

笑死人不偿命的英语笑话 篇1

A small boy and his father were having a walk in the country when it suddenly began to rain very hard. They did not have their umbrella with them, and there was nowhere to hide from the rain, so they were soon very wet, and the small boy did not feel very happy. For a long time while they were walking home through the rain, the boy was thinking. Then at last he turned to his father and said to him,“Why does it rain, Father? It isn't very nice, is it?” “No, it isn't very nice, but it's very useful,Tom,”answered his father.“It rains to make the fruit and the vegetables grow for us, and to make the grass grow for the cows and sheep.” Tom thought about this for a few seconds, and then he said,“Then,why does it rain on the road too, Father?”

一个小男孩和他的父亲正在乡间行走,突然下起了大雨。 他们没带伞,加上四下无处可以躲雨,所以很快他们浑身上下被淋湿了,小男孩感到很不好受。 他们在雨中朝家走去,有好一会儿,那个男孩一直在思索着什么。后来终于他朝父亲转过脸去,问他说:“爸爸,为什么天会下雨呢?下雨可不太好,是吧?” “是呀,下雨是不太好,可是下雨也有很多有益的地方,汤姆。”父亲回答说。“老天爷下雨促使了为我们所食用的水果和蔬菜的生长,同样也促使牛羊所吃的青草的生长。” 汤姆对父亲的这番话想了一会,然后说:“那么,父亲,老天爷为什么还要把雨下在路上呢?”

长篇英语笑话 篇2

A PresentKate: Mom, do you know what I"m going to give you for your birthday?

Mom: No, Honey, what?

Kate: A nice teapot.

Mom: But I"ve got a nice teapot.

Kate: No, you haven"t. I"ve just dropped it.








The Doctor Knows Better

A man was hit by a cab in the street. He was brought to the hospital.

His wife who was standing up by his bed, said to the doctor: "I think that he is very ill."

"I am afraid that he is dead." said the doctor.

Hearing this, the man moved his head and said: "I"m not dead. I"m still alive."

"Be quiet, " said the wife. "the doctor knows better than you!"

长篇英语笑话 篇3

What Are The Two Words?A very nice old lady had a few words to say to her granddaughter.“My dear,” said the old lady,“I wish you would do something for me.I wish you would promise me never to use two is‘lousy’and the other is‘swell’.Would you promise me that? “Why,sure,Granny,”said the girl.“What are the two words?”

一个非常高贵的老夫人有几句话要对她的孙女说。“我亲爱的,”老夫人说:“我希望你能帮我一个忙。我要你答应永远不要用两个词。一个是‘讨厌的’,另一个是‘极好的’。你能答应我吗?” “噢,当然,奶奶。”女孩说:“是哪两个词?”

笑死人不偿命的英语笑话 篇4

Walking up to a department store's fabric(织物,布) counter, the pretty girl said, "I would like to buy this material for a new dress. How much does it cost?"

"Only one kiss per yard," replied the male clerk with a smirk(假笑,傻笑) 。 "That's fine," said the girl. "I'll take ten yards."

With expectation and anticipation written all over his face, the clerk quickly measured out the cloth, wrapped it up, then teasingly(故意使人烦恼地) held it out.

The girl snapped up the package, pointed to the old geezer(老家伙) standing beside her, and smiled, "Grandpa will pay the bill."





英语笑话爆笑带翻译 篇5


A man is walking past a travel agents office when he notices a billboard announcing, "4 day cruise down the Murray River $40 all inclusive.”


Impressed by the low price, he races into the shop, slaps $40 onto the counter and announces, "I' m here for the Murray cruise.” Quick as a wink, the travel agent whips out a baseball bat and knocks him unconscious.


When the man wakes, he finds himself tied to a floating log and drifting down the river. After a time, he notices another man in same predicament on the other side of the river.


"$40 Murray cruise?" he calls out.


"Yep!" says the man on the other side.


"I'll bet you we don't even get breakfast,”he yells.


"Well,”calls the other man, “we did last year.”


长篇英语笑话 篇6

A School-report The father was reading the school-report which had just been handed to him by his hopeful son. His brow was wrathful as he read: "English, poor, French, weak, mathematics, mathematics, Fair," and he gave a glance of disgust at the quaking lad. "Wall, Dad." Said the son, "it is not as good as it might be, but have you seen that?" And he pointed to the next line, which read: "Health excellent."

学期总结 父亲正在读儿子刚刚交给他的学期总结,他的儿子满怀希望的看着他,而他则生气的读着学期总结:"英语,差;法语,中;数学,良。"然后,他厌恶地看着那个正在抖动着身子的小子。"恩,老爸。"儿子说:"那没有达到本来应该达到的优秀水平,不过你没看到那儿?"他指着下一行,读到:"健康状况,优秀。" 鲜艳)
