

白帝城英文导游词 篇1


是三峡的西口,入川的门户。由于地势险峻,古往今来,常为兵家必争之地。白帝城也是三峡游览地之一 :白帝城三面环水,一面傍山,孤独峙,气象萧森,在雄伟险峻的夔门山水中,显得格外秀丽。从山脚下拾级而上,要攀登近千级石阶,才到达山顶的白帝庙门前。在这里可观赏夔门的雄壮气势。绕至庙后,可见蜿蜒秀丽的草堂河从白帝山流入长江。历史缘由:西汉末年公孙述据蜀,在山上筑城,因城中一井常冒白气,宛如白龙,他便借此自号白帝,并名此城为白帝城。历史经历:公孙述死后,当地人在山上建庙立公孙述像,称白帝庙。由于公孙述非正统而系僭称,明正德七年(1520xx年)四川巡抚毁公孙述像,祀江神、土神和马援像,改称“三公祠”。明嘉靖十二年(1533年)又改祀刘备、诸葛亮像,名“正义祠”;以后又添供关羽、张飞像,遂形成白帝庙内无白帝,而长祀蜀汉人物的格。内部建筑:白帝庙内有明良殿、武侯祠、观星亭等




白帝城位于长江北岸,距奉节城东约15华里,掩映在郁郁葱葱的绿树丛中,是三峡的西口,入川的门户。由于地势险峻,古往今来,常为兵家必争之地。白帝城也是三峡游览胜地 西汉末年公孙述据蜀,在山上筑城,因城中一井常冒白气,宛如白龙,他便借此自号白帝,并名此城为白帝城。公孙述死后,当地人在山上建庙立公孙述像,称白帝庙。由于公孙述非正统而系僭称,明正德七年(1520xx年)四川巡抚毁公孙述像,祀江神、土神和马援像,改称“三公祠”。明嘉靖十二年(1533年)又改祀刘备、诸葛亮像,名“正义祠”;以后又添供关羽、张飞像,遂形成白帝庙内无白帝,而长祀蜀汉人物的格局。


白帝城三面环水,一面傍山,孤独峙,气象萧森,在雄伟险峻的夔门山水中,显得格外秀丽。从山脚下拾级而上,要攀登近千级石阶,才到达山顶的白帝庙门前。在这里可观赏夔门的雄壮气势。绕至庙后,可见蜿蜒秀丽的草堂河从白帝山下入江。 白帝庙内有明良殿、武侯祠、观星亭等明清建筑。明良殿为嘉靖十二年建,系庙内主要建筑,内有刘备、关羽、张飞塑像。武侯祠内供诸葛亮祖孙三代像。祠前的观星亭,传说是诸葛亮夜观星象的地方。明良殿和武侯祠左右两侧藏有各代名碑。庙内还有文物陈列室、诗史堂,陈列着新石器时代以来的出土文物和古今名家的书画。 唐代诗人李白,由白帝城下江陵(今荆州)所赋的诗《朝辞白帝城》,至今读来仍觉轻快爽口,意趣盎然。

白帝城英文导游词 篇2

Welcome everybody to treasure! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.

Treasure is located on the north of qutang gorge mouth Bai Dishan, about five kilometers away from the fengjie county. Bai Dishan when three gorges portal, the eastern chongqing, throat is very important strategic position.

Treasure formerly known as "red city", in the western han dynasty was taken three years (AD) in eight years. General GongSunShu easy to keep difficult tapping and strengthening the city, see here after in Wells with white mist rising in the city, as a "white dragon in delight, that claim to be" filled with "change city called treasure. GongSunShu for 12 years, according to shu proclaimed himself after being Liu Xiu perished by the destroyer. GongSunShu were destroyed after shu people think about people's life is relatively stable during his rule bashu, then filled in the mountain temple to mark. In A.D. 222, liu bei cut the defeat, wu retreat to treasure, hence the "treasure entrust an orphan to" story. Liu2 bei4 also died of incredible treasure palace. The Ming dynasty zhengde eight years (AD 1513), according to the sichuan governor lam chun GongSunShu proclaimed himself the tampering, cannot enjoy sacrifice, will GongSunShu statues destroyed, change to have discouraged GongSunShu proclaimed himself ma yuan and the han river, the land, god changed name to "three power feeding". Twelve years jiajing, the governor Zhu Tingli and according to the agreement was made in the company such as jian zhang liu bei, zhuge liang of reverence in The Three Kingdoms period, to sacrifice to liu bei, zhuge liang, change a word called "it" is word, Ming jiajing 36 years, governor Duan Jin added to zhang fei to the shrine, the statue of guan yu and jeske, zhuge is since then, filled with temple to become martyrs of shu this temple.

