

初中英语教案 篇1


九年级Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth!










Step 1 Lead in

用多媒体播放一首Michael Jackson的环保歌曲Heal The World,并在屏幕上展示出该歌曲的歌词,让学生自主感受歌曲内涵,引发思考。



Step 2 Discussion




Step 3 Words



Step 4 Listening




Step 5 Pairs


Step 6 Exercises


Step 7 Homework

Recite 1c.


中学英语优秀教案 篇2



本单元是xx(下) Unit x。主要围绕""这一主题展开各种教学活动,并以这一主题引出_____等语言功能。本单元旨在创造一个轻松,愉快的学习,交流环境,通过听,说,读,写来培养学生综合运用这些知识的能力。并让学生能在"做中学"(learning by doing),通过有限的课堂实践活动,拓展以往的经历,能准确地用英语来表达。






根据《英语课程标准》(实验稿)关于总目标的具体描述,结合本单元这部分的教学内容及基于对教材的分析,我对本单元的内容进行如下处理,目的是突出重点,使课堂节奏紧凑,衔贯。本单元分为四课时,第一课时是Section A,第二课时是Section B,第三课时是Self Check,第四课时是xx,最后一部分是做练习,以学生的自测为主,然后予以校对。





























Unit 9

The First Period (Section A)

Step 1 Warming up


T:I like travelling.I have been to Dalian and many big cities.What about you?


Step 2 Presentation


T:Have you been to an aquarium?

Yes,I have.

T:Have you been to a water park?

No,I havent.



初中英语教案 篇3




初中英语教案 篇4

SectionA 1a-2d



1. 学习并掌握1a-2d的单词和短语

(1) rainstorm, alarm, begin ,heavily ,suddenly, strange;

(2)go off, pick up, take a shower, make sure;

2. 掌握并运用句型

(1)What were you doing yesterday at the time of the rainstorm?

(2)When you called, I was having a shower.

(3)So while you were sleeping, I called Jenny and she helped me.

(4)What were you doing when the rainstorm came?




2.采取Pair work或Group work问答式的口语交际活动,让学生运用表达方式和句型互相操练“过去某一时间正在做某事”;

3. 采取与图片配对、圈出正确答案的听力方式帮助学生掌握听力技能;

4. 采用Role-play的学习策略,利用课件引导学生自主学习,展开课堂教学。








1. 能够用英语谈论过去发生的难忘的事情,能用英语来讲述故事;

2. 理解连词when和while的含义与使用。


语音教学——让学生进行模仿操练;词汇教学——采取情景介绍的方式进行教学,让学生在情境中操练、理解含义,并学会运用;口语教学——采取 Pair work和Group work 问答式的口语交际活动互相操练;听力教学——采取与图片配对、圈出正确答案的听力方式。


Step 1 Free talk

1. 要求学生试读课本单词表中的单词和短语,帮助学生解决语音问题。

2. 询问某个学生正在干什么并请求回答的句型,在黑板上板书。

3. 展示图片,向学生提问题。

(1) What are you doing?

(2) What is she/he doing?

e.g. reading , writing, listening to the teacher carefully,playing basketball and so on.


Step2 Warming-up


--- What was Lucy doing at this time last Sunday?

--- Lucy was doing her homework.

2. 设置场景二:昨天有一场暴风雨,暴风雨来临时,他们在哪儿?正在干什么?

Where was the girl when the rainstorm came? And what was the girl doing at the time of the rainstorm ?


Step3 Listening

1. 引导学生观察单元主题图中的四幅,读1a,学习相关生词及表述,

2. 将1a的地点与图片配对。

3. 学生朗读1b的八组短语;学生听听力,核对答案;讲解句中出现的生词及短语等。


Step4 Pair work

1. 要求学生跟读听力材料,模仿语音语调。

2. 让学生结合1a活动中自己写出或摘抄的内容创编对话,对编排优秀或有创意的学生及时肯定、表扬。


Step5 Listening

1. 让学生观察五幅插图,并引导学生尝试用动词短语表述五幅图片的含义,带读短语

2. 听2a,并核对答案。

3. 在2b中,先要求学生浏览句子,了解句子的大意;其次让学生预测这些空可能缺少怎样的单词;最后给出五个短语,让学生听听力填空,核对答案。

4. 让学生将动词短语极其意思进行匹配;要求学生观察短语,并总结他们的共性。


Step6 Group work




Step7 Exercises



Step8 Role-play

1. 播放听力,让学生跟读磁带,了解对话大意。

2. 让学生齐声朗读对话,纠正读音,解答学生存在的语言障碍。


4. 学生结对分角色朗读对话,给予适当评价。

5. 讲解语言知识点:

1). My alarm didn’t go off so I woke up late.

alarm n. 闹钟

e.g. What time shall I set the alarm for?


