

七年级上册语文教案人教版 篇1

  Unit 4 Where’s my backpack?

Section A

Words: keys books basketball computer game pencil case ruler notebook pen pencil ID card table bed dresser bookcase sofa chair drawer backpack CD

Drills: Where is/are …? It is/They are in/on/under/behind/next to…

Grammar: Where is/are …?

In/on/under/behind/next to …




1.His parents are in the room.


2.My backpack is behind my chair


3. The photo of my family is on the wall.


4. The keys are on the table.


5. The bookcase is next to my bed.


KEYS:1.Where’re his parents? 2.Where’s your backpack? 3.Where’s the photo of your family? 4.Where’re the keys? 5.Where’s the bookcase?




Listening for key words

教材中有许多听力练习、句型教学、词汇教学,需要运用听关键词的技巧。所谓关键词即语言中最关键的信息。如本单元Section A la通过操练句型"Where’s my backpack? It’s in/under/on….”,听关键词“in/on … “,同时,通过听关键词加深对“Where’s…?"句型的理解。这种技巧的运用有利于培养学生的注意力。教师通过对不同事物在何方位的提问,将学生注意力集中在不懂的方位上,教师在提问之后,自己回答问题并有意识的加重方位词"in,0n,under,behind,next to"的读音,同时要求学生重复自己的回答。听关键词不仅仅是有利于培养学生的注意力,而且能培养学生的判断能力,勤于思考的习惯,在思考中遇到困难自我处理或向他人寻求帮助的习惯。

七年级英语上册复习教案 篇2





































































































七年级上册英语单词表 篇3









































七年级上册英语第四单元教案 篇4

Section A (1a-2d)


1. 语言知识目标:

1) 能掌握以下单词:rules, arrive, late, hall, dinning hall, listen, listen to, fight, sorry

2) 能掌握以下句型:

① Don't eat in class.

② You must be on time.

③ Eat in the dining hall.

2. 学会用英语表达一些标志的含义。

3. 熟练使用目标语言谈论对某些规章制度(校规、家规等)的看法


1. 教学重点:

1) 肯定祈使句是省略掉主语的原形动词开头;

2) 否定祈使句则是在肯定祈使句前加上“don’t”。

3) 情态动词must及have to在用法上的区别。

2. 教学难点:



Ⅰ. Warming-up and revision


Please stand up/ sit down. Close the door, please. Look at me and listen to me.

Don’t open your books. Don’t talk. Let’s begin our class.

Ⅱ. 1a

T: Now, Look at the picture on your textbook. Each of the students is breaking one of these rules. Please finish 1a.

Ⅳ. Listening

Now let’s listen! What rules are these students breaking? Write the numbers after names?

Ⅴ. Pair work

Read the dialogue in 1cand work in pairs.

Ⅵ. Listening

1. First, let's read the sentences in 2a together. Now, let's listen to the recording. Check the activities Alan and Cindy talk about.

2. Work on 2b: Listen to the recording again. Can Alan and Cindy do these activities? Circle can or can't above.

Ⅶ. Pair work

1. Suppose you are Alan and your partner is Cindy. Talk about the rules in 2a.

2. Let some students come to the front and act out the conversations.

Ⅷ. Role-play

Read the conversation and find some rules in this school. Ss read the conversations and find the answers to this question.

( Don't be late for school. Don't bring music players to school. You always have to wear the school uniform. You have to be quiet in the library. )


1. Remember the new words and expressions.

2. 完成下列句型转换试题

1)I can play computer games on weekends.(一般疑问句)

_________________________________? Yes, ____________.

2) He has to wear uniform.(变否定句) He _____ _____ _____ wear uniform.

3) I have to wear sneakers for gym class.(一般疑问句)

_____ you ____ ____ wear sneakers for gym class? Yes, I ____.

4) They have to wash clothes.(提问) ____ do they have ____ ____?

5) You can’t go out on school nights.(换一种表达) _______ go out on school nights.

6) Don’t talk in class.(同上) No _________.

Section A (Grammar Focus-3c)


1. 教学重点:

1) 继续学习使用目标语言谈论对某些规章制度(校规、家规等)的看法

2) 通过不同方式的练习方式来学会用英语表达一些标志的含义。

3) 运用祈使句来表达一些规章和制度。

2. 教学难点:

1) 总结用祈使句、情态动词can、must及have to来表达各种规章制度;

2) 能用所学的知识来制定一些简单的规章制度。


Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision

Ⅱ. Grammar Focus.

1. 学生阅读Grammar Focus中的句子,然后做填空练习。

① 不要在楼道里跑。_______________________

② 不要打架。 ____________________

③ 有什么规则? ___________________

④ 我们必须按时上课。 ____________________

⑤ 我们可以在教室里吃东西吗?____________________

⑥ 不能。但我们可以在餐厅里吃东西。___________________

⑦ 我们可以在教室里带帽子吗?____________________

2. Ss finish off the sentences and check the answers by themselves.

Ⅲ. Writing

Look at 3a. Do you know the meaning of these pictures? Can you write the rules for the school library?

Ss discuss the pictures and make some rules. Let some Ss read their rules aloud. Check the answers with the class.

(Don't listen to music in the library. Don't eat or drink in the library. Don't take photos in the library. )

Ⅳ. Practice

Work on 3b: Use the words to make questions about the rules. Then write answers according to your school. For example: Be quiet? (she/have to/ in the library) Does she have to be quiet in the library? Yes, she does.

2. 注意: have to虽是情态动词,但其在句子中与谓语动词共同构成句子时,其一般疑问句应用助动词do或does来帮助构成;而情态动词can则直接提前构成一般疑问句式。

3. Ss work by themselves and try to write the sentences on the workbook.

4. Ss work in pairs. Ask and answer the sentences.

Ⅴ. Game

Ss work in groups and discuss what rules are in their school. Write down their rules on the work. Let some Ss read their rules aloud. See whose school is the coolest?

Ⅵ. Exercises

1. If time is enough, do some more exercises on the screen.


1. Read the sentences in Grammar Focus.

2. Make some rules at home.


Section B 1a-2c


1. 能掌握以下单词:out, go out, dish, do the dishes, night, before, dirty, kitchen, more, noisy, relax, read, terrible, feel, strict, be strict with, remember, follow, follow the rules, luck

2. 能掌握以下句型:

① Don't leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen.

② I can't relax either.

③ I must read a book before I can watch TV.

④ I have to help mom make breakfast.

