

怀柔慕田峪长城英语导游词 篇1

Mutianyu Great Wall Travel

Mutianyu Great Wall Travel Area is situated in Huairou District of Beijing.It has a longer history and is bestowed with brilliant cultures. In according tohistoric record, Mutianyu Great Wall was supervised and built up by asubordinate general to Zhu Yuanzhang, Xu Da based on the relic of the Great Wallin Northern Qi . In 1987, Mutianyu Great Wall was appraised as one of the 16scenic spots in new Beijing and in 1992, it was appraised as the World Best ofBeijing Tourism. In 20__, it was appraised as 4A grade scenic area and is theessence of Great Wall.

The architecture of Mutianyu Great Wall is of special style. It has closelypacked enemy towers and [perilous passes. It was built up with battlements onboth side of walls. On southeast side, there is one general gateway platformconnected with three enemy

towers together, which is quite rare in the whole Great Wall; in northwestside, there are the Great Wall section named as Ox Horn Edge built above the sealevel of over 1000 meters and the sections named as Arrow Buckle and FlyingEagle Facing Upward built on the knife-steep mountain peak, which lookextraordinary and rugged. The whole section of Great Wall stretches and windslike a huge flying dragon.

Mutianyu Great Wall Travel Area is surrounded with mountains and is ofbeautiful scenery. In spring, fragrant flowers are vying with each other inbeauty and are blooming; in summer, mountains are covered with green coats andyou can listen to music of flowing lake; by autumn, it is fruitful and can seered leaves dancing; by winter, Great Wall is painted of pure white and coatedwith silver costume, showing a northland scene. It enjoys a reputation of“Mutianyu surpassing others of Great Wall” and is the best scenic spot.

Mutianyu Great Wall Travel Area is equipped with complete devices andfunctions and can provide you an all-around service. Within the scenic area,there are cable cars, running with complete automatic operation systems, soclimbing the Great Wall by taking the cable car will bring security, convenienceand rapidness. The cable car is reputed as “No. 1 Cable Car for Great Wall”. Themountain lodge of Great Wall sits in the root of Great Wall and its architectureis of ancient style. Its court is unsophisticated and elegant. It is bestowedwith fresh air and admirable scenery. In 20__, it was appraised as the secondgrade of hotel and is able to accommodate 100 at the same time.

Mutianyu Great Wall Travel Area will provide you abundant contents and itis built up with Chinese Dream Stone City and SHIBIDE slideway. Chinese DreamStone City has gathered rare stones and extracts collected from all over thecountry. SHIBIDE Slideway is named as Dry-Land Sledge. Taking SHIBIDE Slidewaywill bring you surprise and excitement, suitable for all ages of people. Thetourists can finish their visits of the whole travel area with one day.

The transportation to Mutianyu Great Wall Travel Area is quite convenient.The No.6 Dedicated Line Bus runs from Beijing urban city to Mutianyu Great Walland it departs each morning in Xuanwumen and Dongsishitiao, directly reachingthe travel area. The travelers taking air can start from Capital airport towardnorth, and go through Jing-Mi Expressway, then turn left at Yingbing North RingIsland in Huairou and finally reach the travel area.Mutianyu Travel Area, withits beautiful scenery, superior service and grand Great Wall, welcomes yourpresence.

怀柔慕田峪长城英语导游词 篇2

Located in Huairou District, Mutianyu Great Wall is one of the 16 newsights in Beijing. The western part of the the Great Wall is located at Ju YongGuan, east of gexi Kou, and the open 2250 meter the Great Wall section ischaracterized by both sides of the the Great Wall, especially the three enemytowers of the Guan Tai, and the famous the Great Wall landscape buckles, oxhorns, eagle flying and so on are located at the end of the west side.

The Great Wall in Mutianyu has overlapping mountains, with a vegetationcoverage rate of more than 90%. In spring, the flowers are blooming; in summer,the mountains are green and the water is flowing; in autumn, the mountains arefull of fruits and red leaves; in winter, the snow is white and the silver isplain, which is a kind of northern scenery. At home and abroad, it enjoys thereputation of "the Great Wall, the only beautiful Mutianyu".

Mutianyu Great Wall is equipped with the first-class cable car climbing thecity in China, the development of China dream stone city, shibide slide andother projects, forming an organic combination of Great Wall culture, stoneculture and sports fitness and entertainment. Former British Prime MinisterMajor, former US President Clinton and other foreign leaders visitedMutianyu.

