

年终出国留学申请书 篇1

pplied Program:Organizational Behavior

I am interested in the field of study of Organizational Behavior. In thepast, I have had the experience of working in settings where the people and thecorporate cultures of the companies were all different. I have found that thereis a great difference in the both the behaviors of people and of theirorganizations, depending on whether they are state-owned enterprises (SOEs),large multinational firms, or small to medium sized foreign enterprises. Onesimple example is that of the ability of an employee to act independentlywithout direct instructions from his or her boss. In many Chinese organizations,acting without direct instructions is considered a form of disrespect towardsthe supervisor, who is generally offended by such behavior. In my experience andresearch, such organizations tend to have low operating efficiency with theemployees losing their innate ability to take the initiative.

In contrast, foreign enterprises tend to welcome employees who have theability to make decisions on their own, though the extent to which this is truedepends on whether the supervisor is a local Chinese or an expatriate. Theseorganizat Applied Program:Organizational Behavior

The purpose behind this personal statement is to not only gain admission toyour well-established and highly respected Ph.D. program, but to impress uponyou my passion for learning and my tremendous desire to succeed in bothscholastic research and in teaching on the professional level. I have based mydecision to pursue an academic career not on purely practical reasons, butrather on my own natural interests and aptitude. My personal philosophy is thatmoney and social status should not be pursued as life-consuming objectives andthat in actuality they are the by-products of goals originating from one's innerneeds. I understand that my intellectual capacity is a gift, and I intend to usethis gift to the very best of my substantial capabilities.

年终出国留学申请书 篇2





年 月 日

年终出国留学申请书 篇3

I am interested in the field of study of Organizational Behavior. In thepast, I have had the experience of working in settings where the people and thecorporate cultures of the companies were all different. I have found that thereis a great difference in the both the behaviors of people and of theirorganizations, depending on whether they are state-owned enterprises (SOEs),large multinational firms, or small to medium sized foreign enterprises. Onesimple example is that of the ability of an employee to act independentlywithout direct instructions from his or her boss. In many Chinese organizations,acting without direct instructions is considered a form of disrespect towardsthe supervisor, who is generally offended by such behavior. In my experience andresearch, such organizations tend to have low operating efficiency with theemployees losing their innate ability to take the initiative.

I am a person keen on thinking and experiencing. My lively character andvigorous energy have made me very active in extracurricular events in which Ihave sought an all-round personal development. Sociology Studies will provide mewith the kind of constant real life thinking I have always craved, while helpingme to improve my analytical, practical & communication skills. Also myconcern and curiosity about society and its people inspired me to pursue thissubject for my higher education, as I believe Sociology Studies sums up a lot inthe changing nature of society.

My education has schooling my perception of society and people leading meto be acutely aware of social events, inequality, identities, cultures andreligious fundamentalism, especially in a society such as the one I come from -China. I was practicing in the Chinese Hope Project during summer holidays andvolunteered to investigate the issue of low educational attendance rate forfemale students in rural China with my tutor from my high school and that was avery good experience as it not only made me realise how traditional culturalinfluence could remain unchanged in some of those rural areas in China and alsothe way parents and children interacting. I always have wondered why for manyChinese students just like me, hundreds of them fail to choose what they reallywant to student and do as a career. Chinese parents are definitely havingstrange influences on their kids' decision making in terms of education andcareer or in the worst cases; the parents decided what their kids should dosolely. My mother believes that I should go for Finance studies, while I clearlyknow that my interest has never been in the Mathematical formulas and numbers, Ialways find the diversities of societies, people, beliefs, cultures and the waypeople interacting together very fascinating. So, during this summer, mythoughts kept returning on why I worked so unsuccessfully towards studyingfinance and economics as my mother expected? And how can I truly become my ownmaster by progressing a BA that I really like to engage more research and enrichmyself with? How did all the cultural and beliefs affecting the way we actingthe roles in the community? In which way an individual could actually build upand refine his/her identities?