3. 理解must, have to/ can/can't的用法


Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision

Check the homework. Let some Ss read their home rules.

Ⅱ. Presentation

1. Show some pictures on the big screen and let Ss learn the new words and expressions.

2. 学生看着1a部分的图片


Check the answers with the class.

Ⅲ. Listening

1. Tell Ss they'll listen to the recording about Dave's house rules. Listen and put an× for things Dave can't do and a √for things he has to do.

2. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and check.

Ⅳ. Listening

Now let's work on 1c. Now first, let's read the phrases aloud together. Explain the meaning of the phrases if necessary.

Play the recording three times for the Ss to listen and write the phrases in the chart in 1b.

Check the answers:

Ⅴ. Group work

Divide the Ss into groups to talk about Dave's home rules. Make a list of Dave's house rules. Ⅵ. Reading

1. Fast reading: Read the letter and find the answer to this question:

What does Molly feel about the rules?

Ss read the letter and find the answer to this question. (she feels terrible.)

2. Careful reading: Read the letter again and underline the rules for Molly. Check the answers with the class. (Let some Ss read their answers aloud. Let other Ss add some rules. )

3. Careful reading

1) Read Dr. Know's letter and answer this question: What does she think of the school and home rules? Let one student read out his/her answer.

(She thinks parents and schools are sometimes strict, but they make rules to help us. We have to follow them. )

Ⅶ. Reading

1. Read the letter again and complete the sentences with have to/ must, can or can't.

2. 提示: have to与must的用法:

1)must表示一种主观的需要,而have to表示一种客观的需要,意思是“不得不”。如: I have to attend an important meeting this afternoon.


Mother is out, so I have to look after the shop.


2)have to的否定形式是don’t have to, 相当于needn’t。如:

They don’t have to buy a computer at present.



1. Remember the new words and expressions in this period.

2. Ask Ss write down Molly's rules at home and at school.

七年级上册英语教案 篇5

【课题】Unit1 My name’s Gina.


知识与能力:1. 掌握并规范字母Ii-Rr.

2、 识记本单元词汇:what, this, in, English, a, an, map, orange, jacket, key, quilt, pen, ruler, spell, please, etc.







名字______遇见______问题,难题______ 回答,答案 ______

第一的________ 最后的________


1.my_________2.clock _________3.nice ________ 4.what ________

5、 your_________ 6.hello _______7.I________ 8.you ________9.his ________

10.her ___________11.name__________12.are________13.is____________


1、 选择题:

(1.)Kate has lost(丢失) _______key. _________asked _________for help.

A.her ,he, I B. his, he ,me C. his, she, I D. her, she, me

(2)_____ plus(加) seven is thirteen?

A. Five B. Six C. Eight D. Nine

(3)______ is her name ?

A. who B. what C where D. How

2、 写出下列英语形式。


3、 写出下列词的英语意思:

1)。 早晨__________2)。下午_________3)。晚上___________4)。谢谢_________

5)。名字________6)。好的________ or_________

【预习反思】:你还有什么问题吗?(Do you have any problems?)


Step1 交流展示

Step2 精讲点拨: What’s your name ? 你叫什么名字?句中的your可根据问对象换成his、her等物主代词。What’s his name ? (翻译) ___________________.

Step3 Pairwork 1: Student A: What’s your name ?

Student B: My name is Mary.

Pairwork 2: Student A: Hello! I’m Mary.

Student B: Hi, Mary! I’m Jim.

Step4 Summary : 1)向别人作自我介绍是通常用My name is + 自己的名字/ I’m +自己的名字

2)将下列单词分类 I , he, my, his, her, she, it, its

人称代词: ___________________________

物主代词: ____________________________

三、作业:满分:10分 得分率:______


1、 What’s ______ name? A. he B. I C. her D. you

2、 ________she Lucy? A. Am B. Is C. are D. be

3、 ________is Li Lei.________English is good

A. He’s ; His B. His; He C. He; His D.You; Your


A. Cc B.Bb C. Ff D. Gg

5、 ------What’ your name ? ----------__________

A. Yes B. Thanks C. Tom D. Fine, thank you


1、 A:How do you do? B:_________________

2、 A: _________________?

B:Fine, thank you.

3、 A: Good evening, Frank!

B:________________, Eric!

4、 A: ________________, Dale!

B: Good afternoon, Alice!

5、 A: _____________________________?

B: His name is Tom.

七年级上册unit4教案 (人教版英语七年级 篇6

Unit Four Where’s my schoolbag?


1. 学生通过实物和图片掌握有关物品的新单词:table, bed, bookcase, sofa, chair, clock,tape, radio, hat, etc;

2. 通过独立思考和小组合作,能灵活运用in, on, under, behind, in front of, near等介词;

3. 熟练运用Where问句和一般疑问句及其回答;

4. 掌握名词单复数及人称代词的用法。


1.重点:A. 方位介词: in, on, under, behind, in front of, near 等的用法;

B.Where 的特殊疑问句和一般疑问句:Is the… in/on/under the …?的肯定、否定回答;

C.新单词:bed,table, bookcase,……

2.难点:A. 能够准确运用方位介词描述物品所在的位置;



The First Period (Section A, 1a–2d)

Step 1: Warming up

Revise some school things by ask questions.

e.g. What’s this? Is this a ...? How do you spell it? Etc.

Learn the new words in, on, under... By helping the teacher to find the lost things.

e.g. T: Where is my English book?

S1: I think it’s on the desk.

T: Where are my pens?

S2: ...

Teach the new word “where” and the use of “they”。

Consolidate the prepositions by looking at the scree and answer the questions:

Where’s...? Where’re...?

Step2: Presentation

Look and find

T: Please look at the picture in activity 1a. There are some things in it. Do you know what they are?

Match and discuss

a. T: Would you please match the words with the things in the picture?

b. T: How many words do you know? Can you share the words you know with your partners?

c. T: Please discuss with your partners and check whether your answers are the same.

3.Check the answers


T: Please read the words after me. Table ...

Step 3: Listen and number

T: Listen to the recording of 1b for the first time.

T: Number the things in the picture when you listen to it for the second time.

Read the sentences

a. T: I would like you to read the tape script together.

b. T: Would you please read it by yourselves three times?

