

小学五年级英语教案 篇1

教学目的:1、 知识与技能:本课要求学生能正确听、说、读、写单词boots,umbrella,dry,wet,always,sometimes,usually,never。 2、情感态度价值观:运用多种教学手段激发学生学习英语的积极性,并力争能够让学生人人参与,通过鼓励、表扬来让学生有成就感,对自己充满信心。


教具准备:cards,tapes 教学过程:

Step 1 : Class opening and Review

1、Review clothes the students have mastered and other vocabulary with “ Dress up ”

(jeans , skirt , hat , blouse , pants , sweater , shoes , socks , jacket and glasses 。)

Step 2 Presentation and practice

1、Teaching “ boots and umbrella ”

1)Ask the Ss what do you like to have on the rainy day ?Demonstrate “ boots ” and “ umbrella ” with real objects 。

2)Practice a : Read after me

b : Read one by one

c : Ask and answer

Do you have boots and umbrella ?

What colour is your ?

Do you like your ?

d : Make some sentences with the words 。

2、Teaching “ wet and dry ”

1)Demonstrate “ wet ” and “ dry ” with some water and some paper 。 Get a piece of paper wet and compare it to a dry piece of paper 。

2)Read one by one 。

3)Make sentences with two words 。

3、Teaching “ always , usually , sometimes and never ”

1)Using pictures to demonstrate the new words :

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

I usually eats a sandwich for lunch 。

Sometimes I eats soup 。


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Steven always wear pants 。 He never wears dresses 。

2)Ask the students to guess : “ What’s missing of the new words ” 。

3)Read the words by themselves 。

4)Ask the students to make some sentences using :

always , usually , sometimes , never

4、Listen to the tape as the students follow in their books 。

5、Discuss the meaning of the text and read it 。

Step 3 Consolidation

1、Play “ Never , Never ” after you have played it a few times 。Play vocation 1 with the new vocabulary “ wet , day , umbrella and boots 。”

2、Play “ Opposites ” and indude the new vocabulary “dry” and “wet”。

Step 4 Summary

Today we learned the new words : boots , umbrella , always , usually , sometimes and never 。 Please practice them after class 。

Step 5 Homework



Lesson 9 On the school bus



人教版五年级英语教案 篇2


1、能听说认读,并理解本课的五个新单词:young \old \kind \funny \strong

2、 能掌握句型Who’s your …。? What’s he /she like ?并能在具体的语境中运用。



教学重难点:be like 词组的理解与运用。





1、Show a picture of some teachers.

Who’s he /she ? He’s/She’s my music/art / computer/ science teacher 。

二 、Presentation



What’s he like ? He’s short and strong 。

3、Pair work 向对方介绍朋友

三、Practice :

活动设计1:Make a new chant.

My grandpa is old 。My mother is young.

My father is tall 。 My little brother’s short.

活动设计2:Read and match.

活动设计3:Describe the pictures. (Ask and answer:Who’s this? He’s /She’s… What’s he/ she like ? He’s/She’s 。.。)

活动设计4:Discuss the picture. (学生自由操练,自带家人、朋友老师的照片,在真实的情景中综合运用所学语言。)


