

行政自我评价范文 篇1







行政自我评价范文 篇2




行政自我评价范文 篇3


最后使我落笔的动力是老板的一句话:今年年终奖的多少,就看个人小结! 一般来说,在压力和动力都齐全了的情况下,人的创造力也就有了。 思考再三,为使小结颇具新意,勇夺年终第一奖,我决定写一篇不仅让老板看不懂,自己也要看不懂的小结,虽然看不懂,但要被打动!




我笔锋再转,有意无意地提起了几首与之有些个关联的流行歌曲 优秀——《我是不是该安静地走开》,“我是不是该安静地走开,还是该勇敢地留下来”

合格——《今夜你会不会来》,“虽知道某日你或许会弃我而去,总想永远地爱着你,弥补彼此心中距离今夜你会不会来,你的爱还在不在” 基本合格——《至少还有你》,“我怕来不及,我要抱着你如果全世界我也可以放弃,至少还有你值得我去珍惜;也许全世界我也可以忘记,就是不愿意失去你的消息”






行政自我评价范文 篇4

The work of the personnel department is also my leadership in the care of a person under the guidance of the work. Below I summarize the personnel work of this year as follows.

First, a clear-cut stance on politics

People say, personnel is also a real power position, of course, he probably refers to other industries, I think my work experience is that I engaged in a policy of relatively strong work, in the face of the "yes" is "" "is not 'No' 'problem, there is no ambiguous answer, specific issues, once the formation of a decision, not the face of this class of people can be so, in the face of that class can "not", not with selfishness , Emotional, so the work of the personnel department should be a strong principle, with a party to guarantee a very serious work. In the past, I did this work, but also have the loyalty to the party and the spirit of responsibility.

Second, the position of the overall situation

School personnel position is to contact the work of higher authorities in charge of more work, and teachers contact the school is relatively small, a lot of things to the higher authorities to come up with my school management data, including fund management, personnel management, Work management and school development management, etc., so a lot of time is a person hard work, and will not be found, but will not be understood by me in the work of hard work, I can not understand the importance of the work done .

1, in order to facilitate access to information, this summer I put a great effort to the school teachers all the relevant personnel information into a material, as my work information, many projects need access to the future, I can in the fastest time for the school Leadership to provide information. Many teachers would like to know their own some of the circumstances, I check to know, the teachers read my this information, feeling that: to sort out this thing, it is a great project, right? , I order to sort out this thing, do not know how many of the design of the program, done a waste, waste do, the final of nearly 20 days to complete this large project.

This year a total of three times, the second is the wage adjustment, one in the summer, one in New Year's Day. I am braving the sun, braving the cold wind, to the school for the teachers to improve the wages of the work, the summer I burned 38.8 degrees, the summer heat, In order to complete the work in time, I have a cold cough to sit up at night often can not stand the chest, but I can not stop, I can not stop, Because time is pressing.

The teachers are in the completion of a semester of hard work waiting for a good holiday, a grand holiday, I was in the teachers for the third time to raise wages, the biennial promotion of salary grade and the end of the year One-time bonus payment is the so-called thirteenth month wage efforts, the salary for the teacher is a happy event, for me is a happy event, it is miserable thing. Of course, this is my work, no matter how hard I will be meticulous to complete the work, I have been asking themselves, I can not be the best, but I will for each of the "better" and work.

Third, the culture of unity and accomplishment, set an example by example.

I think this machine should have no matter how bad the outside world conditions, no matter what other people, whether it is a good machine or a good machine, it is a good machine to the human soul, What kind of damage you want, you can hold a broad mind to accept, while probation him, I think I have done this.

I am a teacher, should be a model for students, I was a middle-level cadres should also be an example of ordinary teachers. To this end I always strict demands on themselves, so that classes will not be late to leave early, do not prepare lessons into the classroom, without badges do not stand in front of students. Dress dressed simple and generous, neither Chinese public favors, nor strange blame. Let the students serve me instead of Granville, respect me and not far from me. Let my colleagues get along with me, both easy and assured.

