
在日常学习、工作或生活中,大家总少不了接触作文或者范文吧,通过文章可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。写范文的时候需要注意什么呢?有哪些格式需要注意呢?问学必有师,讲习必有友,本页是可爱的小编燕子为大家分享的4篇long longer longest的相关文章,欢迎参考,希望对大家有所帮助。

小学常见比较级最高级 篇1








如: small→smaller→smallest clever→cleverer→cleverest。

例题:short tall cheap narrow

知识点(2).以e结尾的词,直接加-r 或-st。

如:large→larger→largest nice→nicer→nicest





知识点(3).以一个辅音字母结尾,其前面的元音字母发短元音的形容词的比较级和最高级,是双写该辅音字母然后再加-er和-est。(注意:这里是字母,不是音标。辅音字母是除 a,e,i,o,u五个元音字母以外的都是辅音字母。)


例题:hot fat thin 知识点(4).以“辅音字母 + y”结尾的词,先变 “y”为 “i”,再加-er 或-est。

如:happy→happier→happiest easy→easier→easiest 例题:heavy

busy lucky


good / well→better→best bad / ill→worse→worst

many / much→more→most


far→farther→farthest(表示距离)/ far→further→furthest(表示程度)old→older / elder→oldest(表示新旧或年龄)/ eldest(表示兄弟姐妹之间的长



比较级:a +be(is/am/are)+ 形容/副词比较级 + than + b

如: yao ming is tall than me.i’m short than yao ming.例题:(1)the red box is(heavy)than the blue box.(2)i’m three yeas(older/elder)than him.(3)this man is than that man.最高级: a+the+形容/副词最高级+表示的范围(in比较对象不是同一类,of比较 对象时同类)

如: tom is the tallest student in his yellow river is the scend longest river in chian.例子:(1)apple a is the(big)of the three/ in the box.(2)用heavy,bad的比较级和最高级造句。

(3)which subject do you like ,maths or english? 三。大部分双音节词和多音节词的构成。


注意:(1)形容词最高级前通常必须用定冠词 the,副 词 最 高 级 前 可 不 用。


如:beautiful→more beautiful→most beautiful different→more different→most different easily →more easily →most easily often →more often →most often 例题:exciting helpful important dangerous modern 例子:the book is more is the third largest country in the word.例题:(1)my job is too boring ,i’d like to do something(interesting)(2)it is one of(dangerous)animals in the word.(3)she is(beautiful)student in the class。

小学常见比较级最高级 篇2

(一)()1. i think science is _ than japanese.

important b. important c. much more important d. more much important

()2 this pencil is___ than that one.

t b. long c. longer d. as long

()3 these children are ____ this year than they were last year.

a. more tall b. more taller c. very taller d. much taller()4 it was very hot yesterday,but it is___ today.

a. even hotter b. more hotter c. much more hot d. much hot

()5 our classroom is____ larger than theirs.a. more b. quite c. very d. much()6 maths is more popular than____.

a. any other subject b. all the subjects c. any subject d. other subject

()7 china is larger than ____ in africa

a. any other country b. other countries c. the other country d. any country

()8 tom is stronger than ___ in his class.

a. any other boy b. any boys c. any boy d. other boy

()9 when spring comes,it gets____.

a. warm and warm b. colder and colder c. warmer and warmer d. shorter and shorter

()10 by and by,____ students in our class came to like english.

a. more and more b. much and much c. many and many d. less and least

()11 at last he began to cry ___.

a. hard and hard

b. more hard and more hard

c. harder and harder

d. less hard and less harder

()12 when spring comes the days get ____ and nights ____.

a. short; long b. long; short c. longer; shorter d. shorter; longer

()13___ i look at the picture,____ i like it.

a. the best; the more b. the more; the less c. the more; less d. more; the more

()14___ he read the book,____ he got in it.

a. the more; the more interesting b. the less; the more interesting

c. the more; the more interested d. more; more interested

()15 which do you like ___,tea or coffee?

a. well b. better c. best d. most

()16 which do you think tastes _,the chicken or the fish?


good b.better c.best d.well

()17 who jumped____of all?

a. far b. farther c. farthest d. the most far

()18li lei is___ student in our class. a. tall b. taller c. tallest d. the tallest()19 the fifth orange is____ of all. give it to that small child.

a. big b. bigger c. the bigger d. the biggest

()20 who is---of you three?