口头作业: 学会描述自己的老师或家庭成员。






Unit1 My New Teachers

五年级下册英语教案 篇3

Unit 2 It’s at the station. 一、教学内容 本课围绕方位展开话题,重点学习四个介词:up,down,near,a,让学生能够用英语表达事物的方位。 二、教学目标 1、知识目标: 1)、词汇:hill,house,station,train,up,down,near. 2)、运用方位介词up,down,near,a. 2、能力目标: 1)、能听懂老师发出的指令,迅速做出反应。 2)、能根据提供的信息,完成新词的学习与训练。 3)、能运用所学知识进行简单的英语交流。 三、教学的重难点 教学重点:词汇hill,house,station,train,up,down,near. 教学难点:灵活运用方位介词up,down,near,a。 四、说学情 四年级的学生活泼好动、求知欲强,对直观、形象的事物比较有兴趣,喜欢模仿和游戏。对英语的学习积累了一些能力和方法,在三年级已经掌握了少量的介词,如:on,in,under等。并且在第一单元中接触了简单的问路和指路的句型。这些都为本课的学习做了良好的铺垫。 六、教学准备:多媒体教学课件、教学图片、单词卡、贴贴等。 七、说教学过程 (一)、导入设计 1、Warm up:Sing a song.—left foot, right foot, left foot, right…以此把学生带入今天的课堂。这样学生就自然地进入到一个良好的英语氛围,当歌声落下,我热情地和学生打招呼,与学生用英语进行简单的交谈。出示课件和简笔画,用Excuse me. Where is…?进行看图问答,复习问路和指路使用的语言。请全班同学为踊跃举手的同学鼓掌,肯定他们的努力,鼓励他们大胆尝试。 2、Let’s go to a place. Look!Here we are.把本课的hill, station, house,rain等图片展出。使用单词卡片学习单词hill, station ,house, rain。反复操练后,接着开展I can read!活动,检测学生对单词的熟练程度。(二)、新课呈现 1)、用简笔画添上一条铁轨。Let’s go by rain.邀请学生们一起坐着这辆火车去游玩,播放CD-ROM,为了更好地完成课程目标,我给学生下达了任务:让他们注意看图中火车分别进行到什么位置?这些内容用英语又怎样表述呢?为了更好地帮助学生听懂录音,同时把Where is train_? It’s _.写在简图的下方。 2)、儿童的心理特点是好奇的,所以我选在这个时候为学生的疑问对故事中表示位置的介词进行讲解:把火车头对着山顶开,然后说:We are up the hill。然后操练和检测;用同样的方式学习down the hill,near the houses,at the station。 3)、再听一遍录音,带读课文。 (三)、巩固操练 1、活动一:抢答游戏,题型包括:1、Read and match.2、Lisening.3、Read and complete.4、Look and say(SB活动3)。 2、活动二:播放课文活动4录音,鼓励学生跟着韵诗唱起来、动起来。 (五)、课后作业 画出从学校到家的路线图,运用本单元学过的知识向同学介绍从学校到家的路线;向家人介绍从家到学校的路线。

五年级英语课堂教学教案 篇4

1、buy sth for sb=buy sb sth 给某人买某物

2、a pair of+复数 一双

a pair of shoes/socks 一双鞋/一双袜子

a pair of shorts 一条短裤

3、want to do 想要做某事

4、动词过去式:buy---bought take---took

lose---lost find---found fly---flew

eat---ate ride--rode- meet---met

1、--What’s the matter?

--I lost my cap.

What’s the matter(with sb)?

2、Let’s go and fly it.


3、Did you wash Lingling’s T-shirt?

4、Mum bought a new T-shirt for me.

5、I’m sorry.



my我的 our我们的



his他的 her她的 its它的 their他们的

Module 5

1、give out 分发

2、all right 好的


4、in your class 在你班上

5、so many+可数名词复数 如此多。

6、but 但是

7、thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen

eighteen nineteen

8、twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy

eighty ninety

1、How many faces can you see?

2、There are only nineteen crayons.

3、--How many pupils are there in your class?

--There are fourteen.

语法:There be句型

There be句型:

表示“某地有某。 ...”。常用结构:There is/are+某人/某物+地点。

There is+a/an+可数名词单数+地点。

There is+a/an+不可数名词+地点。

There are+可数名词复数(s)+地点。

Module 6

1、run fast 跑得快

run really/very fast 跑得真快,跑得很快

2、pass the ball well 传球传得好

3、catch the ball well 接球接得好

4、play football well 踢球踢得好

5、jump high 跳高

jump really/very high 跳得真高,跳得很高

6、be good at 擅长

7、in the past 过去

8、动词过去式:run--ran swim--swam

1、--Can you pass the ball well?

--Not very well.

2、You are very good at basketball.

3、You can play football well.

4、In the past,he ran very fast.


5、The black horse ran really fast.

really 真的,确实


can “能,能够,可以,会”,后面跟动词原形




Yes,sb can. / No,sb can’t.

