

读书的英文自我评价和反省 篇1

In my academic performance, has not been excellent, school is always in disguise, in a daze, because, at that time in my mind can not find the idea of serious reading, did not realize the benefits of reading and not learning as a result of. I did not realize the importance of learning until the end of the final exam. I realized that the important thing I did was not to study for the exam, but to learn for the teacher and for the future. Of my learning, learning is the foundation of my future.

Although I began to develop a modest, diligent study attitude, I know that things can not learn to cheat, do not understand do not understand, must not pretend to understand! To be successful in learning, all the success stories of ancient and modern have proved that as long as these two kinds of learning attitude Caixing. So, I have a problem to ask the students, until understand. Even the poor performance of the people I am the same reason, the truth in Confucius said, "three lines, there must be my teacher", but that I often are "too Cheguo" so-so dawdle.

In life, I basically can be friendly and students get along, live in harmony, mutual help each other to do their own thing, the formation of independent good self-reliance of the good character ---- I am proud of is that the bright 2 years During the period, I never once patronize the laundry department, even in the cold winter, I also insist on their own laundry, do not give yourself the opportunity to be lazy. Because I know that lazy things that are cultivated, as long as it does not give it a chance, it will never be possible to become a reality of the things. There is, in my life, always maintain a clean style, so ground cleaning, wash their hands, to develop good health habits. As I mentioned above, although I have not made any progress in this semester, I have also met with my own mistakes and corrected them. I decided to set myself some measures so as to better supervise myself - - Spirit, always strict demands on themselves, to encourage themselves to move forward, not afraid of hardship is not afraid of difficulties, to their success on the other side.

I made a great mistake in this semester, although now I intend to make up, but as if like a mirror, broken, even if restored, or leave a deep unpredictable scar, to the My heart left a dark shadow. I will do my best in the next semester, but what do I need? Is it money? No, I need the sincere friendship of the students. Of the encouragement.

读书的英文自我评价和反省 篇2

Precious Ph.D. study life is nearing completion, sum up the gains and losses, there are many gains.

In the ideological and political aspects, I have excellent moral cultivation, and have a firm political direction. I love the motherland, love the people, firmly support the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the socialist system, and strive to study Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory, and constantly improve their political consciousness and ideological quality, strictly abide by the national constitution and other legal provisions. At the same time I abide by social morality, love of public property, unity of students, helpful and pragmatic spirit of enthusiasm to participate in school public interest and patriotic activities.

In the exercise of character, I am also very good in all aspects of performance. In life, I advocate a simple and simple life, not extravagant waste, and develop good habits and decent style. My concept of time is relatively strong, the appointment time will always arrive in advance. A child's life also exercise my hard-working spirit, self-reliance ability. I am enthusiastic about others, honest and trustworthy, with innovation and pioneering consciousness, the courage to challenge themselves, and the relationship between students is extremely harmonious.

Learning, I earnestly study the professional knowledge, according to their own professional direction requirements, targeted carefully read the core curriculum, for their own learning work to lay a solid foundation; and studied part of other courses, broaden their horizons, the professional directionApplication background and the structure of the entire discipline has a macroscopic understanding. In addition to theoretical study, I also learned to use the learning method at the same time pay attention to independent thinking, to improve their ability to analyze problems, problem-solving skills

In scientific research, by reading the literature, especially foreign literature reading, making their own reading and writing of scientific papers have been greatly improved. According to the instructor's guidance, through a large number of browsing, as well as teachers and students to explore the exchange between, and gradually clear the direction of development, through their own continuous efforts to obtain some relatively satisfactory results. During this period, access to information, comprehensive analysis of the basic quality of continuous improvement, the ability to express written also got temper, especially independent thinking and research ability, have made great progress, these are also great for future workBenefit.

I have a doctoral thesis has been basically completed, I can more comprehensive understanding of the technology in the field of research status and the latest developments, and has a solid broad theoretical basis for electric and in-depth system of professional knowledge, has strong independent research capabilities, Rigorous scientific research style.

读书的英文自我评价和反省 篇3

The book has its own gold house, the book has its own Yan Ruyu, since ancient times people admire reading, to the rapid development of modern social science and technology, television, network media platforms have appeared, but this does not reduce the enthusiasm for reading, reading is thinking Reading and healthy growth closely linked to the study to promote growth, growth is inseparable from reading, this is my personal understanding, reading will make the source of ideas never dry.