Treasure now has more than 2600 square meters, the door still book title "filled with temple", "treasure". Within the body building MingLiang temple, magnificent, plastic statue of liu bei, guan yu, zhang fei, zhuge liang, etc; West temple of marquis zhuge liang, jeske, conceal zhuge statue of three generations of a still, the new plastic "liu2 bei4 entrust an orphan to clay sculpture group and du fu HangYin large porcelain painting, more treasure added cultural connotation, before the temple" stargazing pavilion "six eaves and twelve pillars, modelling ethnic style, the legend is the place where the various ge is bright night star treasure in painting and calligraphy is extremely rich collection of cultural relics. The poetic history hall with li bai, du fu, lu you's square wood like version and statues and part of poetry.

Calligraphy studio "is zhou enlai in 1958 writing are displayed in the" early onset treasure "and modern famous calligraphy and painting works." Cultural relic room "there are hundreds of local unearthed cultural relics. MingLiang things on both sides of the house in the forest of steles, display all kinds of painting and calligraphy inscriptions more than seventy, is the earliest sui dynasty" longshan cemetery monument ", set the south (wang xizhi) north (SuoJing) the essence of the two parties calligraphy. The qing emperor kangxi six words ShiBei also has distinguishing feature very much. The phoenix tablet "and" bamboo tablet "is a unique art treasure. Treasure to famous places since ancient times, since the tang and song dynasty, dynasties famous poet li bai, du fu and bai juyi, liu yuxi, Su Wu, lu you, Fan Chengda had to this tour fude. Left many precious ink. Du fu thatched cottage built along the river after the treasure more" thatched cottage ", in two years. Poetry writing more than 1, four hundred, is the golden age of du fu's creation, renowned "qiu xing 8 first", "cooper bank" is written in this time. So treasure have "poetry city" reputation.

The first song li bai, the layman four-line early onset treasure. Let us all together here chanting: "the filled with clouds, Trinidad jiangling also on the 1st. On both sides of the YuanSheng crow, boats already past thousands of mountains".

白帝城英文导游词 篇3




书画室”内陈列有周恩来1958年书写的《早发白帝城》和现代名家书画作品。“文物室”内有本地出土文物数百件。明良殿东西两侧碑林内,陈列有各种书画碑刻七十多件,最早有隋代《龙山公墓志碑》,集南(王羲之)北(索靖)两派书法之精华。清康熙皇帝的《六言诗碑》亦很有特色。《凤凰碑》和《竹叶碑》则是别具一格的艺术珍品。 白帝城自古为名胜之地,唐宋以来,历代著名诗人李白、杜甫、白居易、刘禹锡、苏武、陆游、范成大等都曾到此游览题咏。留下许多珍贵墨迹。杜甫更在白帝城后草堂河边建有“草堂”,居两年之久。写诗四百多首,是杜甫创作的黄金时代,名篇《秋兴八首》、《古柏行》即写于此时。所以白帝城又有“诗城”的美誉。


白帝城英文导游词 篇4

Welcome everybody to treasure! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.

Qutang gorge mouth fengjie chongqing is located in the north shore of the Yangtze river, east to KuiMen, surrounded by eight waterfall, surrounded on three sides by water, in water levels, 451 km away from chongqing downtown. Is at the end of the western han dynasty, sichuan GongSunShu regime, claim to be the king of shu, due to see this place has a tendency to white smoke, a well shaped like a white dragon, so the claim to be filled, hence in the capital, and ziyang city name to treasure. Existing treasure is the Ming and qing dynasties repair site. Treasure is the perfect place to view "KuiMen world male". All previous dynasties famous poet li bai, du fu, bai juyi, liu yuxi, su shi, huang tingjian, Fan Chengda, lu you have filled, swam KuiMen, leaving a large number of poems.