五年级优秀英语教案 篇5

Unit 1 My day

Period 1 Section A Let’s learn Ask and write P5

教师寄语:(Always do your best.凡事都要尽力去做。)

Learning aims(学习目标)

1. 能听、说、读、写do morning exercises, eat breakfast, have…class, play sports, eat dinner。

2. 会说句型:“When do you do morning exercises/…?”并能回答“At…o’clock.”。

Important &difficult points(重难点)

1. 掌握Let’s learn中的动词短语并能用于回答问询作息时间。

2. 掌握单词exercises的正确发音。


Step1 : 预习温故(用时5分钟)

1)T: Hello , boys and girls! Welcome back to school!

Ss: Hello, Miss.... Nice to see you again. T: Nice to see you ,too.

2)T: What time is it? (可以课前在黑板上画一个钟面,张开手臂演示一个时间)

Ss:It’s 9/10/11 o’clock.(注意给学生强调整点时间后面要用o’clock)反复操练。

3)Go over these phrases : wash my clothes, watch TV, do homework, read books, play football.

Let’s do homework/read books/play football/… .

I often wash my clothes/watch TV/do homework/ read books/… .

Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时20分钟)。

1. Use the cards to learn new phrases.

T: do morning exercises, do morning exercises, follow me to read.

用同样的方式教读其他词组:eat breakfast, have…class, play sports, eat dinne(重点强调exercises、breakfast的发音)。

2. T: do morning exercises, do morning exercises, Let’s/I often do morning exercises.

T: eat dinner, eat dinner Let’s/ I often eat dinner.

3. Read these sentences.

T: I can swim/play football/play sports…..

T: Can you do morning exercises/…? Ss: Yes, I can./No, I can’t.

T: When do you do morning exercises /play football/play sports?”

Ss: At… o’clock.(跟学生强调整点前要用介词at) 反复操练。

4. 学生听录音,分角色读Let’s learn 。

Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时8分钟)

Role- play:

1) Answers the questions.

T: What time is it? Ss: It’s six/nine o’clock.

T: I get up at six o’clock. When do you get up/go to school?

Ss: I get up at 7.a.m/ 7:30.

2) Ask and write.


T: When do you get up/do morning exercises? Ss: I get up at….a.m/p.m.


Step 4. 达标检测(用时6分钟)


A. do morning exercises ( ) B. eat breakf¬ast ( )

C. have English class ( ) D. play sports( )

E. eat dinner ( )

1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____


sports, exercises , have English class , breakfast , dinner

1. When do you _________________(上英语课)?

2. I play _______(进行体育运动)at 6 o’clock .

3. We eat ________(吃早饭) at 7 o’clock a . m .

4. When do you do morning __________(早锻炼) ?

5. Let’s eat ______(吃晚饭) together .


( )1.你们常常三点钟上英语课吗? A. Let’s eat breakfast.

( )2.我通常六点钟进行体育运动。 B. When do you do morning exercises?

( )3.我们一起吃早饭吧。 C. Usually I play sports at 6


( )4.你什么时候早锻炼? D. We eat dinner at 8 o’clock p.m.

( )5.我们晚上八点吃晚饭。 E. Do you often have English class

at 3 o’clock?


Step 5.布置当堂作业

1.书写并背诵四会词组。2.读背Let’s learn的对话。

板书标题 Unit 1 My day


do morning exercises eat breakfast have…class play sports eat dinner

When do you do morning exercises/eat breakfast/…? At…o’clock.

When do you get up/…? I get up at….a.m/ p.m.


Period 2 Section A let's try let's talk P4

Learning aims(学习目标)

1. 能听懂Let’s try部分的内容,并勾选出正确的图片。

2. 听、读Let’s talk部分,运用核心句子“When do you finish your class in the morning?”“We finish class at 1 o’clock.”来谈论时间,并变换单词,分角色练习对话。

Important &difficult points(重难点)

1.掌握句型“When do you finish your class in the morning?”并能做出正确回答。

2.能灵活运用“When do you usually eat dinner/…”“Usually at…o’clock.”问答作息时间。


Step1 : 预习温故(用时6分钟)

1. Review “Times”(板书时间,让学生用英语说一说):10:00/6:00/9:00/…

2. Review the phrases.

do morning exercises —I do morning exercises at 6:00 a.m.