I am also very painful when I am concerned about my colleagues 'life, actively helping my colleagues who have difficulties, open my mind, accommodating my colleagues' misunderstandings, tolerating unreasonable words and deeds of my colleagues, reducing misunderstandings with my colleagues, , Why should others misunderstand me, I am afraid to hurt others? But think about me, after all, is a middle-level cadres, in order to stabilize the school for the convenience of managers I should cooperate with school leaders as much as possible to reduce and colleagues, Middle-level cadres have a "psychological jealousy," the teachers of the contradictions.There is a saying that "justice will prevail over evil"

行政自我评价范文 篇5




行政自我评价范文 篇6

Strong team spirit, strong communication skills, can quickly integrate into the team, and play their own professional standards for the company to create new value.

Have a strong sense of responsibility; a team spirit, passion, a strong organizational and communication skills; serious, careful, responsible; master office software, good logical thinking ability, there are many years 500 Multinational companies overseas work experience; have good intercultural communication skills and interpersonal skills; can use fluent English to communicate with people and handle documents, have excellent ability to read and write.

行政自我评价范文 篇7

Proficient in modern enterprise personnel management and has a profound theory of personnel administration

7 years of experience in the personnel administration manager, good long to the concept of corporate management staff cohesion, creativity, self-discipline ability to tap and develop. )

Familiar with the development and management of modern enterprise human resources, to develop a good policy to adapt to the unit to attract talented people to join, to plan a good training mechanism for enterprises continue to nurture talent, objective and reasonable incentives can be developed for enterprises to retain Outstanding talents. (Convinced that the competition is the talent market competition)

Is learning. Hard-working staff. Be hardworking and responsible, be good at innovation, dare to meet challenges, dare to take responsibility, and have strong energy to work. Full of passion for work. Emphasize teamwork.

Member of International Association for Project Management (IPMA), Member of the American Management Association (AMA) and Member of the China Project Management Research Institute, and obtained the qualification of Business Administration and Human Resource Management from the Ministry of Personnel.

I am cheerful, optimistic, warm and easy-going; with entrepreneurial spirit and team spirit, good coordination and communication skills and strong practical ability; adaptable, positive; have a strong sense of professionalism and responsibility so that I can face all the difficulties And challenges; and constantly improve their work to adapt to the needs of the work. Proficiency in computer office software.

I have a strong interest in English, law secretarial, administrative clerks, administrative assistants, etc., but also willing to challenge other work of nature

2. Have a good ability to adapt to the environment, adaptability and teamwork; work rigorous and patient, with good professional conduct, obey the instructions and arrangements

3. Attach importance to the strength of teamwork, take the initiative to communicate with partners, in continuous learning and practical exercises to improve their professional quality, self-realization

4. Good at handling, find problems, clear objectives, more efficient

行政自我评价范文 篇8




行政自我评价范文 篇9






行政自我评价范文 篇10



诚然,医院的基本职责和业务工作就是救死扶伤,为人治病,靠医技低劣的“庸医”是办不好医院的;医院的发展也要靠取得经济效益,长期亏损的医院将无法生存。因此,激励医务人员刻苦钻研业务,提高医技水平,合理合法增加经济效益是完全必要的。事实上,这在目前各医院的激励机制中普遍得到了重视,还作了相应的量化。我们提倡的“优化”,并不是要去掉这些激励内容,而是要增加医德、医风方面的内容,提高其在激励机制中的地位与分量。 医德医风方面的内容非常广泛。要确立优化激励的内容并不难。关键的问题在于如何实现公平、公正。而公平、公正的实现,需要有一套科学合理的办法。综合目前一些医院的做法,实行量化考核加综合考评再加公众参与的办法,比较切实可行。首先,对能够量化的内容要尽量量化,便于操作。其次,实行医德考评制度,是加强职业道德和行风建设的治本措施,是构建和谐医患关系、纠正行业不正之风、文明医院的有效手段,是优化激励机制的重要之举。第三,行之有效的监督机制,是与激励机制相辅相成的两个方面。既要有医院领导和员工的监督,更要有社会公众监督与媒体的舆论监督。