Li bai "filled with clouds, Trinidad jiangling also on the 1st, cross-strait YuanSheng crow, boats already past thousands of mountains" of verse, is more popular. So the treasure "poetry city" reputation. Three kingdoms shu han emperor liu bei punitive dongwu, defeat, sorrow into a disease, dying to zhuge liang in incredible treasure palace, entrust an orphan to. Filled inside the temple is now displayed "liu2 bei4 entrust an orphan to large-scale clay sculpture". Temple also on display are located within the hanging coffins of the cultural relics and sui and tang dynasties since 73 pieces of painting and calligraphy inscriptions, and in 1000 pieces of cultural relics, ancient and modern famous calligraphy and painting more than 100. The word "bamboo tablet" unity, unique style; "Three king tablet" engrave phoenix, peony, phoenix tree, is exquisite, is a treasure. There were famous for the spring and autumn period and the warring states period of bashu bronze swords, its shape like a willow, exquisite workmanship.

East, west two forest of steles, displaying more than 70 pieces of intact stele, the sui dynasty steles 1034 million-year-old history of one hundred years. After the completion of the three gorges project, the water level will raise. Surrounded by water, treasure will become a fairy tale, the scenery will be more beautiful charming, capable of reaching the city by boat.

白帝城英文导游词 篇5

Welcome to here!

Treasure is one of the three gorges scenery, attracts many Chinese and foreign visitors, this time I had the privilege and coldness education commission organized Tours to the three gorges tourism, came to the treasure, happy mood.

Treasure is located in the Yangtze river north shore thatched cottage at the mouth, is located on the purple QiuLing called Bai Dishan. Although perspective under the drizzle, the sky is no effect to my good mood. Look up, see the lush forest, ambiguously see treasure one horn, around the cloud, like a fairyland in general.

Came to the door of the treasure is to jump into the eye is three eye-catching Chinese characters "filled with temple", these three words stiffness, last is famous book. Into the front door, he came to the "entrust an orphan to hall", here tells a story of The Three Kingdoms "liu2 bei4 entrust an orphan to". Look! Entrust an orphan to front hall, a pale, bedridden, is well-known liu bei, standing next to the intelligence of zhuge liang, holding a feather fan stand straight, looked at two son of liu bei, kneeling on the ground under a will before death, this is liu bei asked zhuge liang to take good care of her two sons. Entrust an orphan to hall of every character depicting, sculpture, vivid, lifelike.

Before we came to the east forest of steles. One tablet engraved with regular script, official script, running script and cursive script, seal character and font each font characteristics, great. Among them, the most notable is the famous monuments, "phoenix" and "bamboo tablet". Phoenix stone high 175 cm, 96 cm wide, BeiMian black shiny, smooth as a mirror. This monument essence of beauty, a treasure. Phoenix stone is also called the "three Kings tablet", because the king of the tablet on the tree at the moment - phoenix tree; The king of flowers - peony; The king of all birds - phoenix, so called "three king tablet". Thick bamboo tablet, BeiMian is three bamboo, bamboo leaves shu lang. Scan the original bamboo leaves deftly formed a woo poem "not Xie Dong in meaning, painters name alone. Don't too lonely leaf light, durable not zero". At the moment which has reached the calligraphy and painting, one integrated mass of artistic realm. The author designs different, the style is unique! I couldn't help produce of the ancient wisdom and exquisite calligraphy admiration of love.

Treasure and a quiet, elegant garden. There is a lotus pond in the garden, the water clear trainspotter, slick with pieces green lotus leaf, lotus leaf, the water drops on were shining brilliantly, carefree playing on the green plate, an ill-deserved mesh. There are a few big banyan tree! The canopy is dark green all the year round. Its trunk and branches, there are many lenticels, grow many stomata root vertical growth. Down to the ground, soil is fast, so "dry branches and branches of life". Over time, they can't distinguish who is the trunk. What a wonderful!

Treasure of the landscape is real! Hope it holds the motherland glorious cultural heritage, carry forward!