用同样方法复习:eat breakfast、play sports、have Chinese/English class、eat dinner

3. Guess the phrase(看动作),complete the dialogue:

T: When do you do morning exercises/…? (板书) Ss: At … o’clock.


Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时20分钟)。

1. Let’s talk.

1) 让学生勾出生词::finish class,go back to school,classes start, too late(板书并讲解其意思,并反复教读)

2) 学生自读课文,理解意思,并回答提问:

T: When do you finish class/… in the morning?

Ss: We finish class/… at … o’clock.

T: When do you go back to school/… after lunch? Ss: At … .

T: When do you usually eat dinner/… in Spain? Ss: Usually at …o’clock.


3) Listen to the tape and repeat the dialogue again.

2. let’s try. When are Zhang Peng and Pedro? Listen and tick.

Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时10分钟)

活动设计1:Act “Let’s talk”。


活动设计2: Role play .

T: When do you get up? Ss: I get up at … o’clock .

T: When do you go to bed? Ss: At …in the morning. I work at night.


Teach the song“My weekend”。

Step 4. 达标检测(用时8分钟)

一、选一选,读一读。X k B 1 . c o m

1. —_____ do you get up?(A. When B. What) — At 6 o’clock .

2. Classes start _____ 3 o’clock.(A. in B. at)

3. We eat dinner __________.(A. go home B. at home)



( )1. When do you finish class in the morning?

( )2. We finish class at 1 o’clock.

( )3. Classes start at 3 o’clock.

( )4. When do you usually eat dinner in Spin?


Step 5.布置当堂作业1. 背诵Let’s talk。2. 仿写Let’s talk。

板书标题 Unit 1 My day


When do you finish class/… in the morning? We finish class/… at … o’clock.

When do you go back to school/… after lunch? At … .

When do you usually eat dinner/… in Spain? Usually at…o’clock.


Period 3 Section B Let’s learn Do a survey P8

Learning aims(学习目标)

1.能够听说读写clean my room, go for a walk, go shopping, take a dancing class。

2.掌握句型:“I often/usually/always/sometimes clean my room/… on Saturdays”。

Important &difficult points(重难点)

1. 掌握四会动词短语,并用于句型“I often/usually/always/sometimes clean my room/… on Saturdays”谈论周末活动。

2. 能运用often/always/sometimes进行替换练习。

3. Do a survey.


Step1 : 预习温故(用时5分钟)

1. Sing a song“My weekend”。

2. Translate.

吃早饭_____ 上英语课______ 进行体育运动_____ 做早操_____ 吃晚饭______ when_________ after_________ usually_____

3. Read and answer the questions.(板书,学生口头回答)

When do you usually get up on Mondays? ______________________________

When do you usually go to bed on Fridays ? _____________________________

Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时20分钟)

1. Learn the new phrases:clean my room, go for a walk, go shopping, take a dancing class .

T: clean my room,clean my room—Let’s clean my room.学生跟读


T: Do you usually clean your room/… on Saturdays?

Ss: Yes,I usually clean my room/… on Saturdays.

2. Learn the new sentence:

I usually clean my room/… on Saturdays.


I often clean my room/… on Saturdays.反复操练该句型,让学生掌握。

3. Listen to the tape and read it again.

Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时8分钟)

1. Substitution drills:用always /sometimes替换often进行句型练习。

2. Listen and read“Let’s learn”。

3. Do a survey:

T: What do you do on Saturdays /on Sundays /on the weekend?

Ss: I often/always/sometimes go shopping /… with my mother/…

on Saturdays/on Sundays/on the weekend.反复操练。

Step 4. 达标检测(用时6分钟)


1._______ 2._______ 3.________ 4._______


( )1. When do you go to bed?

( )2. When do you eat breakfast?

( )3. What do you do?

( )4. What do you do on the weekend?


