

中山陵英语导游词简洁 篇1

From south to north, Zhongshan Mausoleum gradually rises along the centralaxis, followed by square, stone square, tomb path, tomb gate, stele Pavilion,memorial hall and tomb chamber.

Looking down from the air, Zhongshan Mausoleum looks like a "freedom bell"lying on the green carpet. The bronze statue of Dr. Sun Yat Sen at the foot ofthe mountain is the spire of the bell, the half moon shaped square is the arc ofthe bell, and the dome of the tomb at the top of the mausoleum is like a smoothpendulum.

Behind the stone square of Beiting is a 375 meter long and 40 meter widetomb passage. In front of the gate, there are four characters on the forehead ofthe gate, which are written in the handwriting of Sun Yat Sen: "the world is forthe public". Further into the pavilion, a 6-meter-high stone tablet is engravedwith the gilded character "on June 1, the 18th year of the Republic of China,the Chinese Kuomintang buried Mr. Sun here". Passing the pavilion is the steepstone steps, which are divided into eight sections and 392 levels.

There are two Huabiao on the highest platform of the mausoleum, followed bythe sacrificial hall. In the center of the memorial hall is the white marblestatue of Dr. Sun Yat Sen. on the four walls of the memorial hall are engravedwith the outline of the founding of the people's Republic written by Dr. Sun YatSen himself and the will written by Hu Hanmin and others.

There is a bronze door behind the memorial hall of the tomb, with the fourcharacters of "great spirit forever" written on the banner. Inside the door isthe bell shaped tomb, in the center of which is a round marble cave with adiameter of 4 meters and a depth of 5 meters. Sun Yat Sen's white jade coffinand lying statue were placed in the round cave.

There are also some memorial buildings around Zhongshan Mausoleum, whichwere invested and built by people from all walks of life and overseas Chinese atthat time, and can be used for sightseeing.

中山陵英语导游词简洁 篇2

In the early morning of April 24, the second and third field armies of theChinese people's Liberation Army crossed the Yangtze River and entered Nanjing.At that time, the Kuomintang troops in Nanjing had retreated. After the PLA'sleading troops entered the city, they pursued forward. They found that there wasanother Kuomintang army in the cemetery, but this army was not a regular army ofthe Kuomintang, but a guard guard guarding Sun Yat Sen's mausoleum. Afterlearning of this situation, the superior leaders of the people's Liberation Armythought that the Gongwei troops guarding Zhongshan Mausoleum should be differentfrom the Kuomintang troops participating in the civil war. Then, the 105thdivision of the second field army sent a regiment political commissar LiuZhicheng to lead a group of soldiers into the cemetery. After arriving at thecemetery, they negotiated with fan Liang and other persons in charge of theGongwei office. Both sides unanimously decided that the people's Liberation Armywould be stationed in Zhongshan Mausoleum, Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum, LingguTemple and Zijinshan astronomical observatory. Gongwei brigade accepted theadaptation of the PLA and continued to serve as the guard of ZhongshanMausoleum. Since then, the history of Zhongshan Mausoleum has opened a newpage.

On the morning of the same day, Liu Zhicheng, political commissar of theregiment, called on the cadres of Gongwei office to make a speech, explainingthat the Communist Party has always respected Dr. Sun Yat Sen, that the PLA willstrictly protect Dr. Sun Yat Sen's mausoleum, and that the officers and soldiersof Gongwei Office will work peacefully as usual to maintain the normal order ofDr. Sun Yat Sen's mausoleum. Then, Liu Zhicheng and other people's LiberationArmy leaders, led by fan Liang, boarded Zhongshan Mausoleum and inspected thememorial hall, stele Pavilion and mausoleum gate of Zhongshan Mausoleum. Theyfound that there was no damage. At that time, the food supply of Gongwei brigadecould not be maintained, and there was still a lack of food. When Liu Zhichengheard about this situation, he immediately contacted his superiors to help themsolve their temporary difficulties.

