiful girl is a success for a lad, signing a contract is a success for a pany. Success varies from individual to group.

Success is a feeling, that means success is changing since your childhood. While you were a little child, you thought it was a success that your parents finally bought you lovely toys after you begged again and again. Success is the feeling you had when you were told that you won the contest. After graduation, you started working. You were successful when you finished a plicated task very well and you were praised. When married, maybe a happy marriage and a happy family meant success for you. When your child grew up, you hoped he or she attend a famous university or go abroad to study or work, at that time you considered that was your success. When you were old enough and couldn’t work at all, success was a feeling that your children and grandchildren came to see you from a long distance. Actually, success always acpanied you in your growth.

However, we have to admit that you can’t be successful all the time. We always meet many difficulties on the way to success. The more difficult it is, the much happier we are when we succeed.

To be successful, we should have a clear aim and then try our best to reach it. Wherever you go, whatever you are, your success belongs to yourself. It is a good feeling that you love it very much, and it really can make you laugh from the heart.

英语三分钟演讲稿 篇13

One of the most popular hobbies among people is reading books. More and more people spend their spare time in reading the books they are interested in.

There are so many books in the world that it is impossible for any one to read all of them, even if he spends his whole life in reading. Before we start reading, we should find out whether it is valuable for us to read.

Reading good books is one of the greatest pleasures in life. It can enrich our knowledge. It makes us learn lots of things we did not previously know. We can be aware of what had happened in the past as well as what is happening in the present time. The more books we read, the more knowledge we get. No matter how much education we receive or how much expensive we have, we can not become a full man unless we keep reading.