1. When do you finish class in the morning?

A. 你们早上什么时间上课? B.你们早上什么时间放学?

2. When do you go back to school after lunch?

A. 你午餐后什么时间回学校? B. 你午餐后什么时间离开学校?

3. I often go shopping with my father on the weekend.

A.周末我通常跟我爸爸一起去购物。 B.周末我通常跟我妈妈一起跳舞。

4. That’s too late!

A. 太迟了! B. 那真是太好了!


Step 5.布置当堂作业


板书标题 Unit1 My day


clean my room go for a walk go shopping take a dancing class

I often/always/sometimes go shopping/… with my mother/…on Saturdays

/on Sundays

/on the weekend .


Period 4 Section B Let’s try Let's talk P7

Learning aims(学习目标)

1.能听懂Let’s try部分的内容,并勾选出正确的图片。

2.能听懂、会说“What do you do on the weekend?” “I often …/I usually…/Sometimes I…”,在实际情境中运用。

Important &difficult points(重难点)

1.掌握Let’s learn的词组,并应用。X K b1. C om

2.能掌握Let’s learn中的句型:要求学生能在相似的情景中正确替换句中关键词,练习新语言。


Step1 : 预习温故(用时6分钟)

1. Read and translate: clean my room,clean my room—I often clean my room.

再用同样的方法复习:go for a walk, go shopping,take a dancing class

2. Review the sentence:

I often/usually/sometimes clean my room/… on Saturdays.反复操练

Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时18分钟)

1. Learn“let’s talk”。

1) Read and translate the words: why, shop, work, last, sound, also, busy, need.(反复教读)

2) Dialogue Practice. 先让学生自读课文,理解课文意思。

T: What do you do on the weekend?

Ss: I often …/I usually…/Sometimes I …


2. Listen to the tape and read it again.

3. Talk with your partner: X|k | B | 1 . c|O |m

S1: I often…/I usually…/Sometimes I…

S2: I often …/I usually…/Sometimes I …

Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时10分钟)

1. Roal-play

熟悉会话“What do you do on the weekend? I often…”

T: What do you do on the weekend?

Ss: I often... .

T: Do you want to know what I do on the weekend?

Ss: What do you do on the weekend?鼓励更多的学生参与。

T:What do you do on the weekend?

S:I usually play sports/...学生间反复操练。

2. Listen and read “Let’s try”, Choose the right picture.

Step 4. 达标检测(用时5分钟)


1. It’s 7:00 p.m. Let’s eat _____.

A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner

2. — What do you do on the weekend?

— I like music. I often _____ on the weekend.

A. play football B. play the pipa C. play sports

3. I often ___ my homework ___ 7:00 p.m.

A. do; in B. does; at C. do; at

4. That’s ____ late!

A. too B. to C. many

5. I always ____class at 8 o’clock.

A. get B. start C. do


Tom: 1.__________

Jay: I often watch TV and play football.

Tom: 2.__________

Jay: Yes. What about you?

Tom: 3.__________

Jay: 4.__________Let’s play ping-pong together next weekend.

Tom: OK!


1. the , in , your , finish , you , class, When , do , morning (?)

2. finish ,We , at , o’clock , class , 1 (.)

3. you , on , What , do , the , weekend , do (?)

4. go , I ,with , father , shopping , often , my (.)


Step 5.布置当堂作业X k B 1 . c o m


板书标题 Unit 1 My day


why shop work last sound also busy need

What do you do on the weekend? I often …/I usually…/Sometimes I…


Period 5 Section A let's spell P6 Section B read and write P9

Learning aims(学习目标)

1. 能听懂录音,并能总结Let’s spell中字母组合cl和 pl在单词中的发音规律,能试着读出含有字母组合cl 和pl的单词。

2. 能读懂Read and write,并完成相应练习。

Important &difficult points(重难点)

1. 能总结字母组合cl和 pl在单词中的发音规律,能试着读出含有字母组合cl 和pl的单词,并能自己说一说、写一写。

2. 试着跟同桌说说“ what you often do every day?”并写出来。


Step1 : 预习温故(用时6分钟)

1. Sing a song: My weekend.

2.Review these words in this unit.

3. Review these sentences:

T: What do you do on the weekend? Ss: I often …/I usually…/Sometimes I …


Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时20分钟)

1. Learn“Let’s spell”。

1) Let’s chant.

2) Read these words, find out the same point.

clean clock class clever /kl/

plate eggplant please play /pl/ (板书)

Can you try to read the words by yourself?