In pursuing a Sociology degree, I seek answers to these questions. Athorough examination of the Sociology behind human behaves could reveal thebeliefs,values and identities; it enables us to exam and understand ourselvesbetter. While knowledge of Sociology will certainly benefit the social servicesproviding, I also maintain a passion for Culture Studies for that same reason.Cultural behaviour study appeals to me because it tells us why we act in acertain way - under a cultural atmosphere. Also for being in the UK for 3 years,the knowledge about the outside world has given me a unique and balancedperspective to examine the reality of Chinese society too. In this historicalepoch in which China is becoming closely integrated into the internationalcommunity and playing an influence role in the world arena, I wish to gaininsights into our society in its socio-culture aspects and to study how Chineseculture can respond to the globalization process.

By combining these thoughts into a good BA in Sociology degree programme, Ican pursue my professional goal of doing education and community service workfor the government and perhaps focusing in promote public welfare. My experiencein the past in social practices has not only equipped me with an intellectualfoundation for my future studies but has also supplied me with my career plans.In my eyes, China's several thousand years of history has given rise to thedeep-entrenched rule by man instead of rule by law and nature. In dealing withsuch issues like economic development, poverty elimination and the promotion oflaw, the framing and application of government policies seem to play a greaterrole. Therefore, it is obvious that to contribute to public welfare and tonational development, it is more realistic and useful to become a well-trainedand well-qualified public administrator. In this lies the motivation of myapplication for an undergraduate programme in sociology at your esteemeddepartment.

WanSheng High School where I was studying is a key provincial high schoolthat attracts best students from every part of the province. In fierce academiccompetitions, I have managed to remain top-ten in my high school academicperformance and was recommended by the school to Highbury College,Portsmouth tostudy my foundation course. I passed the foundation course successfully in 20__and was an outstanding student of my class. I believe that my previous socialpractices activities and academic preparations have built a solid background forme to further my intensive and fruitful research in your BA in Sociologystudies. After gaining knowledge of both Sociology and different cultures at thehighly regarded University of Leicester, I plan to work for social services touse my knowledge of social human behaviour to aid members of the public.

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年终出国留学申请书 篇5

Born in Beijing, China’s political capital, cultural center and economichub, and nurtured in a well-cultured family and an empowering community, I havedeveloped a meaningful outlook on lie. I identify myself with such values thatone gives meaning to life when one lives to give. Success stories of my parents, relatives and friends along their career-path have entrenched my belief inbeing independent and confident as a contributing memeber of the community.

As I look back on early days of my schooling , I am just as grateful to myworking parents for having sent me to one of the best boarding schools inBeijing where I received quality primary education and learned to appreciateindependence. As I recall , being independent was probably the biggest asset Igained as a teenager with the absence of parental guardianship for most of those6 years. After I upgraded to secondary school, I offered to go to school bybike. Though hesitant at first, my parents gave their well-thought-out consentto the 15-km ride average Chinese parents would simply veto in the first placegiven the “one-child policy”and subsequent “little emperors” pampered by parentsand grandparents. Thankfully, that day-to-day routine bike trip,rain orsunshine,tempered my strong character. I have been holding myself to higheststandards, academically and physically from primary school days through tocollege life. I have grown up all these years amongst top cohorts and have beenexposed to varied horizons and dimensions of school life in and outside ofclassroom. I am perfectly healthy and stong with a sharp mind and demonstratedcommitment to teamwork. I was handpicked to play for school baseball team when Iwas in primary school. Back then, my proven leadership and excellent skills inthe field assured my coach that I was born to be a team leader. And I didjustice to his well-timed appointment by heading a team of Beijing to compete inShanghai and Hong Kong several times. And the strong track record of outoutstanding performances each time still fills me with pride and excitementtoday. During one match tour to Hong Kong in the 1990s, I was immediatel exposedto the enviable luxury and prosperity of the city,the dynamic economic center ofAsia. That trip awakened me ,for the first time, to the value of wealth andfinance. And it was that very journey to the thriving metropolis that shaped myambition to be a financer.

Years later,when the colleg entrance exam came,that moment of life anddeath for most of senior high school students in China,my top preference wasFinance Colllege of Beijing Technology and Business Unversity. The result cameas a sad surprise as I was admitted to Computer Science College instead. But Istuck with my dream major and decided to minor in finance. I have since workedhard to equip myself with systematic knowledge of finance. As a result , I amdnow well on my way to graduation with double degrees in both computer scienceand finance in 20__.