2). I was waiting for the bus when it began to rain heavily.

①begin v. (began) 开始

e.g. I’ll begin whenever you’re ready.


常用的句型: begin to do与begin doing

一般来说,begin to do和begin doing可以互换,但在以下三种情况下,用to do。

I. 主语不是指人,而是it等。

如:It began to rain.

II. begin后接表示心理活动的词。如:begin to know还有believe, wonder, think


III. begin本身是ing形式,为避免重复后接to do。即:beginning to do

② heavily adv. 在很大程度上;大量地

e.g. moving heavily 吃力地移动

It was raining heavily. 雨下得很大。

3). So, when the rainstorm suddenly came, …

suddenly adv. 突然;忽然

e.g. I suddenly remembered that I hadn’t locked the door.


4). That’s strange.

strange adj. 奇特的,奇怪的;不可思议的

e.g. a strange noise 奇怪的声音

He’s always here; it’s strange you’ve never met him.


5). I called at seven and you didn’t pick up.

pick up(=pick up the phone) 接电话

pick up 还有以下含义:


e.g. The children picked up many sea shells at the seashore.


Pick that book up. 把那本书拣起来。

② 搭载

e.g. The car stopped to pick me up.



Step9 Summary

1、重点词汇: rainstorm, alarm, begin ,heavily ,suddenly, strange, go off, pick up, take a shower, make sure


(1) What were you doing yesterday at the time of the rainstorm?

(2)When you called, I was having a shower.

(3)So while you were sleeping, I called Jenny and she helped me.

(4)What were you doing when the rainstorm came?


Step10 Homework



初中英语教案 篇5


1、 知识目标:


B、方位介词,如:in , on , under , behind的用法;


2、 能力目标:




3、 情感目标:



重点:A、方位介词in , on , under , behind的用法。

B、Where的特殊疑问句和Is this a/an . . . ?一般疑问句的肯定和否定回答。

C、学习名词bed , dresser , bookcase ,backpack . . .




第一课时Section A 1a-1c

第二课时Section A 2a-4

第三课时Section B 1-2b

第四课时Section B 3a-4 Self-check

Period One教师:准备一个带有家具的房间的多媒体课件或挂图,搜集图片、卡片、一些学习用品的实物,以及闹钟、光盘、数学书和其他日常用品。




Step One: Present the New words.

①Warming up.

(Prepare some school things for the students as presents .)

T:What’s this ?(There is a pencil in the teacher’s hand .)

S1: Yes you a right . Here you are .

(give it to the student as a present .)

T: Is this a ruler ?(hold up a ruler .)

S2: Yes it is.

T: How to spell ruler ?

S2: R-U-L-E-R , ruler .

T: Good , here you are.

(Hold up a pen , an eraser , a notebook and so on . Ask the questions inthe same way . And give the presents to the students .)

T:What’s this ?

S3: It’s a backpack .

T:I have a backpack for you as a present ,(Looking for it in the desk ,under the chair . . . ) but I can’t find it . Where’s it ? Do you know ?

S3: I don’t know .

S4: I think it’s in your desk..

T:(Look into the desk.) No ,it isn’t .Now , let’s look for the backpacktogether , OK ?(Write down the title on the blackboard .)

②Learn the New words.

T:Look at the big picture on the screen .This is a big nice room .I want toown such a room . Because there is some nice furniture in it . Do you know thenames of the furniture ?

(Show a picture of a bed and a dresser .)

T:What’s this ? It’s a bed . “BED” . Read after me .B-E-D , bed.

Ss:B-E-D , bed.

T:What’s this ? It’s a dresser . D-R-E-S-S-R , dresser.

Ss:D-R-E-S-S-R , dresser.

(Teach the other words bookcase /sofa/chair/drawer/plant/ . . . in the sameway .)



T:Read the words aloud .

③Present the words in , on , under , behind using the objects .

T:Where is my book ? It’s on the desk .(Put a book on the desk .)

T:Where is my bag ?(Put a bag on the desk and ask this question .)

S1:It’s on the desk .

T:Where is my bag ?(To all the students)

Ss:It’s on the desk .

T:Where is my pen ? It’s in the pencil case .(Put a pen in the pencil caseand ask .)

T:Where is my ruler ?(Put a ruler in the pencil case , too .)

S1:It’s in the pencil case , too .

T:Where is the ruler ?