On the 25th, all the left behind people were called to speak. On April 27,a meeting of all the cadres above the monitor of Gongwei department was held toexplain how to carry out the work under the new situation, and ordered that allthe weapons should be recorded and sent to Liu Zhengwei to the higherauthorities from now on, and all the weapons not used by each team should bedeposited with the Department. At the same time, Chen Yi, commander of the thirdfield army, wrote a warrant for "protecting Zhongshan Mausoleum" in his ownhandwriting, and sent people to Zhongshan Mausoleum. Chen Yi's warrant wasframed and placed in the mausoleum hall.

In the early days of liberation, some people who did not know the truthlistened to the rumors and thought that they could occupy the state property atwill after liberation. Some people gathered in public to illegally cut down theforest, especially in the back of the mountain. Not only did some people notlisten to persuasion and education, but they dared to surround and beat themembers of the Gongwei guard. Zhang Wensheng, the monitor, and Zhai Wenwei, themember of the Gongwei guard, were all injured. Illegal logging was particularlyrampant at night, and Dai Yuanzhen, a member of the team, was injured by a handgrenade when he was on patrol. In order to strengthen the protection ofZhongshan cemetery, the CMC decided to send the PLA to cooperate with the archguard team to strengthen the patrol. Since August 1, Yao erjue and Li Wuben ledthe public security forces to guard the forest together with the members of theformer arch guard. They also arrested 11 criminals, including Feng Qibao, wholed the illegal forest felling, and escorted them to the people's Government often districts to deal with them. As a result, the bad elements who illegallyfelled the forest in the cemetery were attacked. After September, the wind ofillegal forest felling gradually subsided.

November 12, 1949 is the first anniversary of Sun Yat Sen's birthday afterthe founding of new China. On this day, Nanjing Municipal military controlcommission and Nanjing Municipal People's government held a grand memorialceremony at Zhongshan Mausoleum. More than 500 people from all walks of life andrepresentatives from the municipal military control commission, the municipalgovernment, the Nanjing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of Chinaattended the ceremony. Su Yu, director of the CMC, Ke Qingshi, vice mayor, TangLiang, deputy secretary of the CPC Nanjing Municipal Committee, Li Fangxun, WuYifang, Xu Yangqiu, Chen Zhongfan, representatives of various democratic partiesand cultural circles, as well as representatives of the people's LiberationArmy, workers and students, arrived at the Lingtang at 1:30 and stood in frontof the statue of Sun Yat Sen. The memorial ceremony began with the NationalAnthem of new China. Director Su Yu made a short speech after he presentedflowers to the statue of Sun Yat Sen. Later, the people who paid homage to SunYat Sen's tomb entered the tomb and went around Sun Yat Sen's tomb. The homageceremony ended at 12 o'clock.

Since then, people from all walks of life in Jiangsu Province and Nanjinghave come to Zhongshan Mausoleum to hold a memorial ceremony on the 12th ofMarch and the 12th of November.

中山陵英语导游词简洁 篇3

Sun yat-sen's mausoleum friends, came to a famous historical and cultural city, you must want to see the most famous, the most distinctive local attractions. In nanjing, if did not go to sun yat-sen's mausoleum, say that you see only the half of nanjing. Although nanjing, long known as "the six dynasties ancient capital", has "jinling 40 landscape" and so on numerous scenic spots and historical sites, but sun yat-sen's mausoleum is undoubtedly one of the most attractive, one of the most famous.

Speaking of sun yat-sen's mausoleum, of course, must be mentioned in its master, the great national - the main revolutionary forerunner sun yat-sen. Mr. Sun name sun yat-sen,. Foreign friends all call him "Dr. Sun yat-sen". Because he is engaged in revolutionary activities in Japan when used pseudonym "zhongshan firewood", so he is regarded as sun yat-sen in China. Sun yat-sen was born on November 12, 1866 in xiangshan county (now zhongshan city) in guangdong province tsui a peasant family. He flew high and rare successively studied in Honolulu, Hong Kong and other places, to practice medicine in places such as guangzhou, Macao after graduation. Later he medical politics, and in Japan in 1905, the organization to China union, had been pushing for the prime minister, put forward the "drive out by lu, to restore the, the establishment of the people - the average land ownership" of the famous platform, and the "nation, civil rights, the people's livelihood" - the doctrine of three people.