During my college days,I led my cohorts in starting up a micro company as Idabbled into the real business world. We settled for newspaper as our maidenattempt.. As a new horn,I took a hands-on approach, from editing to circulating,from cost control to market survey. My strong leadership and sunergy of theentire team kept this mini organization going pretty well in its infancy. Yetinexperience in operation and cost management led to a failed business in theend. But I saw the silver lining in the failed venture. I now know more aboutwhere I need to work on. When I was a little boy, my parents taught me how tomanage money in the safest way. They helped me put my pocket money in the bankand get interest as a return. Now, as a grown-up already,I recognize thatsystematic learning and book knowledge can truely help me know how much moreabout what finance is all about. Naturally, as one’s knowledge about swimmingincreases, the desire to swim in the sea grows. Yet, with more academicexposure, I have come to realize how I am ill-equipped with the knowledge neededto stay afloat in the trubulent sea of finance. That self-conscious humblenessversus the profundiy of finance as a much-respected discipline has led me to optfor further study in the US,home to a number of world-class colleges offinance.

After meticulous comparision and cross-checking, I have settled for ClarkUniversity,the birthplace of the first-ever graduate school in the US. I trustthat demanding academic standards here and ,best of all ,great mastermind offinance that Clark can offer will undoubtedly broaden my horizon and update myvision as financier of the future. To me,Clark is the best and right place thatcan surely make the difference, academically and professionally alike. I am morethan anxious to embrace those best minds in Clark and contribute my humble partto its huge wealth of knowledge and innovative ideas. I am therefore very muchlooking forward to a positive reply from Clark, my dream campus. May that offercome just in time for my journey towards a rewading learning experience in oneof the greatest colleges in the US.

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年终出国留学申请书 篇7


I'm Yang, a master candidate from Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin,P. R. China, supervised by Prof. Tang. And I ever contacted you for the passwordof your papers in the last time. I'm supported by a Chinese National Fund, whichwill support those PhD candidates in China to go abroad to some world classUniversities of their fields. This programme will cover all living cost I needin USA. After I read a lot of papers of my research area, I understand that youare working on MAX phases and have published quite a lot of high levelscientific papers. As such, you are the leading researcher in _ in the world. Ifind your area fits me well, so I write to you to see if you can give me achance to study in your school. My CV and published papers have beenattached.

My research area is mainly about MAX phases. I have published 5 papers inthe journals including J. Mater. Res. and Solid State Commun. In addition,papers were submitted. And now I'm doing _. I am not applying a full time PhDprogramme, and this programme is a short time (12-24 months) co-educationexperiences more like a visit scholar programme. This programme is a new type ofco-educate PhD programme supported by China Scholarship Council. The studyperiod abroad varies from 12 months at least to 24 months at most. I have toaccomplish my doctor degree back to my school (Harbin Institute of Technology),so I'm not supposed to acquire my doctor degree at Drexel University.

And this programme runs like this, students meet the applicationrequirements can apply this programme, and my University and research area isamong the main supporting Universities and areas. Students must acquire anofficial invitation letter from the prospective tutor/University. Therefore, allI need is an official invitation letter from you (or your University). The dateof enrollment I'm considering is September/October 20__. In order to make sure Ican catch up with the next year's programme, I have to prepare all theapplication stuff (including your official invitation letter) before January,20__. And because it will cost about 1 month to mail your invitation letter fromUSA to China, so I really hope you can respond me as soon as possible to makesure I can receive your letter before the winter vacation this year. And if youcan't make this decision or you have a better recommendation whose researchareas fit me well, please inform me. Really hope to hear from you as soon aspossible!

Yours sincerely,

年终出国留学申请书 篇8

dear professor,

i am greatly grateful that you can spare some time to read my letter. i ama chinese undergraduate from _, which is one of the top 10 universities inchina, and i will graduate in 20_. after that, i want to continue my educationby pursuing a master degree in france. i am now in the department of _.

my primary interest is in international commerce, and i notice that essecis on top of that field, so i decide to exert myself to get in. your research in“cross-cultural relationship marketing”, especially your publications onbusiness of china as well as southeast asia, are of particular interest to me.and i would like to deal with business between europe and china in my career.that's why i seek entry to your theme.