Ss:It’s in the pencil case .

(Then learn the other two prepositions “under”, “behind” in the same way .)

④Present the words .

T:Now , please look at the screen , where is the ball in Picture 1 ?

S1:I think it’s in the box .

T:Where is the ball in Picture 2 ?

S2:It’s on the box .

T:Where is the ball in Picture 3 ?

S3:It’s behind the box .

T:Where is the ball in Picture 4 ?

S4:It’s under the box .

T:There are some pictures on the screen , please match the sentences andthe pictures .

1: The cat is under the chair .

2: The cat is on the bed .

3: The cat is behind the door .

4: The cat is in the box .

5: The cat is next to the plant .




6: The cat is on the chair .

T:Please open your books and do 1a quickly as you can.

(After doing 1a,check the answer.)

Step Two :drills .

①Practice the drills .

T:This time , use the school things around you to practice the conversation.

T:Where’s the watch? (Hold up a watch in the hand.)

S1:It’s in your hand.

T: Where’s the bag? (Put a bag on the chair.)

S2:It’s on the chair.

(Ask the students to practice the dialogue like this. Then get some pairsto act it out.)

②Introduce a room and listen to the tape.

T: This is Tommy’s room, but he can’t find his books, his pencil case, hisbaseball, his computer game and his keys, please help him find the things.Listen and number [1-5] the things in the picture.

(Play the recording and then check the answer.)

Step Three: Play a game.

T: Now, we will play a game , I have a new ruler, all the students closeyour eyes, and I hide it in our classroom. Please guess, Where is it ? If youranswer is right, it is yours. Please ask like this Is it on the desk? Is it onthe floor? Are you ready?

S1: Is it in the ...?

T: No,it isn’t.

S2: Is it under the…?

T:No, it isn’t.

S3: Is it behind the…?

T: Yes, it is. Please find it out .Here you are.(Give the ruler tohim.)

(Ask three or four students to come to the front to hide three or four newschool things, others look for them.)

T:Who can come here to hide my new pen?

Ss: I can.

(After playing the game, some students who can find the school things willhave them.)

Step Four: Task.

T: Look at the picture on the screen. This is Mary’s room. In groups offour , describe where the things are in the room.(Prepare




For five minutes.)

S1: Is the book on the desk?

S2:Yes, it is. Is the backpack under the chair?

S3: No, it isn’t. It’s… Where are the keys?

S4:They are…

Homework: Make a play.

There is a man. His name is “forgetful”。 He always forgets somethings, andhe always asks Where is / are my …?

Please make a short play and next class we will act it out.

Period Two

初中英语教案设计 篇6

教材及学情分析:这节语法课教学重点和难点是when 和while的用法区别。




从日常生活用语导入。生活用语中我们常能用到when 和while引导的时间状语从句,让我们从这些句子中来发现他们的使用规则。


引导学生自己归纳过去进行时句子中when 和while的用法区别并及时指导。







“when, while”的用法,注意板书呈现。


用相when 和while比较的练习题。使学生了解他们的用法及其不同之处。


初中英语教案设计 篇7

Teaching aims:

1、 Teach vocabulary words.

2、 Enable the students to write opinions about sth.

3、 Help the students learn how to write a story according to a thing.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Warming up

Show some pictures to the students. Show the first picture in which a man doesn’t like a scarf.

Show the second picture in which a boy loves a watch.

Give more chances to let them practice. Ask the students to show their pictures.

Step 2. Key word check (1)

Ask the students to read all the words in this part.

Say: Now read and check the words you know in 1 on page 70. Then make a sentence with one of them.

Ask the students to check all the words they know.

Ask the students to find out the meaning of any words they doesn’t know.

Say, If there are any words you don’t know, you can look them up in your

dictionary and ask me or ask for help from your classmates.

Step 3.Vocabulary-Builder (2)

Ask students to write five new words in their Vocabulary-Builder on page 113.

Say, Open your books and turn to Page 113, please write five new words in you Vocabulary-Builder. You can ask for help from you Chinese—English dictionary.

After they are finished, ask two students to write their words down on the


And ask them to read the words and the whole class repeat.

Step 4. Reading and writing (3)

Ask the students to read the article.

Say: There is an article. First read it and then give your opinion.

Ask the students to read a second time.

Ask the students to give their own opinions to the class.

Step 5.Homework:

1、 Ask the students to summarize what they have learned in this unit.

2、 Ask the students to prepare for the next unit.

英语初中教案 篇8


Make, accept and decline invitations.


重点:Make invitation:

Can you come to my birthday party?