On October 10, 1911 years after the outbreak of the wuchang uprising, Mr Sun was seventeen provinces represent pushing for the Chinese people - the temporary President, and the following year New Year's day was sworn into office in nanjing. Since then, has experienced the "yuan shikai mean" "second revolution" "nation sports" ups and downs, such as the "method of protection - movement in guangzhou in 1921, he became the Chinese people - the President very much. Chinese nationalist party (KMT) held in guangzhou in January 1924 the first national congress, he will be the old three people - development for the new three people -, put forward the "which was allied with Russia the peasants" of the three policy. In November the same year he came at the invitation of the feng yuxiang north discuss national plans, eventually because became ill because of overwork, died in Beijing on March 12, 1925.

Sun yat-sen's mausoleum burial site is Mr. Sun was selected. This vision, meteorological ambitious, indeed is a good place to build mausoleum. You may ask; Mr. Sun was born in guangdong, died in Beijing, all his life to travel around for the revolution, why choose nanjing as a final resting place?

It is said that as early as in 1912 as temporary President Mr. Sun, soul valley temple abbot monk is has been recommended to him the "would in the former, with green ailian" feng shui treasure. That year on March 31, Mr Zhongshan for the peaceful reunification, resolutely resigned from the presidency. One day in early April, his hunting around with hu and others to the Ming tomb, came to rest now tomb is located. Mr. Sun looked around and said to the left and right sides, after the death of my future want to the land to bury the national obtained (national begging for me after I died someday, to be a pile of soil in place for body). The purple mountain, of course, the momentum of feng shui is not Mr. Sun as the root cause of this decision. Mr Sun last asked: "after my death, can be buried in nanjing zijin foothills, for nanjing interim government was established, so don't forget the xinhai revolution." So, although Mr Sun in nanjing residence time is not long, but nanjing is has special significance for Mr. Sun. He chose nanjing purple mountain as a burial site, fundamentally speaking, is to commemorate the revolution, the revolution colleagues.

中山陵英语导游词简洁 篇4

National 4A tourist attractions. Originally known as the cemetery, it islocated at the south foot of Xiaomao mountain, the second peak of ZhongshanMountain. It is the mausoleum of Sun Yat Sen, the great revolutionary pioneer.It faces south from the north and is built close to the mountain. It is composedof a semicircular square, a memorial archway, a tomb passage, a tomb gate, astele Pavilion, a memorial hall and a tomb chamber. The tomb is 165 meters abovesea level, 700 meters from the starting plane, and 73 meters from the top to thebottom. The general plan of the whole group of buildings adopts the pattern of"Liberty Bell", which means "making the world reach the Tao". Those who look upfrom below can see that the vast forest is set off by the blue tiles and silverwalls, just like the noble righteousness of a great man, living with the earth.The grand mausoleum project was laid in March 1926 and completed in the springof 1929. On May 28 of the same year, Sun Yat Sen's coffin arrived in Nanjingfrom Beijing. On June 1, the Fengan ceremony was held in ZhongshanMausoleum.

With the efforts of relevant departments and a cost of 4 billion yuan, theZhongshan cemetery scenic spot in Nanjing has been renovated for four years. Thenewly completed scenic spots will be opened to the public free of charge. Afterthis rectification, Qianhu Park, Pipa Lake Park, meihuagu Park, XiamafangHeritage Park, Boai Park and Zhongshan sports park will be built around theoriginal core area of the scenic spot And Yingpanshan park.