怀柔慕田峪长城英语导游词 篇3

The Mutianyu Great Wall, located in the Huairou District of Beijing, wasbuilt by Zhu Yuanzhang, the grand commander of the Huairou, on the site of thethe Great Wall in the 1368. It is the essence of the Ming Dynasty's the GreatWall. It is 73 kilometers away from the urban area of Beijing, with a totallength of 5400 meters. It is the longest Great Wall in China. It is also one ofthe 16 famous scenic spots in Beijing and a national AAAAA tourist area. In thescenic area, there are many mountains with a vegetation coverage rate of morethan 90%. Most of them are built on the steep cliffs outside the scenic area.This section of the great wall connects Gubeikou in the East and Juyongguan inthe West. Since ancient times, it has been a military stronghold to defend thecapital. There are many famous landscapes, such as zhengguantai, dajiaolou,yingfeidaoyang and so on. The wall of the Great Wall remains intact, whichbetter reflects the ancient charm of the Great Wall. In the scenic spot, thereare domestic first-class cable cars, Chinese dream stone city, shibide slide andother projects, forming an organic combination of Great Wall culture, stoneculture and sports fitness and entertainment. Former British Prime MinisterMajor, former US President Clinton and many other foreign leaders have visitedthe great wall of Mutianyu.

Mutianyu Great Wall tourist area is surrounded by mountains with beautifulscenery. In spring, the flowers are blooming; in summer, the mountains are greenand the water is flowing; in autumn, the mountains are covered with red leavesand fruits; in winter, the mountains are covered with snow and snow, and thescenery of northern China is so beautiful that it enjoys the reputation of "theunique show of Mutianyu on the Great Wall" at home and abroad.

Mutianyu Great Wall has a long history and splendid culture. It has acertain popularity and influence in Beijing and even the whole country.Especially after the 20__ Olympic Games, the popularity and reputation in theworld has been effectively improved. It is precipitous and rugged, like a giantdragon flying. It was rated as one of the 16 scenic spots in Beijing in 1987,the top tourist spot in Beijing in 1992, 4A scenic spot in 20__ and 5A scenicspot in 20__.

Mutianyu used to be a small mountain village, located in beixinyingtownship (now Bohai town) of Huairou County, where the mountains are undulatingand the trees are luxuriant. The Great Wall winds from southeast to northwest onthe top of the mountains. Because the mountain is gentle and steep, withalternating curves and straight lines, it is very three-dimensional. Due to theimportant geographical location of Mutianyu, it is known as "Weiling Xiongguan".The Mutianyu pass was one of the important gates that supported the capital andimperial mausoleum in Ming Dynasty. There were many wars here. The great wall ofMutianyu is connected with Juyongguan in the West and Gubeikou in the East. Itis the eastern section of Huanghua Town, the north gate of the capital. It hasbeen known as the northern barrier of Gongwei capital and imperial mausoleumsince ancient times, and Mutianyu pass is one of the important gates supportingthe capital and imperial mausoleum in Ming Dynasty.

During the Northern Qi Dynasty (550-577 AD), the Great Wall was built inMutianyu. In the early Ming Dynasty, the great wall of Mutianyu was built by XuDa, a general under Zhu Yuanzhang (who was once named Zhongshan king, also knownas Zhongshan), on the site of the great wall of the Northern Qi Dynasty.(according to the records of Qian'an County in the 12th year of Tongzhi: "in theearly Ming Dynasty, Xu Zhongshan built a border wall, which reached Mutianyufrom the mountain customs in the West. It was more than 1700 Li, and the borderdefense was dense."

In 1404 ad (the second year of Yongle in Ming Dynasty), the "Mutianyu pass"was built. (see page 153 2466, Volume 153, frontier barrier, a study of the pastand the future).

In 1569 (the third year of Longqing), Qi Jiguang, a famous general ofemperor Mu Zong of the Ming Dynasty, specially appointed to fight againstJapanese invaders, led the army to renovate the two thousand li Great Wall,including the Mutianyu section. As of 20__, the Great Wall preserved in Mutianyuis one of the best preserved sites of the great wall of the Ming Dynasty.

Mutianyu Great Wall is mostly built on the steep side of the cliff. It isclose to the mountain to control the disaster. The wall is 78 meters high andthe top of the wall is 45 meters wide. The main building material is granite,which is majestic and solid. On both sides of the top of the wall are built lowwall crenels, which can resist the enemy on both sides. On the outside, thereare horse blocking pits, which make the defense function more perfect. On bothsides of the top of the wall are crenels about 5 feet long, more than 1 footthick and more than 2 feet high. Both sides of the door are raised along theridge and turn over with the mountain. The crenels in these areas are notrectangular, but serrated. The shooting hole is built below the crenel. It isnot a round hole, but a square hole with an arc at the top.