难点:Accept and decline invitations :

Sure, I’d love to.

Sorry, I can’t. I have to study for a test.

I’m sorry. I’m playing soccer on Saturday.



教学内容为“Go for it ”新目标英语八年级上册第五单元Section A(1a-1c)。学习内容主要体现在以下3点:

1. Make invitation.

2. Accept invitation.

3. Decline invitation.




录音机 教学挂图 小便利贴纸


Revision, Learning, Practice and Reading





二、 教学过程设计

Step 1 Warm up (热身)。

师:Morning, class. I have some questions. Can you answer my questions?

生:Yes, Miss Liu.

师:What are you doing this weekend?

生:I’m playing basketball

生:I’m doing my homework.

师:Good boy! Do you know what I’m doing this weekend? Please guess.

生:Are you going home?

师:I want to go home. But no.

生:Are you going shopping?


生:What are you doing this weekend?

师:I’m going to have a tea party this weekend. Would you like to come?

生:Yes, I’d love to.



Step 2 Presentation (呈现)

1.Ask and answer:师:Can you come to my party?


Ask some students to answer my questions, maybe they have different answers, write down the main answers on the blackboard.

——Yes/Sure/OK, I’d love to/ I’d like to.

——Sorry, I can’t. I have a piano lesson.

——I’m sorry. I have to go to the doctor.

——I’m sorry. I’m playing soccer on Saturday.

2.Read:师:OK. Now, please open your book turn to page 25. There are invitations from the boy on the picture. I’ll ask four students to read.

生1: Jenny, can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?

生2: Sure, I’d love to.

生3: How about you, Ted? Can you come to my party?

生4: I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to help my parents.

Then ask a student to read out the phrases in Part 1a. Then ask students to write the letter of the correct picture in the blank next to each of the phrases.

【让学生回答出各种不同的答案,归纳出本课的基本句型,通过朗读,让学生更熟悉邀请的流程。 】

Step 3 Practice (操练)

First let four students read the example in the speech bubbles to the class.

A: Can you come to my party on Wednesday?

B: Sure, I’d love to.

C: Sorry, I can’t. I have a piano lesson.

D: I’m sorry, too. I have to go to the doctor.

Then ask students to practice some invitations and make their own dialogue. Must use the phrases to practice the conversation.


Step 4 Production (巩固)

1. Listening:

Listen to the tape of Part 1b carefully. Ask students to complete the activity individually, write the names next to the correct students in the picture.


Ask students to show their answers on the blackboard’s picture to correct the answers.


3. Group-work:

Ask two groups help me to invite some students come to my party. Then tell me how many students will come to my party.

S1: Miss Liu has a party this weekend. Can you come to the party?

S2: Sure. I’d love to.

S3: I’m sorry, I can’t.

S4: ……


Step 5 Wrap up (总结)

This class we’ve learnt how to make, accept and decline invitations. After class, please write the phrases in 1a down in your exercise books and practice the conversation on Page 87.

中学英语优秀教案 篇9

Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands:

Students learn to make comparisons and discuss preferences.

Ⅱ.Key and difficult points:


theater, cinema

trendy, quality, comfortable, close to

seat, screen, jeans, performer, radio station

new, big, friendly, fun, boring, popular, cheap, service, creative, clothes, clothing, store, music, piano, actor, music video, TV show

Target language

What’s the best cinema?

Showtime Cinema. It’s the cheapest.

Jason’s has good quality clothes.

It’s better than Trendy Teens.

Jason’s is the best store in town.


Superlatives with –(i)est, the most

Irregular comparisons good, better, the best, bad, worse, the worst


The superlative degree of adjectives.

Ⅲ.Teaching aids :

A tape recorder

Ⅳ.Teaching methods:

Audio-lingual method; Communicative Approach; PPP

Ⅴ.This unit is divided into five periods.

Period 1

Teaching contents:Section A 1a ,1b ,1c ,2a ,2b , 2c .

Teaching goals :

1. vocabulary: comfortable , seat , screen , close , close to , quality , theater , cinema , radio , radio station .

2. 能力目标:掌握一些形容词的比较级和最高级。

Difficult points :特殊形容词的比较级和最高级。

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Leading in

Revise the comparative forms and superlative forms of some adjectives.

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 71, 1a.

Ask Ss to explain what the word or phrases means in their own words. Then ask Ss to decide which of the things are important or unimportant .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 71 ,1b .

Ask some Ss to read the sentences, then play the recording .Correct the answers .

SB Page 71, 1c.