From the square to the sacrificial hall, the slope of Zhongshan Mausoleumincreases step by step. From Boai square to the sacrificial hall, the elevationangle is 9 degrees. From the stele pavilion to the sacrificial hall, theelevation angle is increased to 19 degrees. There are 392 steps in ZhongshanMausoleum, which add a sense of solemnity and reverence step by step. Afterwalking the stone steps, you can reach the platform. Looking back, you can't seeany stone steps. You can only see that the eight platforms are connected as flatground. When you stand on the platform and look up, you can see all the peaks atyour feet. You can have a panoramic view of the cemetery. The hills are emerald,the pines and cypresses are green, the pavilions are magnificent.

The new Qianhu park is located at the foot of the wall of Mingcheng City,north of Zhongshan Botanical Garden, displaying more than 20__ kinds of tropicalplants; meihuagu Park, which is expanded from Meihuashan, covers an area of 1533mu, with more than 350 varieties of Meihua, increasing from 15000 to nearly40000. Xiamafang heritage park takes the 1.1km long Xiaoling Shinto as the mainline. Along the line, there are three groups of stone buildings and a largenumber of precious stone relics of Ming and Qing Dynasties, such as newlyunearthed high relief dragon stone tablet, Guanyin Pavilion big stone wall,Kangxi "fengzhimiansanze tablet", which are of great ornamental value.

中山陵英语导游词简洁 篇5

Dear friends, when you come to a famous historical and cultural city, youmust want to see the most famous and characteristic scenic spots. When you getto Nanjing, if you don't go to Zhongshan Mausoleum, you can only see half ofNanjing city. Although Nanjing is known as the "ancient capital of SixDynasties" and has many places of interest, such as "forty scenes of Jinling",Zhongshan Mausoleum is undoubtedly one of the most attractive andwell-known.

When we talk about Zhongshan Mausoleum, we should of course mention itsowner, Dr. Sun Yat Sen, the great pioneer of China's democratic revolution. Mr.Sun's real name is Sun Wen and his character is Yixian. Foreign friends call him"Dr. Sun Yat Sen". Because he used the pseudonym of "Zhongshan Qiao" when he wasengaged in revolutionary activities in Japan, he was honored as Dr. Sun Yat senin China. Sun Yat Sen was born on November 12, 1866 in Cuiheng village,Xiangshan County, Guangdong Province. He had little ambition. He studied inHonolulu, Hong Kong and other places. After graduation, he practiced medicine inGuangzhou, Macao and other places. Later, he abandoned medicine and went intopolitics. In 1905, he organized the Chinese Alliance in Japan, and was electedas the leader. He put forward the famous program of "expelling prisoners,restoring China, establishing the Republic of China, and averaging land rights",and the theory of "nation, civil rights, and people's livelihood". After theWuchang Uprising broke out on October 10, 1911, Mr. Sun was elected as theprovisional president of the Republic of China by the representatives of 17provinces, and was sworn in in in Nanjing on New Year's day the following year.Since then, he has experienced many ups and downs, such as "Yuan Shikai stealingthe country", "the second revolution", "the movement to protect the country","the movement to protect the law" and so on. At the first National Congress ofthe Chinese Kuomintang held in Guangzhou in January 1924, he developed the oldthree people's principles into the new three people's principles, and putforward three major policies of "uniting Russia and the Communist Party to helpfarmers and workers". In November of the same year, at the invitation of FengYuxiang, he went north with illness to discuss the national plan. Finally, hedied in Beijing on March 12, 1925 due to chronic labor.

The tomb site of Zhongshan Mausoleum was selected by Mr. Sun. It's a goodplace to build a mausoleum because of its wide view and magnificent weather. Youmay ask: Mr. Sun was born in Guangdong, died in Beijing, and spent his wholelife traveling for the revolution. Why did he choose Nanjing as his restingplace?