during my university years, i am used to working in a team environment. forexample, i was administrative vice minister in student union, and organized andschemed activities along with competitions in university. for my excellent job,i gained the scholarship for entertainment and physical education activities.after passing college english tests 4&6, i turned to learn french last yearand i got a score of 463 in tcf. i am preparing for ielts currently, and if gmatis necessary for applying master degree in essec, i shall take the test afterthe ielts test.

with so much admiration and enthusiasm, i hope i would have the opportunityto work under your supervision. if admitted, i am able to continue working alongthe lines of your present research. thanks for your kindness andconsideration.

yours sincerely , _-

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年终出国留学申请书 篇10

Dear _,

It is my conviction that the meaning of life does not dwell in the lengthof time that one can live or the material abundance that one can acquire, but inthe richness and the wonderfulness of life itself. With the increase of my age,many things in my life have changed. But one thing remains constant, that is, Iwill consistently insist on doing what I like to do and hope that my endeavorscan be valuable to the life of others. I see this as the only way whereby I canrealize the value of my life.

My undergraduate study focused on economics and I achieved remarkablescholastic performance in this field. My GPA is 3.44 (my GRE score is 20__ andTOEFL---- ). For four consecutive years of my undergraduate study, I receivedscholarships for my distinguished academic performance. Due to my equallyprominent performance in extracurricular activities I was conferred on theOutstanding Student in Campus Activities. However, honestly speaking, my realinterest lies not in economics, but in education. Ever since I was a primaryschool student, I had cherished a strong desire for a teaching careerexemplified by my teachers. In the actual teaching career that I embarked onupon my graduating from university, I have become increasingly aware that theexisting educational conditions in China are far from satisfactory. The backwardteaching methodology and the prevailing pedagogical ideology have renderedChinese education out of place with the modern international development ineducation. On the macro level, the current education theory and practice inChina lag significantly behind advanced countries in the West. For instance,though education via the internet has achieved considerable development in pasttwo years, in practical operation such education has more often than notdeteriorated into an extended form of the conventional examination-orientededucation instead of a really interactive process. In my personal experience,despite the fact that some of the problems that I have encountered in myteaching career can be solved by consulting relevant technical literature, Ihave found that the more serious flaws inherent in China's current educationalsystem cannot be worked out easily. Under such circumstances, an advancedprogram in education becomes necessary.

In this age of information, traditional education, both in its ideology andmethodology, has met unprecedented challenge like many other aspects of humanexistence. Meanwhile, the pursuit for higher levels of educational developmentand of the quality of life has largely transformed the educational valueorientation of the general public. The educational model that is centered aroundthe cognitive and intellectual instruction has been seriously questioned.Greater attention has been devoted to the cultivation of well-developedpersonality and to the ontological status of the individual in education. Suchissues as the internal studies of education science, scientific decision-makingin education, and meta-education have also been increasingly emphasized upon.There have also been innovations in educational research methodology. Thetendency has been to combine modern technology with humanistic researchcategories and with naturalistic research categories, and to organicallyintegrate qualitative descriptions with quantitative descriptions. It is alsoimportant to carry out educational experimentations in which educationalpredictions are complemented by educational feedbacks. Both the complexity ofeducation and the complexity of human individuals have made the comprehensiveapplication of diverse educational approaches necessary. Those new horizons arewhat fascinate me.

In view of the following qualifications that I have acquired, I believethat I will acquit myself satisfactorily in the prospective Ph.D. program ineducation that I am currently endeavoring to apply for. First and foremost, asis often claimed, one's interest is one's best director. I believe that I willdo well what I am really interested in doing. Secondly, though I majored ineconomics as an undergraduate, my trainings during that stage helped developeffective modes of thinking and research approaches. In addition, Iconscientiously self-studied many works related to education, including ADevelopmental History of Educational Science in the West, which enabled me toconstruct a solid groundwork for more advanced studies in this field. Next, itcan be safely asserted that education and economics are not entirely separated.For example, it is necessary to apply many statistical methods in educationalpsychology and my academic record indicates that statistics is the subject thatI am most good at. Last but not the least, my current teaching career and myteaching experience will play a positive role in facilitating my target degreeprogram.