Ask Ss to make a list of real movie theaters they know .In pairs ,Ss read the conversation in the box ,then get them to make their own conversations according to the list of real movie theaters .

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 72, 2a & 2b .

Ask some Ss to read the phrases and sentences. Play the recorder, Ss listen and write down their answers.

Check the answers.

Step 5 Role play

SB Page 72 , 2c .

Have Ss work in pairs . Check the progress and offering help as needed .

Ask some pairs to say their conversations to the class.

Step 6 Homework

Preview the grammar box .

Period 2

Teaching contents :Grammar focus, Section A 3a,3b,4.

Teaching goals :

1. Vocabulary : teen ,bargain , delight , by bus .

2. 能力目标:学习进行简单的比较并表达自己的。好恶。

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Revision

Task 1 Dictation: words and expressions.

Task 2 Revise the Grammar Focus.

Step 2 Reading 3a

Task 1 Read the directions.

Task 2 Ask students to read the article on their own, and circle the words and phrases they don’t understand.

Task 3 Ask students to read the words and phrases they don’t understand, ask other students to explain.

Task 4 Ask students to read again and complete the chart.

Task 5 Check the answers.

Step 3 Writing and speaking

Task 1 Read the directions. 3b

Task 2 Ask students to say the names of stores in your town and write the names on the board.

Task 3 Ask students to work with partners as they talk about the stores and fill in the chart.

Task 4 Ask the two or three pairs of students who finish first to put their charts on board.

Step 4 Group work 4.

Where are we going for lunch?

Task 1 Ask the class for the names of three places to have lunch near the school and write them on the board. And elicit answers for one of the restaurants.

Task 2 Divide the class into small groups. Ask them to choose three restaurants and fill in the chart.

Task 3 Ask the groups which restaurant they decided on. Why did they decide on that restaurant.

Ⅵ Homework

1 Revise the target language.

2 Finish off the exercises on work book.

Period 3

Teaching contents :Section B 1a , 1b, 2a , 2b , 2c .

Teaching goals :

vocabulary: positive , negative , dull , performer

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

Check the homework.

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 74, 1a .

Point to the sample answer in the chart and ask a student to read the pair of words to the class.

Ask Ss to complete activity 1a on their own .

Correct the answers .

SB Page 74 , 1b .

Explain that positive words are words that you can use to say good things about people ,ask Ss to say only good things about people as they talk with partner .

Ss work in pairs to talk about the people they know .

Ask several Ss to say their sentences to the class .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 74 , 2a .

Ask Ss what a “talent show” is and ask Ss to tell what people do at talent show .

Point to the five pictures .Ask different Ss to say what the people are doing in each picture .

Play the recording .Ss listen and write the correct name .

Check the answers .

SB Page 74 , 2b .Play the recording and ask Ss to write what different people say about the performers .

Correct the answers .

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 74 ,2c .

Ask two Ss to read the sample conversation to the class .Then Ss work in pairs .

Step 5 Homework

Ask Ss to write their questions and answers in activity 2c on the exercise books .

Period 4

Teaching contents:Section B 3a ,3b ,3c ,4 , selfcheck.

Teaching goals :

1. vocabulary: province , still , enough , distance , farthest

2. 能力目标:学习进行简单的调查。

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Revision

Task 1 Dictation

Task 2 Revise the content taught.


Who is the most creative student in our class?

Who is the wisest student in our class?...

Step 2 Reading 3a

Task 1 Read the instructions and the words in the box to the class

Task 2 Read the article to the class.

Task 3 Ask students to read the article on their own.

Task 4 Ask students to fill in the blanks.

Task 5 Check the answers.

Step 3 Reading and Writing 3b

Task 1 Read the instructions.

Task 2 Have students complete the article on their own.

Task 3 Ask students to read what they wrote to the class.

Step 4 Writing 3c

Task 1 Ask a student to read the beginning of the article.

Task 2 Ask students to say the names of famous performers they might write about. Ask them what words they could use to describe each performer.

Task 3 Ask students to write their articles on their own.

Task 4 Ask some students to read their articles to the class.

Step 5 Pair work 4

Task 1 Read the instructions.

Task 2 Ask two students to read the sample conversations to the class.

Task 3 Ask students to interview each other.

Task 4 Ask some students to perform to the class.

Step 6 Self check

Task 1 Fill in the blanks.

Task 2 Read the information about the three cities and describe which is the best city to visit for a winter vacation..

Task 3 Just for fun: read and act out.

Ⅵ Homework

1. Ask students to write their opinions with reasons about activity 2 of Self check.

2. Revise the words and target language of this unit.

3. Finish off the exercises on work book.