It is said that as early as 1912, when Mr. Sun took office as theprovisional president, the abbot monk of Linggu Temple once recommended thisgeomantic treasure land of "Pingchuan in the front and Qingzhang in the back".On March 31 of that year, in order to seek the peaceful reunification of thenorth and the south, Dr. Sun Yat Sen resolutely resigned as president. One dayin early April, he and Hu Hanmin went hunting in the area of Xiaoling Mausoleumof Ming Dynasty, and came to the site of the mausoleum to have a rest. Mr. Sunlooked around and said to the left and right, when I die in the future, I wantto ask the people for this land for burial. Of course, the momentum and FengShui of Zijin Mountain is not the fundamental reason for Mr. Sun's decision. Onhis deathbed, Mr. Sun said: "after my death, I can be buried at the foot ofZijin Mountain in Nanjing. Because Nanjing is the place where the provisionalgovernment was established, I will not forget the revolution of 1911."Therefore, although Mr. Sun's stay in Nanjing is not long, Nanjing is ofspecial significance to Mr. Sun. He chose Nanjing Zijin Mountain as the tombsite, fundamentally speaking, to commemorate the revolution of 1911 and inspirethe revolutionary colleagues.

In order to respect Mr. Sun's will, the preparatory office for Sun YatSen's burial, composed of his wife Song Qingling and Sun Ke, inspected the siteon the spot, selected the site of the mausoleum, planned a site of 20__ mu torepair the mausoleum, and published a newspaper award to collect the mausoleumdesign. Among the applicants, the bell pattern designed by young architect LVYanzhi was unanimously awarded the first prize, and he was also employed topreside over all the projects. On March 12, 1926, on the first anniversary ofMr. Sun's death, a foundation laying ceremony was held. It took more than threeyears and cost 1.5 million silver yuan. Zhongshan Mausoleum was finallycompleted in the spring of 1929. Unfortunately, Lu Yanzhi, a talented youngarchitect studying in the United States, devoted himself to the construction ofthe mausoleum. Unfortunately, he suffered from liver cancer as well as Mr. Sun.He died at the end of the project at the age of 35. The Fengan ceremony was heldon June 1, 1929, and Mr. Sun's body was transported from Beijing to Nanjing.Since then, Mr. Sun has been sleeping here for more than 60 years.

The construction of Zhongshan Mausoleum is a great event in the history ofNanjing city construction. In order to meet Mr. Sun's spiritual pivot, Nanjingbuilt the first asphalt road, Zhongshan Road, which is 24 Li long, fromZhongshan Wharf in the west to Zhongshan Gate in the East. Up to now, Zhongshanroad is still one of the main roads in Nanjing. At the same time, the ChaoyangGate of Ming Dynasty was renovated and renamed Zhongshan Gate. A cemetery roadwas built between Zhongshan Gate and Zhongshan Mausoleum. Just as Parisians areproud of the Champs Elysees and New Yorkers are proud of the Fifth Avenue,Nanjing people are most proud of the beautiful Boulevard of their city. The 3 kmlong Cemetery Road is undoubtedly the best representative of Nanjing Avenue. Onthis side of the "green corridor", Wutong is planted on the main street tree ofNanjing. People used to call it "China's Wutong", but traced back to the source,it is our native product. It was only because the French transplanted it fromYunnan to the French concession in Shanghai that they got the name of thecombination of local and foreign cultures.

After leaving Zhongshan Gate, drive along Lingyuan Road, and the end pointis the half moon square in front of Zhongshan Mausoleum. Please look south. Justsouth of the square is an octagonal stone platform. The two eared and threelegged red copper tripod on the stage, weighing 5000 kg, is 4.25 meters high and1.23 meters in diameter. It is one of the commemorative decorations of ZhongshanMausoleum. The tripod was cast in the autumn of 1933 and donated by all theteachers and students of Guangzhou Sun Yat sen University and Dai Jitao."Wisdom, benevolence and bravery" is the motto of Sun Yat sen University. Thereis a hexagonal bronze plate in the tripod, engraved with the full text of filialpiety written by Dai Mu.

