

英文导游词范文 篇1

Dear tourists

Hello and welcome to Fenghuang Mountain in Zhengzhou. I'm your tourguide.

Next, I'd like to introduce the basic situation of Fenghuang MountainScenic Spot: Fenghuang Mountain scenic spot is located in xiasigou village,Micun Town, Xinmi City, about 50 kilometers southwest of Zhengzhou, theprovincial capital. It is the afterblood of Songshan Mountain, commonly known asBeisong mountain, Fangshan Mountain and yuexifang, also known as Fuxi mountain.In fact, Fuxi, the forefather of the three emperors, is also called Fuxi,together with Nuwa who mends the sky and Shennong who tastes all kinds of herbs.Sima said that he was a snake and had great powers. Let's study his businesslater. Let's go back to reality. The geology and geomorphology here belongs tothe Proterozoic Songshan group. The altitude is 971 meters and the browsing areais about 20 square kilometers. The vegetation coverage is over 86%. Due to thelarge temperature difference and remarkable climate characteristics, it is verysuitable for the growth of a variety of wild animals and plants. According toincomplete statistics, there are more than 3600 kinds of plants, including 8rare plants (including spring chrysanthemum, rejuvenate grass, Ganodermalucidum, honeysuckle )There are 31 kinds of ancient and famous trees (includingdalongmu, hawthorn king, oak, boxing tree, Gleditsia sinensis, etc.) )Fenghuangmountain is a real natural forest park.

Fenghuangshan scenic spot can be visited all year round. In spring, flowersare in full bloom, refreshing. There are mainly mountain peach flower, wildapricot flower, pear flower, jasmine flower, Robinia flower, honeysuckle flower,forsythia flower and spring chrysanthemum, which are actually the world and seaof flowers. In midsummer, forests block out the sun, waterfalls, streams andpools become a great scenic spot of Xiangyu Grand Canyon. At this moment,Fenghuangshan people have no sultry and irritability of the city at all. You cansuck the fragrance and sweetness. In the golden autumn, the forests are dyed,the mountains are red, and the branches are bent with rich fruits. The scarletfruit, the crystal wild grape, the wild hawthorn and the wild chestnut can makeyou salivate. It's winter. The scenery of northern China is reincarnated. Ifyou're lucky, you can enjoy and photograph the pines. If it's not strict but notcool, do you think you've arrived at the Songhua River?

At present, we mainly develop three tourist routes to Fenghuang Mountain:first, climb Fenghuang Mountain and Lianhua peak. 2、 Visit Phoenix River andtaste Phoenix spring. 3、 Visit Xiangyu temple and Xiangyu Grand Canyon. The mainscenic spots are: "double lion welcome", "Phoenix forest", "Phoenix Lake", "poorscholars study hard", "echo wall", "xiangshuitang", "shengzishi", "drunkdriving", "Dayu mountain", "lover stone", etc.

Tourists, let's look at the two stone lions here! These two lions have beenwaiting for us for a long time. Look! The lion inside is a little old andsleepy. He squats down to welcome the guests. The lion outside stands up andlooks up. Should we say hello to the two hosts and then take a picture withthem?

OK, let's move on with me. This place is a modern cultural site - Hongxingcanal. Through the two inscriptions of that year, we can see that the heroicspirit of "fighting with heaven and fighting with the earth" and the fearlessrevolutionary spirit of "the Red Army is not afraid of expeditions, andthousands of rivers and mountains are just waiting". During the period ofpeople's commune, there was a canal from yangjiamen to Jiazhai. Because of theanti imperialist and anti revisionist era, it was called "Red Star canal". Itmoved soil in the spring of 65, and nearly 100 migrant workers worked hard fortwo years. It was completed in October of 67, with a total length of 3620meters, all of which are made of stone.

Now we are in the Phoenix river. The path on this side of the river is aclimbing trail for us.

Before mountaineering, I would like to remind you that you must payattention to safety, do not crowd, do not casually throw stones and litter, soas to "see the scenery without walking, walk without seeing the scenery".

When you come to this place, I can introduce several kinds of Chineseherbal medicine and wild vegetables. If anyone is interested, you can dig a fewChinese herbal medicine and wild vegetables. First of all, let's introduce themountain leek, also known as Ze garlic, which grows mostly on the cliff or inthe shade of the mountain. You often eat mountain leek, which is better than redpeach K. At the same time, it also has the function of Tonifying the kidney andremoving dryness and heat, and has good curative effect on diarrhea. Fried eggswith leeks is a local specialty. Don't miss it at lunch time. You must try it.I'll introduce a rare Chinese medicine, Jiusi huanhun grass. It's commonly knownas dibaizhi, also known as Selaginella sinensis. Because it grows on cliffs andcan survive without rain for a long time, people call it Jiusi huanhun grass. Itis a kind of precious Chinese herbal medicine, with the effect of astringency,hemostasis, activating blood circulation and breaking blood. The main treatmentof amenorrhea, blood stasis, hemorrhoids bleeding, anal bleeding andhematochezia. The third is wild bayberry. It is also known as zhanci platformand Cimu platform. It mostly grows in bushes, roadsides and other places. Leavescan be harvested in summer, fruits can be harvested in autumn, and roots can beharvested in all seasons. Root: cold in nature and astringent in taste. It ismainly used for rheumatism, activating qi and blood, reducing defecation andstopping thirst. The fruit is warm and sour. It has the effect of dispellingrheumatism and benefiting joints. Well, I'll introduce these first, and let'smove on.

On the spirit turtle

Please pause. Let's enjoy the white stone on the road. Let's see what itlooks like. Yeah, like a turtle. However, the tortoise is standing there, Idon't know whether it is to make way for us or what to look for. It is said thatthere is a curious little tortoise living in the area of Fenghuang mountain.Where it is quiet and where there are wonders, it will try its best to look forthem. The little tortoise heard that Dayu had carved a mountain spring in theXiangyu Grand Canyon of Fenghuang mountain, so he settled down there. Later, heheard that there were many strange flowers and plants on the lotus peak.Especially in the spring when all flowers are in full bloom, there are lots ofspring chrysanthemums on the lotus peak. The little turtle tries every means tolook for them. After appreciating the spring chrysanthemums, he goes here for amoment and doesn't know where to go. He is making a quiet choice between goingdown the River to play in the water or going up the mountain to explore. Thisscenic spot is called "spirit turtle exploring".

Bajie does not want to return

Please have a look at this strange stone on the mountain. Is it like thenaughty Bajie among the four disciples of Tang Monk looking up to the west?Bajie looks southwest with great interest. Friends, guess what Bajie is lookingat? By the way, he is looking at the beautiful scenery of Fenghuang mountain. Itis said that the four masters and disciples of Tang Monk Xi Tian passed by andsent Bajie to explore the way before. Bajie was deeply attracted by thebeautiful scenery in front of him. He sat here for a long time to enjoy andforget to return. Besides, Monk Tang waited for Bajie for a long time, butmonkey sun came to look for him. Seeing that Bajie had been sitting here for along time, he thought, "what's the new idea of the old pig?" so he hid andwatched the change. Which friend saw our sun Dasheng? Yes, it's behind Bajie!Look, sun Dasheng is hiding behind the stone. We call this scenic spot "Bajiedoes not want to return".

Spring Chrysanthemum Garden (may snow)

Let's move on, and we will soon enjoy the "spring Chrysanthemum Garden".Spring chrysanthemum is not only ornamental, but also medicinal. Its leaves andflowers can make tea. After drinking, it can sober up the mind, clear away heatand toxin. Its stem can be used as high-grade chopsticks. In May, it's a goodtime for flowers to bloom. Like Chaoyang Valley, the wild flowers on the slopeare shining one after another, especially in the sun. It's also called "maysnow".

Qianchi first cliff

Now that we have entered the dangerous section of the mountain, we must payattention to safety, support the old and take care of the young. When we get tothis place, let's take a breath and have a look at the red stone cliff that goesstraight into the sky. There is more than one thousand foot red stone cliff likethis in our Fenghuang Mountain Scenic Area, so we name this landscape "thousandfoot first cliff". I'll give an overview of the principles of this fascinatinggeological landscape. As early as 1.528 billion years ago, intense orogenyoccurred many times in the Songshan area. In addition to the long-termweathering and erosion, the formation of sandstone, shale, conglomerate andother sedimentary rocks is mainly schist and crystalline rock and othermetamorphic rocks. And the lithology of metamorphic rock is very hard, which hasthe topographic characteristics of continuous peaks, abrupt and jagged rocks.Because it has experienced many violent crustal movements in a long geologicalperiod, it has caused extremely complex geological structure types and manygeological scenery. As long as we reach the top of Lianhua peak, we can enjoysuch geological wonders as "red stone forest", "five colored stones" and"baicaotang".

Shishang spring and Autumn Period

Have you had a rest? Let's move on. Look at this tree growing in the crackof red stone rock. With its indomitable spirit, do you think of the style ofpine? It's a tree species in Fenghuang mountain, and people call it "Quan tree"."Right" is the "right" of right. Although it has a small tree girth, its age isamazing. It has a history of more than 500 years. It is the ancestor ofownership trees in Fenghuang mountain. Its leaves are people's favorite wildvegetables, which is called "Quancai". Because the tree grows in the stonecrevice, after more than 100 years of spring and autumn, so people call it"spring and Autumn on the stone". If you are interested, you can take a picturewith "Quan Shu" here as a memento. It will accompany you in the long river oflife, flexible and auspicious forever.

Bright song stage

Come on! We are going to go through this short and hard road, usher in newhope and new light. Under our feet is the "bright song stage". On the red stonecliff opposite, there are always pigeons singing gently. At this moment, we mayas well enjoy singing, enjoy singing, and pigeons try to compare whose song ismore beautiful and loud, this is the real aerobic exercise ah!

View platform

In order to find better scenery, please follow me. Now, what we havearrived at is the second stop of the viewing platform. Here we want to see thefour corners. In the East is xiuyouling (xiulongling). It is said that Wang Mangpursues Liu Xiu and Liu Xiu has a rest here. In the south is Xingwu village, afamous ancient military building in the song and Yuan Dynasties. A few miles tothe west of Xingwu village is the famous Buddhist building shangxiangyu temple.In the north, Jialing, which we are facing now, is called Jialing villagebecause of its ancient town. What you can see in front of you is the CatholicChurch in Tianzhong Bay, Jianshan township.

Unlimited scenery in the peak, let's continue to climb it!

Jielan terrace

After walking through this thrilling and dangerous trail, we can relax ourtight nerves and have a rest at Jielan platform.

"Fangshan is the largest mountain in the world, and all the mountains standoutside the sky." now we are at the top of Lianhua peak - "Jielan terrace".Standing here, overlooking the distant mountain, "smoke and mist"; looking atthe close-up, "Cuifeng Hongyan". After a rain in midsummer, the rainbow in thesky seems to be within reach. That's one of the wonders of Fenghuang mountain!Fenghuang mountain is not only a natural forest park, a kingdom of naturalplants, but also a treasure house of Chinese herbal medicine. Wild flowers arefragrant all year round, and traditional Chinese medicine is everywhere. Thehillside on our left is "baicaotang". In baicaotang, there are more than 300kinds of valuable traditional Chinese medicine, such as Forsythia suspensa,honeysuckle, Yuanhu, Eucommia ulmoides, Ganoderma lucidum, toad grass, Polygonummultiflorum, Shiwei, reviving grass, etc. Do not miss this great opportunity of"traditional Chinese medicine bath" if you have health awareness. On the rightside of Jielan terrace is the red stone forest. They have different shapes andpostures. Their colors are like Danwo and bright clouds. They are rare naturalwonders in Fenghuang Mountain scenic area. Now come down the mountain with me.On the way down the mountain, you can watch the rare tree species of dragonsubduing wood, Laojun tea, guijianchou, "six sisters of Hawthorn king", "phoenixtree of quintuplet", "yuanhupo", "the second thousand Chi cliff", "monumentstone" (or wordless tablet), "Caishi undercover". Finally, let's go down themountain in Phoenix forest. Before going down the mountain, don't forget to takea special "God chair" for you.

Standing here, we have two sightseeing channels in front of us. One is toclimb the mountain from here, climb the lotus peak, and visit Fenghuangmountain. The other is to go up against the stream, and visit Xiangyu temple andXiangyu Grand Canyon. I won't talk about it any more. You can go to the stream,catch fish and crabs, play with the strange pebbles, and forget all yourtroubles.

After a long journey, we came to the famous phoenix lake. According tolegend, there was a huge lake here in ancient times. There are three springs atthe bottom of the lake, which are magnificent. Golden Phoenix often goes to thislake to enjoy the scenery, so it is called Phoenix Lake. There is a stone tableton one side of the lake, which contains the scenery of Jinfeng playing in thewater. Later, I don't know when the mountain torrent broke out, and the ancienttablet went with the water. What you see today is the man-made lake built byJianshan township government to solve the problem of irrigation for villagers inSigou. The top-down slide on the left side of the lake is a convenient way toclimb Lianhua peak. On the top is the towering lotus peak. The dense forest atthe middle of the peak is the famous Phoenix forest. In ancient times, GoldenPhoenix lived in the dense forest. The mountain on the right is Fenghuangmountain, which we have been looking forward to for a long time. The top of themountain is the head of Phoenix, with wings on both sides. There is a magicalPhoenix spring in the valley above.

Speaking of Fenghuang mountain, there is a beautiful legend. A long timeago, there lived a Golden Phoenix in the eastern suburb of Zhengzhou, thecapital of our province. The Golden Phoenix foraged around day and night andused its hard work to nurture and reproduce its offspring. The grain, such asrice, wheat, beans, corn, grain and vegetable seeds, that Jin Fenghuang broughtfrom afar piled up into mountains. The seeds sprinkled on the earth sprouted,grew and fruited. They couldn't eat up for a while. Seeing that the localfarmers couldn't find enough food to satisfy their hunger for a while, theyentrusted the dream to Shennong, so that Shennong could enlighten the mountainpeople to grow grain and multiply. From then on, Fenghuang and the farmersbecame neighbors and lived in harmony. Up to now, there is a village called"Phoenix Terrace" in Zhengzhou. Fenghuangtai is famous for its rice. Later, dueto the construction of Zhengzhou City, people were forced to stay away fromother places. Where are the farmers going? People don't get any information. Oneday, in the dead of night, Jin Fenghuang and a local farmer said, "come with meto the hometown of zufuxi, a native of Southwest China. Only then can we haveenough food and clothing." So people went westward with Phoenix. They helped theold and the young to the place where we are today - "Phoenix Mountain", andsettled down here. Golden Phoenix and their descendants live in a large foreston the hillside, which is called "Phoenix forest" or "phoenix tree" by latergenerations. Later, the Golden Phoenix toiled all his life, sleeping on the highmountain in front of us. The descendants of jinfenghuang and the mountain peoplewho came to settle down with her specially designated this mountain as FenghuangMountain in memory of jinfenghuang's achievements.

(ladies and gentlemen, it's time for dinner. We should seize this rareopportunity to taste the unique flavor of the Farmhouse Hotel. After dinner, wecan continue our journey. )

Fenghuang Mountain has naturally become a geomantic treasure land in thearea of Fuxi mountain. Buddhism prevailed in the Northern Wei Dynasty. Buddhistdisciples searched everywhere for the site of Fengshui temple. Temples were alsobuilt at the foot of Fenghuang mountain. Therefore, it is called Xiangyu Templebecause of its fragrant flowers and birds, mountains and streams.

"The winding path leads to the secluded place, and the Zen house has deepflowers and trees." Now let's go to the Buddhist resort - Xiangyu temple.