The purpose of reading is to enrich knowledge, broaden horizons, boost work, enhance their cultural literacy. Summary of my reading experience, there are four ups and downs: the first stage is the student's time only for academic performance and reading, I called the passive reading; the second stage is to have interest only to improve the expertise and reading, I call the limitations The fourth stage is the current situation, reading a wide range, but the reading volume is too small, I called the normal reading. I read the book, I read the book; And most people, always find an excuse to say busy with work and adversely affected by reading, this is not a reason to stand, but their perseverance is not enough work, did not develop a good habit of reading every day. This is their own self-criticism. I am not a "tunnel" of the reader, there is no experience to talk about, and everyone together to talk about some personal point of view. My personal views on "reading good books" can be summed up as 12 words: intensive reading, reading, reading, reading, reading, reading.

First, intensive reading. One aspect of intensive reading is the selection.There are hundreds of millions of books in the world. This requires a selective read, more importantly, will choose, according to their own preferences and needs, carefully selected a few good books, do not see the book to buy. Tolstoy has a famous saying, "the ideal book is the key to wisdom," Zhao also said such words: "Reading is like mining, sand gold", that is selected books, good books read the truth. On the other hand is to read the book really understand. A good book, read it twice is not enough, to repeat the read, read every time there will be a different harvest. How many experts study the "Dream of Red Mansions", also set up a special Red Research Association, is still studying her, is the truth. Reading can not be just a half solution, to fully understand, as much as possible to digest, this is called reading, called intensive reading.

Second, often read. Books to read, develop habits. To develop a good habit is difficult, but as long as the stick to do, to repeat a thing to do, this repetition will become a habit. To adhere to the daily reading, do not say how long it takes, as long as adhere to a month, this kind of consciousness will become a habit, which is called habit into nature. I think that our young cadres should study as a three meals a day living habits, so that reading a daily essential content of life, I call it often read.

Third, the pen reading. Is to use the hands of the pen to help read. There is a well-known proverb called "good memory is not as bad written", usually understood as reading notes, I also understand the feelings of writing experience, reading, essays and so on. I think that reading is absorption, writing is digested, I write in the first written document, the drafting of the General Assembly speech, always feel nothing to write, or write the content of dry, straightforward, aware of their reading too little, Mind things too small, if the previous deliberately to read more books, good statements, good allusions excerpt pen, and insist on writing some reading experience, not afraid to write well, as long as persist, over time, these things will Stay in my mind, when writing a pen will not be the case, it will naturally found in the pen. This is the benefits of diligent hands, I called the pen to read.

Fourth, the heart read. Reading to concentrate, but also to the heart. The book has its own gold house, intentions to read in order to really read the book, Zhu Xi in the "regulation of vegetarian rules," said, "read three to the heart to the eye to mouth to three to the heart to the most anxious."

Five, Kam reading. Reading is also a mirror of life, combing his mind by reading, rich cultural heritage, enhance the moral qualities of some good aspects as a beacon, such as from the biography of the negative things as the growth of the alarm, which is called reading, There is a draw, there is identification of the absorption of the book culture, abstinence reading concept.

6, read more. "From the essence of the book." People and things around the book, work is a book, life is a book, as long as willing to read, the book has its own gold house.

These are my reading about the situation and their reading of the book a little insight, but he has done well. In the future, we should seriously understand and try Mr. Tao Xingzhi's "reading ten tactics" (sequence, diligence, constant, Bo, asked, ceremony, learning, Apart from the night of the day, rainy sunny) spirit, adhere to the reading, so that reading with the growth.