The reason why I apply for the University of -- is that it is the firststate university with a time-honored history. The School of Education in thisuniversity is quite prominent among its counterparts in the field. I amparticularly attracted by the School's powerful pedagogical resource, vibrantintellectual atmosphere and a comprehensive curriculum. I plan to apply for adegree program in Instructional Technology or Educational Psychology, both ofwhich enjoy unparalleled academic reputation in the world. My application forInstructional Technology is motivated by my strong interest in the applicationof modern science and technology, especially the information technologyrepresented by the Internet, in the field of education and in the nature of aseries of revolutionary changes resulting thereof. Instructional Technology is anew discipline that has emerged as a result of the rapid development of moderncommunication technology since the late 20th century. It has tremendouspotential for development and commercial application. As for my motive inselecting Educational Psychology as another possible area of specialization inmy degree program, it is my long-cherished interest that primarily counts. Onthe other hand, all the accomplished educators since the 1960's have beenwell-versed in psychology. Almost every important new educational theory isderived psychological findings in one way or another so that educationalpsychology has subsequently developed into a fundamental subject for the scienceof education. The tendency in the 21st century is to emphasize on the microresearch of educational activities and against this backdrop educationalpsychology will be attached greater importance. In Instructional Technology, Iwould like to focus on the following studies: how to improve educationalefficiency by applying research results from natural sciences and engineeringtechnology; how to explore the combination and coordination of pedagogicalcontents and to improve teaching methodology by exploiting the theoreticalfindings from psychology and educational science concerning the process ofteaching and learning. In Educational Psychology, I will concentrate on appliedcognition and development, gifted and creative education, genetics and childrendevelopment, personality structure and individual differences and other relatedsubjects.

For me, to shift from economics to education and to pursue an advanceddegree in the United States is not so much a challenge as an opportunity. Atpresent, major reforms are being introduced into virtually every importantaspect of Chinese society. The field of education especially calls forcomprehensive reforms. The United States occupies an absolutely leading positionin the present-day world in education. It is my conviction that, in the UnitedStates, advanced educational theories, technologies and information willfacilitate me immensely in the achievement of remarkable academic progress,fulfilling my aspiration to become an accomplished professional in the field ofeducation. This will not only bring my patriotic fervor into reality but alsomake my life more meaningful and rewarding.

Yours sincerely,

年终出国留学申请书 篇11




休学的一年里,我会找一份与日语相关的工作,继续学习日语。我对所能找到的工作抱的期望值并不高,也并不认为出社会工作会有多顺利。在休学的一年中,我希望能和在校的同学们一起考N2 或是N1,实现自我独立,并且能为家里尽自己的力量。回学校之后,也能更加有目的的学习,或者还能做些翻译兼职。未曾想过考研的我,竟然也萌生了跨专业考心理学研究生的念头,虽然只是一刹那的想法,也让我自己惊讶不已。我也明白了,活着要不断的学习,学校就是一片很好的土壤,能为我们营造最好的环境。



家长联系电话: 家长签名:

学生联系电话: 学生签名:

年终出国留学申请书 篇12

Growing up in a modest village in China, I hardly ever had the chance tosee many examples of modern technology; people who dig wells by hand to obtaindrinking wateruse ox-driven plows to cultivate their fields don’t have much usefor televisiopersonal computers. But when my father gave me an old radio to playwith, I wanted nothing more than to take apart the contraptionsee what i idemade such interesting sounds. Sitting on the floor with a confused grin,surrounded by wiresmetal, I looked up at my fatheraskedthe noises were...

I first read this paragraphMadame Curie as a 14-year-old child,I stillremember how wonderful I felt. I remember thinking, "What esteemed men theywere! How hard they worked!" As I grew older, this paragraph became a source ofencouragement in the face of adversity. I begin to feel a magical blue lighttwinkling in my heart, kindling a love of science,encouraging me to chargebravely into the unknown world.

年终出国留学申请书 篇13

I take great pleasure in recommending Wang Yong, one of my favoritestudents, for admission into your distinguished graduate program.

Mr. Wang was admitted in 1986 at 14 years of age into the SPECIAL CLASS forthe GIFTED YOUTHS, my university's unique program that caters to theintellectual needs of unusually talented Chinese youngsters. It was a rareprivilege he earned with his nearly impeccable academic performance through theyears of his elementary and secondary school.