英文导游词范文 篇2

Welcome to guilin! My name is xijingjing, and Im very glad to be your local guide for todays visition. Now , Id like to give you a brief introduction of the guilin, guilin is famous as tourist city in the world , attracting a great number of tourists who are from all over the word .With the increasing number of tourists ,the construction of tourist service facilities have been developed rapidly in GuiLin.Nowadeys ,there are over 20 air routes that can reach Hong Kong and the other major domestic tourist cities . 现在, 桂林已经成为一个世界的重点旅游城市, 每年都吸引大量的中外旅游者前来游览, 随着游客的不断增多, 桂林市的旅游服务设施建设也在迅速的发展。 现在已有 20 多条空中航线可直接飞香港和国内的各个主要的旅游城市。 Guilin is a renowned historical and cultural city with 20xx years of history and a famous tourist city.GuiLin have a great number of ancient cultural relics, for example ,the han tombs in yanshang mountains ,the ancient pagoda of the tang dynasty , sculptures on the precipices of west mountains in tang dynasty,the ruin of dahe kiln of the song dynasty ,huaqiao ,tombs of king jinjiang of the ming dynasty ,the city wall of the ming dynasty ,and so on . 桂林具有两千年的历史文化名城, 著名的旅游城市, 桂林有着众多的古文化遗迹,如雁山汉墓群、 唐代的木龙古塔、 唐代的西山摩崖造像、 宋代的大河窑址、 花桥、明代的靖江王墓群。 明代的王城等 GuiLin locate in the Limestone karst landscape ,therefor guilin is not only surrounded by the stone in the urban area ,but also is surrounded by the weird shaped stone in the center city .It is surprised to everyone . There are many famous scenic spots. For example ,Trunk mountain, Diecai mountain, Seven Star rocks, and Fubo mountain ,and so on . 桂林处在石灰岩岩溶地貌, 所以不仅城区周围峰石环绕, 即使市区也是奇峰耸立,令人称绝, 独秀峰。 象鼻山、 伏波山、 七星岩、 芦笛岩等都以成为特色的旅游景点。 There is much characteristic food in Guilin . Nowadays , Sichuan Food and Cantonese cuisine are vary popular . From splendid restaurants to local snacks, tourists who are from around the world can find that your need is met beyond your expectations. The most popular local snacks including Guilin rice noodles (mifen), nun noodles, chestnut glutinous rice dumplings (banli zong), stewed duck with gingko, lotus-leaf duck and stewed duck with ginger. 桂林包括许多地区特色食品。 近年来, 四川菜和广东成为最受欢迎的。 从华丽的餐厅, 小吃,来自世界各地的游客一定会发现, 你需要的是 遇到超出您的期望。 最受欢迎的地方小吃 包括桂林米粉(蜜粉), 尼姑面, 板栗粽子(半粒宗), 白果炖老鸭, 鸭和鸭烧生姜莲花叶。 米粉 Rice noodles 扣肉 Braised pork 啤酒鱼 Beer fish 桂林人口有 125 万, 其中包括汉、 壮、 苗、 瑶等 11 个民族, 在桂林我们可以体验各种民族风情。 Guilin has a population of 1250000, including the Han , Zhuang, Miao, Yao , and other 11 ethnic groups,.In Guilin we can experience a variety of folk customs. That is all.thank you .i hope everyone has a good trip.

英文导游词范文 篇3

Dunhuang in gansu, qinghai, xinjiang junction of three provinces (area). Population of more than 180000, the city's economy is mainly on agriculture, tourism services, for dunhuang once glorious and is famous for its extensive and profound cultural connotation.

Dunhuang south pillow magnificence of qilian mountain, west meets the vast expanse of the taklamakan desert, snake song north Rocky Mountains in the north, east three mountain peak rock abrupt sceneries. Area of 3.12 square kilometers. A warm temperate climate. Annual rainfall is only 39.9 mm, and the evaporation is 2400 mm. Full of sunshine, frost-free period is long. In the mountains embrace the natural small basin, DangHe snow water moistens garden, green shade blocked black wind sand; Grain security, melons and fruits of the four seasons fragrance; Wonders mysterious desert, gobi phantom sea quirky; The world famous cultural heritage, talented people... Beauty of dunhuang, was a productive land, magic and attractive.

", big also; bright, also." Grand glory of dunhuang has a long history, splendid culture! As early as the late primitive society, the central plains tribes are migrating to the defeat of hexi three miao people thrive here. Is given priority to with hunting, they are beginning to grasp the original agricultural production technology. Dunhuang area had excavated neolithic flint knives, stone axes and pottery, bronze. Xia, shang and zhou, dunhuang belong to the scope of the ancient melon states, there are three seedling seed, then call qiang Dijon nomadic settled here. Found in dunhuang nomadic people left many of the paintings vividly so far. The warring states period and the warlords, dunhuang area inhabited by a large moon people, sun and kinds of people. Mergers and acquisitions, big moon people is strong, the original qiang Dijon. The end of the warring states period, the great the rouzhi roamed out black sun, plug, exclusive dunhuang until the end of the qin dynasty at the beginning of the han.

Dunhuang has experienced a baptism of - Tang Yu, splendid culture, cultural sites, such as the mogao grottoes, yulin grotto, west thousand-buddha grottoes mainly landscape. The mogao grottoes of dunhuang grottoes, known as "the pearl of the Oriental art," said, is China's largest existing grottoes, retained the ten dynasties, after one thousand years of 492 caves, murals of more than 45000 square meters, painted over 20xx seats. Theme from buddhist stories, there are also reflects the folk, farming, hunting, murals, marriage funeral, festival happiness, etc. These murals painted superb techniques and has been recognized as "the dawn of human civilization, the world buddhist art treasure house.

Ning zong open jubilee two years (1206 AD), yuan MAO temujin, genghis khan unified MoBei the tribes, established the powerful tribal alliances. In 1227, the Mongol armies out xixia, conquer sand state, hexi area belongs to the yuan dynasty. Since then, the rise of dunhuang for sand state road, belonging to gansu province line book. After promoted to bar manager office. The yuan dynasty expedition to the west, only dunhuang. Then the melon, the sand two states station troops, camp has, settlement agriculture DangHe, shule river basin. Dunhuang once presented the economic and cultural prosperity, and the western trade more frequently. Famous traveler Italian Marco Polo is via roaming around the central plains dunhuang during this period. The yuan dynasty rulers also believed in Buddhism. The mogao grottoes of digging. Existing about 10 yuan dynasty grotto. Since the yuan dynasty, li hexi gradually lost its former brilliance.

After zhu yuanzhang built during the Ming dynasty, to wipe out yuan areas, send Song Guogong von odds soldier pacify hexi won three road, built the jiayuguan Ming Great Wall, rebuild the grave could. Ming dynasty in order to strengthen the northwest frontier defense, seven who set up the kansai. Yongle three years (AD 1405), set in dunhuang dealing with sand. After the turpan hami, dunhuang under threat. Ancient city of Ming dynasty and the sand state set up east left-back. Zhengde eleven years (AD 1516), dunhuang was occupied by turpan. Three years jiajing (1524 AD), the Ming dynasty ordered the closure jiayuguan, migrating to kansai civilians inside shanhaiguan pass, abandoned the melon, the sand two states. Since two hundred, dunhuang kuang no build, become "willow wind dispersal floor empty, quicksand don't day" on the desert land.

Late qing emperor kangxi, the qing dynasty gradually regained jiayuguan outside the area. Yongzheng three years (AD 1725), established in dunhuang dealing, and start from around 2400 immigrants to settle in dunhuang, the gansu province, at the same time, large Numbers of soldiers moved turpan, lop nur were systematically stud Ed states along the sand. Yongzheng, at the end of the bar has been cultivated land 100000 mu, lead DangHe 10 canal irrigation water, agriculture was soon recovery and development, formed the hexi corridor in the west of the gobi oasis. To qianlong twenty-five years (1760 years), changed the sand at litres of dunhuang county, belonging to anxi directly affiliated to the state, until the xinhai revolution, after the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, has been the lack of dunhuang is located. County of dunhuang city, set up in 1987, approved by the state council. In 1986 was named "China's famous historical and cultural city" of the state council.

Dunhuang, after vicissitudes of life, ups and downs, several steps stumble through nearly five thousand years long mileage. Long history gave birth to the brilliant ancient culture of dunhuang, dunhuang still brilliant; That the earth's cultural relics sites, ancient book literatures, beautiful grotto art, mysterious strange mountain different water... That looks like the ancient city, making the gobi oasis more lush and vibrant, is like a piece of jade inlay is green and luxuriant. On the golden desert, more beautiful, more brilliant.

英文导游词范文 篇4

Your Chagan Lake cruise ship No.1 has left the wharf and is heading for themysterious Chagan Lake through the "grassland canal" - Yinsong canal. Afterentering the lake area, the cruise ship will speed up, the summit is very big,standing in the bow will be very cool and comfortable, but remind you to standfirmly when standing by the boat, pay attention to the safety of swimming in thelake, at the same time, pay attention to carry your goods, so as to avoidfalling into the lake.

Now our cruise ship has entered Chagan Lake.

Chagan Lake is called "Chagannur" in Mongolian, which means white lake.Chagan is 37 kilometers long in the north and 17 kilometers wide in the East andWest.

With a total water area of about 420 square kilometers, it ranks seventhamong the top ten freshwater lakes in China. Its water storage capacity is about700 million cubic meters. It is the largest inland lake and provincial naturereserve in Jilin Province, as well as a famous fishery production base in JilinProvince,

Chagan Lake is rich in natural resources, rich in carp, silver carp,crucian carp, Wuchang fish and other 15 families of 68 species, with an annualoutput of more than 5000 tons of fresh fish, of which "Chagan Lake pangtouyu" iscertified as AA grade green food by the national green food certificationcenter, and is exported to both inside and outside the province. In recentyears, the shrimp, pearl and other aquatic resources of Chagan Lake have beeneffectively developed, and the beautiful fish and shrimp have already been puton the table of tourists. Chagan Lake has four distinct seasons and rich naturalresources, which provides a rare living environment for wild and aquaticanimals, making it a paradise for wild animals and a paradise for birds. Thereare more than 20 kinds of wild animals such as foxes, rabbits and badgers, andmore than 80 kinds of rare birds such as wild ducks, swans, wild geese and redcrowned cranes in the lakeside grassland and small islands. The variety anddensity of wild animals are incomparable to many tourist attractions inside andoutside the province. The unique geographical location and natural resources ofunique scenery make Chagan Lake a dream wind since ancient times Shuibaodi. Fromemperor Shengzong to Emperor Tianzuo in Liao Dynasty, every year, he led hisministers and concubines to Chagan Lake from the capital for sightseeing andspring hunting. They dug ice on the lake to catch fish. They used the "headfish" that emperor liaozong had caught himself to hold a "head fish feast" onthe shore, because in early spring, the lake fish were the freshest, fattest andmost fragrant. When the spring wind blew green, the wild geese and swans weresinging on the Bank of Chagan Lake At that time, the emperors began to set offeagles and arrows to catch swans and geese, and held a goose banquet with thehead geese captured by "haidongqing", which was released by Emperor Liaohimself. They sang and danced by the lake and drank until the end of spring.From this we can imagine the magnificent scene of Chagan Lake.

When you look to the northeast of the lake, the mountain beside the lake iscalled Qingshantou, which is the commanding point around Chagan Lake. There isan old and sad story about Chagan Lake and Qingshantou

A long time ago, there was no Chagan Lake in gollos, but a vast grassland.Deep in the grassland, there was a handsome and powerful young man named Chaganshaobu who had lost his parents since childhood. He shot a good arrow, flying inthe sky, running underground, all shot a hundred times, Chagan shaobu waskind-hearted, and most of his prey was given to the surrounding students

The poor herdsmen are deeply loved by the herdsmen of the hundred milegrassland. One early spring, Chagan shaobu went out hunting with his bow andarrow. Suddenly, he saw a sika deer running towards him in panic. Two wolveswere chasing after him desperately. The exhausted deer was about to become everymeal of the two wolves. After a while, Chagan shaobu took a bow and shot twoarrows to kill the wolf and save the fawn. The fawn looked at Chagan shaobu withgrateful eyes and reluctantly turned and ran to the depth of the grassland.

That night, Chagan shaobu, who was not sleeping, suddenly dreamed of thesika deer he had saved. The deer said to him, "I'm here to repay you for savingyour life. I was originally a fairy deer in the sky. Because I ate Ganodermalucidum in the Royal Garden, I was sent to earth by the Jade Emperor. Thepenalty will be over tomorrow. I'll come back to heaven to see my benefactor.See you alone a person too poor lonely, I want to find a companion for you toaccompany you. Tomorrow morning, you will go to Chaobei. After crossing 7749mountains, you will see a fairy peak. There is a fairy cave on the hillside.There is a stone box in the cave. There is a gold hairpin in the stone box. Ifyou put the gold hairpin in your arms and bring it back, there will be a fairyto accompany you. Remember it With that, the deer disappeared.

The next day, Chagan shaobu set out with his dry food bow and arrow in thedirection that the deer pointed out in his dream. He went through all thedifficulties and dangers along the way. He shot and killed countless wolves,insects, tigers and leopards with his good arrow technique, and finally came tothe fairy cave on the hillside of fairy peak. There was a stone box in the cavesurrounded by auspicious clouds. When he opened the stone box, he saw that therewas a light in it He was overjoyed with the dazzling gold hairpin. He picked itup and hurried back. It seemed that he would be home soon.

When he got home, he took out the gold hairpin from his arms and looked atit carefully. Suddenly, with a flash of gold, a pretty girl stood in front ofChagan shaobu and said, "my name is Qimuge. I'm the fourth daughter of the queenmother of the West. I admire your kindness and bravery. I like your diligenceand perseverance. If you like, I'll marry you and join hands with you for ahundred years." He was so excited that he held his Muge tightly in his arms.Three years later, Qimuge gave birth to a fat son named bater for Chagan shaobu.One day when Chagan shaobu came back from hunting, he saw Qimuge frowning andasked her what happened? Qimuge tears side said: "tomorrow my mother's birthday,life I go back to celebrate, I need three days back and forth, but the sky threedays, human three years, I really can't bear to let you alone spend three yearsof time." Chagan shaobu comforted qimig and said: "three years will pass in aflash. When you come back, we will never separate again. That's right, but whenQimuge's wings fluttered and left in the colorful clouds, Chagan shaobu missedhis bedroom day and night, and soon he was seriously ill. On his deathbed,Chagan shaobu looked up at the sky and sighed: "Qimuge, I can't look at youagain. I can't close my eyes." At this time, Qimuge, who was far away in thetemple of heaven, seemed to hear Chagan shaobu's heartbreaking call, so he wentback to the world regardless of everything. Seeing that Chagan shaobu was dying,he went back to heaven again. Regardless of the rules of heaven, he stole theelixir to take it for Chagan shaobu, and made Chagan shaobu safe.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the queen mother found that the elixir had beenstolen, and immediately sent the God to look for it. When she learned that shehad been stolen by Qimuge and saved Chagan shaobu, she was furious and orderedthe God to move a castle peak and press Qimuge at the foot of the mountain. Thisis what we see now. Another order was issued that no rain should be allowed inthe grassland where Chagan shaobu lived within three years, and that Chaganshaobu and all the plants, cattle and sheep here should die of thirst. It's truethat there hasn't been a drop of rain in this area for three years. It's as hotas a fire, the ground is dry and smoking, the grass is dry, and the cattle andsheep are thirsty. Seeing this, Chagan shaobu was very anxious. One day, Chaganshaobu had a dream of Qimuge again. Qimuge cried and said, "I broke the heavenrules by stealing the elixir to save you. I was pressed under the big greenmountain next to you. I can't save you and the villagers by my magic power. Ifyou want to sacrifice your life to save the grassland life, go to the fairy caveand eat the elixir I've made, and you will become a big lake beside me."