There is also a fort in the dangerous place. There is also a "Branch City"on the Great Wall. The so-called "Zhicheng" refers to the construction of asection of the Great Wall with high ridges and ridges on the inside and outsideof the Great Wall. The length of the section varies from several meters to tensof meters, and there are enemy towers built here. The local people call it "DaoBa Lou". In the Ming Dynasty, when the Mutianyu Great Wall was rebuilt, crenelswere added on both sides of the top of the wall, and at the same time, rollingwood stone and Thunder Stone holes were set up to attack and defend. Theconstruction of "Dao Ba Lou" can control the commanding height and reduce thethreat to the main city. Starting from the left side of zhengguantai, the greatwall of Mutianyu turns over with the mountains and runs to the distance.

The Great Wall stretches straight from the mountainside to the top of themountain. After setting up an enemy tower on the top of the mountain, itsuddenly descends, turns down to the mountainside, and suddenly rises againuntil it reaches an altitude of more than 940 meters. It makes a big bend. Itsshape is similar to the horns of a cow. It is vigorous and powerful. People callit "the edge of the horns of a cow". The great wall extends from "niujiaobian"to a place called "Jiankou". Here is a mountain with an altitude of 1044 metersand steep sides. When building the Great Wall, we must pass through the cliffsoutside the top of the mountain, but we can't leave this commanding heightoutside. Obviously, we can't use bricks, stones and wood. So the clevercraftsmen used two big iron beams to support the cliff, and then built bricksand stones on it. This method is extremely rare in the history of theconstruction of the Great Wall.

Originally, the great wall extended to the northeast along the mountain.However, when it reached an enemy tower, it suddenly separated a lot of morethan 1000 meters and opened a new way to the southeast. At the end of themountain, it suddenly stopped. At the end of the mountain, a very strong andmagnificent enemy tower was built. This section of the Great Wall, more than1000 meters long, is known as "the edge of the bald tail". In this way, thegreat wall here forms a landscape of three great walls converging on the firstfloor, and "three extreme views of the dragon". On both sides of the "cattlehorn side" of the Mutianyu Great Wall, there is a section of the great wallcalled "arrow buckle" and "eagle flying upside down". All the walls are built onthe exposed rock cliffs. The slope of the Great Wall is about 50 degrees. Onesection of the wall is nearly 90 degrees, almost vertical, and the steps areonly a few feet wide. The non brave dare not set foot in it.

怀柔慕田峪长城英语导游词 篇4

Mutianyu Great Wall tourist area is located in Huairou District of Beijing,with a long history and splendid culture. According to literature research, itwas built by Xu Da, a general under Zhu Yuanzhang, at the site of the great wallof the Northern Qi Dynasty in the early Ming Dynasty. Mutianyu Great Wall wasrated as one of the sixteen scenic spots of new Beijing in 1987 and the toptourist attraction of Beijing in the world in 1992. In 20__, it was rated as a4A scenic spot. In 20__, it was rated as the national 5A scenic spot. It is theessence of the Great Wall.

The Mutianyu Great Wall has a long history, splendid culture, and 73kilometers away from Beijing. It is one of the famous the Great Wall spots inBeijing. It is the essence of the Great Wall in Ming Dynasty. The constructionof Mutianyu Great Wall has a unique style. The zhengguantai with three enemytowers and one tower is rare in the Great Wall. In the northwest, there are somescenic nodes of the Great Wall, such as "niujiaobian", "Jiankou" and"yingfeidaoyang", which are precipitous and undulating, such as the flyingdragon. In spring, the flowers are blooming; in summer, the mountains are greenwith flowing water; in autumn, the mountains are covered with red leaves andfruits; in winter, the mountains are covered with snow and snow, and the sceneryof northern China is so beautiful that it enjoys the reputation of "the GreatWall, Mutianyu, is unique in China and abroad".

Mutianyu Great Wall is located in Huairou District of Beijing, 73kilometers away from the urban area of Beijing. It has a long history andsplendid culture, and enjoys the reputation of "the Great Wall, Mutianyu uniqueshow" at home and abroad. There are many mountains in the scenic area, and thevegetation coverage rate is more than 90%. With a total length of 5400 meters,the Great Wall is the longest in China. It is also one of the 16 famous scenicspots in Beijing and a national AAAAA tourist area.