Translate and explain

a. T: Let’s translate the conversation into Chinese.

b. T: Who can tell us what it means?

c. T: Yes. When we ask the positions of things, we use the word “where”。 And from the picture, we know that the word “on” means “在上面” “in” means “在里面” “under” means “在下面”。 They are called prepositions “介词”。

Step 4: Game: Hide and look for things

Students hide and look for the school things in pairs. One student hide one school

thing and ask: Where’s...? Where’re...? The other student guess and answer: It’s in your desk. They are in your pencil case. etc. Ask some pairs to share their performance.Step 5: Listen and imitate

Section A, 2a. Revise what the things are. Play the tape for students and let them number them.

Section A, 2b. Play the tape again, students number the things [1-6] in the picture. Imitate the dialogues.

Step 6: Section A 2c


T: Let’s move to activity 2c. Shall we read the conversation together?


a. T: Now, let’s guess where the things are.

b. Students work in pairs. Student A covers the picture in 2b. Ask about where the things are in the picture. Student B answers the questions.

c. T: I would like to give you an example.

Example: T: Is the pencil box on the sofa?

S: No, it isn’t. It’s under the sofa.

d. T: Change roles after making one conversation and then practice again.

Step 7: Section A 2d

Role-play the conversation. Show a picture of a room. Give Ss one minute to look at it, and then ask them what kind of things they saw and where the things are. Have a competition among groups. See which group can remember all the things and where they are.

七年级英语上册教学计划 篇7



1.—Daming, sit down please.


A. OK       B. Thank you     C.Hello      D.Goodbye

2.--Hi, Xiao Ming!Nice to meet you.


A.Fine, thank you           B.I’m fine,too.

C.Nice to meet you, too       D.How are you?

3.My friend Daming is in___________.

A.Class Two          B.class two      C.class Two   D. Class two

4..---_______ colour are the cats?


A.What; They’re        B.Which;They’re

C.Where;They’re        D.What;It’s

5.This is Mr Black. _____is a Chinese teacher.

A.He           B.She           C.It           D.this

6.How many ______are there on the desk?

A.cat           B.dog           C.bird         D.bananas

7.Li Ping and Peter ______good friends.

A. am          B.is             C.are          D.be

8.My father’s sister is my _______.

A.aunt         B. sister          C.mother       D.cousin

9.--Are there_______desks in the dining hall?

--No, but there are______tables in it.

A.some; any    B.any; some      C.any;any       D.some; some

10.The library is next______our classroom.

A.on          B.to         C.from        D.at


I’m Sherry ,I’m a (n)__31__ and I’m from New York .I’m _32__. I’m  __33___Class 7,Grade 7 .The girl is Mary. __34__ is Chinese .She is from Hangzhou ,a beautiful __35___ .She is __36___years old ,too. She __ 37___ in Class 8 ._38___ are friends . I like China __39___I like Chinese food. My favourite ___40___ is green ,but Mary likes yellow .

11. A.Chinese      B.China   C、America    D.American

12. A.13 years old   B.13 year old  C.13 years’ old  D.13-year-old

13. A.on         B.at         C.in        D.under

14. A.He         B.It         C.She      D.I

15. A.city       B.country     C.school    D.room

16.A. 13        B.14         C.8        D.9

17.A.is         B.are        C.aren’t     D.isn’t

18.A.They       B.These      C.You      D.We

19..A. but      B .and      C.or        D.so

20.A.sport           B.food      C.color      D.lesson

七年级上册英语测试题 篇8




(     )1.It`s________interesting book.

A.a    B.an    C.the       D. /

(     )2.These sweaters are only 13 dollars. Do you want ________?

A. it     B. them                       C. that             D. those

(     )3.There are many __________in our school.

A.woman teacers B.women teacher  C.women teachers   D.woman teacher

(     )4.There is __water in the cup .

A. lot of     B. many          C .a little          D. a few

(     )5.I have English Reading ____ Monday morning.

A. at    B. in        C. on                 D. under

(     )6.When is your birthday? It’s ________.

A.February      B.second    C.February second    D.1990

(     )7.________ shirt is white.

A.My brother  B.My brothers  C.My brother’s  D.My brothers’

(     )8.What’s the month between July and September?  ________.

A.June       B.August      C.October      D.November

(     )9.________ is very difficult.

A.Lesson fifth     B.The lesson fifth  C.Fire lesson   D.The fifth lesson

(     )10.Our school has a sports meeting ________ October 15th.

A.at          B.on          C.in           D.for

(     )11. I _____ my good friends often go to a movie.

A. on         B. and          C. with         D. in

(     )12. Mrs. Green is _____mother .

A. Jim and Kate   B. Jim and Kate’s    C. Jim and Kates    D. Jim’s and Kate’s

(     )13. Great T-shirts are on sale in Blue Forest Clothes Store. Come and see_____ yourself.

A. with     B. to     C. about       D. for

(     )14. The movie is _____. I want to see it again.

A. boring    B. funny       C. sad      D. scary

(     )15.They will have a class meeting _____ July 2nd.

A. in         B. at        C. on        D. for

(     )16.Look! These are ______pens.

A your brother   B you    C your brother's D your brothers

(     )17.____________. Do you have a pen?

A. Excuse me.  B. I’m sorry.  C. Can I help you?   D. I’ll take it.

(     )18.He sings ________ and he is a __________ singer(歌手).

A. good; good   B. well; well   C. good; well           D. well; good

(     )19.—Let’s play chess.

—___________. I want to watch TV.

A. That sounds great.    B. Yes. It’s difficult.

C. No, it's boring.       D.Yes. Let's watch TV.

(     )20. ________funny time to eat dinner !

A. What   B. What a      C.How a   D. How


Li Lei is a middle school student. He is a good boy. Uncle Wu lives  21  him. Uncle Wu has  __22 _children and he can’t see  23 . He works in the factory near Li Lei’s school. He goes to work at 7:30 in the morning and  24 home at 4:30 in the afternoon. Li Lei goes to school at 8:00 in the morning and comes home at the  25  time as Uncle Wu in the afternoon.  26__weekdays Li Lei gets up early to take Uncle Wu  27 the factory. After school he takes Uncle Wu home. On Sundays Li Lei helps Uncle Wu  28 the house and do some  29  . Uncle Wu thanks Li Lei very much. He says, “Li Lei is a good boy. He  30  my son. ”

(     )21.A. next to     B. next           C. nearly        D. besides

(     )22.A. not         B. not one       C. no         D. nobody

(     )23.A. something       B. anything      C. nothing    D. every

(     )24.A. goes        B. come           C. coming    D. goes to

(     )25.A. same        B. some          C. different     D. differences

(     )26.A. In          B. On         C. At         D. Of

(     )27.A. away        B. from          C. to            D. with

(     )28.A. cleans      B. cleaning       C. cleanning     D. clean

(     )29.A. cookers     B. cooking       C. cook          D. cooks

(     30A. looks         B. look like     C. likes         D. is like



We are learning English, but how can we learn English well? A student can know a lot about English, but maybe he can not speak English.