When Chagan shaobu woke up, he settled down with bater. According toQimuge's words, he went to the fairy cave to find the luminous elixir. When hereturned to the deep grassland under the big green mountain, he swallowed theelixir without hesitation. As soon as the elixir ate, Chagan shaobu immediatelyturned into a white lake. The water in the lake is white and transparent, like ajade mirror reflecting the big green hill. With the irrigation of sweet lake,the grassland here is greener, the flowers are more colorful, the cattle andsheep are breeding again, and the herdsmen live a happy life. In order tocommemorate and cherish the memory of the couple who sacrificed their lives tosave the grassland, people come to the lake every spring when the flowers bloom.They play the melodious horse head lute, stir up the happy Andai dance, and namethe Great Lake Chagannur. The green hill by the lake is called Qingshantou.

My friends, the legend of Chagan Lake and Qingshantou is here for you. Nexttime you come to Chagan Lake for sightseeing, I will tell you the next episodeof this beautiful legend - the story of Chagan shaobu and his son bater who ledthe lake to save his father and cut the mountain to save his mother.

We have already visited Chagan Lake. Next, please visit Miaoyin temple,Boyan Oboo, Honghu Park, Gorros Museum and other scenic spots on the bank. Ibelieve you will have a good time.

英文导游词范文 篇5

Fellow tourists, now our automobile is going on the Badaling highway,must enter the Badaling scenic area immediately which soon visits.Front that mountain is the Jundu, the Badaling Great Wall occupies onthis mountain. In the Spring and Autumn Period Warring States time,our country ancient times the people on already started to constructthe Great Wall, at that time the feudal lord strove for hegemony, inorder to protect own territory not to encroach, therefore hasconstructed the Great Wall in abundance in respective boundary, wascalled mutually guards against the Great Wall.

But our country once appeared three to construct the Great Wall thepeak, respectively was the Qin Great Wall, the Chinese Great Wall,bright Great Wall. Chin Shihhuang in 221 B.C. unified area south ofYellow River, has established the Qin dynasty, in order to strengthenthe rule north, defends nomads' invasion, therefore will send thesenior general to hoodwink 恬 300,000 armies and very many laborforces the original north swallow, Zhao, the Qin Great Wall haslinked, and performed to expand, the lasted 9 years constructed westnear 洮 east to be continuous Wan Li to Liaodong the Great Wall, thisalso will be in the Chinese history the together Great Wall. To theHan Dynasty, Martial emperor of Han dynasty also was for strengthenthe defense, "was not called Hu Madu the Yin", has constructed anearly 20,000 mile Great Wall, simultaneously this also has protectedthe new development Silk Road, the Chinese Great Wall is the Qin GreatWall together the front position and the defense line, west itXinjiang, east arrived Liaodong, was in the Chinese history constructsthe Great Wall longest dynasty. But the bright Great Wall is in theChinese history constructs the Great Wall the high point, the projectis big, essence of the technical is unique.

Same year Zhu Yuanzhangestablished Ming Dynasty in the unification nation in the process, hasaccepted "Gao Zhuqiang, Guang Jiliang, slow name king" suggestion. Atthat time Yuan Dynasty although already perished, but also ismaintaining the quite complete military power, in addition graduallyrises Nuzhen race's unceasing invasion, therefore starts to constructthe Great Wall. The Ming Dynasty large-scale constructed the GreatWall to achieve 18 were next many, only then basically has last yearsfinished to the Ming Dynasty, east nearby Liaoning Dandong YaluRiver's Hushan, west to Gansu Jiayuguan's bright Great Wall span 6,350kilometers. The bright Great Wall has three characteristics, buildsthe construction completely, manages the consummation, the layout isstrict. But we saw today the Badaling Great Wall is a bright GreatWall's part. But Great Wall in our country ancient times mostprimitive goal although is the defense, but at the same time it alsoplayed other roles. First is the military function, the second pieceis the economical function, it not only promoted the development andthe northern border economy development which opens up wasteland,moreover also is the area south of Yellow River common people enjoys agood and prosperous life, third promoted various nationalities'fusion. In addition, it has also protected the communication andpromoted the to foreign countries opening up.

What is worthmentioning, in our country ancient times, not only only has thesethree time constructs the Great Wall the experience, according to thestatistics, in about in 20xx, successively some more than 20 feudallords country and the feudal dynasty all has constructed the GreatWall, some people have made the sketchy computation, if the Great Wallwill rebuild together the height 5 meters, the depth 1 meter big wall,will many circle the Earth 10 many all to have the wealth. Famousfolklore: The beacon-fire play feudal lord and Meng Jiangnyu cry GreatWall also is occurs in the Great Wall. Now, the Great Wall afterpasses through several time repairs and maintains, basically restoredthe former appearance, is included in 1987 by the United NationsEducational, Scientific and Cultural Organization "World cultureInheritance Name list", moreover it or now in world longest defensivecity wall! Proliferated the our country 16 areas, the span hasachieved 10. 80,000 miles.

We passed through a moment ago the road, took place in Yu Guangou.Guan Gou is the Mt. yanshan sierra and Jundu sierra junction meetingplace, south Changping area Nankouzhen, northwest to Yanqing CountyBadaling Great Wall's area just outside the city gate, span 40 miles.Is the area south of Yellow River area leads to northwest plateau thepharynx and larynx important highway. The Ming Dynasty has arrangedfour defense lines in here, respectively is the Nankou pass, occupiesthe commonplace pass, on closes, Badaling. Folds on the green jademountain in Guan Gouzhong, once had Jin Dynasty famous Yanjing one ofeight scenery: Occupies commonplace folds the green jade, what a pitynow the landscape already no longer existed.

We saw a moment ago that railroad was designs the construction by ourChinese the first railroad, designs Peking-Kalgan line by ZhanTianyou. Because Badaling area topography complex, the technicaldifficulty are very many, therefore Zhan Tianyou designs the personfont railroad, the success solved the train not to be able directly toclimb and the curve difficult problem, but made a connection longreaches 1,091 meters tunnels also to sigh the Chinese and foreignpublic figure the clothing. Now the bronze statue which sets up in theblack dragon bridge train station is Zhan Tianyou, but also has themonument.

Closes the ditch because of to occupy the commonplace pass but to befamous, we may see front the grand construction occupies thecommonplace pass, its name origins from the Qin dynasty, to ChinShihhuang moves "the commonplace person" in here to live thereforeacquires fame. In the area inside the great wall, some famous whitemarble Shitai, It is Yuan Dai as soon as has sat the streettower, above originally has three Tibet type pagoda, destroyed in theafterwards earthquake. The Ming Dynasty in the original position ] hasestablished the Tai'an temple, but has been destroyed in the KangxiDynasty, only leaves behind now us to see the column foundation andlooks the column. Baiyu Shitaithe area has 310 square meter under Ticket Gate onto engrave has the lion, the elephant, the weird creature, relief andso on Jin Chiniao, separately represented the Buddhism Dense Ancestor fivesides five Buddha's place to ride, but also had Tianlongbabu toprotect buddhist law the deity the relief. On the endophragm also hadthe four great heavenly gods relief and the god beastly design, theticket goes against also covers entirely datura's pattern, in theflower has engraved has the image of Buddha, altogether 2,215. Alsosome six kind of languages engrave "tuoluoNepal After Incantation" and "Make TowerMerit To record", these all are Yuan Dai artistic high-quality goods,has the very high artistic value.

The Badaling Great Wall is in the bright Great Wall's outstandingrepresentative, because here extends in all directions, thereforebecomes Badaling. Possibly everybody can ask that, why has to speakthe Great Wall to construct in here? Actually this mainly is becauseof the Badaling area important geographical position. It not only isguarding the bright imperial tomb, moreover also is Beijing'snorthwest front door.

The Badaling Great Wall is in the history many significant eventstestimonies, for example the dreary queen mother Patrols Good fortune, Yuan Taizuenters the pass, west Empress Dowager Cixi runs away and so on,Badaling all is after all the road. Speaks of here, but also somestory must say for everybody: Is located closes the east end gateroadside, some megalith, the fable the Eight Power Expeditionary Forceattacked into Beijing in 1900, Cixi runs away in the west on the waypasses through here, once stood in this stone other day looks thenational capital, therefore this stone on is also called looks theBeijing stone. But present this stone already not that highlighted.

Some speech everybody certainly knew that, Not to Great Wall non- realman. Introduced a moment ago that many landscape, you are certainlyanxious want to arrive the scenic area to tour, does not use theworry, you also had to become the real man immediately. Good, here isthe famous Badaling Great Wall distant place is the grand scenery, butdownward looked is the Great Wall important constituent old man city,he generally all constructs on the strategic in position keycommunication line. Between old man city two is distanced 63.9 meters,the west gate inscribed horizontal tablet: Key to defense of thenorth, I already have said in front. The east gate inscribedhorizontal tablet is: Occupies the commonplace outside town, themeaning occupies a commonplace outside the passes strategic place. Nowwe looked to the right release that, is ascending Chengkou the southside to exhibit a cannon, named: Invincible might general. IsChong Zhen Year the manufacture.

The Badaling Great Wall has three two walls compositions, what isthree two walls? Now lets me give everybody to explain, threerespectively are the tower on a city wall, the enemy tower, tower on acity wall structure is extremely simple, only is the officers andsoldiers which guards evades the cold the place. That enemy towerstructure relative wants complex somewhat, divides into two, the lowerlevel is by the field, the well, returns, and so on the glyphcomposes, the upper formation has the crenel and looks the hole isobserves the military situation and the archery uses, therefore herealso has defends enemy's function.

Under arrived the beacon tower, also is called the beacon-fire, wolfYantai. Is disagrees the Great Wall connected independentconstruction. Once the enemy Attack, lights the beacon-firenotification military situation, the ancient rewards the smoke whichthe daytime lights to be called Beacon-fire, the evening is called the flint.Ming Dynasty time, but also has made the strict stipulation to thebeacon-fire and enemy's relations that, Enemy hundred, burn a smokeartillery; Five Caucasians, burn two smoke two artillery; Abovethousand people, three smoke three artillery; Above 5,000 people, foursmoke four artillery; Above ten thousand people, five smoke fiveartillery. On through this way, in the border pass military situationcan the rapid transmission palace wall imperial palace.

Said three, under on said next two walls. The Great Wall flank tallwall is called 牒 the wall, has the crenel is uses for to defend theenemy. But the inside insufficient meter high is called the daughterwall, also is called the space wall. In most starts the Great Wallinside is does not have the daughter wall, but frequently some peoplecan fall down the cliff, therefore has constructed this wall. Each notfar has a small drainage in the Great Wall lower part of wall place,rainy day time by spits the tap to outside to drain water, in order toavoid the water washes out the city wall. But inside Great Wall's walluses the stone block to cast, outside builds the brick, again spreadsout the flagstone in above, thus causes the building to be extremelyreliable!

英文导游词范文 篇6

Welcome to here! I'm your guide. My name is X. you can call me Xiao X. Inorder to facilitate your visit, let me first introduce you.

Jingdezhen is a famous porcelain capital at home and abroad. Together withFoshan, Hankou and Zhuxian, it is also known as the four famous towns in China.It is one of the 24 famous historical and cultural cities in China and a class aopen city announced by the State Council. It has jurisdiction over one city, onecounty and two districts, namely Leping City, Fuliang County, Zhushan districtand Changjiang District, covering an area of 5256 square kilometers. Jingdezhenis an important part of Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone, and also animportant national landscape ecological historical and cultural city.

Jingdezhen has a high level of economic development, and has acceleratedits rise since 20__. It is estimated that by 20__, the per capita GDP willexceed US $10000, basically realizing modernization. Jingdezhen has a longhistory of porcelain making, fine quality of porcelain products and greatinfluence on foreign countries. The word "porcelain capital" has become thesynonym of Jingdezhen. By 20__, Jingdezhen has won the title of China'sexcellent tourist city, National Ecological Garden City, national civilized andhealthy city, and advanced city of Jiangxi Province in building civilized city.It has not only made a zero breakthrough in this kind of record in JiangxiProvince, but also become the fourth consecutive champion in this kind ofassessment in Jiangxi Province.

On September 26, 1985, the Eighth People's Congress of Jingdezhen city ofthe people's Republic of China approved the selection of camphor tree asJingdezhen city tree and Camellia as Jingdezhen city flower.

The ancient kiln porcelain factory is the production area of ancientceramics, which vividly represents the whole process of Jingdezhen ancientceramic production technology. Here are six ancient buildings, which areprecious examples of ancient industrial buildings in China. Each group of embryosquare is like a closed Sanhe courtyard or quadrangle, which is composed ofthree or four buildings open to the courtyard. In the embryo room, the workersuse the traditional hand-made porcelain technology to make the visitors marvel.There is also a simple and tall Town kiln in the factory. The kiln uses pinewood as fuel. The kiln is 18 meters long. It is in the shape of goose egg, bigin the front and small in the back. A thin-walled chimney about 21 meters highis built at the tail. This is the result of the ancient architecturalcraftsman's skillful use of the center of gravity and curved shape of curvedwood to erect and erect beams. It can be said that it has unique ingenuity andis also a great spectacle in the history of Chinese architecture.

