





some, any, no, every

thing: something, anything, nothing, everything

one: someone, anyone, anything, everyone

where: somewhere, anywhere, anywhere, everywhere

body: somebody, anybody, nobody, everybody


(1)Help! Somebody? Anybody?

(2)Where did you go? I went nowhere.

(3)Nobody is at home.

(4)You are really something.

(5)I looked for my book everywhere, but I cant find it anywhere.

(6)If you want to go somewhere, if you want to be someone, you must wake up.

(7)Since everybody is here, lets begin our class.


1. four years old 四岁

2. ask Ben some questions 问Ben 一些问题

3. go in 进去

4. stay away 远离

5. keep off 远离

6. make noise 发出(喧闹)的声音

7. talk about 讨论

8. public signs 公共标志

9. No smoking 禁止吸烟

10. No littering 禁止乱扔杂物

11. No parking 禁止停车

12. Do not touch 禁止触摸

13. Danger! 危险

14. No eating or drinking 禁止吃喝东西

15. Keep off the grass 远离草地

16. be back home from the zoo 从动物园回家

17. Be quiet 保持安静

18. take a walk 散步

19. a ten-yuan note 一张十元纸币

20. say to 对……说

21. pick up 拾起

22. come up 上来

23. point to 指向

24. give me ten yuan 给我十元纸币


1、 Teaching aims: Ss can use imperatives to give simple instructions, such as : Look at your hands

2、 Teaching aids: tape recorder

3、 Teaching period: 1

[1] Teacher’s activity

Ss’ activity



1.Revise the body parts vocabulary students have learnt,using picture and word cards.

2.Say ‘Look at your hands’.Explain the meaning of the instruction by miming.Ask students to copy me.

3.Repeat step 1 with the other two commands ‘Wash your hands’ and ‘Eat a cake’.


1.Have the class listen and act according to your commands.Repeat several times until they can act freely.

2.Say the commands in random order and ask individuals to act according ly

3.Play the cassette tape.Ask some Ss to act it and the rest to judge right or wrong.

4.Play a game:’Simon says’.


1.Divide the class into groups of three.Practise giving and doing the commands,substituting with other body parts.

2.Select groups to say and act the modified commands to the class.

Mime and copy.

Learn to say‘Wash your hands’ and ‘Eat a cake’.

Listen and act.


Act and judge.

Play a game.




One day my mother asked me, "Son, do you think you have grown up?" I said, "I have grown up, I am now a pupil, a glorious young pioneer! I am not so naughty, nor arrogant." My mother smiled at me.

Now, I learned to do a lot of things. At night, I dared to sleep by myself. I learned to organize my schoolbag. I learned to buy salt and soy sauce for my mother. I learned to lead my grandmother across the street. I learned to help my mother do some housework. One night, my mother came back from work to say that she had a sore back, so I let her lie on the bed and beat her back. The mother laughed again and said, "Son, you really grew up!"