If you want to know how to swim, you must get into the river. And if you want to be a football player, you must play football. So, you see, you can learn English only by using it. You listen to your teacher carefully in class. You must read your lessons every day. You must speak English to your English teacher and classmates and also you must write in English. Then one day, you may find your English very good.

(     ) 31 You know a lot about English but maybe you ______.

A. can’t speak it  B. can study it  C. can’t study it  D. can’t use it

(     ) 32. You must get into the river ______.

A. to play with water           B. to go boating

C. to learn how to swim         D. to catch a fish

(     ) 33. Do you want to be a football player? Please ______.

A. put your football away       B. buy a good football

C. play football               D. watch others play football

(     ) 34. According to the passage, how can we learn English well ? ______

A. We must have a good English book.   B. We must have a good English teacher.

C. We must see more English films.     D. We must use it often.

(     ) 35. Who can you speak English to in your class? ______

A. Only my classmates.            B. My English teacher and classmates.

C. My father and mother.           D. All my friends.



36. I want to go swimming on Sunday. Where can I go?

A Green Trees Gym                          B Fish Balls Gym

C You can’t go swimming on Sunday.            D No places

37. I want to play basketball on Monday morning. Where can I go?

A Green Trees Gym                           B Fish Balls Gym

C Green Trees Gym and Fish Balls Gym           D No places

38. I play volleyball at 9:00 every morning. Where can you find me?

A Green Trees Gym                           B Fish Balls Gym

C At home                                  D At school

39. Which gym accept(接受) E—mail from a computer?

A Green Balls Gym                           B Fish Balls Gym

C Green Trees Gym                           D Fish Green Gym

40. What’s the telephone number of the Green trees Gym?

A It’s 6227225        B It’s 6227255

C It’s 6589417      D We don’t know.


Paul love sports. He does some sports every day. After school on Mondays, he goes running with some friends for about half an hour. Then  he goes swimming before he goes home for dinner. He also plays in two school teams On Wednesday he plays football at school and on Friday evening he plays in the table tennis team. On Saturday and Sunday morning he goes swimming again . He also rides to school every day except Sunday. On Sunday afternoon, he does his favorite sport-------sleeping.

(     )41.When does Paul do some sport?

A. On Mon day     B. On Sunday        C. Every day

(     )42. What does he do before dinner on Monday? He _________.

A. goes swimming    B. plays tennis       C. plays football

(     )43. When does he go swimming?

A. On Monday       B. On Saturday and Sunday.     C. Both above

(     )44.  _______, he doesn’t ride to school.

A. On Monday      B. On Wednesday       C. On Sunday

(     )45. What does Paul love ?

A. Sports         B. His family          C. his school


Ed is fifteen. His telephone is 555-9078. He likes thrillers, and he likes action movies, too. He doesn’t like romances. He usually goes to see Beijing Opera with his family on weekends.

Jane is eleven. She likes comedies and romances, But she doesn’t like thrillers. She thinks thrillers are scary. She doesn’t go to see Beijing Opera. You may call her at 555-9117.

Barry is a sixteen-year-old boy. His favorite movie star is Jackie Chan. He likes action movies and thrillers. He thinks Spiderman is a great movie. He also thinks Beijing Opera is really fun. But he doesn’t like Mr. Bean because he thinks comedies are boring. His friends call him at 555-9065.

My name is Oscar. Of course I like movies of all kinds. But I say “No” to Beijing Opera. If you want to go to a movie, call me at 555-3561.

(     )46. How old is Jane? ______

A. 15    B. 11  C. 12    D. 16

(     )47. What do you know about Ed? ______

A. He likes comedies.                    B. He doesn’t like Beijing Opera.

C. He doesn’t go to see romances.           D. He is 14.

(     )48. What is NOT true about Barry? ______

A. Barry is 16.                           B. Barry likes Jackie Chan.

C. Barry likes comedies because they’re fun.   D. Barry goes to see thrillers.

(     )49. If you go to a romance, who may want to go with you? ______

A. Jane and Oscar.               B . Ed and Barry.

C. Barry and Oscar.              D. No one.

(     )50. Ed wants to call someone to see Beijing Opera. Which phone number may he need? __

A. 555-9117   B. 555-3561   C. 555-9078   D. 555-9065


四、词汇 (15分)


1. Cheng Long and Li Lianjie are great__________(演员)

2. I think Bill Gates is a very__________(成功的')businessman(商人)

3. I like volleyball games; Jack likes them, __________(也)

4. They u______ read their books in the morning.

5. I like c______ because they’re funny.


Mrs Brown is a teacher. She teaches English, she speaks a little Chinese, too. She goes to Chinese classes every Tuesday.

Mrs brown is from England, but she likes working in China. She says her students are very friendly. She loves them . Mrs Brown has a son and a daughter. Her son’s name is Mike. He is ten years old. Her daughter’s name is Sue. She is seven years old. They go to school in China . They have classes six days a week. They like their school very much.

11.What is Mrs Brown’s job?


12.Can she speak Chinese ?


13.Where is Mrs Brown from ?


14.How many children does she have ?


15.How old is Sue ?