3) Listen, write and say. (老师示范书写。)

4)Choose, write and say.

2. Read and write.

1) Let’s read the passage and try to translate the sentences.(老师找出重点单词或短语,反复教读并让学生理解意思。)

2) Tick or cross(老师讲评并纠正).

3) Write a letter to Robinson. Tell him what you often do every day.

Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时5分钟)

1. 找一找、读一读含有字母组合cl和 pl的单词。

2. You can design a robot of your own. Draw and write about him/her.

Step 4. 达标检测(用时8分钟)

一。 圈出你所听到的单词。(老师任意读出每组中的一个单词)

A. class cloudy uncle B. clothes people clever

C. play eggplant please D. classroom playground plate

E. clean clear player F. clock plate uncle


1、I often __________(购物)on the weekend.(根据汉语提示填空)

2、I always play ping-pong on Sundays.(译成中文)


3、watch , TV , my , I , with , sometimes , mum(.)(连词成句)

4、What do you do on the weekend?(根据实际情况回答)

三。 阅读短文,判断句子正( A)误( B )。

Hello, I’m Li Lei. My weekend is very busy. I usually get up at 6:30 in the

morning. I eat breakfast at 7 o’clock. Then I do morning exercises at 8 o’clock. I often do my homework on Saturday morning. I play sports in the afternoon. I usually clean my room on Sunday morning. In the afternoon I often read books and watch TV. This is my weekend.

( ) 1. Li Lei gets up at 6:30 in the morning.

( ) 2. Li Lei eats breakfast at 7:30.

( ) 3. Li Lei often reads books on Saturday morning.

( ) 4. Li Lei can clean the room.


Step 5.布置当堂作业


板书标题 Unit 1 My day


cl : clean clock class clever

pl: plate eggplant please play

I live in … I often …


Period 6 main scene P2-3 Section B Let’s check

Let’s wrap it up P10 Section C story time P11

Learning aims(学习目标)



3.能听懂story time的故事内容。

Important &difficult points(重难点)

1.熟练掌握am, is, are与主语连接的语法知识。



Step1 : 预习温故(用时6分钟)

Main scene

1. Turn to page2and to read and translate these sentences.

2. Guess the meaning of the srory.

3. T show the meaning of these sentences.

4.Read after the tape twice.

Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时20分钟)

1. Let’s check.

1) Listen and tick.

2) Give answers about yourself.

T: What do you do on the weekend?

S1: I often… S2: I always… S3: I sometimes…

2. Let’s wrap it up(可选上)

3. Story time.

1.S guess what happened in the story. w W w .x K b 1.c o M

2.Read after the tape twice.

3.Talk about the main meaning of the story.

Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时8分钟)

1. Review the words of this unit.

2. Review the sentences:

T: When do you eat breakfast/… in the morning/…?

Ss: We eat breakfast/… at … o’clock.

T: What do you do on the weekend?

Ss: I often watch/… with my mother/….(反复操练。)


3. Role- play“ main scene”P2—P3(时间允许时进行。)

Step 4. 达标检测(用时5分钟)


( ) 1. A. play sports B. play games

( ) 2. A. eat dinner B. eat breakfast

( ) 3. A. do morning exercise B. do homework

( ) 4. A. go shopping B. go to school

( ) 5. A. take a trip B. take a dancing class


1. br_ _kfast( ) 2. ex_ _cises( ) 3.d_ _cing ( ) 4. d_ _ner ( )

5. sh_ pping ( ) 6. wh_n ( ) 7. usu_lly ( ) 8. sp_ _ts ( )


1._______ 2._______ 3._______

A. — When do you do morning exercises?

— At 8:00 a.m.

B. — What do you do on Sundays?

— I often go swimming.

C. — What do you do on the weekend?

— I clean my room.


1. do , weekend , do , on , What , the(?)

2. usually , have , I , English , 9:00 , at , class(.)

3. Sunday , together , Let’s , hiking , next , go(.)

4. morning , do , When , you , exercises , do(?)