读书的英文自我评价和反省 篇4

Success, a simple and complex, both plain and mysterious words. In the vast river of history, the countless sages of the East and the West in order to realize the true meaning of the success of the first poor, in modern society, generation after generation of young people in pursuit of or secular, or ideal or individual success Busy busy. Everyone is in the pursuit of success, but few people can stop and think about it: What is success in the end? Recently I read the "best of their own," a book, the author was born in Chinese Taiwan, grew up in the United States Is one of the few Chinese scientists who have made outstanding achievements on both sides of the ocean. Unlike ordinary scientists or business managers, Dr. Kaifu always devoted himself to the care and education of young Chinese students while he was busy with scientific research and management. In the past few years, Dr. Kaifu personally wrote four letters to Chinese students open letter pen kind, cautious, touching, Dr. Kaifu personally founded and presided over the "Kaifu student network" is to become countless deterredAnd wandering in the academic and life on the road, eager to pursue the ideal, to win the success of Chinese students "spiritual classroom." "Do yourself the best" is Dr. Kaifu specifically for college students and young people to write a successful guide, after reading can not help but feel refreshed, have previously read some books, after reading seems to feel are some empty talk, just Leaving me some unnecessary preaching, no substantive help. After reading this book, feel different, how can we do the best of their own? This requires each of us to think. Yes, more often, we are reviewing each other, research opponents, but very little time to stop and understand their own. Dr. Lee used a plain language for me to open a door to understand themselves, re-examine their own hearts. He told people: life is not only introspection can be more perfect, but from time to time to make themselves more introspective self-conscious; life is not simply establish the ideal can be easily achieved, but no ideal person but certainly confused; man must have a broad The courage to chase their own dreams of the people to make more opportunities to stay in their side ... ... He not only put forward the idea of a person to be able to do more, A simple and easy to understand "successful concentric circles," said, and the use of a large number of stories in his side to illustrate the secret of success. These stories are very worthy of my learning and taste, learn from the lessons and lessons to guide me to the road to success.

In fact, everyone's understanding of success is different. I believe many people, like me, may often have such a feeling: do not know what is the real success, how to be successful, do not know what is the real value of life, how to achieve. Now, after seeing Dr. Lee's "success", he realized that there is a wide range of differences between people. Everyone has their own choice and can not use the same model to measure the success of all people, regardless of their status and prestige. High and low, with more and less wealth, only to play their own interests and expertise, but also beneficial to society and others, but also to experience the infinite happiness, this is success, do the best is success.

Dr. Kai-fu Lee said: success is constantly better ourselves, is "to do their best." I understand this is that everyone has the opportunity to succeed in different forms, the significance of success is different, not to care about the secular model, as long as their own efforts to achieve the ideal, and every day to the ideal close to, is successful. Success is not a single standard, the community for everyone to provide a different stage, as long as their own stage to their value to the limit, whether it is remarkable or ordinary ordinary, are successful. Of course, in the real world, perhaps each of us have their own dream can not be achieved, our ideals and reality will always be a gap. And many things that we can not change, we can do is to change the mentality, emotional regulation, change the way of thinking, and constantly go beyond their own, and strive to make their lives fully burned, the best of their own.

As a professional woman, a division-level cadres, in order to do a good job. Not only have courage and knowledge, but also a serious and highly responsible work attitude, but also have a broad mind, Heiner rivers of the realm. The width of the chest is able to accommodate the capacity of the public, the public is only then together, only then the industry is hing - this truth is not difficult, but the real implementation is not so easy. The ancients said: "Gentleman expansive, villain long. If you do everything in mind, the device is small, everywhere showing Xiaojiaziqi, then not only will not achieve real success, it will not experience any of the belonging to the heart of the mind, the small business is to have the kind of affordable, Their own satisfaction and happiness. How to become a mind of the people?The book gives us a very good exposition: If you intend to like all real winners have the same tolerance and tolerance, it is necessary in pragmatism, tolerance, self-discipline, respect and conservation of these five strict demands on themselves, Training themselves in the interpersonal capacity when the inclusiveness. A person's mind is not a matter of time can be molded out, in addition to training and training, the most important thing is to have a sincere heart. In good faith can make you look with goodwill and rational view of the people and things in this world, you can put aside all obstacles to self-communication and others selfish thoughts.As long as there is a sincere, you can really understand the pragmatic, forgiving, self-discipline, respect and conservation in the importance of man, can be successful in the road ahead!

Dr. Kai-fu Lee in the book describes the "mind of the" brainless bastard "" case. From Bill Gates we can learn to do things do not care about everything, not to "zero and competitive way of thinking to deal with interpersonal relationships in interpersonal communication, misunderstanding and contradictions are normal things. People experience less, easier to misunderstand or conflict with others.Therefore do not care about distress, but to be generous, do not care about each other's radical attitude or words, but to the courage to assume their responsibilities, so that "the prime minister to support the stomach ferry".