教案 七年级上册 篇9

教案 七年级上册

11课策划一次校园活动 教学目标 了解如何策划校园活动。 了解怎样结合校园活动进行调查研究。 通过调查了解活动所涉及的部门与学科。 跨学科全面的思考与设计创作出好的策划。 教学重点 如何应用美术的形式把校园生活中设计的方方面面表现出来。 教学难点 找准美术表现形式与活动策划的结合点培养综合解决问题和整体艺术策划的能力。 教学准备 纸板、聚苯黏合剂、束扎用铁丝、绳子、水彩、水粉颜色、水彩笔、油画棒等。 教学过程 一、导入 每一年,我们学校都会组织很多活动,如艺术节、绘画展、科技周等等。它们是一次欢乐的盛会,展示自己的舞台。如果让我们班来策划一次活动,我们有这个信心和能力吗?板书课题:策划一次校园活动。 二、新授 在课前我们已经以艺术节为例,请同学们调查了关于艺术节的策划知识,你是通过哪种途径了解的?生答:专业书、网上的信息、报纸、杂志、访谈。现在我们以组为单位共同献计献策,以出示题板的方式回答问题,比比谁的方案最优秀: (一)艺术节策划方案将涉及哪些的环节?请各小组讨论后出示题板,看哪一组同学想 到的详细:(活动时间、地点、目的、各种宣传和准备、内容安排、活动进程、部门分工、费用预算、负责组织人员等等) (二)艺术节的内容有哪些?开幕式、集体表演、歌舞晚会、朗诵会、猜谜大赛、绘画比赛、演讲天地、游戏比赛、图书大餐、颁奖晚会…… (三)这么多的活动,应该有哪方面的准备?同学们出示:场地的租用、人员的安排、舞台的设计、服装、道具、器材、宣传品、美术材料、奖品等等。 (四)要与哪些部门进行沟通?学校后勤部、器材室、团委、歌舞团、演出公司、美术公司、赞助单位等。策划活动的确是一个即复杂又综合的过程。 (五)哪些内容可以借助美术这种视觉形式来传达?学生讨论:策划图、策划方案、舞台布置、宣传品:如海报、吉祥物、会标、纪念册、请柬、节目单、面具、签到册、标语等等。老师总结:看来,美术的作用可真不少,形式也是多种多样。好的艺术设计将使主题更加一目了然,获得更隆重、成功的效果。 (六)以上我们把校园活动涉及的各方面进行了全方位的讨论研究,我们如何用美术的形式表达策划的内容? 用大屏幕显示策划图的绘制方法、流程图、路线图、鸟瞰图、卡通图、图表加说明的几种方法,并加以解释说明各自的特点。 如流程图主要显示机构设置或表达活动流程;路线图主要显示各地点的顺序;鸟瞰图是俯视的直观效果;图表加说明更使策划图文并茂,清楚明了。 值得注意的如何使各图统一和谐:可利用几个明度相近的色块作背景或用线条、文字或图标分割或组织成组。做到有主有次,多而不乱。  三、作业 以组为单位,用所学的美术知识为学校设计一个最佳方案,可用手绘或电脑等方法。评选标准:紧扣主题;设计整体、新颖、多样;色彩和谐;图文并茂。 四、总结 各组展示作品,集体评价,按标准选出最优秀的方案。 老师总结:本节课我们了解了策划活动及策划的环节,通过集体的力量完成了一次有意义的探索,使我们对美术与生活有了更全新、全面的了解。希望同学们多运用美术的方式表达思想,创造生活。 五、评价 这是一节与同学们生活密切相关的探索学习,是同学们主动把美术学习变成文化实践的过程。老师要使学生在具体情景中把创新观念转化为具体成果,跨学科学习,理解共通的原理,发展综合实践的能力。   12课面具设计制作 面具的设计与制作 教学目标: 1、了解面具的由来和演变发展的过程,了解不同国家、地域、民族对面具的不同理解。 2、了解面具的造型特点及表现形式和方法。 3、了解现代面具的功能和作用。 教学难点: 设计出具有新意、艺术效果独特并符合表演角色性格特征的`面具。 课前准备 (1)多媒体课件、图表、面具光盘。 (2)面具相关文字资料及图片资料。 (3)学生制作面具的海绵纸,胶水等。 (4)学生表演节目用的道具和音乐。 三、教学设计 学习内容 学生活动 教师活动 第一课时 激发兴趣与合作探究第二课时学习与制作第三课时展示、体验、交流。分组合作,讨论节目,分配角色。搜集面具资料(图片、实物、文字资料等)与同学交流自己对面具文化的了解。欣赏中外面具作品。学习面具的设计制作方法。设计有创意的面具以小组为单位表演节目,评价自己与他人的面具及节目的设计。引导学生观看录像。组织学生分组,讨论每位要演节目及角色,引导学生查找资料。讲解面具知识,面具的历史、面具的制作方法。重点讲面具对人物性格的刻画。指导学生设计出有个性、有创意的面具。正确引导学生评价 四、教学过程设计 (一)第一课时 激发兴趣与合作探索 1、影片欣赏:播放童话剧《马兰花》录像资料 2、教师总结:看了录像中戴面具表演的节目。我们也要开一场联欢会。要以小组的形式每个同学戴上面具,表演你喜欢的节目。 3、教师提出问题请同学思考:a、你和谁一组?b、表演什么节目?c、我演谁?d、角色的性格是什么样的?e、你如何给角色设计面具? 4、请你用形象或语言描绘出你所演角色的特征。 5、请同学查阅有关面具的文字资料、图片资料、实物等。(通过书籍、网络、电影、录像等) (二)第二课时: 面具知识的讲解与面具设计与制作 1、面具知识的介绍 引导学生把搜集的图片、文字资料,以小组为单位向全班同学展示。交流对面具文化的了解。 交流内容应包括:(1)古代面具的由来、意义、功能。 (2)不同民族、不同地域、不同国家面具的造型特点及风格。 (3)面具的材料及色彩特点。 (4)现在面具的功能:随着社会的发展,面具的功能已不再是祭祀,驱鬼怪,除病魔。 提问:现在社会中面具都运用在哪些方面? 学生思考:家居装饰、表演道具、狂欢节、物品的设计等。现代面具是人们除旧迎新、欢歌劲舞、交流情感不可缺少的装饰。 教师用多媒体课件演示现代面具图片,加深对现代面具的了解。 2、教师讲解面具的设计制作方法,步骤。 3、学生制作面具 在教师介绍面具制作的基本原理和方法的基础上。学生展开设计与制作。 学生思考:(1)设计什么风格的面具?(粗犷、奔放或细腻。写实或抽象) (2)运用什么样的色彩表现人物的个性?(色调统一、色彩对比强烈) (3)采用什么样的制作方法?(平面或立体) 要求:面具造型色彩夸张独特,符合节目的角色。 (三)第三课时 展示、体验、交流 根据上节课制作好的面具向全班同学展示、体验、交流。 1、分别以组为单位,上台表演本组设计好的节目。同时,体验角色的内心情感。为了使节目更生动,可以考虑音乐、旁白、服装、道具等。 2、发给每人一张评价表。每组表演完节目后,给以评价。 3、全班同学的面具贴在黑板上。教师引导同学评价。(从面具及表演两方面评价) 教师提出问题:你最喜欢哪组同学设计的面具?为什么? 你最喜欢哪组同学表演的节目?为什么? 4、学生交流体会,赞美他人的优点,欣赏他人的成功。 5、教师总结评价 附: 评价表 第一组第二组第三组第四组第五组第六组 面具造型30分 色彩30分 节目创意20分 表演20分 五、教学反思 本课程属于设计应用课。在教学设计上更注重学生的体验,由于学生知识、能力不同,在设计面具和表演节目上,教师要尊重学生自主兴趣,情感的表达。节目的选择应符合学生的年龄特点,充分展示学生的所思所想,是学生内心世界的一种真情流露。   《面具设计制作》教学案例  [教学设计] 教材分析:本课的设置,改变以往课程中只侧重面具的制作技术,而忽视了对美术文化的学习。这节课的安排可以让学生在学会制作面具的过程中,了解不同国家、地域、民族对面具的理解以及面具与人类与社会发展的关系,从而进一步了解面具深刻的文化内涵―“在广泛的文化情景中认识美术”。 教学目标:知识目标:通过对面具艺术的欣赏及文化的学习,了解面具的文化内涵。 能力目标:在制作面具的过程中,培养学生创造与审美能力。 情感目标:在与同学合作的过程中,既锻炼了协作能力,又培养互助精神。 创造目标:鼓励学生在制作面具的过程中,胆大心细,充分发挥相像力,设计制作出有新意的作品。 教学重点:对面具制作材料的理解以及对材料的综合理解 难点:让学生设计制作出有个性、艺术效果独特的面具 教学方法:直观交流法、启发引导法、创新表演法 [教学过程] 一、导言:同学们面具作为一种古老的艺术品,在世界艺术发展史上占有重要的地位。时到今日,古老的面具艺术正向现代文明走来,走进我们的生活。那么,怎样去自己设计制作充满现代感的面具呢?这一节课,就让我们一起去研讨面具的设计制作方法,揭开面具神秘的面纱。 二、欣赏面具表演,激发兴趣 师:要想制作出有艺术品味、独特的面具,首先我们要了解有关面具的文化背景。老师为你们准备了精美的礼物,请同学们看大屏幕。 (课件显示不同国家、地域、民族的面具表演以及面具文化的发展简史。以此引入课题,激发学生的兴趣) 三、分组讨论,交流心得 师:通过刚才对面具艺术的欣赏,四人一组,讨论一下,并谈谈你们观后的感受。 (生争相发表他们观后的感受) 师:对于面具的文化背景,我们已有了大概的了解,那么,现在我们就一起来分析一下面具的设计特点与设计风格。 (师再一次出示课件中精美的面具图片,讲解面具的设计特点与设计风格,为学生的创作打下基础) 四、亲自示范,具体讲解 师:今天老师给你们示范的是立体面具的制作方法。第一步,先把一张平面的纸剪成脸的形状,当然在剪的过程中,同学们可以大胆创新。这个脸的形状不必拘泥一定的模式,可以剪成圆的、方的,也可以做一些适当的夸张、变形,然后把五官刻好。第二步,就是怎样把平面的脸变成立体的脸,这种方法在以前我们学过的小猴的面孔制作方法中学过,哪一位同学起来说一