英文导游词范文 篇7

ladies and gentlemen:

welcome to the temple of heaven. (after self-introduction) preserved cultural heritages of china. there are basically two kinds of visitors who come here: local pensioners who do exercises here in the morning and evening and sightseers both from home and abroad. all in all ,there are 12 million visitors very year. now we are going to go along the route that leads to the alter. it will take roughly one hour. mind you ,the emperor also walked along this route to pay tribute to the god of heaven.

the largest group of architectures ever to be dedicated to heaven ,the temple of heaven served as an exclusive altar for chinese monarchs during the ming and qing dynasties. it was decreed that rulers of successive dynasties would place altars in their own capitals to worship heaven and pray for good harvest. but why ?

the ancient chinese believed that heaven was the supreme ruler of the universe and the fate of mankind,and thus worshiping rites dedicated to heaven came into being.

the heaven the ancient chinese referred to was actually the universe, or nature. in those days, there were specfic rites of worship. this was especially true during the ming and qing dynasties when elaborate ceremonies were held.

the temple of heaven was built in 1420 during the reign of emperor youngle of the ming dynasty. situated in the southern part of the city ,this grand set of structures covers an area of 273 hectares. to better symbolize heaven and earth ,the northern part of the temple is circular while the southern part is square .the whole compound is enclosed by two walls, a square wall outside a round one. the outer area is characterized by suburban scenery, while the inner part is used for sacrifices. the inner enclosure consists of the hall of prayer for good harvest and the circular mound altar.

the circular mound altar is enclosed by two walls ,each containing four groups of southern lattice star gate, each in turn consisting of three doors, with 24 marble doors altogether. standing on the passage facing north, you will notice that with each pair of doors on is narrower than the other. this reflects the feudal hierarchy: the wider door was reserved for monarchs, while the narrower one was used by courtiers.

on the day of the ceremony ,the emperor would don his ritual costume and be ushered in by the official in charge of religious affairs. he ascended the three terraces in the forefront to pay tribute at the alter.

we are now on the top terrace of the altar, or the third terrace .each terrace has a flight of 9 steps. at the center of this terrace lies a round stone surrounded by 9 steps. at the center of this terrace lies a round stone surrounded by 9 concentric rings of stone. the number of stones in the first ring is 9, in the second ,18, up to 81 in the 9th ring. even the number of carved balustrades on these terraces is a multiplee of 9. but why?

according to ancient chinese philosophy, yin and yang were two opposing factors. heaven and the odd numbers belonged to yang while the earth and even numbers belonged to yin. nine was the largest heavenly number accessible to man . what is more, the ancient people also believed that heaven consisted of nine layers and that the emperor` s abode was on the uppermost tier.

once more look at the round stone in the center. the upper terrace is nine zhang (a chinese unit of length, one zhang equals 3.3 meters ) in circumference ,while the middle is 15 zhang, the lower,21 zhang. classified as yang numbers, the sum of these numerals is 45 zhang which was meant to symbolized success. what is more, by applying the concept of odd numbers and strengthening nine and its multiples, the concept of heaven was thus illustrated and realized . the concept of nine will also be mentioned when we visit some other buildings.

now i will give you a brief account of what happened here annually on the inter solstice. the memorial tablet dedicated to heaven would be set up on the north side of the terrace, while tablets dedicated to the emperor `s ancestors would be enshrined on the flanks. the service would begin around 4 o` clock in the morning. all of the lanterns would be lit .in the foreground, a sacrificial calf is being barbecued. on the square in front of the altar, the emperor, under heavy escort of nearly a thousand courtiers, princes of royal blood ,musicians, dancers and uniformed soldiers, would slowly ascend the altar to offer sacrifice and pray in honor of heaven. when the service drew to a close ,the sacrifice offered in front of the memorial tablets would be incinerated .all of participants would watch the thick smoke rise upward as if they were seeing god off .music and dancing would follow .in the end ,the emperor would return to the forbidden city secure in the belief that he would be blessed and protected by heaven until the next winter solstice.

it is interesting to note that ,the stone in the very middle of the altar was of major importance ,since it was where the emperor used to stand to say his prayer. the stone ,which is known as the god`s heart stone, is peculiar in that it is characterized by a specific acoustic phenomenon: it made the emperor` s voice clearer and louder, thus adding to the mystic atmosphere of the service .you can try this out by yourself. (proceed northward to pass through the lattice stargate)

this structure is known as heaven` s storehouse. it is entered through the gate of glazed tiles. the roofing,beams, and brackets are all made of glazed tiles or bricks. this is the only structure of its kind in china today .

the heaven` s storehouse was where memorial tablets dedicated to the gods were kept. douglas hurd, a former british foreigh secretary ,once said , “god attends to his affairs on the cir4cular mound altar but stays here. ” now let` s go in to to see it (go through the left side door)

(in the courtyard of heaven` s storehouse)this is the imperial vault of heaven, the main structure of heaven` s storehouse. it was built in 1530 and is 17 meters in height and 19 meters in diameter. the structure feature blue roofs topped by a gilded ball ,and carved wooden doors and windows. it is decorated with colored paintings. founded on a 3-meter-hign round marble terrace ,the building also features a gigantic carved marble ramp laid in the stone staircase leading up to the front entrance.. the ramp is carved in “two dragons playing with a pearl ” design in relief. we will enter the main hall by going up the stone staircase on the eastern side.

the arch of the hall is buttressed by 16 giant pillars on two rings. on top of the pillars there are gilt brackets supporting a circular caisson ,or covered ceiling .the ceiling is characterized by a golden coiling dragon design. the 8 pillar of the inner ring are painted scarlet and decorated with golden lotuses.

to the north of the hall there is a marble pedestal. atop it ,up a wooden flight of 9 steps, is where the major tablet dedicate to heaven was enshrined. on each flank four tablets are enshrined in honor of the ancestors of the qing emperors. in the annex hall in hornor of the ancestors of the qing emperors. in the annex halls in the courtyard, there are tablets dedicated to the deities of the sun, moon ,constellation, cloud ,rain, wind and thunder.

aside from exquisitely laid out architectures, heaven` s storehouse is also famous for two structures with peculiar acoustic features, i. e. the echo wall and the triple- sound stone. a mere whisper at any point close to the wall can be heard clearly on the other side, although the parties may be 40 or 50 meters apart. this is possible because the wall is round and hermetically constructed with smooth ,solid bricks.

in front of the steps leading away from the halls is the triple sound stone. if you stand on the first stone and call out or clap your hands, the sound will echo once; on the second stone, the sound will be heard twice; and on the third stone, the sound will repeat three times. hence the name. (go out through the right door and stroll along the circular path nor thward)

the temple of heaven is also famous for its cypress trees-there are more than 60,000 cypress trees in all,among which over 4,000 are more than one hundred years old ,adding to the solemn atmosphere of the temple .this tall cypress was planted more than 500 years ago. its thick branches and twisting trunk resembling nine coiling playful dragons; thus it is known as the nine-dragon cypress. it is said that this tree was here to welcome the monarchs. now it is here to welcome visitor from all over the world.

Now we are back again on the central axis. this brick-arched gate is known as chengzhen (adopting fidelity) .this gate is the northern gate of the circular mound altar and the hall of prayer for good harvest. the hall of prayer for good harvest is situated at the extreme end of the axis. it was used by the emperor in the first month of every lunar year for services dedicated to good harvest.

entering the hall of prayer for good harvest, we set foot on a raised passage 360 meters long, which the emperor also took to proceed to the hall. this broad north-south walkway, called danbiqiao (red stairway bridge), connects the two sets of main building in the temple of heaven and constitutes a single axis.

the passage is divided into left, control and right paths by the cross arrangement of slabs. the central and the widest path is known as heavenly thoroughfare , which was reserved exclusively for god; nobody, including the emperor, was allowed to set foot onto it . the emperor used the path on the east,which is known as the imperial walk. the ministers and princes used the one on the west .interesting enough ,there is no walkway left for ordinary people. this is because the temple of heaven used to be off-limits to them.

contrary to appearances, this walkway is not a bridge at all . but how so ? this road is 4 meters above the ground and there is a cavern underneath that was reserved for sacrificial oxen and sheep. the cattle were slaughtered at a slaughterhouse about 500 meters away and brought here for sacrifice. all in all ,it can be said this walkway did serve as bridge and can be looked upon as the first cloverleaf in beijing.

looking back at the thoroughfare, you may realize that this walk is gaining height toward its northern end. as people approach the architectural group of the hall of prayer for good harvest, the flanking groves of cypress recede and perspective widens. here you are in heaven.

the marble terrace up ahead is called jufutai, or costumechanging terrace. it is located to the east of the red stairway bridge and covers a space of 25 square meters .it has marble slab balustrades. the day before the service ,officials in charge would put up a yellow satin tent on the terrace for the emperor to change out of his yellow dragon robe into blue ceremonial clothes. after the service,the emperor would return to the tentand change back into his imperial robe before returning to the palace. (proceed to the south gate of the hall of prayer for good harvest)

this structure is called the gate of pray for good harvest. we can catch a slight glimpse of the central building ,the hall of prayer for good harvest, though the colonnade of the gate. a gigantic and lofty group of buildings, the complex includes the gate of prayer for good harvest, the hall of prayer for good harvest, eastern and western annex halls ,the huanqian (imperial heaven) long corridor, heaven kitchen, slaughterhouse, etc.

the annex halls were symmetrically built on a 1.5-meter-hignbrick-and-marble terrace ,to set off the loftiness and magnificence of the main hall .this unique building ,38 meters in height, is characterized by a cone-shaped structure with triple eaves and a top that is crowned by a gilt ball. the roofing is made of blue glazed tiles, the color of the sky .underneath the roof, the beams and bracket are decorated with colored paintings. the base of the structure is a triple-tiered, circular marble terrace. at a distance, the terrace looks like a gigantic, spiraling cloud with the structure perched on top of it .

today the hall of prayer for good harvest is the hallmark of beijing, which enjoys a prolonged history of civilization.

the base of the hall is a triple-tiered, circular marble terrace, which is 90 meters in diameter and 6 meters in height ,covering a space of 4,000 square meters. meticulous accuracy was given to the layout of the structure. in the middle of each three-tiered flight of stairs, there is a giant marble ramp carved in cloud, dragon and phoenix designs. to set off the ramps, the top of the balustrades and downpipes are designed with corresponding floral scrolls. in southern part of each tier, a gigantic bronze incense burner is placed. sandalwood was burnt in them when rites were observed.

(in front of the hall of prayer for good harvest) climbing up this marble terrace, we see the main hall,a masterpiece of ancient china. looking up you will see the caisson, or covered ceiling, characterized by complex designs of dragons and phoenixes. in and out , the hall is decorated with colored drawing of dragons and phoenixes.

without the use of steel ,cement and nail, and even without the use of big beams and crossbeams,the entire structure is supported by 28 massive wooden pillars and number of bars, laths, joints and rafters. the four central pillars, called the dragon-well pillars, are 19.2 meters high and painted with designs of composite followers, representing the four season. there are two rings of 12 scarlet pillars each. the inner ring represents the 12 months and the outer rings the 12 divisions of the day and night .between the two rings there are 24 partitioned spaces to mark the solar terms of the chinese lunar year. the pillars, 28 in number, also represent the 28 constellations in the universe- the ancient chinese believed that there were 28 constellations that made up the sky.

the center of the stone-paved floor is a round marble slab, which is 88.5 centimeters in diameter. interestingly, the slab features natural black and white veins, corresponding to the dragon-phoenix design on the ceiling. this particular slab is known as the dragon-phoenix stone and is regarded as a treasure inseparable from the hall.

the furnishings within the hall are placed in their original positions dating back to when emperor xianfeng ruled .in the forefront and above the throne are enshrined tablets in commemoration of heaven. on either table on each side tablets of the emperor` s ancestors were placed. each tablet is fronted by an altar. a total of 24 kinds of offering were made on it ,including soup, wine, assorted cereals, and a calf.

the sacrificial rites were observed in the wee hours of the morning, sometime in the first month of the chinese lunar year. because it was still dark, candles, lanterns and torches were lit. this lighting coupled with the incense being burnt inside the hall ,helped make the ceremony both grand and mystical.

by the time the service began,207 musicians and dancers would be performing on platforms outside the hall. the emperor, in his blue sacrificial robe and with an air of piety and sincerity, would walk slowly into the hall, kowtow, and offer wine and prayer in hornor of the deities and his ancestors. all of the offerings would then be taken to incinerators on the eastern side of the gate of prayer for good harvest. with this we conclude our visit to the temper of heaven. the feudal monarchs and their sacrificial rites have long vanished in history .however, this group of magnificent and lofty structures remain as a fine testament of the ancient chinese` s ingenuity and as one of the cultural heritages of mankind.

from the eastern gate of the hall of prayer for good harvest, we have now enter a 300-meter-long corridor. consisting of 72 sections, this corridor served as a connecting building between the slaughterhouse. heaven kitchen, and the main hall ,it is said that this once served as a sacrificial food production line. flanking the corridor are shopping stalls. you may find some souvenirs for your family and friend there.

well ,that is all for this tour. thank you for your attention. i look forward to your next visit. good luck and bon voyage.

英文导游词范文 篇8

Of the mountains, only laoshan is by the sea to rise. Laoshan is a major mountain ranges of the shandong peninsula, pu top 1133 meters above sea level the highest peak,, the highest peak in China's coastline, with sea "the first famous mountains". It stands in the yellow sea, tall and majestic. Laoshan around the coastline of 87 kilometers, 18, coastal islands constitute the wonders of laoshan sea, mountain, hill sea color, light is the laoshan scenic features. Laoshan is also one of the world's three major high-quality mineral water, underground water system center.

Laoshan mountain peak, there are huge too clear, Yang mouth, China building, clear stream, chessboard stone and north nine water seven large viewing area. Laoshan mountain is the famous Taoist mountains in our country, the most in the past, a concept of "jiugong eight seventy-two temples", the whole thousands of monks. The famous Taoist figures QiuChangChun, zhang sanfeng once in this order. The original Taoist temple mostly destroyed.

Preserved etheric qing dynasty palace of the scale is biggest, the longest history. The mountain, the mountain sea of light color. When you walk in laoshan bluestone paths, one side is blue sky, great tide; On the other side is the pine peak, the lush, you will be open-minded, qi shu shuang god. As a result, some say old laoshan is "the fairy curtilage, [mansion". Legend, the emperor qin shi huang had come to beg fairy, these activities, to the laoshan painted a layer of mysterious color.

Laoshan is a major mountain ranges of the shandong peninsula, pu top 1133 meters above sea level the highest peak. It stands in the yellow sea, tall and majestic. Mountain, the mountain sea of light color, is the laoshan scenic features. In the national famous mountains, only laoshan is by the sea to rise.

Laoshan district is located in mid-latitudes warm temperate zone monsoon climate area, adequate light resources, abundant heat, rainfall, mild humid, four seasons. Rizhao historical average of 2503.3 hours. Annual average temperature 12.1 ℃, the monthly average relative humidity of 72%.

Laoshan products rich in resources. World-famous laoshan mineral water, good water quality, contain a variety of minerals beneficial to human body, is the best water for brewing liquor and beverages. Which are found in their mouth bay of laoshan green stone, for stone treasures. Laoshan fist, yunfeng, dried milk cake is one of the vertical lai native products. Due to the unique "small jiangnan" of the climate and the growth of laoshan tea become a few drinks. Cold dew good peach, cherry varieties, known. The vast coastline provides unique favorable conditions for Marine fishing. Is rich in yellow croaker, sea cucumber, abalone, scallop, kelp, such as AGAR weed sea Jane delicious.

英文导游词范文 篇9

Hi, I'm lee, take you to visit the Terra Cotta Warriors today?

Behind me is a vaulted hall, this is a famous scenic spots and historical sites. What places of interest you guess what it is? It is known as "the eighth wonder of the world" terracotta warriors.

The Terra Cotta Warriors in mount li, lintong county, shaanxi province in China under the north river near the village. Now explore three pit. We have come to is one of the biggest, the Terra Cotta Warriors pit pit no. 1. You can put these down. Oh, you are alone, I'll help you take pictures with the Terra Cotta Warriors in the background. To come. One, two, three eggplant!

Let's visit the qin shihuang's mausoleum. Adults, please take your children. At the same time, also please mind your own hand, do not litter. Move down inside, we see this is the qin shihuang's mausoleum, it is imitation built the palace of the emperor used to live. The qinshihuang in north and south long, the width of a rectangle. The whole cemetery, surrounded with two walls in "back to" glyph. The magical thing about this is it.

We have come to is about the position of the underground. Because buried deep underground, and plus there are crossbow authority, so we can't go to visit. According to "historical records" records, however, the underground to depict the sun, the moon and the stars on the ceiling, and artificial earth, the earth has a mountain, flowers and plants, and rivers. The river is made of mercury, glittering, extremely beautiful.

Everybody, the tour is over. You must be very happy, right? Everyone had so happy, hope you can remember me.

英文导游词范文 篇10

Each group members:

You hard all the way, welcome to the new fourth army site tour! I am from anhui province travel guide, my name is wang ping, a vertical three horizontal king, you can call me xiao wang or Wang Dao. The sitting next to us, is our driver Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang is a has many years driving experience

The old driver, so you can feel free in his car. In today's tour, if you have any questions, can put forward to us, we will solve for you as soon as possible.

I want to take you to visit below is a classic red tourism scenic spot - the new fourth army memorial site. Before the visit, let me give you about the new fourth army memorial site situation.