Step 5.布置当堂作业


板书标题 Unit 1 My day


go play have do


人教版小学五年级英语教案 篇6

《How many do you want?》


1、 本模块学习用how many和how much问数量多少,并会表演在商场购物的简单会话。

2、 学生对可数名词和不可数名词认识可能有困难,应详细讲清。,



2、 学生对购物比较熟悉,会话取材简单,便于练习。

3、 对部分差生需要耐心辅导,帮助他们度过单词关、语音关。


1、学习句型How many bananas do you want?

How much cheese do you want?

Do you like cheese,Lingling?

No, I don,t ,I like cheese.

2、使用how many, how much询问多少。

3、 教育学生在家帮助父母购买物品、做点力所能及的家务活。



2、 使用how many , how much问多少。

3、 分清可数名词和不可数名词。





问一个学生的书包是在哪里买的,多少钱,引出单词shop how much yuan need等。



B、 SB活动1

先听录音,然后解释句子意思,并解释how many ,how much的用法及区别,提出可数名词和不可数名词,并详细解释让学生分清楚。













1、 本模块单词。

2、 重点句型。

3、 重点解释。



五年级下册英语教案 篇7


1、掌握单词 eraser paper

2、认识单词 pencil case scissors

3、掌握句型 Where is it?以及方位词 in on under above below beside behind in font



1、eraser paper

2、句型 Where is it?及回答。

教学难点:句型 Where is it?及回答。



一、 Greeting

Teacher: How are you ?

Students: Fine , thank you. How are you?

Teacher : Fine ,thanks.

二、 Review

1、 Teacher:What's your name?

Student: My name is_____.

Teacher :What's his/her name?

Student: His / Her name is _______.


2、 What is it?What' s this? What are these?

三、 New concept

1、 What's this?

A、教师利用实物提问What's this?学生用汉语回答生词。教师将pen ,eraser, paper, perncil case,




What's this? T his is a

W hat are these? These are

2、 Where is it?


Teacher: What's this?

S tudents: This is a pencil.

教师将铅笔放在课桌上 ,问:

Where is the pencil? The pencil is on the desk.


C 、练习

1、 教师说指令学生做:put sth in(on ,under, on ,beside……)the________

2、 学生之间互相练习。

3、 教师提问:Where is the _____?

The ______is ______the _______.


4、 作业:活动手册1、2

五年级优秀英语教案 篇8

《see you soon》

Theme: Letters from Abroad

Function: Understanding different cultures.

Target Language: Simple past tense. The man wore women’s clothes. The actors told lots of jokes. We laughed a lot. Simple future tense ‘be going to’ We are going to see you in three weeks. Mum bought new chopsticks for you.

Vocabulary: wore (wear), women, actor, told (tell), joke, funny, after, show, ready, soon, bed, room, history, question, borrow, evening

Pronunciation: / / / / / / / /

Song: Postman


1. Tell the Ss that you are going to mime some things you did yesterday and the Ss have to look and guess what you did.

2. Continue like this. Yesterday I ate an apple.

He borrowed some books.

She went to the park.

3. Say some sentences with ‘now, tomorrow, yesterday.’ E.g. We are going to see you in three weeks. Dad is going to put another bed in my room. We bought a bike for you. We are having our English class. He is play football.


1. Listen and say.

A. Listen to the tape and read this letter.

B. Read the letter again and answer the questions:

C. What is Dad going to put in Simon’s room?

Who bought new chopsticks?

Who read a book about Chinese history?

What did they but for Daming?

2. Look and say.

A. Yesterday he ate a hamburger.

B. He played football.

C. Now he is eating an apple.

D. Now he is playing table tennis.

E. Tomorrow he is going to eat a banana.

F. Tomorrow he is going to go swimming.

3. Listen and repeat.

( qu sh th th)

quick she this thank

quarter English with mouth

三、Activity book:

1. Write a letter to Lingling. Use the words ‘went/ wore/ saw/ drank/ ate’

Dear Lingling,

Last week I went to the zoo. I wore a red sweater. I saw some animals. I drank some juice. I ate an ice cream.



2. Listen and repeat:

A. Quick! Cut it in quarters!

B. She is English.

C. Eat with this spoon!

D. I say ‘Thank you’ with my mouth.


Write a letter to your friend.