七年级英语上册考试题 篇10


1、Good morning/ afternoon / evening早上/下午/晚上好

Good night 晚安(晚上告别)

2、glad / nice to meet / see you 见到你很高兴(回答也一样)

3、welcome to + 地点欢迎来到…… (回答:Thank you 或者Thanks)

4、let’s + V(原) 让我们做……

5、stand up 起立sit down 坐下

6、this is ... -这是…… (用于介绍第三者的用语)

7、How do you do ?你好 (回答也是:How do you do ? )

8、How are you ? 你好吗? Fine, thank you, and you?很好;谢谢;你呢?

I’m OK / I’m fine, too. 我也很好。

9、see you = see you later = see you soon =good-bye 再见

10、excuse me打扰一下;请问

11、I’m … = my name is …我是……

12、be from = come from 来自

13、in English 用英语

14、Can you spell it ? Yes /No 你能拼写它吗? 能/不能

15、That’s OK / That’s all right / You’rewelcome / Not at all不用谢

16、…… years old ……岁

17、ewtelephone number 电话号码 QQnumber QQ号码 ID number 身份证

18、the same (相同的) 反义词是 different (不同的)

例: We are in the same grade, but we are indifferent classes.


1. What is yourname?你的名字是什么?

2. Where +be + 主语 + from? 或者

Where +助动词(do/does)+主语+come from?


Where are you from? =Where do you come from?

回答:I am from Zhaoqing. =I come from Zhaoqing.

3. How old + be + 主语?某人几岁? (回答:主语 + be + 数字 )

例: How old are you? I’m fourteen (years old).

4. What is your telephonenumber? 你的电话号码是多少?

(回答:My telephone number is ... 或者It’s ... )


5. What class / grade +be + 主语 + in ? 某人在哪一个班级/年级?

例:What class are you in? Iam in Class Five.

What grade are you in? Iam in Grade Seven.(注意大写)

6. What’s this/ that (in English) ?这是什么?(回答:It’s a/an +单数名词。 这是……)

What’ re these/ those (in English) ? 这些是什么?(回答:They’re + 复数名词 这些是……)

7. How do you spell it ?你怎么拼写它? E-R-A-S-E-R, eraser.(注意拼读方法)


1、sb + has/ have ( an /a ) + adj + 五官=== sb’s 五官 is /are + adj (描述长相)

例:Lily has a small nose. = Lily’s nose is small.

2、I know = I see 我明白了

3、That’s right 那是对的/对了

4、look the same look like 看起来相像look different 看起来不同

例: Jim and Lilei look the same.== Jim looks like Lilei. .

5、look at + n看某物 look for +n 寻找某人/某物 look after +n 照顾某人

6、both 两者都…… all 三者或者三者以上都……

Both 和 all位于 be动词或情态动词后,位于行为动词前。

例: We are both students.We both have black eyes. We can both speak English.

7、give sth to sb = give sb sth把某物给某人; (注意:如果sth是it或them,只能用前者)

8、have different looks ==look different有着不同的长相 (看起来不相像)

havethe same look. ==look the same 有着相同的长相 (看起来很相像)

9、over there在那边come in 请进go out 出去

10、in + 颜色 或 in a/an/the +颜色 + 衣服表示穿着……颜色的衣服

常常接在名词的后面,表示穿 ...颜色衣服的…… 如 the girl in red is my sister.