The new fourth army memorial site is located in jingxian county in anhui province yuengling 24 kilometers rural village of Florida. After "the July 7th incident in 1937, eight provinces in southern region of the red army guerrillas 14 adapted into the national revolutionary army new fourth army (hereinafter referred to as the new fourth army). In December 25, the new fourth army in wuhan, and on August 2, 1938 in yuengling, until the "southern anhui incident" occurred in January of 1941. Army in yuengling nearly three years, is the new fourth army to central China behind the critical period of development. Under the leadership of the army, xiangying, the new fourth army soldiers is active in the great river north and south, deadlock, created a number of anti-japanese base areas. As the period of the new fourth army, made great contribution for China's revolution, in the annals of the Chinese revolution, left a glorious page. The new fourth army is the site of the new fourth army left during the period of yuengling stationed.

Memorial hall is now protected site points are: military command, army hall, XiuXieSuo, political department, the squad, field service, bureau of the central committee of the communist party of China southeast, tomb, Ye Tingqiao ten, and added yuengling tablet garden, ye ting statue square, auxiliary display, special exhibition facilities. Within the existing various precious pictures, more than 4000 cultural relics, data. Combined with rehabilitation and auxiliary, are in a different representation of the new fourth army, the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries feats, and shocked the Chinese and foreign "southern anhui incident" tragic one page.

Fellow group members, the following time please follow my steps, go to step into this piece of sacred red territory, let's go to understand this period of history. May this visit will give you leave a good and deep memory. Now we are going to visit is the reconstruction of the new fourth army army memorial. As we all know, people in the great war of resistance against Japan in China, there is a known as tiejun's forces, it is the new fourth army. The new fourth army, under the leadership of the communist party of China from 1937 to 1937, under extremely difficult conditions, created across five provinces including eight and directives of the anti-japanese democratic base areas, formed with the echo of the eighth route army north and south of north China's strategic posture, for the Chinese people's war of resistance against Japan and the world anti-fascist war victory made tremendous contributions. To remember the great feats of new fourth army adhere to the central China Anti-Japanese War, carry forward the glorious traditions of the work of our party and army, carrying out patriotic education, in October 1986 when the reconstruction of the new fourth army headquarters is located - yancheng reconstruction of the new fourth army army memorial was established. The memorial which area covers an area of about 70 mu. Now, we have come to the new fourth army memorial. This is memorial square, square things stand on both sides of the two groups of high-relief combination group

Now we come to the garden is a kind of ink, ink garden turned out to be a landlord house, built in the late qing dynasty, there are 3 into 47 room and a garden, present the ship type. Commander ye ting, deputy chief of staff Zhou Zikun etc. The new fourth army generals and international friends smedley, musicians once lived here, office. In the spring of 1939, comrade zhou enlai had stayed ye ting as he visited the new fourth army commander's office.

Ye ting is not only a famous militarist, or a scholar. In addition, he is a quite deep attainments of the artist, in a military despite my hectic, comrades yeh ting took a lot of work. Here is that he has a darkroom for photos developed. Yeh ting general photography exhibition "here" and "general yeh ting sponsored", works the picture naturalness, era flavor, real century-the war years, is the new fourth army in military history do valuable historical materials. Photography most of them are Ye Tingren filming in south anhui during the period of the new fourth army commanders. Yeh ting of the second representative now works on display are donated by the family.

First and then we go to the doctor, the doctor first built in the late qing dynasty, upstairs downstairs, a total of 64 rooms, otherwise yard, gate house, house more than 10 foot. Vice captains xiangying live in ground floor, office. House staff section in the hall, and the staff work meeting. In May 1998, comrade piper, the 100th anniversary of the "official" comrade xiangying sponsored, let the audience understand xiangying revolution comrade's life.

Next, we came to the great hall of military, everyone with me this way, the great hall of the new fourth army site, is also home to the new fourth army site galleries now. It is yuengling "Chen ancestral hall", built in the qing emperor kangxi seven years (AD 1468). Jingxian county is one of the largest two ancestral temple. On August 2, 1938, the new fourth army moved to yuengling, namely as the great hall of the new fourth army here. Was a large meeting, to carry out cultural and recreational activities, a military and civilian gala and major trophy display exhibition venues. In the spring of 1939, zhou enlai in the important report to the new fourth army commanders. After Chen ancestral hall Into the new display bi is the new fourth army in southern anhui. The exhibition in 20xx won the award of the national top 10 high-quality goods display.

Our journey is about to end, wang also want to say goodbye to everyone. Leaving nothing to send you, send you four word please. First of all, the first word is fate, the fate of fate, as the saying goes, "the annual leave of cultivate degree" and everyone's coexistence is the "best annual leave with the car!" " Next is the original, forgive the word in the last few days, wang has done enough good place, hope you forgive me, here to say sorry. Another since is a complete circle, the end of the trip a great thanks to everyone for the support of my work and cooperate with, in this wang said thank you! The last word or source, the source of revenue, and I wish you all the money is like the xin river and continuous, also wish everyone good health, good work, in a good mood, today, tomorrow is good, with good, give some applause is good.

英文导游词范文 篇11

Tourists friends:

Everybody is good! I am the guide from guilin lijiang river, my last name is zhang, everyone call me xiao zhang. First of all, on behalf of our travel agency, I wish you all in this short day swim, can have fun, enjoy more beautiful scenery.

First well go to lijiang, small sit played li river bamboo raft. When you sit on board, to see a lot of small bamboo raft, is our customs of zhuang sang folk songs, I led, you follow me, there will be a lot of people to sing together. You know what the mountain people less myopia? Because ah, mountain far and high, often see the distant scenery, eyes wont myopia. Believe that watching the film liu sanjie must have a lot of friends, that is taken here, the clear water of the blue, blue, green, can clearly see the bottom of the stone.

The second stop: were going to the big banyan tree. The banyan tree it was said that there are hundreds of years old, and its wide spreading, tree a few dozen meters high, with dozens of meters long, roots and tree trunks were confused, with the title king of the banyan tree. On the way to the big banyan tree, and we are passing the moon mountain, distance, rain or shine of the moon waxing, nature is really amazing.

In the big banyan tree scenic area, we all go to the village for dinner. At noon, after dinner we went to play the last leg of today, the famous scenic spot elephant trunk hill. Why that name? Because the mountains look like an elephant, in front of the rocks stretching down, bent into a hole, like the nose, so it is called elephant trunk hill. We sat on the bamboo raft, you can enter the elephants nose hole, the inside is decorated with famous of guilin - osmanthus wine!

All nervous and happy one day will be over, dear dog, we see you next time. Oh, I forgot to tell you, in our here, dog is the meaning of a good friend!

英文导游词范文 篇12

Anshan is located in the middle of liaoning province, east longitude 122 ° 10 \ '- 123 ° 13 \', north latitude 40 ° 27 \ '- 41 ° 34 \' throughout north and south 175 kilometers, the longest things most 133 km wide, with liaoyang county adjacent to the northeast, connected to the merchant, and dashiqiao, zhuanghe, FengCheng county bordering south. City 89 kilometers away from the seat of the people's government of shenyang, liaoning province, east 96 kilometers away from DouBenXi of coal, iron, south, 308 kilometers away from dalian port, 120 kilometers southwest from yingkou postscript fish circle, 103 kilometers west of panjin. Is China's important steel production bases, hence "steel capital".

It governs haicheng county, taian county, xiuyan manchu autonomous county and TieDong, vega, mountain and qianshan mountain four urban areas. The city's total area of 9252 square kilometers and a population of 9252 people. The city covers an area of 624 square kilometers and a population of 1.456 million people, is one of China's big cities with a population of millions more. Anshan in the liaodong peninsula opening to the outside world, in the city have the advantage of ",, ". The geographical position is moderate, in the liaodong peninsula opening to the outside area is connected with dalian as front, jinzhou, yingkou, dandong, for the two wings, shenyang as the hinterland of the central urban agglomeration crossroads. Within the territory of convenient transportation, has grown up, trench rail, sea glaze railway, ha da highway, shenyang - dalian highway and anshan to Beijing and air routes of huizhou, foshan, and launched a train from anshan to Beijing.

Around anshan rich in resources, the city iron ore reserves of more than ten billion tons, accounting for a quarter of the national reserves; South and south-east is magnesite enrichment zone, accounts for about a quarter of world reserves; Talc ore is one of three major regions in our country, leads the world in reserves; Xiuyan region known as the "jade" the laudatory name, has rich resources of jade; In addition, the agricultural resources, geothermal resources, tourism resources are abundant. These advantages for the economic development of anshan, opening to the outside world and joint cooperation provides very favorable conditions.

英文导游词范文 篇13

Ladies and gentlemen

Hello, everyone. First of all, welcome to the one-day tour of Wuzhenorganized by our Hangshi travel agency. At the moment, our car has been drivingon the Shanghai Hangzhou Expressway. On this day, we are going to Wuzhen, one ofthe six ancient towns in the south of the Yangtze River. It's about an hour'sdrive from Hangzhou to Wuzhen. Below, let me give a brief introduction toWuzhen. When it comes to Wuzhen, friends who like Liu Ruoying must be familiarwith her. From the time when she was photographing to becoming the imageambassador of Wuzhen recently, it can be said that Liu Ruoying and Wuzhen haveformed an indissoluble bond. On this day, we will go to this millennium old townand follow Liu Ruoying's idea to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the ancienttown. It is often said that one side of the soil and water nourishes anotherside of the people. Wuzhen is indeed a place of outstanding people. It is a landof elegant geomantic omen. Many outstanding talents have been born since ancienttimes. According to the records of this town, from the Song Dynasty to the lateQing Dynasty, there were 64 Jinshi and 161 Juren in the town, and Mao Dun, agreat literary master, appeared in modern times. It can be said that peoplethrive because of the town, and the town is named because of the people.

Since Wuzhen is so famous, we must be very curious about the origin ofWuzhen. Before the Southern Song Dynasty, Wuzhen was divided into two towns,Wuzhen and Qingzhen, with Chexi as the boundary. Wuzhen in the west of the Riverbelongs to Huzhou Prefecture, while Qingzhen in the east of the River belongs toJiaxing Prefecture. After the liberation of China, the districts of Wuzhen andQingzhen were unified and managed by Jiaxing City. There is another short storyabout the origin of the name "Wuzhen": it is said that in the Tang Dynasty, LiQi, the governor of Zhejiang Province, wanted to be a separate ruler and king,and raised his troops to revolt. The imperial court ordered general wuzan tolead his troops to attack. This wuzan general is highly skilled in martial artsand is good at fighting bravely, which makes Li Qi's rebels retreat step bystep. When hit the Chexi River, Li Qi suddenly listed a truce. Just as thegeneral of Ukraine camped and rested on the spot, Li Qi attacked the camp of theUkrainian army that night. General Wu rushed to fight, and finally fell into thetrap set by Li Qi on the bridge. They were shot dead by the rebels on the spot.Although Zhang was defeated, general wuzan's loyalty and patriotism moved allthe local people. In memory of him, we used his surname as the name of thetown.

The history of Wuzhen is mentioned above. Our friends go to Wuzhen to play.What should we play when we go to Wuzhen? It's nothing more than eating, wearingand traveling. When it comes to eating, maybe most of our friends start to getexcited. After all, food is the most important thing for the people. Don'tworry, listen to Xiao Wang's introduction. When it comes to Wuzhen's famousfood, I have to mention this aunt cake. Hearing this name, I think you haveguessed it. It must have something to do with the relationship between aunt andsister-in-law. It's true. According to legend, in the Ming Dynasty, there was afamily surnamed Zhang in the town, who made a living by making pancakes for hissister-in-law for generations. Because it is an exclusive formula, naturalflavor is unique, so enduring business is booming. But there is an unwrittenrule in Zhang's family. In order to ensure that the secret recipe will be passedon from generation to generation, it is stipulated that the secret recipe willonly be passed on to the daughter-in-law, not to the daughter. After all, mydaughter will be married in the future, and she will become a member of otherpeople's family. When it came to the Ming Dynasty, my sister-in-law was veryunhappy when she saw that her mother only taught her sister-in-law how to makecakes. After all, my sister-in-law has only been married to my family for morethan a year, and I have been in this family for more than ten years, and mymother has never taught me. So I couldn't get along with my sister-in-laweverywhere. One day, when my sister-in-law was making cakes, it began to rain.So the little sister-in-law to the sister-in-law

Said: "sister-in-law, it's raining outside, go to collect clothes.". Mysister-in-law ran out as soon as she heard that. When my sister-in-law saw thather sister-in-law was out, she was angry, but secretly grabbed a bar of salt andthrew it into the pan. Coincidentally, the guests who ate Aunt Zhang's cake allsaid that the taste of the cake was very personalized and better than before. Mysister-in-law is very strange. I'm still doing the same thing as before. How canit be different. So she ate a piece of it herself, and she felt that the tastewas very personal. At this time, my sister-in-law began to talk. "Sister in law,if you want to understand why the cake tastes so good on this day, and if youwant to make it so good every day in the future, tell me the secret recipe formaking cakes first." sister in law, however, told her the recipe for makingcakes to her sister-in-law. Of course, my sister-in-law is also very honest totell her how to do something bad, but it backfires and it's a blessing indisguise. Because the practice at the moment is shared by my sister-in-law, so Inamed this cake "sister-in-law cake". After the visit, you may as well buy somefor free activities. After saying "sister-in-law cake" of course, we have totalk about Wuzhen's specialty "three liquor". Three Baijiu is handmadenaturally. Because white rice, white noodles and white water are used as rawmaterials, it is called "three Baijiu". Others are Hangzhou white chrysanthemum,white water fish and braised pork. After dinner, we can order some to taste.

After talking about eating, let's get to the point. Blue calico is one ofthe specialties of Wuzhen, commonly known as "lime calico" and "calico". It is atraditional folk craft in China. It is made of cotton thread, soybean powder andbluegrass juice. It is purely hand-made and environmentally friendly. You canbuy some small things. For example, a lady who loves beauty can buy one or twoblue calico headscarves and small handbags as souvenirs. I recommend you not tobuy clothes, because at the moment, no one is willing to wear these kinds ofclothes. Secondly, blue calico is easy to fade. When it's hot, it's not good towear this kind of clothes and sweat all over the body like a leopard. ha-ha.Others are handmade cotton shoes and slippers. We buy at our own discretion.

Next, I'll introduce the most important tour to you, so that you can graspthe key points and have a definite aim when you visit. As I said just now,Wuzhen is the hometown of Mao Dun, a great literary scientist, so naturally, MaoDun's former residence must be visited. To visit the water town is nothing morethan to see the architecture and taste the folk customs. And the "street pillowwater, pink wall Daiwa" is the common features of water architecture, since wehave to see its most distinctive things in Wuzhen. The architectural features ofWuzhen are concentrated in the Xiuzhen temple and the ancient stage at the headof the town. So you must not miss the first scenic spot of Xiuzhen temple. Thereis a scenic spot announcer in the temple to explain to you. I will send thetickets to you at the gate when I go in. After visiting the first scenic spot,those who are willing to visit with me will follow me, and those who are notwilling to plan to move freely with me will be able to move freely. Let's goback to the introduction of you. As the saying goes, "ten li is not the samesound, hundred Li is not the same vulgar.". It is estimated that Hangzhou is 200li away from Wuzhen, so the folk customs are even more different. And Wuzhenjust brings us a viewing platform in terms of folk customs. There are Jiangnanwood carving exhibition hall, Hongtai dyeing workshop blue calico exhibitionhall, Jiangnan hundred bed hall, folk custom hall and many other exhibitionhalls in the town. Xiao Yang will show you one by one. OK, Wuzhen will arrivesoon. Please take your luggage and get off with me.