The Mutianyu Great Wall was built in 1368 by Zhu Yuanzhang, the grandcommander of Xu Da, at the site of the Great Wall in Northern Qi. It is theessence of the Great Wall in Ming Dynasty. This section of the great wallconnects Gubeikou in the East and Juyongguan in the West. Since ancient times,it has been a military stronghold to defend the capital. There are many famouslandscapes, such as zhengguantai, dajiaolou, yingfeidaoyang and so on. The wallof the Great Wall remains intact, which better reflects the ancient charm of theGreat Wall.

In the scenic spot, there is a domestic first-class cable car climbing thecity, and projects such as China dream stone city and shibide slide have beendeveloped, forming an organic combination of Great Wall culture, stone cultureand sports fitness and entertainment. Former British Prime Minister Major,former US President Clinton and many other foreign leaders have visited thegreat wall of Mutianyu.

Mutianyu Great Wall is mostly built on the steep side of the cliff. It isclose to the mountain to control the disaster. The wall is 78 meters high andthe top of the wall is 45 meters wide. The main building material is granite,which is majestic and solid. The Mutianyu Great Wall is characterized by lowcrenels built on both sides of the top of the wall, which can resist the enemyon both sides, and a pit for blocking horses excavated on the outside, whichmakes the defense function more perfect. On both sides of the top wall ofMutianyu great wall are crenels about 5 feet long, more than 1 foot thick andmore than 2 feet high. Both sides of the great wall of Mutianyu rise along theridge and turn over with the mountain. The crenels in these areas are notrectangular, but serrated. The shooting hole is built below the crenel. It isnot a round hole, but a square hole with an arc at the top. There is also a fortin the dangerous place. On the great wall of Mutianyu, there is a "Branch City".The so-called "Zhicheng" refers to the construction of a section of the GreatWall with high ridges and ridges on the inside and outside of the Great Wall.The length of the section varies from several meters to tens of meters, andthere are enemy towers built here. The local people call it "Dao Ba Lou".

In the Ming Dynasty, when the Mutianyu Great Wall was rebuilt, crenels wereadded on both sides of the top of the wall, and at the same time, rolling woodstone and Thunder Stone holes were set up to attack and defend. The constructionof "Dao Ba Lou" can control the commanding height and reduce the threat to themain city. Starting from the left side of zhengguantai, the great wall ofMutianyu turns over with the mountains and runs to the distance.

The Great Wall stretches straight from the mountainside to the top of themountain. After setting up an enemy tower on the top of the mountain, itsuddenly descends, turns down to the mountainside, and suddenly rises againuntil it reaches an altitude of more than 940 meters. It makes a big bend. Itsshape is similar to the horns of a cow. It is vigorous and powerful. People callit "the edge of the horns of a cow". The great wall extends from "niujiaobian"to a place called "Jiankou". Here is a mountain with an altitude of 1044 metersand steep sides. When building the Great Wall, we must pass through the cliffsoutside the top of the mountain, but we can't leave this commanding heightoutside. Obviously, we can't use bricks, stones and wood.

So the clever craftsmen used two big iron beams to support the cliff, andthen built bricks and stones on it. This method is extremely rare in the historyof the construction of the Great Wall. On the east side of Mutianyu Great Wall,the Great Wall originally extended to the northeast along the mountains.However, at the end of an enemy tower, a section of more than 1000 meters wassuddenly separated, and a new path was opened to the southeast. At the end ofthe mountain, a very strong and magnificent enemy tower was built. This sectionof the Great Wall, more than 1000 meters long, is known as "the edge of the baldtail". In this way, the great wall here forms a landscape of three great wallsconverging on the first floor, and "three extreme views of the dragon". On bothsides of the "cattle horn side" of the Mutianyu Great Wall, there is a sectionof the great wall called "arrow buckle" and "eagle flying upside down". All thewalls are built on the exposed rock cliffs. The slope of the Great Wall is about50 degrees. One section of the wall is nearly 90 degrees, almost vertical, andthe steps are only a few feet wide. The non brave dare not set foot in it.

The construction of Mutianyu Great Wall has a unique style. There are manyenemy towers, dangerous passes and crenels on both sides of the city. In thesoutheast, there are three enemy towers, one of which stands at zhengguantai,which is a rare part of the Great Wall. In the northwest, there are the GreatWall built at an altitude of more than 1000 meters, which is called"niujiaobian" and built on a mountain like a knife, which are called "arrowbuckles" and "eagle flying upside down". The whole section of the Great Wall issteep and towering. It rises and falls like a giant dragon.