Stepping up from the square, facing is a stone archway with four pillarsand three gates. Built in 1931-1933, the archway is 12 meters high and 17.3meters wide. The building blocks are made of large pieces of Fujian granite, butthey are made of traditional Chinese wood structure. When you look up, you cansee the glittering word "fraternity" in the middle of the square. These twowords are Mr. Sun's handwriting, originally from the Tang Han Yu's "originalway" of "fraternity is benevolence". It is said that Mr. Sun loved to give awaythe word "title" when he was alive. Mr. Sun devoted his whole life to thebourgeois democratic revolution with the great spirit of fraternity, and foughtfor the independence and freedom of the nation. It can be said that the word"fraternity" is a high summary and the best portrayal of his life.

Walking forward from Bo Ai Fang is a 480 meter long and tens of meters widetomb passage. The overall design of Zhongshan Mausoleum highlights thetraditional Chinese style, solemn and unique. In order to reflect sun'ssublimity and greatness, Zhongshan Mausoleum followed the ancient custom oftaking the mountain as the mausoleum, and built the tomb chamber at the highestplace of the mausoleum at an altitude of about 160 meters. In addition, thearchitectural vegetation of the whole mausoleum area is axial symmetry, whichgives people a sense of solemnity. Please look ahead. Facing north, there aremausoleum gate, stele Pavilion, sacrificial hall and tomb chamber behind thesacrificial hall. The cedars, cypresses, Ginkgo biloba and red maple on bothsides of the tomb path are opposite each other, replacing the stone man andstone beast used in ancient times, symbolizing Mr. Sun's revolutionary spiritand noble quality. Cedrus deodara is one of the four major ornamental treespecies in the world, and has become the city tree of Nanjing.

At the end of the passage is the platform. According to the design of LVYanzhi, the whole mausoleum is in the shape of "Mu Duo". Duo is what we usuallycall big bell block. In ancient times, it was used to announce religious andpolitical decrees and war orders. Duo's voice is loud, and spread far away. Ithas the metaphorical meaning of "make the world reach Tao". The selection ofsuch a scheme for the mausoleum reminds us of Mr. Sun's famous saying that "therevolution has not yet been successful, comrades still need to work hard", andits intention is also warning future generations. The platform square here isthe lower edge of the "freedom clock" designed by LV Yanzhi. This magnificentthree arch gate is the official beginning of the mausoleum. It is 16 metershigh, 27 meters wide and 8.8 meters deep. It is also made of Fujian granite. Onthe banner of Zhongmen is Sun Yat Sen's handwritten "the world is for thepublic", which comes from the book of rites. Liyun's "the journey of the road isalso the world is for the public", which means that the state power is not theworld of any family, but the world of the people and the people. This is theideal that Mr. Sun has strived for all his life and an excellent annotation ofthe three people's principles he advocated.

After the mausoleum gate is the stele Pavilion. On the 9-meter-highmonument in the center of the pavilion, there are 24 large characters with goldinlaid face, written by Tan Yankai, a veteran of the Kuomintang, "the ChineseKuomintang buried Mr. Sun here on June 1, the eighteenth year of the Republic ofChina.". At the beginning of the discussion, Wang Jingwei and Hu Hanmin plannedto write inscriptions and epitaphs respectively. It took two years to write. Weall think that Mr. Wang's ideological achievements can't be summarized by words,so we simply don't write inscriptions and use the present form instead.

Out of the pavilion, facing the stone steps layer upon layer. Nanjingpeople often say that the steps of Zhongshan Mausoleum are like stone lions ofLugou bridge. So visitors here often ask: how many steps does ZhongshanMausoleum have?

Dear friends, you might as well count it, OK?

中山陵英语导游词简洁 篇6

Dear tourists

hello everyone! I'm Prince Yang, guide of new century travel agency.Welcome to visit Zhongshan Mausoleum with me.