英文导游词范文 篇14

Day Kuang lay behind the surface is after three palace, in the bedroom, width 5, on both sides for the bedroom, among the three, the emperor song zhenzong and few over five years (AD 1012) to seal a letter to the taishan god "day JiRen ShengDi", after considering the need a queen, to facilitate the same seal a "shu next year", and "her" built the temple, from "concubines", live with living quarters. The feudal rulers in order to achieve the goal of "borrow god daughter", "well-meaning, holding the" true.

Days of steles Kuang temple on both sides of things, all kinds of stone tablet full of beautiful things in eyes of han stone, taishan ancient steles boutique mostly concentrated in here. These inscriptions almost collection of Chinese calligraphy, after jin dynasty "two Kings", the song dynasty "four everybody", grass nationalities of, style available; YanLiu zhao, style each different, there are seven big fellow tablet "HengFang tablet", "zhang moved tablet"; One of the three largest monument in jin dynasty "lady tablet"; The shape is novel, calligraphy otherness "double beam tablet"; Mount tai buddhist name tablet notebook "datang JiZhou ShenBao temple monument", such as a total of 19 pieces, all has the very high historical value of cultural relics and calligraphy art value.

Display of 48 pieces of han stone in the west gallery is since 1960, several cleaning dawenkou and old county east han tomb stone set. The han stone, rich in content, range, some reflect the horses and chariots, travel, dancing to acrobatics and other social life; Some describe fairy tales; Also has the reflection of historical figures, neat picture design, modelling is vivid, on the carving techniques, the traditional Chinese painting line with engraved, embossed with an organic whole, manifests the like forthright grandeur of the plain, characteristic, is the study of ancient Chinese culture important materials for art and social life of the eastern han dynasty.

Out of the attic, door knob spirit is "opzoon". In the original "bean ling temple", was destroyed by years of the republic of China. In the courtyard, branches, five tall cooper if a kind of dragon PAM, legend has it for the first year of emperor in yuan seal (110 BC), when I mount tai has more than two thousand years ago, "opzoon" hence the name.

Yuan's north "han pavilion" is 1959 in the house built on the oberoi, bean spirit pavilion built on three layers tall stone stylobate, very spectacular. Stylobate wall Mosaic qianlong fifty-nine years (AD 1749 years) who taian magistrate of a county scale book by du fu's "hope? Gt; > and" qiu xing "and so on famous poems carved. The pavilion looked around the moon and sky cloud, width of otimista chest, dai panoramic view, panoramic view of whole city.

Opzoon nosocomial stone tablet line, approximates to 90 pieces. There are descendants of the official script of han dynasty, four sorrow poems's friends "up", have the posterity the seal character of luji "mount tai Yin", "mount tai Yin" and the song dynasty calligrapher of xie lingyun MiFei Chen Changyan, "the first mountain", Ming chongzhen years ZuoPeiXuan topic of "opzoon figure praise", emperor qianlong drive makes the opzoon diagram and contemporary ink many celebrities. Place oneself in the forest of steles is like reading a history of China, the benefit of the influence of the nation, will leave every serious watching endless thinking.

By opzoon courtyard to the north, through the quiet little garden into the courtyard of a small and exquisite. This is the place where the ancient imperial sacrifices mount tai when living, because is located within the DongHuaMen, therefore calls "east the throne". Its building for yuan to is seven years (AD 1347), Ming said welcome don, qianlong 35 years (1770 years) renamed in the pavilion. East the throne by the Great Wall flower door, door, door, main hall, and wing, hospital construction, green, quiet quiet and tastefully laid out, give a person the sense with super world white. Five main hall high above the stylobate, inside the set for recovery, qing qianlong emperor la people like, pier dragon, dragon, clothes closet, red sandalwood furniture such as a square table and all kinds of marble grain and golden rust ancient ceramic wall hanging and four treasures of the study. The famous "cold jade flower, the", "aloes lion" and "yellow orchid porcelain bottle gourd" twenty-seventh year is qianlong, 36 years worship offerings when tai shan, said Tarzan "sanbao town mountain". Doors and temple, dressed in ancient costume in the qing dynasty's "guardian", "palace" to the qing court etiquette to greet visitors, make visitors like back to ancient times, to extrapolate.

Palace stylobate under a stone, with a glass cover, this is the famous Chinese and foreign famous "the father of sharpening" qin sharpening. The taishan burring qin qin shihuang merit inscription engraved letters and qin ii, write to prime minister lisi. His seal script with economical fair instead of minor stroke numerous fat at the time, the handwriting stiffness tall and straight, swept away many fat stay qi, inscriptions, a total of 222 words, gradually disappear, after the Ming jiajing years still remaining 29 words, the original made in DaiDing herself beside the pool, after vicissitudes sink, a few times again, today only 10 residue left word, complete is seven. Is a rare treasure, is listed as a national level cultural relics.

Out of the bedroom, north of dai last into the yard. Something inside two garden all sorts of miniascape of various, within sight of the art to reproduce the taishan one content, fragrant flowers. On the southwest of west tower cast established twelve years (AD 1533), a former level 13, now the only remaining level 3, plain modelling, still do not break the elegant demeanour, and to the southeast of tower confrontation stylobate copper pavilion, also called "jin que", for the whole copper casting, imitation wood, 4.4 meters high, 3.4, Ming wanli 43 years (AD 1615) casting in DaiDing azure clouds temple, built to consecrate jade xia yuan jun. Move to the mountain spirit should be between Ming dynasty and early qing palace, in dai temple in 1972, is the present domestic only one of the three largest copper pavilion.

"Thick door" was the last of the dai temple gate, was rebuilt in 1984. On the door has "looked YueGe" three rooms, Huang Wa Ming gallery, andalusite partition board, Joan pavilion is like air. Standing on the court looked to adai yue high precision, castle peak around the white clouds, green trees and the light smoke, tianmen ladder like flying floating hang them knowing you can't have them.

The thick red doors north behavior way, near the temple street is the starting point of the mountaineering, the gate of mount tai, climbing mt.tai.taibin starting from this, of a politician will see the best scenery in mount taishan, until the "day".

英文导游词范文 篇15

Tian’anmen Rostrum

Tian’anmen( the Gate of Heavenly Peace), is located in the center ofBeijing. It was first built in 1417 and named Chengtianmen( the Gate of HeavenlySuccession). At the end of the Ming Dynasty, it was seriously damaged by war.When it was rebuilt under the Qing in 1651, it was renamed Tian’anmen, andserved as the main entrance to the Imperial City, the administrative andresidential quarters for court officials and retainers. The southern sections ofthe Imperial City wall still stand on both sides of the Gate. The tower at thetop of the gate is nine-room wide and five –room deep. According to the Book ofChanges, the two numbers nine and five, when combined, symbolize the supremestatus of a sovereign.During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Tian’anmen was theplace where state ceremonies took place. The most important one of them was theissuing of imperial edicts, which followed these steps:

1) The Minister of Rites would receive the edict in Taihedian( Hall ofSupreme Harmony), where the Emperor was holding his court. The minister wouldthen carry the decree on a yunpan( tray of cloud), and withdraw from the hallvia Taihemen( Gate of supreme Harmony)

2) The Minister would put the tray in a miniature longting( dragonpavilion). Beneath a yellow umbrella and carry it via Wumen( Meridian Gate), toTian’anmen Gate tower.

3) A courtier would be invested to proclaim the edict. The civil andmilitary officials lining both sides of the gateway beneath the tower wouldprostrate themselves in the direction of the emperor in waiting for the decreeto the proclaimed.

4) The courtier would then put the edict in a phoenix-shaped wooden box andlower it from the tower by means of a silk cord. The document would finally becarried in a similar tray of cloud under a yellow umbrella to the Ministry ofRites.

5) The edict, copied on yellow paper, would be made known to the wholecountry.

Such a process was historically recorded as “ Imperial Edict Issued byGolden Phoenix”.During the Ming and Qing dynasties Tian’anmen was the mostimportant passage. It was this gate that the Emperor and his retinue would gothrough on their way to the altars for ritual and religious activities.

On the Westside of Tian’anmen stands ZhongshanPark( Dr. Sun Yat-sen’sPark), and on the east side, the Working People’s Cultural Palave. The Park wasformerly called Shejitan( Altar of Land and Grain), built in 1420 for offeringsacrificial items to the God of Land. It was opened to the public as a park in1914 and its name was changed in 1928 to the present one in memory of the greatpioneer of the Chinese Democratic Revolution.The Working People’s CulturalPalace used to be Taimiao( the Supreme Ancestral Temple), where tablets of thedeceased dynastic rulers were kept.

The stream in front of Tian’anmen is called Waijinshuihe( Outer GoldenRiver),with seven marble bridges spanning over it . Of these sevenbridges,historical records say the middle one was for the exclusive use of theemperor and was accordingly called Yuluqiao( Imperial Bridge). The bridgesflanking it on either side were meant for the members of the royal family andwere therefore called Wanggongqiao( Royal’s Bridges). Farther away on each sideof the two were bridges for officials ranking above the third order and werenamed Pinjiqiao( ministerial Bridges). The remaining two bridges were for theuse by the retinue below the third order and wre called Gongshengqiao( commonBridges). They anr the one in front of the Supreme Ancestral Temple to the eastand the one in front of the Altar of land and Grain to the west.

The two stone lions by the Gate of Tian’anmen, one on each side were meantas sentries. They gaze toward the middle axis, guarding the emperor’s walkway.In front of the gate stands a pair of marble columns called Huabiao. They areelaborately cut in bas-relief following the pattern of a legendary dragon.Behind the gate stands another pair of similar columns. The story of Huabiao maybe traced to a couple of sources. One of the versions accredits its invention toone of the Chinese sage kings named Yao, who was said to have set up a woodenpillar in order to allow the ordinary people to expose evil-doers, hence it wasoriginally called a slander pillar. Later it ws reduced to a signpost, and nowit serves as an ornament.

英文导游词范文 篇16

Kunming is located in the central yunnan-guizhou plateau, has two thousand four hundred years of history, city center, 1891 meters above sea level. Dianchi lake in the south, surrounded by mountains on three sides. Belong to the low latitude plateau hilly monsoon climate, due to the effect of warm moist air flows in the Indian Ocean southwest of, sunshine long, short frost season, annual average temperature of 15 degrees Celsius. Mild climate, summer without heat and winter is not cold, spring-like four seasons, a pleasant climate, is extremely prestigious "spring city". Therefore predecessors has a poem describing its features are: kunming can lunar without qiu, volts, light cotton sweat flow, may drift of winter sweet full, LiuShu New Year will be thick. Every year in December of the year in March, black-headed gull flocks of escape the north sea wind, source come from a far country, landed in kunming city.

Kunming at an altitude of 746 meters to 4247 meters, covers an area of 15942 square kilometers, built up area of 98 square kilometers, crown, xishan, panlong, five China guandu area and four chenggong, jinning, peaceful, prosperous, song Ming, appropriate is good, the lunan, luquan eight counties. A population of 3635212 people, there are han, yi, hui, bai, miao, 25 nations such as Mongolia, ethnic minority population accounts for 12.6%, urban population of 1611969 people.

250000 years ago, there is a human activity in kunming area. Since the 13th century, kunming, China became the political, economic and cultural center in yunnan province. Is the mainland southeast Asia "in the ancient southern silk road" - yunnan and sichuan - Vietnam hub and channel. Kunming is a great navigator zheng he, the people's musician nie er's hometown. The nation sports, such as "121" patriotic democratic movement in the Chinese democratic revolution. Long history, diverse culture, formed in kunming today "has a long history, monuments, beautiful scenery and places of interest, the humanities ceremony, celebrities, development earlier, more contacts" distinctive characteristics.

Since the reform and opening, kunming economic always maintain the good momentum of rapid and healthy development, the comprehensive economic strength into the advanced level in the western region. After years of development, has formed a cigarette, electromechanical, biological resources, information, business tourism, and other five pillar industries. Agriculture sustainable, stable and coordinated development, structural adjustment effect of obvious, outstanding features, "iq200 flowers", "chenggong vegetables" has become well-known brands at home and abroad. Industrial formed mainly machinery, metallurgy, tobacco processing system, is yunnan province industrial base and the important industrial city in southwest China. The proportion of the third industry in the national economy growing, commerce, tourism, information, modern service industry develops rapidly, and of the city's economic and social development played an important role in leading and promoting role.

Kunming is one of the famous historical and cultural city in China, it is the natural landscape and human landscape of. It is also one of China's best tourist city. Due to the expo held, improves the kunming's popularity in the world. Not severe cold in winter here, summer without heat, four spring-like, perennial flowers, known as "spring city".

Within the territory of mountains and rivers beautiful in kunming. Long history, many ethnic groups, the unique natural conditions, to kunming left a very rich cultural relics and scenic spots. There were three state-level scenic spots, 6 national key cultural relics protection units, provincial key hand protection unit 66, scenic tourist area, 30, tourist attractions more than 100, the national tourist line 11, 1 at the provincial level scenic spots, with characteristic of yunnan ethnic customs, large-scale ethnic village, such as one of the hot spring over 50 varieties of flowers

More than 400 kinds of plants varieties... Formed in the stone forest in kunming, dianchi lake scenic area as the key point, the scenic spots along the peace - shilin highway as a line, drive the kunming city, the province set tourism, vacation, entertainment as one of the tourism system.

The capital city of kunming is also a multi-ethnic, the folk customs fascinating, numerous monuments, natural scenery and people embraced the synergies, paint a magic blurred picture.

Kunming is transport hub, communication center in yunnan province and China facing southeast Asia ports. Kunming airport is one of the five largest international airports in China, have to yangon, Bangkok, Singapore and so on six international routes, a regional route to Hong Kong, and about 40 routes to domestic large and medium-sized cities, and the seven routes in the province. Existing in kunming to chengdu, kunming to guiyang, kunming to estuarine 12 railway feeder, such as there are between kunming and nanning, as well as of the railway, KunYu railways in the province. Kunming convenient highway, there are more than 5000 km of roads to the province and next-door neighbours.

Facing the new situation and new tasks, established the development strategy of the construction of modern new kunming, to accelerate the process of building a well-off society in an all-round way. In the taihu lake in dianchi lake as the center, the implementation of "traffic", "to the sewage", "lake surrounding", "in the new town" project, further optimize the environment of urban development, comprehensively improve the image of the urban and rural areas, strengthen urban comprehensive strength, the building become a economic prosperity, culture developed in kunming, a beautiful environment, perfect function, the "spring city", "historical and cultural city, landscape garden ecological city features prominent, modern regional international city facing southeast Asia, South Asia.

英文导游词范文 篇17






Sun yat-sen's mausoleum friends, came to a famous historical and cultural city, you must want to see the most famous, the most distinctive local attractions. In nanjing, if did not go to sun yat-sen's mausoleum, say that you see only the half of nanjing. Although nanjing, long known as "the six dynasties ancient capital", has "jinling 40 landscape" and so on numerous scenic spots and historical sites, but sun yat-sen's mausoleum is undoubtedly one of the most attractive, one of the most famous.

Speaking of sun yat-sen's mausoleum, of course, must be mentioned in its master, the great national - the main revolutionary forerunner sun yat-sen. Mr. Sun name sun yat-sen,. Foreign friends all call him "Dr. Sun yat-sen". Because he is engaged in revolutionary activities in Japan when used pseudonym "zhongshan firewood", so he is regarded as sun yat-sen in China. Sun yat-sen was born on November 12, 1866 in xiangshan county (now zhongshan city) in guangdong province tsui a peasant family. He flew high and rare successively studied in Honolulu, Hong Kong and other places, to practice medicine in places such as guangzhou, Macao after graduation. Later he medical politics, and in Japan in 1905, the organization to China union, had been pushing for the prime minister, put forward the "drive out by lu, to restore the, the establishment of the people - the average land ownership" of the famous platform, and the "nation, civil rights, the people's livelihood" - the doctrine of three people.