a. the oldest b. much older c. oldest d. older()21 tom is one of _ boys in our class.a.tallest b. taller c. the tallest b. the tall()22 the tree is ___ in the garden.a.the taller b.the tallest c.taller than l d. tall()23 which is_,li lei or wu tong?

a.strong b.strongest c. stronger d. the strongest()24 which language is____,english,french or japanese?

a. easy b. the most easy c. the easiest o d. much more easy()25 which is____interesting,science,maths or english?

a. more b. the most c. very d. too

()26 which city is____,beijing,shanghai or fuzhou?

a. beautiful b. more beautiful c. much more beautiful d. the most beautiful

()27 which month is____,june,july or august?

a. hot b. hotter c. hottest d. the hottest

()28 i am twelve; mike is fourteen; mary is thirteen.

so mike is the ___ of the three.

a. old b. older c. oldest d. the oldest

()29 my ____ brother is three years ____ than i.

a. elder; elder b. older; oldest c. elder; older d. older; elder

()30 his ____ son often go to see him on sunday.

a. eldest b. older c. the eldest d. the older

()31he is two years ___ than i.

a. elder b. smaller c. younger d. less


(二)tall ﹍﹍


slow ﹍﹍


small ﹍﹍


fast ﹍﹍


smart ﹍﹍


few ﹍﹍


nice ﹍﹍


fine ﹍﹍


large ﹍﹍


late ﹍﹍


brave ﹍﹍


pretty ﹍﹍


easy ﹍﹍


funny ﹍﹍

﹍﹍ happy ﹍﹍


lazy ﹍﹍


heavy ﹍﹍

﹍﹍ dirty ﹍﹍


dry ﹍﹍


early ﹍﹍

﹍﹍ busy ﹍﹍


slim ﹍﹍


hot ﹍﹍


big ﹍﹍


thin ﹍﹍


fat ﹍﹍


wet ﹍﹍


beautiful ﹍﹍﹍﹍


interesting ﹍﹍﹍﹍

﹍﹍﹍﹍ important ﹍﹍﹍﹍




﹍﹍﹍﹍ expensive






careful ﹍﹍﹍﹍


exciting ﹍﹍


bad/badly/ill ﹍﹍


little ﹍﹍

﹍﹍ many/much ﹍﹍


old ﹍﹍﹍﹍

﹍﹍﹍﹍ far ﹍﹍﹍﹍


可修饰比较级的词 :a bit,a little,rather,much,far,by far,many,a lot,lots,a great deal,any,still,even等

小学常见比较级最高级 篇3

构成法 原级 比较级 最高级

一般单音节词 tall(高的)taller tallest 未尾加-er,-est great(巨大的)greater greatest 以不发音的e结尾 nice(好的)nicer nicest 的单音词和少数 large(大的)larger largest 以-le结尾的双 able(有能力的)abler ablest 音节词只加-r,-st

以一个辅音字母 big(大的)bigger biggest 结尾的闭音节单 hot热的)hotter hottest 音节词,双写结


“以辅音字母+y” easy(容易的)easier easiest 结尾的双音节词,busy(忙的)busier busiest 改y为i,再加


少数以-er,-ow clever(聪明的)cleverer cleverest 结尾的双音节词 narrow(窄的)narrower narrowest 未尾加-er,-est

其他双音节词和 important(重要的)多音节词,在前 more important 面加more,most most important 来构成比较级和 easily(容易地)最高级。more easily most easily


原级 比较级 最高级

good(好的)/ better best well(健康的)

bad(坏的)/ worse worst ill(有病的)

old(老的)older/elder oldest/eldest much/many(多的)more most little(少的)less least

far(远的)farther/further farthest/furthest



3〃原级:句中只有一者时用原级,其标志词是very, so, too, quite等。

handwriting is very good.他的书法很好。(一个人不作比较。)


★ 形容词比较级和最高级的构成:

1.一般在原级后加er 构成比较级,加est构成最高级。

smaller smallest young younger youngest

2.以不发音的字母e 结尾的形容词,直接加r 或st 构成比较级和最高级。

nicer nicest late later latest

3.以辅音字母+y 结尾的形容词,变y为i,再加er 或est, 构成比较级和最高级。

busier busiest heavy heavier heaviest


hotter hottest big bigger biggest


(well)better best bad(badly, ill)worse worst many(much)more most little less least far father farthest 或 further furthest

★ 副词的比较级和最高级:

1.以ly 结尾的副词,除early 变为 earlier 和 earliest 外,其余一律在其前加more 和most。如:carefully – more carefully – most carefully 2.规则变化直接加er 和 est。如:fast – faster—fastest 3.个别词是不规则变化,需要特别记忆。

如:well – better – best far – farther – fastest badly – worse – worst

4.句子中,副词最高级前的the 可省略也可以不省略,但形容词最高级前面的the 绝对不能去掉。

小学常见比较级最高级 篇4

8a unit1 grammar


comparative and superlative adjectives

注: 形容词和副词才有比较级和最高级


1.直接+er/est long-longer-longest









straight-straighter-straightest 2.以e结尾的单词+r/st

nice-nicer-nicest fine-finer-finest


cute-cuter-cutest wide-wider-widest close-closer-closest

large-larger-largest polite-politer-politest 3.以辅音字母+y, 去y+ier/iest 表示天气的形容词 sunny/windy/cloudy/rainy/snowy/dry 形容人的词 pretty/lazy/angry/shy/sporty/ funny 注: shy-shyer-shyest shy-shier-shiest shyly-more shyly-most shyly

friendly-friendlier-friendliest friendly-more friendly-most friendly


lovely-more lovely-most lovely 形容事的词 easy/early/heavy/empty noisy-nosier-nosiest


lucky-luckier-luckiest 4.一个元音字母+一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,双写辅音+er/est big/thin/slim/fat/sad/glad/red/hot/wet/fit/mad big-bigger-biggest








bad/ill/badly-worse-worst far-farther-farthest表距离远




二、多音节词 more/most 常见形容词


ant-more important-most important 情感类形容词 bored/boring/excited/exciting/tired/tiring

d-more excited-most excited 以-ful 结尾的形容词 helpful/careful/grateful/cheerful

l-more helpful-most helpful 以-ly 结尾的副词slowly/quickly/carefully/luckily/happily/noisily/healthily/easily

-more slowly-most slowly 比较级的用法

we use comparatives + than to compare two people or usually add-er to short adjectives and use more with long adjectives to form comparatives.形容词的比较级用于两个人或者两个事物之间的对比。短形容词我们加er, 长形容词我们加more。判断方法

he looks ___________than i.(healthy)

区别: i have __________apples than more+可数名词

i have __________milk than more+ 不可数名词 2.a or b

which is __________, the earth or the is ___________one, the earth or the moon.(big)3.句子中有even/much/a lot/a little i felt even ___________.(hungry)he runs much ___________.(slow)he looks a lot ___________.(tired)he is a little ___________than before.(fat)4.倍数+ 比较级

my house is three times __________than yours.(big)5.隐含条件

it's too you have a __________one?(cheap)how beautifully he sings!i've never heard a __________voice.(good)+比较级,the+比较级

越。越。the __________(hard)he works, the __________(happy)he __________(much)you eat, the __________(fat)you will be.7.比较级+比较级

越来越。the weather is getting __________and __________.(cold)

注: 形容词、副词前面+less、least 表示较不或最不 less/least difficult

more/most difficult


we use the +superlatives to compare three or more people or usually add-est to short adjectives and use most with long adjectives to form superlatives.形容词的最高级用于三人及三人以上或三者或三者以上的比较。短形容词后面我们加est,长形容词后面我们加most。判断方法

1.a、b or c三者的比较

which color do you like __________(good), green, white, or black? of + the + 形容词最高级+ 名词复数

the river is one of __________(long)rivers in our + some place

of/among +sb./ sth.表范围

kitty is __________(beautiful)in our is __________of the four.(tall)4.序数词+最高级

the yellow river is the second __________river in china.(long)5.有定语从句放在名词后表范围用最高级

this is __________coat i have ever bought.(cheap)注:副词最高级前的the可以省略 he runs __________in his class.(fast)of all the boys, he came __________.(early)

比较级和最高级的相互转换 kate is the tallest of all the girls.= kate is taller than the other girls.(其他所有女孩)=kate is taller than any other girl.(其他任何女孩)注: the other+名词复数

any other+名词单数

shanghai is the biggest city in ai is bigger than __________in china.=__________in china.=any of the other ai is larger than __________city in japan.=__________city in china.注: any 没有排除在外

any other 排除在外

nanjing is bigger than __________city in ai is bigger than __________city in is larger than __________country in africa.__________country in asia.注: any other+ 名词单数(同范围比较)

any+ 名词单数(不同范围比较)
