

英语经典美文摘抄 篇1

Different people have different hobbies. Some like singing some like playing and others like collecting.?

I like collecting things too. But I don’t like collecting stamps or coins. And instead I like collecting cartoon books drawn by Japanese. I like them because the pictures in the books are all very beautiful and many stories are exciting and nice.?

Many parents and teachers don’t think that the cartoon books are very good for students but I don’t agree with them. I know some of them are not good but just some. Beauty always needs to be discovered. The books include many kinds of life and spirit and also many things we have never heard about before. Besides that I also like collecting beautiful pictures VCDs photos etc.?

When I see some good things I’ll save money for them. When it’s enough I’ll buy them and bring them home. I always put them on a shelf and keep them clean and tidy

英语美文摘抄整理 篇2

Some people like the blooming spring, some people like the summer of enthusiasm, some people like the fruits of autumn, while I like the snow and flying winter.

Autumn sister finished her mission, happily walked away, the winter brother also happily came to the world.

Winter came, in the field covered up with a thick layer of the quilt, spend a warm winter, let they sister saw this scene, I not only think of the proverb "winter wheat cover three layer is, pillow steamed bread sleep next year." It must be a good harvest year.

When winter came to the street, people put on their beautiful down jackets like colorful little mushrooms and moved about like a cable car that was suspended by a rope. On both sides of the street, the huge pine trees are like a soldier guarding everyone. Let people not be hurt a little bit.

Winter, what a busy name, brings joy to people, brings a harvest, brings boundless joy, I love winter.

英语美文摘抄 篇3

As I mourn the loss of daylight hours, I relish the gain in light with each leaf that falls.1 Autumn begins my survival for winter; without the leaves decent, I would be frightened by the lack of luster that only bright light can bring.2

Each time I step outside, more light appears. It’s slow, but apparent. Light seems to change just when I need it to. It’s as if nature is adjusting a balance— tree canopies3 sit on the left pan of the scale, light sits on the right. Brightness is balanced as the trees’ leaves fall. If the hours in the day are to lessen, then the leaves must move to bring in brightness.

There’s comfort under the canopy of trees. Shielded from the light, cooled by shade, and relaxed by the regulated radiance, trees’ leaves give me contentment.4

I’m also equally content sitting on the ground under an open sky, particularly in the winter.

Even though the falling leaves of autumn are warning us of winter to come, this process is a welcome necessity to balance the light for the shorter days. When it happens, I’m reminded of how much I miss the openness of the garden.


If I can’t control the length of day, I’m happy to lend a hand in the amount of light that lands on my garden, Helen’s Haven. Deciduous5 trees have been planted so I can balance the light in my winter garden and my mood. Creating seasonal tenor with the change in flora builds a better garden through diversity,6 and a way to add seasonal interest.

Even with the shorter days, I welcome winter to view the open garden. My garden is exposed and bright, the branches of the trees are bare and open for inspection. As I look up in my winter garden, the framework of my summer’s cathedral-like canopy forms uncluttered lines of communication for confessions.7 I share all of my professions8 as I tend to my land. Winter is not my favorite season, but I built a garden that allows me to enjoy this time more than I ever thought possible.


Just when I need it the most, the scale begins to tip9. The days are growing longer and the trees begin to leaf10. The leaves tend to improve my mood. Life all around me stirs11 as the days lengthen. Fresh and bright, most trees have glowing12 green leaves in spring. This wonder has me looking up to slowly watch the sky close in. As days broaden the balance changes—the tree canopy on the left pan of the scale fills in, the light on the right balances out. It’s perfection at its best.


The cloak of summer’s canopy—with a cathedral-like quality—reveals greenery hovering down,13 allowing sunlight to lightly kiss my cheek. The leaves of the trees are welcomed in summer to manage heat, intensity14, and length of the season. Comfort is sought under the canopy of the trees.

Then the cycle begins again.

If you’ve lived in an area for a period of time, you become programed15 to the seasons. Just when you’re ready for a change, the scales begin to tip, and it’s always in your favor.

英语经典美文摘抄 篇4

Smoking should be banned Nowadays, tobacco is more harmful than drug to people's health, therefore many people think that smoking isn't banned that is a direct and primary reason to induce this kind of problem

The main reason is that tobacco is a silent killer to smokers According to a WHO report four million people die yearly from tobacco-related diseases, that is one death every eight seconds

Another reason is that more and more young people are under 18 years old who smoke cigarette have been blinded by the deceit of tobacconists Smoking among adolescents rose in the 1990s in several developed countries, such as China, Vietnam and Thailand Tobacco is a global threat Because of tobacco smuggling, the legal retailing and distribution systems are badly affected, and faced with increased lawlessness and heavy tax losses

In conclusion, smoking should be banned, because of the hazard it poses to people's health.