On October 10, 1911 years after the outbreak of the wuchang uprising, Mr Sun was seventeen provinces represent pushing for the Chinese people - the temporary President, and the following year New Year's day was sworn into office in nanjing. Since then, has experienced the "yuan shikai mean" "second revolution" "nation sports" ups and downs, such as the "method of protection - movement in guangzhou in 1921, he became the Chinese people - the President very much. Chinese nationalist party (KMT) held in guangzhou in January 1924 the first national congress, he will be the old three people - development for the new three people -, put forward the "which was allied with Russia the peasants" of the three policy. In November the same year he came at the invitation of the feng yuxiang north discuss national plans, eventually because became ill because of overwork, died in Beijing on March 12, 1925.

Sun yat-sen's mausoleum burial site is Mr. Sun was selected. This vision, meteorological ambitious, indeed is a good place to build mausoleum. You may ask; Mr. Sun was born in guangdong, died in Beijing, all his life to travel around for the revolution, why choose nanjing as a final resting place?

It is said that as early as in 1912 as temporary President Mr. Sun, soul valley temple abbot monk is has been recommended to him the "would in the former, with green ailian" feng shui treasure. That year on March 31, Mr Zhongshan for the peaceful reunification, resolutely resigned from the presidency. One day in early April, his hunting around with hu and others to the Ming tomb, came to rest now tomb is located. Mr. Sun looked around and said to the left and right sides, after the death of my future want to the land to bury the national obtained (national begging for me after I died someday, to be a pile of soil in place for body). The purple mountain, of course, the momentum of feng shui is not Mr. Sun as the root cause of this decision. Mr Sun last asked: "after my death, can be buried in nanjing zijin foothills, for nanjing interim government was established, so don't forget the xinhai revolution." So, although Mr Sun in nanjing residence time is not long, but nanjing is has special significance for Mr. Sun. He chose nanjing purple mountain as a burial site, fundamentally speaking, is to commemorate the revolution, the revolution colleagues.

英文导游词范文 篇18

Hello, my name is Lin, you can call me rain eu. I will take you to visithangzhou west lake, please don't litter, keep your valuables, I wish you all apleasant journey!

To hangzhou before, you must have heard of "above there is heaven, thereare suzhou and hangzhou" this famous saying! In fact, to compare hangzhou toheaven on earth, largely because the west lake. For one thousand years, the westlake scenery with charm, the charm of those she does, is love at first sight.Even still remember when you leave the hangzhou west lake famous poet bai juyiof the tang dynasty, "failed to have to go to hangzhou, stay half is the lake."Poet said he was reluctant to leave hangzhou, the main reason is becausehangzhou has a beautiful west lake. "The west lake 36, medium is hangzhou"best!

Friends: here are from YueMiao harbor by boat to visit the west lake withme. Before the ship did not start, I introduce the situation of the west lake:first is located in the west of hangzhou, west lake, surrounded on three sidesby mountains and faces the east near downtown, north and south 3.2 kilometerslong, about 2.8 km wide from east to west, almost a week 15 kilometers aroundthe lake. Area of about 5.68 square kilometers, including the lake island 6.3square kilometers, 1.55 meters, the average water depth in 2.8 meters or so,most the most shallow place less than one meter, the storage capacity between8.5 million to 8.7 million cubic meters. Su causeway and bai causeway will bedivided into the lake, lake in the north, outside the kiosk YueHu and small lakenanhu five parts. On history of the west lake has wonderful scenery everywhere,in addition to the "qiantang ten scene", "west lake 18 scene", one of the mostfamous is the southern song dynasty named "west lake ten scene", mother: sucauseway chunxiao, qu yuan prescribed by ritual law, pinghu harvest moon, brokenbridge cx, flower view fish, nanping bells, twin peaks piercing the clouds, theworld sea smell Niao afterglow, just, OARS. At every word to as connotation,which is: spring, summer, autumn and winter flowers, clouds late evening willow.No matter spring, summer, autumn and winter, the author points out whetherMingHui terminator, the west lake scenery is constantly, everywhere in thefeature. In 1985 was named the "new xihu ten scene". At 60 square kilometers tothe west lake as the center of the garden scenic spot, there are more than 40awarded the main scenic spots, there are more than 30 key cultural relics. Insummary the west lake scenery mainly one lake, two peaks, triple falls, fourtemple, five, six, seven holes tomb, eight, nine streams, ten views for victory.The state council on November 8, 1982 to the west lake as one of the first batchof national key scenic spot. In 1985, in "China top ten scenic spots" in thewest lake was named the third.

The west lake is so beautiful, of course, pregnant with many wonderful andmoving legends. Legend in a long time ago, the sky has jade dragon and her onthe silver river island found a piece of white jade, they are thinking about foryears, white jade became a radiant pearl, pearl according to where the orb,where trees are evergreen, flowers are blooming. Message to the heavenly palace,the day after tomorrow will send heavenly queen mountain god will come to snatcha pearl. Yulong jinfeng and hurried to SuoZhu, was she refused, so he fight andshe is down, with a loose, the pearl will fall to the earth, into a crystalclear lake, and subsequent landing, yulong jinfeng and turned into a jade dragonmountain (namely YuHuangShan) and phoenix mountain, forever guardian in shore ofthe west lake.

Just some friends ask why water is so clear and pure of the west lake? Thecause of this is from the west lake about: west lake in 12000 years ago orshallow bay of communion with the qiantang river, long in wushan and stonemountain, north and south, the west lake, is a two way around the bay. Later,due to the impact of the tide sediment silting, separating the bay and theqiantang river, the western han dynasty (206 BC - AD 24 years) of the west lakelake have been fixed, the west lake really is fixed in the sui dynasty(581-618), by shallow bay on the geology evolution of lakes called lagoon. Sincethe west lake bear mountain spring of living water wash, and then experiencedall previous dynasties by bai juyi, su dongpo, Yang Mengying, RuanYuangovernance, such as five times launched large-scale artificial dredging, finallyfrom a natural lake become beautiful semi-enclosed shallow lakes scenery.

There are many names in the history of the west lake. The han dynasty (206BC - 220 AD) when called wulin, Taurus, Ming sacred lake lake water; The tangdynasty (618-907) called Shi Han lake, qiantang lake. In addition to Gao Shihu,sage lake, lake, longchuan, money, etc. In the northern song dynasty (960-1127),su dongpo when making hangzhou local officials, wrote a poem of praise to thewest lake: "above the billow sunny side, mountains, emptiness rain also, for thewest lake than west, c plus always right." Poet fancy compare west lake toChinese ancient beauty xi shi, as a result, the west lake has a "scenery"bills.

As the famous west lake landscape, many Chinese and foreign celebritieshave a special liking to this. Life of the communist party of China MAO zedong40 times to hangzhou, the longest lived for seven months, he put the hangzhou asa "second home". MAO tse-tung often praised the beautiful west lake, but he wasnever formally published about the poetry of the west lake. A great man like thewest lake in China, international friends of the west lake is linger. The formerUS President Richard Nixon to hangzhou twice, he praised: "Beijing is thecapital of China, and hangzhou is the heart of the country, I will come again."Nixon also the hometown of the California redwood to hangzhou.

Our ship has slowly started. I look over the whole trip on the lake tripsimply introduce: around the scenic spots have mountain and two dike of theweek. Mountain butte, referring to the isolated hill scenic area scenic spot andhistoric resort up to more than 30, the lake can appreciate to go on to abridge, qiu jin tomb, xileng printing society, building outside the building,zhongshan park, etc. After isolated hill is bai causeway, from pinghu harvestmoon, finally broken bridge cx, bridge and the famous stone, and landscape flowchardonnay. Watching the lake scenery, we go to the lake three island, a cruiseship shore finally in the su causeway.

The ship is now moving from west to east, everybody is in xiaogushan areascenery. Solitary shanxi go on bridge, east bai causeway, 35 meters, covers anarea of 200000 square meters. Isolated hill scenery between tang and songdynasty has been known, south the Confucian cases in the construction oflarge-scale palace of the western Pacific b, the most isolated hill is dividedinto the imperial. The qing emperor kangxi was built in the palace, theyongzheng emperor palace instead holy temple, and the time of the lingyintemple, net Keats temple, according to their temple said "four big jungle" "westlake. Some friends may ask: isolated hill is the biggest island in the westlake, why named" xiaogushan "? This is because in the history of this specialbeautiful mountain scenery, has long been known as the emperor alone possessed,so for the butte. Tell from the geology, butte is composed of the rhyoliticvolcano, the bird is and land together, so "xiaogushan not solitary,middle-east, longbridge not long" quiet is known as the west lake.

You see in front of the seat ring hole in the stone bridge, is located inthe west xiaogushan, named go on bridge. It is known as the west lake andmiddle-east, longbridge ancient three big bridge.

Go on to the bridge, after isolated hill foot of green leaves with whitemarble statues, see the heroine akimbo, left hand right hand by the sword, eyes,head to look at the front, like exploring the revolutionary truth. Who is she?She is the pioneer of Chinese women's liberation movement, to overthrow the qingdynasty, the struggle for national independence and heroic sacrifice of "nowoman" qiu jin. Tomb this statue is 2.7 meters high, 2 meters high, positivemonument there the sun on the calligraphy "heroine" four big word. Qiu jinmartyr statue, gives us an inspiration: is famous for its west lake, is not onlyof the landscape, it is more because of many historical figures andmultiplication. Within the west lake scenic area, is known as "three jie" on thelake of yue fei, Yu Qian, Zhang Cang water, and together with qiu jin for therevitalization of the Chinese modern hair to the revolutionaries Xu Xilin,TaoChengZhang, buried the west lake.

We ship to continue driving slowly to the east, you see in front of a whitewall, courtyard is famous xileng printing society. Mid-stream and the right,this match well of Chinese and western architecture, is a one hundred - year -old building outside the building. Building outside the building, founded in1848, the name is taken from the southern song dynasty poet Lin Sheng "mountaincastle peak building outside the building" a sentence. Building outside thebuilding, geographical and human conditions and that has received many Chineseand foreign celebrities. Building outside the building on the number of takecharge of famous west lake vinegar fish, it is the choice of the west lakeculture within the prescribed scope of grass carp, first hungry a second day,the fish in clean water to remove dirt, and then cooking. Into cooking afterwest lake vinegar fish, colour and lustre is red, the meat is tender, sweet anddelicious, with a crab flavor, is the most representative flavor dishes inhangzhou.

Now the ship is heading to zhongshan park, the main gate of xiaogushanright here. "The mountain is not high, with fairy is name", isolated hill is afamous mountain scenery, is a famous mountain culture. Isolated hill's status inthe west lake scenic area is so important, because it is rich in historical andcultural connotation, there are the famous "west lake scenery all over theworld," still memory of the northern song dynasty poet reclusion and Lin jingput crane pavilion. These sites were we went to visit.

Near the zhongshan park, we saw a group of architecture is a newly builtcompletion "museum" of zhejiang province. Then surface display up to 7000 yearsago the hemudu culture, down to the modern exhibits more than 1700 pieces ofcultural relics. Museum is at the back of the ancient buildings in the qingdynasty royal library Wen Lange, it is our country for collection "ku" of one ofthe seven book cabinet.

See that highlight the cement of the lake in front of the platform facedpavilion has show before our eyes, this building was built in the qing dynastyemperor kangxi years, named pinghu harvest moon. It is the starting point of baicauseway, is also one of the three largest moon resort in hangzhou. In thehistory of hangzhou people Mid-Autumn moon have three options: just one of thefirst three islands in the lake, the mountains should be lunar phoenix mountainscenic spot, as to the shore, is the number that the beautiful and quiet night,water days of the pinghu harvest moon!

Now you see the front the between willow of peach "between" causeway totravel is bai causeway. When our ship sailed to here, the west lake is the mostbeautiful scenery appeared in front of everyone. Look! On each side has a lineof willows, prunus persica, especially in music, willow green, peach purples, aTaoGongLiuLu scenery, visitors to this, as if in the fairyland. Bai causewayformerly known as "white sand dam", as early as one thousand years ago in thetang dynasty, is famous for its beautiful landscapes. Although it with white inthe host bai causeway is not in a position of the building, but as a reminder ofthe hangzhou people made outstanding contributions in hangzhou in "the oldmayor", still put it named bai causeway. Built it with su dongpo presided overthe two jin su causeway is like lake zone, colorful, hand in photograph reflect.Everyone to see, bai causeway in the middle of the bridge is called jin belt, isa wooden bridge before, "green bridge" in the name, now renamed the stonebridge. At the end of bai causeway, the broken bridge, 1 km of the bai causewayis the "break".

Broken bridge name originally taken in tang dynasty, song dynasty saidtreasure Hu bridge, also called period of yuan dynasty home know, used to be amoss was the ancient stone bridge. Although we now see the bridge arch is a verycommon, but its name and "white snake" story relates in together, thus becameone of the most famous bridge in the west lake.

At this point, I saw some friends already in careful observation, maybe youwill ask right away: the bridge is not broken, why the name "broken bridge"? Letme to answer this question. Broken bridge is one of the famous west lake tenviews, because of the broken bridge position in the back of mountain city, is inthe north outside the lake and lake water points, in the field of vision isopen, is the best place to watch the west lake snow scenery in winter. When snowattendance, the positive aspect has deglaciation snow bridge, and the shadow ofthe bridge still snowy, from a distance, the bridge seems broken broken, hencethe name "broken bridge can xue". Also, the broken bridge and the end of baicauseway, bai causeway that runs from the foundation to the interruption. Atthis point, you may have understood, the original is "dam broken bridge".

Everybody look at broken bridge behind the mountain called stone mountain,elevation 78 meters. The rocks of the mountain and hills west lake, mainlycomposed of igneous rock in the flow lines and tuff, one is called "gem" jasper,embedded in the purple grey stone, in the sunlight, attention, this is theorigin of stone mountain is named. The mountains that tall and straight, standhigh tower, full names baochu pagoda. The early baochu pagoda will unveil fornine stupas, now was rebuilt in 1933. It is made into solid structures, minuseight arrises type, 45.3 meters high, and well-balanced, soft beautiful lines,in the lake in the tower, baochu pagoda will unveil the modelling of the mosthandsome, the most gentle and graceful shape. History and baochu pagoda willunveil the and a corresponding coasts, in the west lake landscape layout, andlocated in a central axis, north island and south island, on the other side ofthe lake, a sincere and elegant, a slender and pretty. Before both coasts notcollapsed, the west lake was presented on the north-south confrontation, onelake "hit the twin towers of the places, so people have" world such as na,protect Chu such as beauty ", says the when the coasts and baochu pagoda willunveil the different charm.

Each friend: along the coast of the west lake landscape is introduced here,and then we go to watch the three islands in the lake.

First of all, let's take a look at the big island in the west lake "just",also called small ying state. This is a "lake island, island in lake" garden onthe lake. The whole area of 70000 square meters, of which the water accountedfor 60%. Island is "tian" glyph, something even the willow embankment, the civilbuilding winding and winding side and plant with large red, white and all kindsof water lilies. In addition, in the history of three pools of money month alsofamous for planting the west lake water shield.