Zhongshan Mausoleum is located in Nanjing, the famous ancient capital ofChina. In the long history of China, 10 dynasties and regimes have establishedtheir capitals here. Many famous people are sleeping here. The mausoleum of SunZhongshan, the great revolutionary pioneer, is located at the southern foot ofZhongshan Mountain in the eastern suburb of Nanjing. Zhongshan is the highestpeak of Ningzhen mountain range, about 460 meters above sea level, east-westtrend, about 7 kilometers long, north-south width of about 3 kilometers. Forthousands of years, various social activities have been carried out here, andmany gardens, Dizhai, temples, pagodas, altars and mausoleums have been built,leaving countless historical facts and moving legends.

On March 12, 1925, Sun Yat Sen died of liver cancer in Beijing. On hisdeathbed, he repeatedly said that he would like his body to be preserved likehis friend Lenin and buried in Nanjing Zijin Mountain. According to his will,the central executive committee of the Kuomintang unanimously decided to build amausoleum in Nanjing Zijin mountain. The design of the mausoleum was selectedthrough competition and adopted the method of sealed evaluation. Finally, thedesign of the mausoleum was evaluated The first prize is a bell pattern designedby Chinese designer LV Yanchang. The bell has the meaning of "warning" and"freedom". It symbolizes the significance and contribution of Sun Yat sen inleading the Chinese revolution. At the same time, it is consistent withZhongshan, where the mausoleum is located. In the specific design, it adopts acombination of Chinese and Western techniques, draws on the experience ofChinese ancient traditional architecture, and adopts the general design methodof central axis symmetry The plane layout, the architectural appearance ofnational form, the simple tone, the simple decoration and the large areagreening and other methods well show the solemn atmosphere of the cemetery andthe immortal spirit of Dr. Sun Yat Sen. Zhongshan Mausoleum was built in thespring of 1926. Due to the Warlord's separatist regime, the political situationwas chaotic, and the progress of the project was slow. It was only completed inMarch 1929. On June 1, 1929, a grand ceremony of Fengan was held, and all partsof the country were immersed in sorrow. Dr. Sun Yat Sen's coffin was buried inthe tomb at 12 o'clock in the sound of 101 salute guns, and a generation ofgreat men rested in the south foot of Zhongshan Mountain.

The entrance of the mausoleum is located at the southernmost end. It is astone archway with three rooms and three floors. Under the eaves of the MingDynasty, there is a plaque of Dr. Sun Yat Sen's operation "fraternity". Continueto go inside, along the path of the tomb, you can get to the Great Mausoleumgate. The mausoleum gate is 15 meters high, 24 meters wide and 8 meters deep,with extraordinary momentum In big characters, from the back of the gate of themausoleum to the stone steps and the stele Pavilion, there stands an8-meter-high stone tablet in Guifu, which is engraved with gold regular script:"the Chinese Kuomintang buried Mr. Sun here, June 1, 18, the Republic ofChina.". From the stele Pavilion further north, across the 290 steps, we canreach a large platform 135 meters wide and 30 meters deep. The platform is thecommanding height of the whole mausoleum. It has a broad vision and a myriad ofsceneries. It is not only convenient for close-up, but also suitable for distantviewing. No matter in spring, summer, autumn, winter, wind, frost, rain andsnow, nature shows people the wonderful scenery around it. In the center of theplatform is the memorial hall. On the front of the memorial hall, the eye jointof Mingjian is engraved with Dr. Sun Yat Sen's operation "heaven and earthhealthy qi". On the top of the three round ticket doors, there are six words"nation", "civil rights" and "people's livelihood". There are 12 black granitecolumns inside. To the north of the center of the memorial hall, there is awhite marble statue of the great revolutionist. The statue sits upright andlooks calm Detailed, vivid.

The majestic Zhongshan Mausoleum sets off Dr. Sun Yat Sen's great characterand immortal spirit. It is also a symbol of Dr. Sun Yat Sen's character andspirit. In the solemn atmosphere of Zhongshan Mausoleum, it expresses people'sinfinite respect for Dr. Sun Yat Sen.

Sun Yat Sen, the forerunner of China's democratic revolution!