11、too + adj太……

12、pants 和 shoes 做主语,谓语动词用复数;但a pair of pants/ shoes作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式

例: His shoes are black.A pair of shoes is under the bed.

13、in the morning/ afternoom/evening 在早上/下午/晚上at night 在晚上

14、go shopping = go to the shop=goto do some shopping 去购物

类似的有 go swimming go fishing go skating 等等

15、help sb. ( to ) do sth == help sb with sth帮助某人做某事注意:sb 用代词时必须用宾格

16、high school 中学

17、play +球类play the 乐器

18、think of 认为,想 think about 考虑 I think + 从句 我认为……

I think he you are right.否定式常否定主句,但翻译时要否定后面的从句

例:I don’t think he can come. 我认为他不会来了。(不能说:我不认为他会来)


1、What do/does + 主语 + looklike ? 询问人的长相

例: What does your English teacher look like ?

2、What’s ... -and ... --?……加……是什么?(回答:It’s ... --)

例:What’s red and yellow? It’s orange.

What’s two and five? It’s seven.

3、Whose + 东西 + isthis/ that ?Whose + 东西 +are these/those ? 这/这些是谁的……?

例:Whose coat is this ? It is mine.

Whose shoes are these ? They are hers.

4、Who is the letter from?这封信来自于谁?

It’s from Lily. 它来自于莉莉。

5、What color be + 东西? (回答:It’s +颜色或者 They’er + 颜色)

例:What color is your dress? It’s black.


1、Could you (please)…… (后接动词原形)你愿意做某事吗?

May I…… (后接动词原形)我能做某事吗?

2、the English corner 英语角

3、live in + 地点 住在某地 live with + 人和某人住在一起

4、What does he say in the letter?他在信里说了些什么?

What does he say on the photo? 他在电话里说了些什么?

5、alot = very much 放在句末,修饰动词,非常……

例: I like the boy a lot/ very much.

not at all 一点也不……

例: I don’t like the boy at all..

6、each other 相互,彼此students often talk to each other in class.

7、do sth with sb和某人一起做某事

8、No problem 没问题

9、speak + 语言说某种语言 speak Englishspeak Chinese

10、the Great Wall 长城

11、come/go to + 地点 去某地 但home 、here 、there 这些是副词,前面不能加to

例:go home / come here / go there

go to do sth 去做某事 例: They go to play basketball.

12、like doingsth 喜欢做某事 = like to do sth 想要做某事

13、It’s + adj +to sb 对某人来说是……的

14、help sb with sth =help sb (to) do sth帮助某人某事

15、be at home = be in 在家go home 回家 get home到家 in one’s home 在某人的家里

16、have a seat / take a seat / sit down请坐下

17、office worker办公室职员 cook 厨师 cooker炊具

18、on a farm在农场上 on the sofa 在沙发上

19、a photo of one’s family 某人的全家照 Family Tree 家谱(首字母都大写)

20、in a hospital 在医院(纯属地点概念) inhospital 因病住院

例:He is ill in hospital. 他生病住院 Heis in a hospital.他在医院里 (不一定是因为生病来到医院)

21、look after sb = take care of sb 照顾某人

22、teach sb sth = teach sth to sb教某人某东西

teach sb to do sth 教某人做某事

21、help oneself ( to sth. ) 请随便(吃……) help yourself/ yourselves (tofish)

22、I’d like sth = I would like sth. 我想要……

24、Would like to do sth = want to do sth 想要做某事

25、Would you like something to eat (drink)? 你想要一些吃(喝)的东西吗?

to eat 或 to drink 修饰something,作为后置定语。

26、Here you are . 给你Here we are. 我们到了

27、What about …… == Howabout …… ……怎么样?

后接代词或名词,还可以接动名词(即 What about doing sth )

28、all right 好的

29、a cup of tea 一杯茶 two cups of tea 两杯茶

30、milk for me 我要牛奶

31、Why not ……(后接动词原形) = Why don’t you …… (后接动词原形)为什么不做某事呢?


32、May I take your order? 可以点菜了吗?

33、wait a moment = just a moment = wait a minute(second) 等一下,请稍侯 wait for sb 等待某人

34、Can I help you ?= May I help you ?= What can I do for you ? 需要点什么帮忙吗?

35、eat out 出去吃饭

36、let sb do sth让某人做某事

37、have dinner/ breakfast/lunch/supper吃正/早/午/晚餐

38、a kind of 一种…… all kinds of各种各样的……

39、be friendly/kind to sb对某人友好

40、such as 例如例:I likefruits, such as oranges,bananas and apples

41、be glad to do sth例: I am glad to meet you,I am glad to behere..


1、What do/does + 主语+ do ? == What +be+ 主语。 ? == What’s one’s job ?

回答:主语 + be + 职业。

例如: What does your father do? = What is your father? = What’s your father’s job?

He is a teacher.


1、try on 试穿……

2、we/I will take it我们/我买下了(这里的take 相当于buy)

3、buy sth for sb = buy sb sth给某人买某物;

4、I’m just looking我只是看看;

5、three hundred and sixty-five365(百位数和十位数之间加and , 十位数和个位数之间加”-“)

6、a pair of一对/一双……

7、running shoes跑鞋

8、Are you kidding ? 你开玩笑吧;

9、think about 考虑;

10、thank you all the same 仍然谢谢你;

11、Is that all? 就这么多吗? That’s all. 就这么多吧

I2、I think so. 我认为是这样的。 Idon’t think so. 我认为不是这样的。

13、当把东西给某人时可以说: Here you are 或 Here be + 东西 或Here it is.

14、Don’t worry.别担心① worry about + 宾语 如:Do you worry about your leesson?

②Worried 烦恼的 be worried about +宾语如:She is worried about her mother.

15. a few +可数名词 (肯定);一点,一些;

few + 可数名词:(否定) 几乎没有

a little +不可数名词(肯定);一点,一些;

little + 不可数名词:(否定) 几乎没有

16、be free = have time 有空的;反义词:be busy = have no time

I have no time. = Idon’t have any time. She has no time. =She doesn’t have any time.

Areyou free tomorrow? == Do you have time tomorrow ?

17、在某一天使用介词on , 在某个时刻用at 如:On Sundayat a half past six

当this 接时间,不用介词, this Sunday

18、What’s up = what’s wrong ? = What’s the matter 什么事?