英语经典美文摘抄 篇5

Once, there is a black pig. It’s name is “fat and fat” =“best fat”。 It is so fat, because it don’t like sports and working, and like eat. it has 2000 kg. So many people don’t play with it, because it is very fat.

One day, it said : “Oh. Who can play with me?’’

It go out, and meet the rabbit. It said to the rabbit :“Rabbit, rabbit, let me play with you.” “No, no, no. You are so fat and black. I don’t like you. You will flattening me. ”The rabbit said. Then it run to the park.

And the pig meet the dog. It said :“Dog, dog, can you play with me?” “No, no, no. The elephant has 1000 kg, but you have 2000 kg. I don't want to play with you. Bye!”

It is very unhappy, and it said:“Oh, my god!”

It want to thin some. It run 1000 m erery day;don’t eat so many foods; and play football

erery day. But it can not hold on. So, on next mouth, it has 2050 kg!

And it said:“why?”

英语经典美文摘抄 篇6

Almost everybody loves music, because music has its power. It can brings joy to people when they feel upset. As for me, when I am not happy, I will turn up the music in my bedroom, singing loudly and shaking my body. As I'm immersed in the music world, I will forget the annoyance and become active again. Music also brings me the happy memories. Some songs have special meaning for me. Whenever I hear them, the happy memories will appear in my mind. I feel life is such wonderful for me. Music is the most beautiful language in the world. It touches everybody's heart with beautiful rhythm.


英语美文摘抄整理 篇7

That night, the rain continued, wet the window of the leaf, also get wet your heart.。.

That night, the sound of the dormitory, like the rain outside the window, the falling of the rhythm. What brings us is a moment of "jovial", which brings you a night of misery. A few days later, read the blog, I just know, you "can't say the feeling is in your heart to spread, again like have innumerable cat claw in the heart to disturb" the heart of the heart, er, sorry.。.

The next morning, you look for us, the tight brow and the reproachful look, really make me afraid, miss the new beginning of the teacher. Your eyes swept over me. "what time was it last night?" I blame myself for why I didn't want to talk so long. I was afraid, afraid of the image in your heart to burst, like a string of bubbles, flying to the sky. I can't answer, I don't know how to answer, but I look down at my toes and I don't know where to put my hands. In the end, the serious meeting of teachers and students ended with our regrets.

I did it, and all the others did it, and the joy of the heart was hard to resist, and though you did not ask us to bring it up, I was glad, at least, that I did not bother you any more.

Tonight, the rain outside the window has been stopped, a rainbow, a dazzling rainbow, the frame between you and my heart, it, will never disappear again.。.

英语美文摘抄 篇8

The dream for each of us, perhaps like Jin Yong's martial arts in a variety of martial arts cheats, deep and unpredictable, and hope, but finally it is perfected. Perhaps the dream is like this, when you want to feel very far away, but when you go to practice to achieve it is actually very simple, I have many dreams, but so far have not achieved a book, and this is not my dream, I just mind emptiness when the fingers gently knock the keyboard, put his head to the tiny things down, get free for second days to forget, because I wrote a lot of books, but none of this is finished, when the time is long, when I go to see, find yourself writing something really very bad, also all nearly ruined!

I don't know if I really want to write what, but it's clear to me that at this time he is very confused, so I don't know if I can write much after the last? What is a decent thing to write? I don't know all about it? Maybe sometimes it is these don't know, let us live more real!

I remember the word "Chinese partner", "what is the dream?" A dream is something that makes you feel happy and stick to it. " So dreams are for everyone or small or majority. Precisely because there are no two identical leaves in the world, so everyone's dream is not the same. It's because of dreams that our lives are colorful.

In the busy city life and complexity of this group of people chasing the dream of their own, feel tired and boring, the city is a great temptation, no matter how hopeless and no resistance, but still do not want to leave here, because they have a dream here, because this is a dream to bring them a spiritual sustenance, so they chose to stay.

英语经典美文摘抄 篇9


On Saturday, Xiao Ming and Xiao Gang came to the grass with their own planes to test.


Xiaoming said, "let's start flying!" Xiaogang said, "OK!" they put their plane into the blue sky. Somehow, Xiaogang's yellow plane fell from the air, and Xiaoming's white plane rose higher and higher. Xiao Ming danced and said, "great! Fly higher!" Xiaogang picked up his plane.


Xiao Ming and Xiao Gang are looking for the reason for the plane's whereabouts. They find the reason and fix it soon. It's flight test again.


In this test flight, their two planes are arranged like wild geese flying in the air. They jump and jump happily!