Below please island tour with me, just the island, in the early build-up inthirty-five years Ming wanli (1607), is made of dredging lake mud accumulation.Its essence lies in three stone tower, south of the island. See: three electionstower on the lake, 2 meters high tower, the towers are spherical, lined withfive small round hole, the top of the tower a gourd shape, beautiful modelling.Every night, especially in the Mid-Autumn festival, bright, people light candlesin the tower, along the mouth with tissue paper, candles, outside the "shadow,cloud and shadow" dissolved into a piece, "candlelight, moonlight, lake" hand inphotograph reflect, in the refraction of light, tower lights through 15 roundhole projection on the surface of the water, with a total of 30 moon, plus 1early a water in the sky, the lake can be reflected in 32 small moon, present"the day round last month, the lake shadow into three" the beautiful scenery, is"one lake jinshui to dissolve in the autumn," unspeakable poetic.

Then we look at the lake the cornice of the newborn pavilion, named lake.It is the largest of the west lake a pavilion. Is also part of one of theearliest construction in west lake three island island, built during Mingjiajing thirty-one years (1552 years), from reading has a history of 440 years."Central plain jams" is one of the ten views qiantang. Stand in lake placeoverlooking the lake, cloud-covered mountains, panoramic view, the west lakescenery, take in everything in a glance.

Lake in the northwest of the island, called RuanGong pier. The west lakethree island, the smallest one, has an area of only 5561 square meters. It is inthe qing dynasty jiaqing years (in 1800), the governor of zhejiang RuanYuan withdredging silt after the west lake together. Nguyen pier fishing has become agood place for hangzhou citizens holiday leisure, nguyen pier rides are for thetourists around the grand launch of a feature of the west lake in thesummer.

Visited the three islands in the lake, our ship has been to the dock indirection - su causeway. You see: this article from the south and in front ofthe weak across the lake, 2.8 km long beach of the lake is the su causeway.Pangde, a total of six stone arch Bridges are reflected wave, lock rings,wangshan, dike, dongpu, across a rainbow, bank planting peach willow, lotus,form "the west lake scenery, six bridge a willow a peach" view. Said to the sucauseway, people will naturally think of the northern song dynasty poet sudongpo, su dongpo had twice as a magistrate in hangzhou, the west lake, heorganized 200000 migrant workers dredging then use mud fenchyl grass lake, builtthe from nanping mountain foot of qixia ling long beach, later generations tocommemorate his great deeds, named "su causeway". Now the southern tip of dikebuilt "su dongpo memorial" for people to visit, honoring the achievements of sudongpo.

Friends: people often put the hangzhou west lake and lake Geneva,Switzerland lemmon compared to the east and the west reflect two stars in theworld of bead, it is because of the west lake, just for the Italian Marco Poloto hangzhou classics as "the world's most beautiful city of showily. The westlake as a famous scenic spot, received of the heads of state of the world. As aresult, not only is the pearl of hangzhou west lake, is the Oriental pearl, thepearl of the world.

"Yi jiangnan, most have is hangzhou. Find out the laurel blossoms filledthe air. Yamadera months, county kiosk pillow watching tide. When more revisit?"This is bai juyi for the praise of the west lake to leave aftertaste endlesssong. My dear friends, when we the end of the west lake when do you feel thesame? I hope see you soon, we meet again, full sleep (An reward the laurelblossoms filled the air. And the qiantang river on the tide, mountains andrivers, to the west lake always retain fond memories of you.

Dear visitors, pleasant west lake day trip is over, thank you for yourcooperation to me. You have fun? Hope that the west lake in the mountains andrivers, the fond memories of you forever.

英文导游词范文 篇19

Chongqing, located in southwest China, the Yangtze river and the jialingriver interchange, and surrounded, wrap, river city mountain alongside water,cascade, both famous for jiang. The upper Yangtze river, 470 kilometers longfrom east, north and south 450 kilometers wide, with a total area of 8.2 squarekilometers, and hubei, hunan, guizhou, sichuan, shaanxi and other provincesborder. Is a famous mountain city of chongqing, it is the most prominent featureof the terrain ups and downs, stereo sense is strong.

Chongqing is a unique tourism resources. Throughout the city, the city ofbashan stretches, YuShui vertical and horizontal, overlooking the has a longhistory, cultural heritage deep, form the mountain, water, forest, springs andwaterfalls, gorge, hole, etc as one of the magnificent natural scenery and meltba-yu culture, national culture, immigration culture, three gorges culture, the"capital" culture, urban culture in a batch of rich cultural color. From XiaYuwang live with a door and not into the "" three TuShan old mark, manycelebrities to the kuomintang and the communist party of work site; From bigNingHe historic hanging coffins, and decisive to "fold the scourge of god" oceanfishing city sites; From well-known ancient and modern in the three gorges ofYangtze river, to the man who dazu grottoes, composed with chongqingcharacteristics of "mountain city scenery", "the Yangtze river three gorgestourism golden line" and "eight big characteristic tourist area", a total ofmore than 300 spots, of which more than 10 national cultural relics protectionunits.

Chongqing is China's famous historical and cultural city, has more than3000 years long history and glorious revolutionary tradition, taking chongqingas the center of the Cuban chongqing region is the birthplace of ba-yu culture,the land gave birth to the chongqing's long history. 2 ~ 30000 years ago thelate paleolithic, for human life in chongqing area. The 11th century BC chowperiod, people in chongqing for capital, Pakistan has been established. Laterqin destroy Pakistan, the world for 36 counties, the county is one of them.Jisheng period Pakistani territory to the original chongqing city as theadministrative center, the jurisdiction of the northwest in eastern sichuan,western hubei, hunan and suck area. Since qin and han dynasties, the area mostof the time as a unified administrative jurisdiction, the administrative centeris located in the original chongqing.

Chongqing are Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and Christianity.Religious believers 100 more than ten thousand people, open 215 of religiousactivity venues, registration staff of 321 people. The masses of believers andreligious people raised the banner of patriotism and support of the party andgovernment leadership, for economic development and the construction ofsocialist spiritual civilization has made a contribution.

Chongqing people in one thousand to form the New Year the Spring Festival,15 view lamp, the tomb-sweeping day ancestor worship, the Mid-Autumn moon andsuspension wine festival, sit sedan, fly a kite, folk custom, compared withother parts of China the same. But because there are five tujia and miaoautonomous county of chongqing, the two both passion and nation has its ownunique folk traditional holiday. Sacrifice, prayer, festival activities such astujia, miao "autumn", etc.

A mountain city of chongqing, has its own unique festival every year. Suchas chongqing cuisine culture festival held every year in October or so, if youwant to taste the famous snacks and flavor dishes, don't miss. Chongqinginternational drinks beer festival, and weighing the Munich beer festival, isthe summer carnival. In addition, there are magnetic device mouth temple fair,TongLiang dragon Lantern Festival, dazu county fair and ghost town templefair.

英文导游词范文 篇20

Baima temple is located 12 kilometers east of the old city of Luoyang inHenan Province. It was founded in the 11th year of Yongping in the Eastern HanDynasty (AD 68). It is the first ancient temple in China and the world famousKalan temple. It is the first temple built after Buddhism was introduced intoChina. It is known as the "ancestral court" and "source of interpretation" ofChinese Buddhism. It has a history of more than 1900 years. The existing sitesand historic sites are preserved in yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. There are alarge number of Jiagan lacquered statues of the Yuan Dynasty, such as the thirdBuddha, the second general and the eighteen Arhats.

In 1961, Baima temple was announced as the first batch of national keycultural relics protection units by the State Council of the people's Republicof China. In 1983, it was designated by the State Council as the national keyTemple of Chinese Buddhism. In January 20__, Baima temple was named as the firstbatch of AAAA scenic spots by the National Tourism Administration.

In the seventh year of Yongping in the Eastern Han Dynasty (A.D. 64),Emperor Liu Zhuang (the son of Liu Xiu) spent the night in Nangong. He dreamedthat a golden man, six feet tall and shining on his head, would come from theWest and fly around the palace. The next morning, Emperor Hanming told theministers about the dream. Doctor Fu Yi said, "there is a God in the west, whichis called Buddha, just as you dream.". After hearing this, Emperor Han and Mingsent more than ten ministers, such as Cai Yin and Qin Jing, to the westernregions to worship Buddhist scriptures and Dharma.

In the eighth year of Yongping (AD 65), Cai, Qin and others bid farewell tothe imperial capital and embarked on the journey of "learning from the west". InDayue Kingdom (from Afghanistan to Central Asia today), I met Indian eminentmonks, such as shemoteng and zhufalan, and met Buddhist sutras and white feltstatues of Sakyamuni Buddha. I sincerely ask the two eminent monks to go east toChina to preach Buddhism.

In the tenth year of Yongping (AD 67), two Indian eminent monks wereinvited to carry Buddhist scriptures and statues on white horses together withenvoys of the Eastern Han Dynasty to Luoyang. Emperor Hanming was very happy tosee the Buddhist scriptures and statues. He was very polite to the two eminentmonks. He personally received them and arranged for them to stay in Honglutemple, the official office in charge of foreign affairs at that time.

In the 11th year of Yongping (A.D. 68), the emperor of Han and Ming orderedthe construction of monasteries in the north of Sanli imperial road outsideXiyong gate in Luoyang. In memory of Baima tuojing, it was named "Baima Temple".The word "Si" originated from the word "Si" of "Honglu Temple", and later "Si"became a general term of Chinese temples. This is the first Chinese translationof Buddhist scriptures in China.

After taking photos of moteng and zhufalan, many Western eminent monks cameto Baima temple to translate Buddhist scriptures. In more than 150 years after68 A.D., 192 Buddhist scriptures, 395 volumes in total, were translated here.Baima temple has become the first Buddhist Scripture Translation Center inChina.

In the second year of Caowei Jiaping (A.D. 250), Tan kejialuo, an Indianmonk, came to Baima temple. At this time, Buddhism also entered the public fromthe deep palace. Later, tankojaro translated the first Buddhist commandment inChinese in Baima temple. At the same time, Tan Di, a monk of the Sabbath state,also translated Tan Wu De Jie Mo in Baima temple, which regulated theorganization and life of the monks. So far, the commandments and theconstitution of the monks' group have been completed, and a path of monasticpractice has been paved, which is the beginning of the commandments inChina.

In the fifth year of Ganlu (260 A.D.), a commandment ceremony was held inBaima temple, which is destined to be deeply engraved in the history of ChineseBuddhism. On this day, Zhu Shixing ascended the altar of abstinence inaccordance with the law of karma, knelt down in front of the Buddha, and becamethe first monk who formally received the bhikkhu commandment in Han China. Sincethen, the ancient Confucian tradition of "body hair skin, parents, dare notdamage" has been broken.

During the first 200 years of Buddhism's taking root and spreading inChina, the whole process is closely related to Baima temple. This is the productof China's first search for Dharma from the West. It is the residence of thefirst monks who came to China to preach and spread Dharma. The first ChineseBuddhist Scripture and Chinese Commandments were born here, and the firstChinese Buddhist monk was born In a word, Baima temple is closely linked withmany "firsts" of Chinese Buddhism, which makes it the real ancestor and sourceof Chinese Buddhism.

英文导游词范文 篇21

The Great Wall, symbolizing China’s ancient civilization, is one of themost famous and grand construction wonders in the world. The building of theGreat Wall first began in the seventh century BC. The first section of wall wasbuilt by the Qi Kingdom and the Chu Kingdom. In Chinese history, there are threeclimaxes of building the Great Wall. They were in the Qin, Han and Mingdynasties. The sections of the wall began to be called the Great Wall in thetime of Qin Shihuang. In order to ward off harassment by the Huns and for theuse of further defensive projects, many sections were linked up and expanded andfinally it was extended into a Great Wall. The total length of the Great Wallwas over 5,000 kilometers long, so in Chinese, we call it “Wan Li Chang Cheng. ”The Qin Great Wall started from Lintao, Gansu Province in the west and ended inLiaodong, Liaoning Province in the east. The second climax of building the GreatWall was in Han Dynasty. In order to ward off the Huns as well as to protect theSilk Road, the Great Wall in Han Dynasty extended towards the west for another5,000 kilometers long to the Lop Nur Lake in today’s Xinjiang . The Han Greatwall started from the Liaodong Peninsula in the east and ended at the foot ofthe Tianshan Mountain in Xinjiang, with a total length of 10,000 kilometers. Thelast large-scale project on the Great Wall was carried out in the Ming Dynasty.In order to ward off the harassment of the remaining forces of the Yuan and thenewly raised ethnic tribe of “Nu Zhen”, the Great wall had been built. The totallength of the Ming Great Wall was more than 7,000 kilometers from Yalu River inLiaoning Province in the east, to Jiayuguan Pass in Gansu Province in the west.It passes nine cities, provinces and autonomous regions. The functions of theGreat Wall in Chinese history are in four aspects, they are in military,economy, perfect harmony of various nationalities and the friendship betweenAsians and Europeans.

The structures of the Great Wall are the beacon tower and watch tower.Beacon towers were built on both sides of the Wall at the commanding points,which were at the top of the mountains or the twists and turns for makingwarning signals. Whenever the enemy was sighted, fires were lit on the top ofthe beacon tower at night, and the smoke was made during the daytime. Watchtowers were built at regular intervals on the Great Wall itself for watchingover the invading enemy. A watch tower was usually two stories high, and thedefense soldiers lived inside. The ground floor was used for storing weapons andhad a number of windows for archers. The upper floor had battlements, peep holesand apertures for archers. In the middle of the tower there were small livingquarters for the defense soldiers. The watch towers were not only used by thedefending troops to take shelter from the wind, rain and heat, but also to fightand check the enemy’s advance, and store arms and ammunition.

Next I’m very glad to introduce the Badaling section. It was listed as animportant historical monument under special preservation by the Chinesegovernment in 1961 and was listed by the UNESCO as one of the world heritagesites in 1987. The Badaling Great Wall is about 75 kilometers northwest ofBeijing, and it is the best preserved part of the Great Wall. Bada means“convenient transportation to all directions. ”The Great Wall at Badalingaverage 7.8 meters high, 6.5 meters wide at its base, and 5.8 meters on the top,wide enough for five horses or ten soldiers walking abreast on the wall. It hasone side with battlements and the parapet is on the other side. The side withthe battlements is about 2 meters high, and the parapet is one meter high. Theouter side of the Wall is topped with crenellated battlements, and a squaresized hole below for shooting arrows and also for keeping a watch over theenemy. The parapet is on the inner side.

Juyongguan Pass is located 50 kilometers northwest of downtown Beijng.There was a 20-kilomere-long valley called “Guangou Valley” from south to north,with 4 passes along the valley. They were of great strategic importance bfanweng the national capital, Juyongguan Pass is one of them.

Inside Juyong Pass there is an ancient marble platform known as “CloudTerrace”. It was built in Yuan Dynasty. There used to be three Tibetan stylepagodas built on the terrace with a road passing under it from north to south.Later, when the pagodas were destroyed, a temple was built. However, the templewas burnt down in a fire in the early years of the Qing Dynasty, so only theterrace remained. The Cloud Terrace is 9.5 meters high, 26.8 meters from east towest, 17.6 meters from north to south at the base, and it narrows towards thetop. In the middle edge of the archway, there is a carving of a “golden wingedbird” with the carvings of several animals. Inside the arched passage, there arecarved in relief Buddhist images on the wall. The images of the Four HeavenlyKings, the Buddha of Ten Directions and 1,000 Buddha statues were all carved onthe wall.

Today on the way to Badaling Great Wall, you can see a railway running bythe Badaling Expressway. It is well-known at the Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway. Itwas the first railway designed and constructed by Chinese itself. Its chiefdesigner was Zhan Tianyou.
