

英语即兴演讲万能范文 篇1

The government should put forward some more strict laws to prevent the environment from being further polluted. And they should let people know more about the importance of environment protection. And we should find the balance between the economic growth and environmental protection. Plant more trees in the deserts and stop cutting down the forest. Forbid the factories to pour the waste water into the rivers directly. Encourage people to use public transportations to work. Both government and ordinary people should join hands together to make our home clean and fresh again. Only in this way our earth could be a better place to live in.

英语即兴演讲万能范文 篇2



We always seem to want those things we don’t have. Moreover, we are often convinced that if we had those things we want so badly, we would finally be happy.


Welcome to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I’m Faith. The truth is that happiness is an attitude. It’s not something created by outside circumstances, but instead is completely within your control.


Nothing will give you a deep sense of satisfaction and happiness, unless you cultivate happiness consciously. Below are some simple yet specific steps you can take to cultivate happiness.


Be grateful

Create a sense of gratitude for what you have, for what is working, for what is wonderful and sweet in your life. A morning or evening gratitude list, written each day, can do wonders for helping you feel grateful.



Take care of yourself

Identify the small things in life that make you feel good, and do one daily. A short walk, a few minutes of writing in your journal, a short meditation, watching the sunset…whatever, will improve your outlook on life.



Read inspirational material

It helps to be reminded of positive thoughts and positive attitudes. Get a small book of positive, inspirational thoughts and keep it by your desk. Read one or two thoughts each day.



This is Faith at Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax. Is the glass half empty or full? Life works better when the glass is half full regardless of your life status. 这里是Faith主持的Faith轻松电台。你的杯子有一半是空的呢,还是满的?不管你的生活状况如何,生活可以更美好,即使你的杯子只装满了一半。

英语即兴演讲万能范文 篇3

Hi everybody.

Beauty usually refers to what appeals to the eye. A nice and well built girl is regarded as beautiful. A bunch of vigorous flowers are also considered as beautiful. A splendid waterfall coming down from a mountain is as well looked on as beautiful.

Beauty also refers to what appeals to the mind. The virtue of the Chinese nation-industry and bravery are taken as beautiful, because it helped to produce such a magnificent culture in the world. Einstein's theory of relativity is also perceived as beautiful, for it explains many natural phenomena so perfectly.

Beauty is around us. If you keep an eye or pay some attention, it is never difficult to find something beautiful somewhere about you. Wonderful natural spots, historical relics,fine arts, splendid buildings, and kind people are just a few inches away.