19、forget to do sth.忘记去做某事(事还没做)

forget doing sth忘记曾做过某事(事已做完)

20、tell sb about sth. 告诉某人某事 tell sb sth = tell sth to sb 把某事告诉某人

ask/tell sb to do sth 叫某人做某事

否定形式:ask/tell sb not to do sth 叫某人不要做某事

21、电话用语: ①Who’s this? 你是哪位? ② Is this ……你是……吗?

③This is ……(speaking)我是……④May I speak to……我可以找……吗?

22、go for sth = go to do sth 去做某事如: go for to have class.

23、It’s fun真是有趣的事

24、call sb = give sb a call打电话给某人 call sb back 给某人回电话

25、I’m afraid /sorry (that) + 从句恐怕……/ 对不起,……

26、I have no time =I don’t have any time 我没有时间( no = not any )

27、be not in = be not at home = be out 出去了,不在家;

28、sing a song / sing some songs 唱歌;

fly a kite放风筝;draw picture 画画

play sports 做运动; watch TV 看电视

read books 看书 read newspaper看报纸

29、let sb do sth (后接动词原形) 让某人做某事

30、时间读法有顺读法和逆读法: 顺读法(eleven thirty-six 表示11:36)

逆读法(分钟数小于等于30分用 past ,

分钟数大于30分用to,如 five past ten 表示 10:05;five to ten 表示 9:55,

half past six 表示6:30 , a querter to six 表示 5:45)

31、show sth to sb = show sb sth 把……拿给某人看; 作为名词表示演出,表演

32、祈使句的否定句,直接在句首加上Don't 就可以了

33、have to =must ……(后接动词原形) 不得不/必须……

48.It’s time for (doing) sth It’s time to do sth该到做……的时候了?

It’s time for sb to do sth 是某人做某事的时候了

33、next time下一次 next week 下个星期the next day第二天;

34、next to…… = near……在……旁边

35、get up起床go to bed 上床睡觉; getsb up 叫某人起床

36、doone’s homework做作业;

37、have a picomic 野餐;have class 上课 have a meeting 开会 have a party 举办聚会

have dinner/ breakfast /lunch/supper吃正/早/午/晚餐 have +东西 吃/喝……

have a good time =enjoy oneself 玩得很愉快 have sb to do sth 让某人做某事

have to do sth 不得不……

38、on the weekday 在周末;

39、lot of = lots of = many =much 许多的,大量的

40、in the sun 在阳光下;

41、sb like --- best = sb’s favorite + 种类 is/ are …… 谁最喜欢……

42、on one’s way to ... 在某人去……的路上;on one’s way home在某人回家的路上

43、Here we are. 我们到了

44、It’s very kind of you 你真是太好了;

45、thanks / thank you for + n/v-ing 为……而感谢你;

46、. in the tree 在树上(外物附着) onthe tree在树上(树上本身长出的东西)

In the wall 在墙里(如 window ) on the wall 在墙上


1、What do you think of ... ? = Howdo you like ... ? 你认为……怎么样?

例:What do you think of your English teacher ? == Howdo you like your English teacher ?

2、How much be + 主语? ( 回答:It’s / They’re + 价钱。)

How much is your English book ?

问价格还可以用 what’s the price of ……

3、Why not ……(后接动词原形) = Why don’t you …… (后接动词原形)为什么不做某事呢?

回答:Good idea好主意;

4、What time is it ? == What is the time? (回答:It’s +时间)




















要熟练掌握元音和辅音,5个元音字母(a, e, i, o, u),字母的正确占格及单词间距。

二、be动词的用法 be动词有三种变形,分别是:am, is, are。记忆口诀:

“我”用am, “你”用are, is用于“他、她、它”;单数全都用is,复数全部都用are。


1、三种人称:第一人称(I, we),第二人称(you, you),第三人称(he, she, it, Maria)。

2、人称代词的主格,即人称代词位于句子主语位置时的形态:I, We, You, You, He, She, It, Maria。

3、人称代词的宾格,即人称代词位于句子宾语位置时的形态:me, us, you, you, him, her, it。

4、形容词性物主代词:my, our, your, your, his, her, its, their。

5、名词性物主代词:mine, ours, yours, yours, his, hers, its, theirs。

6、反身代词:myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves。


zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three,twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty,seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred,one hundred and one。




二、可数名词变复数 可数名词变复数时,有规则变化和不规则变化两种。


1)一般情况直接在词尾加“-s ”,如:cake-cakes, bag-bags, day-days, face-faces, orange-oranges等;

2)以s, x, sh, ch结尾的词,要在词尾加“-es ”,如:bus-buses, watch-watches, box-boxes等;

3)以辅音字母加y结尾的词,变y为i再加“-es ”,如:baby-babies, country-countries, family-families等;

4)部分以f (e)结尾的词,变f (e)为“ves ”,如:knife-knives, half-halves等; 5)以o结尾的词,加“-s ”或“-es ”,如:zoo-zoos, photo-photos, tomato-tomatoes, potato-potatoes等。记忆口诀:除了“英雄”hero外,凡是能吃的,加“-es ”,不能吃的加“-s ”。

2、不规则变化: 1)改变单数名词中的元音字母:man-men, woman-women, foot-feet, tooth-teeth等;

2)单、复同形:sheep-sheep, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese等;

3)其他形式:mouse-mice, child-children等。 三、简单句的成分及主谓一致原则 最基本构成:主语+谓语+宾语,其中谓语由动词来充当。 主谓一致原则,就是句子的谓语要始终与主语保持数量上的`一致性。当主语是第三人称单数(简称“三单”)时,谓语动词也要相应变成单数形式;当主语非“三单”时,谓语动词就用原形。实意动词变“三单”的规则如下:

1)一般动词在词尾加“-s ”,如:like-likes, tell-tells, play-plays等;

2)以字母s, x,ch, sh结尾的动词加“-es ”,如:guess-guesses, teach-teaches, watch-watches等;

3)以o结尾的动词一般加“-es ”,如:do-does, go-goes等;

4)以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,先变y为i,再加“-而是”,如:fly-flies, carry-carries等;



冠词分为定冠词(the)和不定冠词(a, an)两种。


2、不定冠词a, an用来表明(可数)名词的数量是“一个”。an用于以元音开头(注意不是以元音字母开头)的单词前,a则英语非元音开头的单词前。

3、不定冠词a, an与基数词one的区别是:不定冠词不是刻意强调“数量”,而基数词则强调“数量”。