Mutianyu Great Wall tourist area is surrounded by mountains with beautifulscenery. In spring, the flowers are blooming; in summer, the mountains are greenwith flowing water; in autumn, the mountains are covered with red leaves andfruits; in winter, the mountains are covered with snow and snow, and the sceneryof northern China is so beautiful that it enjoys the reputation of "the GreatWall, Mutianyu, is unique in China and abroad".

Mutianyu Great Wall tourist area has complete facilities and perfectfunctions, which can provide tourists with a full range of services. There is acable car in the scenic area, which runs automatically. It is safe, comfortableand fast to ride. It has the reputation of "the first cable car of the GreatWall". The Great Wall villa is located at the foot of the Great Wall, with itsarchitectural style of antique buildings, simple and elegant courtyard, freshair and pleasant scenery. In 20__, it was rated as a two-star hotel. It canaccommodate 200 people at the same time.

Mutianyu Great Wall is rich in tourism content, with "Chinese dream stonecity" and "Shi bide" slideway. "The stone city of Chinese dream" is a collectionof rare stones from all over the country. Shibide slide, commonly known as "dryland sledge", is thrilling and suitable for all ages. So that visitors toMutianyu Great Wall tourist area can travel several times a day.

Mutianyu Great Wall tourist area has convenient transportation. The No. 867(formerly No. 936) tourist bus from Beijing urban area to Mutianyu Great Walldeparts from Dongzhimen to the scenic spot at 7:00 and 8:30 every morning. Fromthe capital airport to the north, by Jingmi road to Huairou City, to Yingbin,North Ring island to the west, to the tourist area. Self driving tourists, fromthe urban shangjingcheng expressway, exit 13 off the expressway, along thescenic road signs to reach the scenic spot.

Mutianyu tourist area with its beautiful scenery, quality service,magnificent Great Wall, welcome to visit!

怀柔慕田峪长城英语导游词 篇5

Ladies and gentlemen, nice to meet you. My name is Hu Zhengqin. Today, Iwill show you around the famous Mutianyu Great Wall.

This section of the Great Wall is located in the Huairou area,seventy-three kilometers away from Beijing City, one of Beijing's famous theGreat Wall attractions, is the essence of Ming the Great Wall. Mutianyu GreatWall has a unique style, with dense enemy towers and crenels on both sides ofthe city. In spring, the flowers are blooming and the flowers are blooming; insummer, the mountains are verdant and the water is gurgling; in autumn, themountains are covered with red leaves and the fruits are abundant; in winter,the snow is white and the silver is plain, which is a northern scenery. At homeand abroad, it enjoys the reputation of "the unique show of Mutianyu GreatWall". Mutianyu pass is different from Shanhaiguan Pass and Jiayuguan pass.Zhengguantai is composed of three hollow enemy towers. The two sides of thetower are smaller, and the middle one is larger. There are three lookoutpavilions on the three enemy towers. The gate is not set in the middle, but onthe east side of the gate. The entrance and exit of the gate is also set on bothsides of the enemy tower. This unique gate building is rare in the Great Wall.The altitude of Mutianyu pass is only 486 meters. To the west, from Muzi 4tai,Muzi 20tai to niujiaobian's highest point, just passing through ten enemytowers, it rises 533 meters from 486 meters of Mutianyu pass to 1039 meters,which is magnificent. There are also many legends about the Great Wall, "MengJiangnu crying Great Wall" is famous at home and abroad. In the Qin Dynasty,there was a beautiful and kind woman named Meng Jiangnu. One day, her husbandfan Xiliang was escorted to build the Great Wall. Meng Jiangnu was so worriedabout her husband that she went all the way to find her husband. When she heardthat her husband was dead, she cried loudly. After three days and three nightsof crying, she broke down the great wall and revealed fan Xiliang's body.

Now, please follow me. This is Gubeikou in Miyun County, Beijing. It wasbuilt in the Ming Dynasty. It is the eastern section of Huanghua Town, the northgate of the capital. It has been known as the northern barrier of Gongweicapital and imperial mausoleum since ancient times. It is one of the importantgates. It is known as "weilingxiongguan". Many wars happened here, the mostfamous of which were in Ming Dynasty.

OK! This is the end of our tour to Mutianyu Great Wall. I hope we can leadyou to visit more places of interest next time. bye!