He impressed me almost as he entered into my university, a major cradle ofchina's scientific and technological talents. At the time, members of the GiftedClass all had to spend half a month studying by themselves the principles ofcalculus and then take an exam so that we could evaluate their self-studycapability. Mr. Wang scored the highest grade in that exam. He also exhibited akeenly whetted mind during class discussions. To my regret at the time, hisEnglish was not as good as his mathematics or physics. But I noticed he made apoint of working especially hard in improving his English during his fiveundergraduate years with us. By now, he seems to be at least as proficient inEnglish as most of his former classmates in the Gifted Class.

In my experience with Mr. Wang, I was impressed with not only hisextraordinary intelligence but also his ambitions and persistence. I am surethat Mr. Wang will be an outstanding student in any doctoral program that he maycare to enroll in. So I would like to support him firmly in his questrecommendation into account when considering his application. I would greatlyappreciate it you decide to accept him as he wishes.

Yours sincerely

Fan Pu

Professor and Deputy Head

年终出国留学申请书 篇14

Monsieur le Président,

Dans le souhait d'une inscription auprès de votre université, j'ai l'honneur de vous exposer ci-dessous mes principales motivations.

J'étudie le fran?ais depuis bient?t quatre ans, et j'obtiendrai ma licence(bac+4) en juillet 20__ .(1)

Outre la langue fran?aise, j'ai étudié littérature fran?aise à laquelle je m'intéresse particulièrement.(2)

Après l'obtention de mon dipl?me, j'aimerais poursuivre mes études de littérature fran?aise dans votre université réputée pour son enseignement de littérature.(3)

Or, pour entreprendre les démarches nécessaires, j'ai besoin d’un certificat de pré-inscription délivré par votre université. C'est pourquoi je vous demande quelles conditions je dois remplir pour obtenir ce certificat et quelles sont les attesations que je devrais fournir.

Si c'est possible, pourriez-vous me faire parvenir, à l'adresse ci-dessus, un dossier d'inscription ?(4)

Vous remerciant par avance de votre bienveillance, je vous prie d'agréer, Monsieur le Président, l'expression de mon profond respect.

(trois lignes d'interligne)

年终出国留学申请书 篇15

Application Letter for studying abroad

Xiao Ming


Shandong University

27 Shanda Nan Lu

Jinan , Shandong , China


Dr. Melba Ripley

The School of Architecture

University of Louisiana

100 Webber Hall

Baton Rouge, LA 70814

Dear Dr. Melba Ripley:

My name is Bu Xuliang , a student studying Microbiology technology in

Shandong University School. I intend to spend my doctor years in aUSAuniversity by the end of September 20__ for my higher education at the sametime to develop my scientific skill since I love to have a career in the fieldof Microbiology.

During the past three years, I had been an excellent student .I was

extremelyinterested in knowing how a microorganism change food to theenergy for their Biochemical processes, and used to find out the answer bymyself. I have

published a paper in past three years. I am quite confident that I canarrange both my study and my daily life well in new environment. I also tookpart in a great deal of social activities and some of them were reallyimpressive. I would truly like to have theopportunity to do research work inyouruniversityso as to learn more new technology in Microbiology technology.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could send me more information aboutthe application at your earliest convenience.

Sincerely yours,

Xiao Ming

年终出国留学申请书 篇16

Dear Sir,

I am writing in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to further mystudy in Applied Physics toward Master degree in your university.

My name is Li Jin, an undergraduate student of the Department of AppliedPhysics, Huabei University. Next year in the summer, I will graduate and get myB.S. degree. I plan to continue my study and research in this field. I choseBoston University because there are a congenial team of researchers, an array ofdatabases and research projects in your school of Physics. I believe myinterests are extremely congruent with the strengths of the school. And my solidacademic background will meet your general entrance requirements for graduatestudy.

I will appreciate it very much if you could send me the GraduateApplication Forms, the Application Form for Scholarships/Assistantships, andother relevant information. My mailing address is shown on the top of thisletter.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming

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Dear Sir,

I am going to graduate from Department of Computer in Huabei University inJune next year. I am very eager to enter the Graduate School of your universitynext fall to study applied computer for Ph.D. degree.

I would appreciate it very much if you would send me a graduate catalog ofyour university and any other necessary information, and also a set ofapplication forms for admission. Thank you for your kind assistance.

Sincerely yours,

Wang Feng

年终出国留学申请书 篇18


我很高兴以书面形式推荐的医生的信。 __支持他申请在实验室的博士后位置。






