

参考答案: 1


26 B advanced

27 D frequent

28 G dempens

29 A abandoned

30 M provide

31 K grant

32 H dietant

33 L merely

34 I frequent

35 F dampens


36. 正确选项 E

37. 正确选项 L

38. 正确选项 B

39. 正确选项 H

40. 正确选项 N

41. 正确选项 J

42. 正确选项 F

43. 正确选项 C

44. 正确选项 I

45. 正确选项 G


Passage one

46. 正确选项C。It can be avoided if human values aretranslated into theirlanguage.

47. 正确选项D。 They areill-bred.

48. 正确选项C。 By picking up patterns from massive dataonhuman behavior.

49. 正确选项D。 Do sufficient testing beforetakingaction.

50. 正确选项A。 Determine what is moral andethical.

Passage Two

51. 正确选项A。to see whether people’s personality affectstheir life span

52. 正确选项D。 They are more likely to getoverhardship.

53. 正确选项C。 Such personality characteristicsasself-discipline have no effect onlongevity.

54. 正确选项D。 Mothers’negative personalitycharacteristics may affect their children’s lifespans..

55. 正确选项B。 Longevity results form a combination ofmentaland physical health.

56 B advanced