Facts have proved that each of us can do a best of their own, can be done excellent. We do not have to catch up with others for their own and too self-blame, do not have too bad because of the situation and sentimental, blame Heaven. We need to do is follow their own spiritual choice, do not seek other, but to do the best of their own. We will become a better, more generous, more successful people!

This book is the best place to help you better sort out this goal, this process, the charm of a good book in this, heal your trauma, to answer your heart Doubt, to your mind constantly add nutrients. In his book, Dr. Kaifu elaborated several elements of success: positive, compassion, self-confidence, self-reflection, courage, and mind. A person only has for others, for the community, consider the goodness of mankind, it will not be confined to a small self-narrow world, can get things put under, to enjoy the inner enrichment, calm and peaceful, and kindness with To the joy and self-existential sense of belonging. If you do not have this quality and literacy, but not intentional

Knowledge to strive to improve and develop, you can not succeed, the definition of success is not getting rich overnight, not get ill-gotten gains, not temporarily accounted for in some way the so-called advantage and cheap, it is narrow temporary psychological satisfaction Rather than success. Success is to do the best of their own, to do to others useful to themselves, from the joy of harvest, happiness and self-affirmative ascension is the most beautiful experience in the universe. Please do your best!

Reading is good for physical and mental health, reading can purify thought, sublimation of moral character. Whether it is to do that work and work, should have a correct values, have their own goals. As long as a positive attitude, the optimistic face of life; away from the passive habits, starting from the little things; their own responsibility to seize their own destiny; actively try to meet opportunities; fully prepared to seize the opportunity to actively seek to create opportunities; To sell themselves; to dare to face failures and setbacks; have a firm conviction, hard-working and perseverance of the spirit, success will not be too far away from you.

Do the best of their own, I believe you will succeed!

读书的英文自我评价和反省 篇5

From the beginning of September last year, I became a teacher has been six months time, in the six months, through their own practice, I have a new understanding of the profession of teachers, if the teacher is the sun's greatest Professional, then, as a teacher, in addition to teaching students the knowledge of the course, the students outlook on life, morality, values, culture is also playing a vital role, which requires our teachers to pay particular attention to morality, Whether to have a love, all their enthusiasm dedicated to the cause of education, is to evaluate the basic criteria for a qualified teacher or not, each teacher wants to develop moral, intellectual, physical development of talent, moral education is its The core, the ancients said: the body is, not to make the line; the body is not correct, though not, the moral education of students, teachers must have ethics, the so-called teacher ethics, The moral standards and codes of conduct, including teachers 'moral qualities, ideals and beliefs, attitudes and feelings towards the cause, and related behavioral habits, etc., are examples of students' behavior. In the specific teaching practice, I always put the morality of teachers in the first place, the students enthusiastic, patient, intimate, non-discriminatory students, students alike, found that students progress, timely praise, inspire students' sense of honor, and strict Constraints of their own words and deeds, because I know that "the body and mind is more important than words," "how to behave" is important.

As a class teacher, I have every student in the class characteristics are very clear, for their different characteristics, the development of individual education programs to enable them to varying degrees of improvement and improvement of teaching in the original inculcation of educationOriented education for different students, so that students are more willing to accept, to stimulate their interest in learning, so that they are no longer boring content of the boring relatively boredom.

The past teaching work, we have been using the national mentally handicapped educational materials, the development of education and teaching, this set of teaching materials is not strong weaknesses are increasingly obvious, has been unable to adapt to the needs of modern teaching, to this end, In order to do a good job of teaching reform, we must fully understand the characteristics of students on the basis of the preparation of targeted teaching materials, I am using the work and spare time full of time, Contact and understand the students, for the teaching reform provides first-hand materials, as the implementation of the experiment, in the implementation process, encountered special circumstances, summed up in time to find a solution in the future teaching work.

Special teachers because of the relatively narrow range of lessons, coupled with the social evaluation of some of the objective, will lead to teachers produce a psychological pressure, for this cause, I love the cause of education, I will eliminate distractions, all The enthusiasm of all the love poured on the students who, according to the law from teaching, rigorous scholarship, clean from teaching, respect for parents, worthy of the "people teachers" this glorious title!
